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<br /> , � • �v.i!' ,�" '9 - H Y .Y� ,r } . �, . h 2 t t' _c�,..z�,! ����:da'��,�Y
<br /> =y: 6 q .f-_�t �ja.�. n � � �� . . c: +..� � • R r' r .N�Re�'
<br /> ��`! t �� �- . . .t y' . . _ - i ��. .
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<br /> �:.t.. .y` c -s t �� ,p'
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<br /> � � ' t�� _ , . , t " — ._-_ . _.—__._. -
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<br /> K � :b.. , . . � ' . ' � _.
<br /> _ .�..� � ��``,- TdG£PHEEt�/FI'H all tt�e improveinettts ao�►or hereafter erecxe�on the praperty.sud aIJ easemenis.appurtenances,azcd
<br /> `• . .F.. °�;.. �' fixtures nnw oi hereat3er a part uf the pmperty. All Y2plaoemantc and additions shaIl also be oevered by tl�s Se�atrity
<br /> "�;'� `.`.�,.. ` ', , ' �It�stnunent.A11 of tt�fore�oing is referre3 to in this Secuiity 1ns�ntment as the"Pr+oP�Y•� `
<br /> �.;�• "��`�. °��':•�.: BORROWEtt COVENANTS that Bdmuwer is lawfuliy seised of the estate hereby conveyed aaW 6as the right tn grant aa�. ' _.
<br /> <.�,,}.",: . coavey th� Penperty and Wat the Property is unencum6ered.except for encumbraaoes of record. Borrower wariaats aad�ril!
<br /> '�� :- �;'" '."'" defend gen�ialIy the titIe to the Propertyr e°�t alI etaims and demands.sutiject w any encaambrances af recard. � � -
<br /> . . :.s.�.�_--'��-;.- -
<br /> -;:'` ,. 5+.::'-�--�#' THIS SECURITY INS°t'RIJMEI��'P oombi�s uniform cavenaats for aational Qse and�on-uniform cavenanis with limited -
<br /> �` '}a,F,,�.,, ���,.. 'vaziations 6y jnrisdiction to oonstitute a nniforra s�urity inswment eoverinS�P�rtY• �
<br /> ��� -�=,.:; . . . _. _—;_UI�IFI}RM COVENANTS.Bnrrower and Iender wvenaui atW.C as�follows: - _ _ -
<br /> . ._ .
<br /> � l. [�a�ueat of Princigai artA rntere�; Pt+epayraPnt and Late es. �orrower shall promp�y pay�virbea due dis�
<br /> .;,:;..: :.;.-�:•� .�:.•± prine+pal of and ime�est on the deht evidenced by the Note and anY P�P�nf attd late charges due under�the�Iate. • � • .
<br /> r4 ; 2.Fands fos T�es and insm�tce.Sub'ect to ltca6te law or to a written araiver b I.ettder.Borrower sha11 to -
<br /> `:r�=:..;:;�:. �'.; ..� J aPP Y PaY _
<br /> "��j�'" �"'�:�; ' Leader on the day monthIy paytneuts sie due uuder the Note.until the Note is paid in fuU,a sum('Funds")for.(a)yearjy�xes
<br /> t:.s.�' . _Si".." —
<br />-.. ��-"-'•�' ' ��+�='�� �d assessments which ma attain riori aver this Securi Insuament as a liea an the Pro e , ear leasehold a -
<br /> k, �, . :�: Y P tS' �3+ F nY'(b)Y �Y P]►m�ts
<br /> :`��;:°•'.:�1:.. - ar gmund ftnb oa the Pcoperty.if any;(c)Yearly ha2azd or prope�ty insuraace premiums:td)yearty Qood in�uance p�rsniums, -
<br /> ,�;�s.x'::...r_�r�3�, ,'ifaa ,
<br /> - �-�:-:.-�.;:;�-1 Y' fe)Yearty.mortgage insniance premivaos,if any;and(�anY sums PaYable 6y Borsower to Lender.in atrordaace a►ith:
<br />- .:,; Y:;wrn�,�,;:� ' the��odisions of paragraph S,in tieu of t�e payment of mortgage insutanoe premiums.'I�ese itetns are calted"Escrow Items."
<br />_ . :,,;;�':.�"::r°t:�� Leuder may,at any time,oollect and hold Fur.ds in an siaount not W excxed the maximum amonnt a lender for a federatty
<br /> ,:.'.-�:. �� °.'•.`,,,'�- r�lated�ao�gage loan may tequire for Borrower's escmw account under the feQeral Real F.state Setttement 1'raoednras t�of
<br /> �t:`,-'• 1 `:=z=-�,. �:: 1974 as amepded from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq.(°RESPA"�.nnless another Iaw that app�to t�he�1^c�ds .
<br /> .. ..
<br /> - �. �._s �., . _..,.. . .
<br /> ��: " ;'• ,.- --_---.--.--.�ets_�_lesser�moutu..If so._L@ader.may.:_az_,en3±pme, coitect and.hotd.Fttnds:in_an,amonnt.nqt to exceed_�e�;�ount..-.--..-- _
<br /> �{' `•.. �-'�:� Letcder may estimate che amount of fiunds due on tlte'basis of cvrrent data aud reasonable esTimates of eapecdiwre�o�:fr�tute
<br /> ,.F;�:t..;�a . ,
<br /> - ��,_;.��' � � Escmw Items or othenvise in acca�rdaa�with applis�lule law. . �;:
<br /> �,{r.`:�:� The Funds shall 6e hetd in aa insfltution whose deposits are insut�by a federa! agency, instrumenYality, or"c�tity '
<br /> .:��° . (iucluding Lende=.if Lender is sach an institution)ar in airy Fedeml Home Loan Rank.Lender shall appfy t�e Funds to p�Y t$e •
<br /> _=`�': �,y�:y,���� �, , A ` __Escrow Items:I.eader aiay not charge Butrowerfor Itoiding and applying the Funds,annualty anatyzing the escrow a�oount,or -
<br /> = �=,L�':,y;��,-�, verifying the Escrow Items,aNess Leader pays Bor;ower inte�t on the Funds and applicabte Iaw permits I�ender to malce suGh .
<br /> - -��-�°;°.,,° - a charge.However,L.ender may reqaire Borrower to pay�a oae-time charge for�n iadr�endem resi�t�c m.parting servioe -
<br /> ,,� e:,�a:►r., ., : e .
<br /> .-.F.:x •
<br /> '- ,:-' •.�..:,-..3,�' • used by Lendei in connection cvith this loaa, nnless apPltcable !aw provfdes otheiwise. Unless an agreement is made Qr -
<br /> ���-'��'�=;-��"��: applicable taw requires intemst to be paid,l.ender shall not be reqnired to�ay Boaower any inte�esr or eamings oa the�ands.
<br /> .� .,�,'�-'•� Borrower and I.ender m:�ag�ee in wri6ng;however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds.Lender shaii:l�se ta Bonbwer,.
<br />_ ,(e:;:-;;•. �t<'f:;:?{....,
<br />- `":, :�, without charge, ar►annual accaunting ofthe Funds. showing cmdiu aad de6its to the Funds and the pur�tt.r�t;4ar wbicla each.
<br />' ,_'.'N� debit to ti�Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additionat�trity forall snms secured by this_Security Ias��.:�.�,:
<br /> `` If the Fuads heM 6X L-eader eaceed the a�oants permitted w 6e hetd by applicabte luw;Lender shell account w Bam;cFer
<br /> � � . ,..,,.��., ' for the excess Funds•in acoordance witb the reqni�ts of applicablg law. If the amount of the Funds hetd by Leuder at uny
<br /> �.�,a!t�' time is not sufficient to pay the Fscmw Items when&z�.i.ender may so notify Botrower in arriting,and.in stich case Burrawer ,
<br />_' '�� shall pay W Lender the amount necessary Lo make ap:the deficiency. Borro�ver shall mafce up the deficiency in no more than
<br />-� �'�,�. � . twrelve monthty payments.at Lender's sote discreaon. • . '
<br /> ==f Upon payment in fiilt of sli sums�serured by tt�is Security Instniment, Lender shsill prvi�ptly refuaq to �orrower any '
<br />-_� Funds hetd by Lender.If,under paragraph 21.I.endez$hall acquire ar sell the Property.Lender,�rior to ttte ac�qoisition ur sale
<br />�"--- - ------ � �t�e Pra��y.�l;ras�Fssnds h��b;-L�3.�+:_a�-the tI�u€-�ga�.:�u:,�:-��s-ste�it;,g:.:�d#�ass��,us�ty T
<br />- this Security Instrnmeat. ' .. . . .
<br />_ ' 3.A�cat[an of Peyments..Unie'ssalrplicabie law provides athcrwise,all pay�aeuts r+ecea��i by l.eii�t uader par�,aphs
<br />:� 1 aad Z sI�[���e applied:firs't,to any prtpaymeni charges due onder ihe Note;srcond.to�s payable under paia��i�Z;
<br /> tbird.to irir�rest due:faurth.to principal dne;and iasc,to any late charges due uader the Note. �
<br /> � 4.Chaiges;Ltens.�t�orrower shall pay all taxes,assessments;�harges,fucES and imposiuons amibutable to the Propzny
<br /> ����•� . whlch may attain priarity over tFris Sea�rity Instrument, and.leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Boniuwer shAU pay
<br />- these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph Z,or if not paId in.that manner,Borrower'shall pay them on time directly
<br /> - . ' to the persu�owed paymeat.Borrowe�s'.7a11 promptlp fumish to Lender all notices of amount�to 6e paid under this paragraph.
<br /> . If Bonoue�r rnakes these payments directly,Borrower shall prompily fumisb to Lender receipts evidencing the'payments.
<br />- ' 't � Borrocver shalt pram�tly disc6arge any lien which has pr�ority ovet this Securiry Inst�vment unless BQ*��wer:(a)ag�+ees in
<br />=s c��iting to r,he payment Q�r ak�e obllgat[on seeured by ci�e lien in a manner accept2fv�e=o Lender;(b)contests ict�l;ood faiih the iten
<br />_ � � " �by; or de�3s a�,ainst enf'ore+ement of the lten in. .egal proceedings which in ahe Lender'�c�pinion operate to prevens the •
<br /> ':� ' �,����� enforceme�r:��the liea;or(c)secures from the holde:of th�lien�agreement satisfactory t�Srnder sulrordinatiag c�e Bicrn eo
<br /> �� this Secur::�J Snstrument. If Lender determirtes that any pmrt of t��IP�operty is subject to a lien which may attain priority over
<br />-'�� �'��"��` ���� this Secutity Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a rsotice identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy t�,e Dz:n or take one or .
<br /> ,k-_�-�.,-
<br />�'���+`~�`�"`:^�.�" rtcare af the actians set fonh above within 10 days oF�i^�giving of notice. . • ,
<br /> ,� .f`- � -
<br /> '.:.t:.i:..,�:.^i�': � Form 8028 9180
<br /> 1 7ly�l':.�:r••. . . VdQOTO19 0 _
<br /> 'vT„"'� -'7" ix • .
<br /> F;4 , �
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