- _ ..,:.�.� _..tN. n:-c " ' . � � ti� r ' � .r.. _ -.�.y. . ,r., , .. .:
<br /> .
<br /> - . i .`;. .�. ,�.�r. . ., ', '.' �� .� , �. .�. �.4. S,
<br /> ' _ . . . , --"'—T.� > 'r .._s_ � _ _ '—�."`.._*�—�--_—.__-"�-„'s--�--� Sc'„c . ��.^-.3�-c�• � .:°,=,:�� �_
<br /> : —
<br /> , � ��e f .. .
<br /> �
<br /> -�Y� :.: a•/ .. .� , i� '4 _ i_f_ .C'�`� • S �F� _ .
<br /> � ui: �� � f_���e'' �.
<br /> _� '� t t E� ' . ` t r
<br /> - �. � . .��� ,ip���� � . ,1:;.�:.:,�.
<br /> . . . ; , . . .- .
<br /> — '��:.:?'.�`.: , .4.r' , ' covet�rts .; ;;F,
<br /> _ • `• " F` ti' • t.Fs➢�msrm.Borravp,sp�s:s ta ma�o ail on tho�sacwEd daba�rhan dus. tinless Bmro+�rme r,rsd bondar c�e�oth.rveriss eny � '�• , �;••
<br /> --_ <-. .,` � �_ panrterts Leader reL9iv8s trom Bncrower ar�rrowar.s em4a���ea eau�$a�r�e�e�►am�earrowar ov,�os an tt�o s�curaa� .,
<br /> :. esdusnre of Unerest ar pdnci�al,seeond t�ir�teres�and thmn to pdneipa�tf partla!prepaymesrt of the securad daLt occurs tor arsy raasoa,ft wifl �ti r �:_��`':;('
<br /> '�,�,t ' . . nat reduca ar eu;use arry sehadu3ad payment uMtt tAe eeausd deht ts paId in futi. • • "4 .
<br /> _ � ,,; ', ,�. 8.CWinss Agstns!TfQe.�rrowsr,wiU pay atl�,essessmems.m�4 othaf ehargea eitri6utabta to theproperty When due aad wi0 defead titta ,
<br /> - - m the RroD asry ctafms whtcfi wautd impair tAe lien ot tliis deed of.�est La»der may require Borroyvet to assfgn any righte.ctatms ar ,
<br /> `• �", .c <<- , defenses wfil� rtovrer may have�gainst parttes wtto 6uDDN labor ar materFals to i�rave or maFMain the�roperN. . � '
<br /> .. . •9,tt�u�aitCe.BoROw9t�'in'0 keeP the pro�erty insuted unQe►tetms eeceptedte to Lendor at Bartovret'e expense end far Lendet's beneTrt.A11 , ;,;.
<br /> - `, tns�rtart�pofides daaU indude a stanQatA mortgags dausa in tavor ot ler�Qsr.Lender wn�l do namad as toss payea o�es the fnsured an any such _.
<br /> . .• K:..`` tnsurance poUcY./!ny(nsu�ran�e proceeds may baapytied,wiWn LendeYs�scxetton,m onher ths restota'tion ar repa�r o!�he damaged propestY
<br /> �'�" _y,, ;'.` ar to tRa secured debL If l,enaer requhes martgage insutanee.Borrou+rer egreas w mairttein such insuranca for es long us Londer�equtres. . ..
<br /> _ � �_�s.z.=---� '. 4.R�tyl.8orrower wfi keeD t�0 OmDerty in gaod condttlon end make ap riapaUS reasonabty rtecesssry. . . G _-- °�
<br /> 1 . ., 6.6�sns�.Bormwar'i�rees to pay a0 Lender'a expanses.indud"mg reasona0la attomays'fees,if H�ROwer Croatrs airy cavenams in this deed � , .
<br /> '�? _ of trust or tn erry al�igai�on securea ay tt�Is Hatd nf truat.@orrower w�9 pay d�rse emou[RS to LenQer as D�viQed in Covenar►t 9 of this deed of.
<br /> �r ,
<br /> --,-=-..s .;.r�v4,.....-. tt1t8L.' . _ .. . . >
<br /> -:.,.. . ..,.. . . ...�-:.- - - - - - - � - �
<br /> :-.a . `, g,pdor S tnt�rnsts.Uniass Bartower first otrtains lendeYe wrftten concertt.Borrower wilf riot mafce cr permit aily►cAenges in any�rior �.
<br /> � ......_ _• seeurityt�.6omnwer wiD G9rfatm 811 of Barrouvera obIIgaUans under arty priar mortgage,deed of Ovst or other�ee�uity agresmer�L �
<br /> >. • .,.. . . ..
<br /> . '�, ~� .,; - , indudmg BormWe�'e aov8nar►LS to mai�PaYma�wA9n Qu9. .
<br /> �. , . - .',.:
<br /> - ., , - � 7.A�st�nant of E{�rrta�mA Prafits.Barcowor assf�s to leMer the re�and proirts ot ths p oyerty.Uniess Bortawet and LnnCer have agFeeA '
<br /> �m
<br /> " • othatvnse in writing,Bmrawer may eo4geyc2 end retein ttre rer►ts as tong as eanowes is not�default Ff Bottmdre►Qetaufts,Lender.Lendar's , -
<br /> "�',•.�• '. 5��"` ' g��1'ti1g4��l1ib8i0�9�Wb BBOf�(IIi�1t189h10 tltB pfQPBiiy��II�diiQ�ng CO�iut�m0a�iid�r+iefls'�fe�esK o�om�mi�ssionsnm er�ital agem�.end enY�adier
<br /> naceasarV relsteQ e�ensea.Tha remainU�g t�mount of rents will then appiy to psymertts on the sec+aod debt as ptovided in Covanan!1. „ �
<br /> " . �_ ,:�:r,r-.,�,_=
<br /> - ` 8.Leasehoids•CandamW�aro:Ptam�tad Unti Qevata�ymems.Bmrawer agrees to eompty with the pravisions of eny Iease tf thts Qecd of vust is on, .��.;;;;�,,. •. .
<br /> `� _:,;t• , e leasehold.I�tfiTa deed oi bvst is on e imit tn a eondomfni�nn or a plenned unit Qevelopmefrt..8orrower�ndil perfamf atl of Bottowsra c'trt�s �;'�:.: • '
<br /> upder ths covenatns,bY-lavvs,ar regulations of Ute Condominhun or��ann4d uNt�e•refaprtront. «<<.*,�.,; .'
<br /> '` c �` �.- .'`�-,�`..�.'� 9. af L�to perfo�rn tas Bosower.tf Bartoweriail8:�.' Qedatr,i'��of Horm:�er's deaias u..�er ihia dead nf�ust, Lersdas cnay � .. ;�`
<br /> .. ,.� perf�tx:t :e duties oi cause them to be pertomred.Lender may�it��arrower-s•�eme orpay anYamotmt i4 newssary far Pa�fartnartee.!f arry . .• ,�_
<br /> eon�mn on tha praperty is d'iseot�4itwed or nut aarrie oa ir�as-�onabte maimer,Lendsr may Qo whatever ia necessery to protest Let►Aers ; •..
<br /> .. �� eeauti�ttt�erest in t�s DroDertY.Thta may induda eamCle�;��;�i�tctiun. , . . _"t__
<br /> -� �� � -.._ :- -
<br /> . ::.. .._ . .
<br /> = -- =-=----=._.. . .....>__..-� ----.-.._-`-..-----=--------�- -- , .. _
<br /> :: �. �..; • • .. �, ..� Lender'stBRtuetoperforrtiw�inctprecfiidelender',,.r�^�',-.fL�etei"sli►g�nYofifso�r._<f$"7f�iit�d�1`�h�1a9V�orthis-Qaad�o4trusY...... ........ -�-'---�----� - . .
<br /> ., ,� :'.'s'k
<br /> 1 _ _r�,.— `' ..�. AnV amau►ns pafd hy lerfA�to protact Ler�der's s�iriter�st wwilii be seeure:f�Cn,��is deed ai trusL SUnn � wtts wIIt Ee¢ue on demz�� �'�
<br /> .� �. .'',� ' end wiD�ear imerest tmm tt►s data o!the payment vrrcfl paid in isdl et tha irrtere�r,�L�effect on the soaueb� c-.� .,. . �°"•.
<br />- -�i: 1?�i•41�� j y � � . , � � ,r�., . . . , .
<br /> . � ' "f...) F. - .
<br /> - ,. .S i?. -f it ' -�,
<br /> • `-, ' /AL
<br /> .,.,� r�;r � 70.Qsfa�Bt arn!Ace�xa9on.If Bortower tails to make enV paymem when u�.cr�bre�ks�^ny�cbvar►ar�•unQer thfis deed of trust or mry ,
<br /> -S`:�'��s �,J., - -- o@.ftgatiqn s0cured by.Ws deed ot ttvst or etry Oria►ma�t�Be m deed ot Uusyd,t�er tn�sy�sa�lmte the maturity ot the s�aued Qe6t and �� '-. -
<br /> ;��� ,, damsnd immadiate paymer�and may imioicra the Dower nt eale artd any at9�er reme��Oetmitte�.rSTY��dPGca�te taw. .� f : :.
<br /> �' ,� r21�� . ..
<br /> r. - �r.,:,:'�'" 11.P.a�!icr[:otTp af Oet�L tt�s hereDy�equested thet coplea of the noti�bf detauR and sato be sertt to eseh peison wtw ts e pan� , , � ; ;
<br /> , e. ';: ' , horeto.8t the 8ddr6ss of eaGtt sttCil pBrson.e9 sot to'rttl hereUt. . �
<br /> "�� r��3; ' • `'i 12.�aw�t ot Sat�.N iha Lendes�invokes the pa�ver ut sele.the Truateo sha0 first ter.otd(n the offfco af the tegister of Qeeds of eact►ceuntY � � . `r t��,�;� ?
<br /> ,3f�'.'.•;.":. ""_.••..;� whateTn thB trust proporty or same part o�pareel tt►ereof is eftuated a notke oi defauit eontsintng th9lnformatlan�aAulred by taw.Th8 T([lSUdB . ;45;''• "�ir�_.
<br /> ,� •. , ., shafl also mail coples of tha notieo of Qatauit w the Borrower,to each person who is a party fiareto,and to otri:r persons as prescrf6ed by r, A f,.,,..
<br /> ��� apyfia�abie law.Noi fess U►en one morrth after the Trustea recards the notice of defau or two manths H the trust propany is not In any :.,.��;: ;"'"
<br /> -�� "�, ,�, .• � �' inco r pxffiad alty ar vulago and is uaad in farmtng o areUons cairiad an by the tr�estor,the�tustee shaU giva pubtia noUea of eate to the persons „ ,.!!�'- _
<br /> =���� ,��+'. ane in d f e mannar p r v s C r(be dp�aDpp l�c a 6 fe law.�rt�t oe,w i t h o u t d e m a n d o n�w e r,s d a 8 s e 1 1 t h e p ro p e�t l F e t p u tr l i c s u e t t o n t o t h e A f g h e s 2 : • i i�.
<br /> ,fl� • - .;���,, bfQder.ii required by't�a Farm Homestead Protantiaae3►c4 Trustee shaU ofter sPa�pav9iei4y in two separate sFTms as retiuUed by eppficabte taw ��.�,C�. •_
<br /> 6 �S
<br /> �i��;:� Yntstea rtt5y pOStpCit��Ie Of ell ot eny parCBl of L'�a proFoRy by pubtic armow'�Fmo.'rt et tt19 thn0 and pI8C3 ttF s41Y Dr�viausiq scheduted era11A:.-.' _'�w' -
<br /> Lender or t�Qesipnee may p�uGfiase tAa property et arry s a l e. • ,
<br /> �. } ' F��+
<br /> Uyon r�ca(p t Af pavment of tiv.�priee bfA.Tastea shaD deitver to tfio purehaser Ttusteg a daed saxruaylnfl the propeRy.Tha reeiUats eorttatned i� � rc y,j�r •-.
<br /> • ' "' �' T r u s t a B'e d e e d s l i a D b e p ri m a t a c i a evfdienae ot tna wtA of tna statemertta eortafned tharetn.TrusmO sha11 apply the procaeds of Uro eate in the '. ,,�'X, <
<br /> ' ����• . toQowfrtg atder: !a) to e1i e�ensea of tha ea(e, irtetuding, 6ut not I tm k e d to,reason a L(e Trustea'e faa9, roasona h lo a 4 tom e�o f e E S a r•.�9 ;�;�-�g;.�?;�
<br /> �� �r�.,�°-j reinstntement feoa;m)to ep auma secured by Wa deed of uus4 and(�t�a baf�ce,if arry,w the parsona legally eMltled to cecetva h. _°=`'--=--'
<br /> ' ' ' �, "i': 19.�auu�.At Lender's opUon,this deed of trus[may be forectosed in�e manner praNds Dy ayplicaDte taw tor foredasiue of inertg2�s `a__��-
<br /> ,- � on real pro0erti/. ��,.�:_-
<br /> "� � • 1�.ba�on.Lender may enta►the praperty to inspect it if LenQer gives Barrowas notice botorehtm0.Tho rtotice rnust emte the teasanaEJa � wr<-==--
<br /> �• . . cause or LenQer's tnspecdon. . . ��,
<br /> �� '� 1fi.Ca�rs�m�.Bonowe►assi gna to tsnder theproceeds of any award or�]atm toi Qama9 es connected witA e condemnadon or athe�tak'r.� �,.__
<br /> - . °�'�:. of a�or aml pert of tt►e propertq.Suet►proceeds wili be appllad es provtded tn�'c+�eant 1.Thia assigmrterrt is eu�joct to the mrma of ariy ptlair
<br /> y; , • ; s�carkS►egreemertt. . . --
<br /> ;,,�� . 18.Watwr.85►exerctsing eny reme�y evaitaAto to Lender.Lender does aot glvauD anY Hghta to IaSer use othor rerttedy.By not exerciair� . -
<br /> - . any rame6y upon Borroweta 4ataulL 1.enCer doas not waiva amr�ight W tater consiQes 4na event a Qetautt H I�appens agaln. ____
<br /> �� z{�;: :'� 97.dotnt and Sav�rd Lt� Co�T�rora:Suecason�Asst�s Sau�d.Alf duUes under thia dead o}m�st aro joint artd several. My ,�__
<br /> �. , t,t eortower who co-stgns Uus eed ot wst Eut�es nat co-s99n the uriQe�rin�debt Instrumerrtls}Eoes so onty to grem anQ comey sdr,t�� . �
<br /> ,a; � ,. ;,v, (': Bonower'o Interest in the property to the Trusteo c�er Ne terma of this Qua o trsfst.In aQdition,sucA e Bortower agreea that tha Lender acvdt' �,.
<br /> :����r emI other Borcower u n Qor d ile dee d o f�ust m.�-yr r,,�ten d,.ma d i ar ma ke any a t!'ae c h en�ea in t h e t errae o t t h ia d ae d o f V u s e o r t h e s e C U+u�• '• ���_�-^
<br /> ��� . debt wkhout thet Botrowee'e eonsent and wftlwL�roTeaaing that arrovrar from � �
<br /> ,•, ,':•% �' �:�`•;,f� , �sr"armso thtsQeedot9rust: � ;.�ur�,:.:�ti
<br /> � .� The duties and bonet+ts of thi9 Qcod o!Vu�t ettffii htnd enA beneflt the Succosaors end essfgns of�ander and Bortower. , , .'"��:v�'��
<br /> :-,::�;:;
<br /> •� 18.HoBet.Untesa otnerwtse requiro0 by law,any noUca to BaROwer ehall ba given by deiivartng it or Oy mailing h 6y certHted mail adQreased to ' .,t;...,1�,:�.
<br /> Borrower at 4ie property address m�othor a4dresa that Bmrov�er haag�wrs to LanCa�.Barrawer wiD glve eny notka to Lender by ce�.°ed � N,,,.__�
<br /> 5,., � mail ta Lender'�adQreae on page 1 ot s deed of truat,or w any o4he�atldres:m�.f�leh Lmndar has designated.An}r othar noUca to Lender d'�,'ll �: 4j.,:��;
<br /> i1�� • • ' . be sem tn Landare ed�ress as eteta0 on page 1 04 thi�Qesd ot 9ruat .
<br /> , ' ,�,:>:.:
<br /> � � Acry notico ahefl be Qeemed to have been ghren tv BaROwe�or LenQer when ghren in the manner atated ahove. � �:;t�;�.�*
<br /> • c� •
<br /> • .� r,. .1.-
<br /> � 18.Ta�ufer ot�PirapKty a�B�F�d iM��st tn 1f�Bcrtow�r.ti aU or any part of the propartv ar arry tnterest in it is�c�tS or transterteA ��
<br /> without Londer'e pHor wrttten consonL deMer may demand immodlate payment of the se�uo0 debt. tendm may also demartd tmmediata � •�-. ` -
<br /> ` • • ..' �.��� dem�d p�ef yrt�iert8tn a�'h8 e�ve sltuatto�na if ii ta�nOP�'II kod by teQaral a ro as of the dat�e of d�iire Qeed o!wst�. ���°�• Howevar. L�rndar may not �
<br /> - . ,:;,r;,. ,. .
<br /> �"'���'• 2D.Rsea�wymr.When tho obilgation eeeure8 L�r this Qaed of m�st has 6aesi yatd and LenQer Aas no turt�ar oDtigation to mako aRvaneas '
<br /> �'!�'' ' � under th�inauuma�ne or egreemente eec�xed by tfiis deed oi trust,tho T�uatee ehst��n rn,s;tten reqaest tv tha Lender,rocomrey th�Vust
<br /> • .��{ o6i(�n so ea�tis.fdiaa66o�nowor�shall pay any ecorQaUonecasmf�e successor in irR�ure tAe trust doed and tho nole ar othar evtdenae of the �
<br /> _ . ., ;,`..� 21.6ueeusor TnuOes..(�i�d�:afr���er's opUon, may romove Trustee and eDpoint a sueeessor trustee by first, maiting a copy of tho
<br /> �• suhsUtuUon ot vustee as requUed by applicable law,and then,by filing tho su�stitutlon o!trusteo for wcordJn tho offico o!tAo regtster ot BoeQs •
<br /> • ot each eounty in whhh tho t►ust propetty.or eome Dart thereof,l9 sitiiated.The successor titistee,wtthput eoirveyarie9 of th0 p/operty,sha11 `
<br /> • � � euccnad to ell tho power,duttes,author(ty and titta of tha Tn�stoe named in tha deod of trust end of eny successor trusteo. .
<br /> • ., , . � ..
<br /> . .. . (pape 2 0l2! � .
<br /> ...,,' ' ' BArUffiiS SYSTEIAS.WC..ST.CLDUD.MN 66E01 fl�80?897�23011 iORM OCPMT6NE 01t9/91 •
<br /> _ _..� . ,.---..•.>---�--- —r--"
<br /> ' . . . .
<br /> , i .
<br /> . ' r;� ' : . " ' - ' _ :, ' .
<br />