� s.: -.- . • K ..: _ �, . ,_ t �
<br /> . ,,._,.�-..
<br /> ' -�^'F � . � 4 ... .� - l�+�t . ��': �f -� . �4..4 .�.
<br /> l ' . — . h . _ _ c,. f � : .',7 i _ � C t 4, . ,. _. �� _U.
<br /> .7_r4 - . . `/l •-_: �'� iy Ctv.'F--r �4+ 4 , �Y l-_ `4 _�n`' t .a. — ' CZ� � aY �..� G�l l Y��S.-�JCS `:
<br /> � `. � 41`� . t�c ::��?;` . ` 1 � ' . s �
<br /> � ; `.r,` .' e COl�AMB y���°� ����i8! . ,. , . .
<br /> -- ���'a�.s.��==---T�.� . . . ' � . $e °"t =
<br /> '4 �� �.� ° . f. u rcm. 6orro+�er e�cees m ms�a ei!payrt1oMs on tho secured dcbt riA;.a�duo. Unlass 8oscowor.ar� Lendar agrea�oihorwlsa. er►tl ���'.;",';
<br /> - •``` � 'paymainfl Wt�ar reeeives Bam Harror+or ar tor BortowroPe banofit will Gn epDticO firet to eiry efiacenm Borcowo�n+r+es on tM semua0 debt ,,:,� '
<br /> - � e�ts�stve oi iniereat or prino.Tp�,eeca�to 3Memst,an9 then to priacIPal.it partisf Dr�aymont of the aecurad dC9t oecutti tot eny ra�sOn,tt Ytilt
<br /> •: . �: ;•,.•"�;�..� nst raQuco or�cuse eall sd►e�Aet!paYma�rc unnl tho sacured Qebt is psid iR f�lt. • .�� .
<br /> --=��,`v � , . .. _ 2.txsims 1af�cst TI�.Hottowar aiiU pey dl tm�as.assassmetue.and otha�clisr�{os atm'butebto ta ths pragarty when duo enA ivUl dafar�titlo •
<br /> u
<br /> to the preAetty a n�t enV cle1ms w1�tch wauld imp�tr the lian of thf�daadof tsust.Lendar may m�uira Barto�ver to asalSo atry rit�hm..cl�im�of ��- ,
<br /> . � • detenaea wNcA�rrowa:�av�a4��Dartiea who BuADhI tabot oi rnstedata to improvo or mdrtnirt tAo pmpert1►• • ` .
<br /> `''',�2 � S 8.6►s�aanGS. �arrower w�11&nep tha ProDoR1t ir�sured anQer tamia acccpte�te to Lendsr et Bormvrar1a e�aqse and tar tandare CertefiL Ail
<br /> - ` � "' %`t�" insuranca po&etbs�ircelado a atenQffid mort�Qea ctauss in tevor ot LertQes.Ler�6er+rl�bn rtnme0 a�tass PayQO or¢�tlie insured on eny aueR .
<br /> . ir�urenae poltcy.Any incwance pracas�a mW be i�r�ane.�Bnrro�eafo Q'iacroo a�sett�afwrncu i�nsrur�an�cear�Io�nB ea L�a�rtd�ar raa i��� . .
<br /> � or u tha eacu�ed dabL If L�nder reQuices mort8ago � , ,
<br /> _ - . r�� q.�a^,srty.Bnrrower wiIl k�tAa p�aaertlr io good canditinn anA me4n�1 rEp&ira rsason�ty rtnaoasary. . --: '• ;
<br /> ---�_ ` o m�iat�a e�nY o�°r a o�seauas Cy�UiJa�dae�of �.Eor�ro�war�vn�A�D V�a`so�naw�to Lm irtdo s�e preovEd�Cove�nant 8 o jtlit�Qaod o ` `.•,..,a
<br /> = -- �=-•� �' - . . �,_
<br /> �.Pit�S��y b+t�nrts.�Urtass Borcower first obteins le�s wrtt[en ca�sani.�r�uar xi�r.et:ss�s�ar��t.::r;��as t�acW�:ta:. .
<br />. r - `�"��.` ' . sacurity uftesa�a�Borrower tvt0 Rertoim ell of Bflrroweta oLfigetionv under tiny orior mortga8e.daed of trust or otRet secutity aarsentanL
<br /> .�F � .' , , • i�uding Barmwer's eovanan�to meka payma�whee due. � .
<br /> , _,�: :'; T.As�of Rrzti snQ RafKs.Eorrower e�i8�ta Lertdar tRe rants end profite o!tne proaeeN.U�tess�rrower arb tnrtdm hsv���9
<br /> otherxnsa tn wrfHng:6ormwer msV coRact end retain tAe r�te ea[ortg aa Borto�rar is�ot in deta�d't.tf Battowar defautta.Lend�.
<br /> ' : ' '• , ` egartt,or a caurt aDDo�r�d Qeeeiwrc�ay take possessian ar�d maru+p6 the ProDerty�A collect the rant�.Arry ranta Lenedor ca4eats shdl Oa
<br /> • � epy�ed firs2 to the costm of inena� the prayarty,induding cours eosts end ettnm�'tass.cammissions to rentd egente.m�erry other
<br /> . ngc�sary�e1at�eryanses,Tlte�9�una of rems will d�sn eyply tn Payments on the secured debt m provided in Covanant 1. �
<br /> _ ' 8.t�anJwid�CmQo�Pta�m�d Untt QavtiaDsru�ets.6orrower e�saa to eos�N vi�A the provistons of�ease'dr Mis deed af uust ta on .
<br /> � ° ' e teasnnae.l!thEs deed of Wat is on s unit in a cnaaominf�nn.ar a plenned unit developmen�Borrawer wIU rm ell oi Bortowera duttes
<br /> � • � undsr tlte covansnm,by-Iaws,or rogidati0ns of the candominhnn or ptenn�unit Qevetopmm�L �';it
<br /> - 8./du@amaY at t�nds t�FRicrtn tar Bmnowa�ff Borrdwar t�Ts w�arform esry ot Bartoivefa duttcs under Wa dacd o!trus4,t,ender may �
<br /> . .parform tfie duUas or eaus0�etn to be peRormad.LenEer maY si�Bo�°wefa narto or p8y any emowt it rtnceasffiV for perfotmance.Si etry
<br /> r, •.`,.� conawe4ion an tAe prayerty is�COm�ued or not cerrfed on in e reason�bie msnrtdr.Lmsda me1►do whatsver ia nsaesaerll to proteat Lsndafa .
<br /> '.. ';�':,. �. .•..�� msy ineS¢de comA�e�the consuuerlort. ,
<br />. . . .� ' sequity i�arest in tl�a pro�stY•TNs
<br /> . ,. ,. .;.-: ; :: ._. .._. .-------------------�-- --=�-�-�--. . . . ... ..... .. .
<br /> ' ' . LertQefa tmTure to�eRoem wi3�faot piee3u3e Cender"fYatf»uereising�Y of�ita othcr rfyhts unde►tDe t3w o�.tf�f..v daed_atsius�.. .
<br /> .- -=.--.i=i ti_=-:�.�_';- -. �
<br /> : •�-.' A m►:eunts Dai6 By Landes w Praoaet LsnGsfs secud:lt inYerast w�be sec�ued hH tle�deed ai Wst.SueQ►Fsnas�ts cv�6e due on demend �-..,-'
<br /> �w�6eer irtoceat trom the dste ot tha paVme�unu7 paid en tulF et tl�s interest fate in aNcat un the saeured QeDL :�::_�'
<br /> .' �''1.; ,�-
<br /> _ ' .. �.• . tp.p,�{��Aaahratian,I�Bu�rower teiSs to m�Ce er�y DeymeM wRan Que or breat�QnY covena��mdo►this deed of wat,orer�y `.
<br /> obiiaatior seeu�ed Ey 4i3�cte�ot uusE or any pdor mortga�.s a:daa0 0!�usL Lendar maY eeeeierate the madttity of tha secured debt aitd ,
<br /> . • � . , demand 6rns�d'uste GaYiiie�t-e�tld ma1►imrokotha powm of saIo muf mi11 ott�ot tem�e9 pertnitted by�pticehle haw. • .... _. . . . � :s.:;,
<br /> ��_
<br /> ' . 91.iVqu�st ta►No�w at QNu�h.tt is her�Y reqvested that caples of tha n�ticas of defeuft�d seie be eant w eaeh paraon who is e partY� �x{
<br /> ; '`' = -- heraw,etttro edBras�oi ea+�ruetiD�s"-�as s9tlo[sh herein.. ''F`
<br /> �, l•',�I .� . 12 Parw o!8�:[f ths Lend�inwlces tha�►owor of a�a,tAe Tcusteo sh�l fiist�eaotd in the office of th�repister of deads of eseh oowuy: �, ��
<br /> ''?;F;. . • . , ' wt�uein the t:ust Oro9ertY or sa�e pert or pascel thereof is sltuatad e rrotIce of Qefauft carttrrinTn ��artnation tequtcad by la�v.The Tmscee :;.._:��:.:
<br /> st�91 aisa m�7 ccDie�of tha rtaffca of defeuft w tha 6ortawer.to each petson who is o{ratt�i� end to ather per�rw ea ps not�in�a y �a-:�-
<br />- �;;�c; � . e�tpfiadile taw.Nh�t lous 8tca cc�mom'h efter the Tnistae records ttto natice of Qeft�tt arr txro months if tfia trust prapeRy i t
<br /> �'. , ' (rtcocporated dcy a�viQegn endi3 nsod in fmrttiag opereHons carried on by tRo mator,the�iv5tea sfiatl gtve PuhSa nott�e oS sete W tAe Qarsons [:.�-=
<br /> • � o maa6on to the F�?,�as't
<br /> &sd in t1t�m,�,�..yr prescn"Dad bv��ppTecr6le Fir.vs.Tnastoe.with6ut dt�rtbmd a�r Borrorrer.Shdi Shc the propOny eipubQ �...'`"
<br /> tiidCar.(f ceqr�i�Il C'v�the F�m F[vmes[ead Phatmction Aet.T�ustae sttfi ofi�t�P�aAecty m two ceparett�sata9 es requirod bV t�Pliaatite taw. _ -
<br /> .. ;;. . . T�o rttay�ane eaIo of d1 or asry Derce4 cf tha prapoRy by pumia ernscs�ement at the tima and Ft+�q ot erry pravSou�y adteduTed,sde. ii�z-�'
<br /> -= ' ' �;;{:'. ;. F.,�s:c�ar cts�a�rse.rt�sY Wrchase tlle proparty et enl!ea1e. ' . • � -
<br /> s. . . ►�pn��o1pay�nent of the price biA.Trustae sAa9 defives t�ths pnrch�er Tnrsroe's dead convo{dn0__the property.ThmMCditat+eontetned in -�_.
<br /> � �} , Tnrsa�e's des�d st�14e Prims tacie avidance of the wth af tlto sttrtemaMS ccntetned thnrain.Tcusteo eheO eDAJY tho prectattil�-of the sde tn xfie •• E{iw.'�•
<br /> � foifowlnp aiQcr• (0 1 to ffi 1 e�ensos of the aale, inctudtng, but nat fucnt�'J�•w, raasonebie Tru3tee'e tees, roasonafo'e.�.n4*amoy'o tees �nd �W
<br /> :.•'T; ceins�tz tea��)to aU sums secured by thta daed ot uus4 and(e1 tho puf�ce,if any.to tt�pe�sons tegffiy entitiad t+�recave it. , ��_--
<br /> +..
<br /> � .:•`.� 19.f�da�ue�At tende�'s optton.t7�EeeO of Uust maS►be toractosed in titn manner proNde by ePDGe�ta law tor toreetostua cr!mmt�Qas �_
<br /> ..:.,:.._ ! ' ..�. � onrealDropanll• ' ' � ' -
<br /> �.' .•.. , ',' �� t4.�cttan.Lendar enaY enter the proDnrty to inap�t it if Londm gives Bortower notiee beforohe�Q.The Rotiae r�state tl�e�easone6le =_
<br /> ���ni•'+...�,.�..;y;;���', P.�tL� GJ L01�dOfO�ILSpQCllOA. . �n����u� ' . �__-.. _.
<br /> . �;..� _�_ prig
<br /> �-!�'•. ?r.;.,, �u�attanosatMrtddnp
<br />' � . '; 1S.�.Borto�rar auiqns eo La�er theproceeds o1 ury aw�d a�ddm tor d�na�s conc�
<br /> • ,-x-� .. of atl ot atty Rmt of the�roFertV-8u�h proces�wul be�pTied ea oravEE�d tD Covona�t 1.Ttds assi �subjeat to tttg terms o!atW pno�
<br /> � r '"' . '. - BeL7IMY��• � � . .
<br /> '�t r: �..... '.: 18.Waird.BY axecdst++0 enV��y avabbte to Landar.lacsder does nat�ve up a�Y dphte to tates use other�arttedY.By�t exerdsinp
<br /> ' . _ mry recnedy aDOn Botrower'e Qafadt,Lendar Boe�not waive m�y dght to tater coro�det tne overrt e Qetatat if i4 en9 epain. _
<br /> : : ; .;. �`;' :-..� �osi�yrx Suet�suuan and/l�t�s 6am@-AO duQes u�et tlds daed of wst ere{olnt e,nd several. A�ty `---
<br />_ y=•. " :�:' 17.JaUet m�SwarY 1J� ° dQ =
<br /> ` �orcnaer who co-sfans thkt cad of trust but daes not eo�ai� the underlYinp de�t tnsUUmeat(s? daa�so onty to prant and cot►iaY tflsi
<br />�w' ; .`.-;ti: `i`.�.� Bormwm'a frnetest in the D�roDefil�the Trustae under the tertns o!1ttU dm¢d al�cuEt tn adQittan.aucA�Bor�awer a�ee�fhat tlfe Lencfer and (�•-
<br /> . ,1v ,. :fi�. anlI ottset Borrowm undm tAts dead a!tust maV ent�d.m�or makn m:Y other cM�s in the terma of tNa Qaaf of tntat or tl�s eecivad -
<br /> ma
<br /> - ' • . . d�t wlthout tlfit Bonower'a consaM Btrd withoyt r0taasina tfiet rrawer f�on�the terau o tAi�Qnad ot trusL _.—
<br /> . - • 1T.�Qutles aad boaefito of dds d�ad ot bust al�aD bind mn0 banafit tRe sitcceasoss end assi�+of L�Qer arb Borrowar. , . : ' �y`-_
<br /> � � . ' � . ' ', 1SL!lo�o�.[Jntea�offistwiss raQ�d�ed bV Iaw.a�Y n�oUce to BorroBrer shaD De�ivea Dy daliverin8 it or 6y,maiTiap it by cattifiaf md!aG�eetd to �
<br /> .�' SanoMrea et tAe 0 eR1I address or en otAe»e�iaress tl�ai Borro�rar Aeapven w l�anQa►.Borrower w�qivea1�V rottce tv LenQat Dy certi4led
<br /> tn
<br /> �" �' Ge�aant to��.e��a��s� e�teta�0 on�psFlee�t ot t�da�e�d of Uust�address which tenBe�Aav Qe�qnited.Any ather notice to t,endmr efull ---
<br /> ' �"' Arty aaUcs sA�tis de�d to have traen piven to Bottowar ot LeMet wMn Biwn tn tRe mminer ctated eDove. _�
<br /> . , t9.TraneA�r of cts/4a0utY a►a 6HN&��tr�t tn��.lf aU or etry part of the pmpe�ty or any tn4era�t in(t ia eoid ot uenitarrsa °i'�.°
<br /> . vQitBout Land�e pHor wnttm eo�ent.lenQar meY damand irturteQiate paymont of die seeuta�de6t le�et may etao CemnrW irrrnedtae �,t�
<br /> � „ . de��d pay�npttt in Ute�ove siwetions N Ii s D o�ed QY tc�dma�I law�of tAe d�o Ws Qaed�ot o���• Howaver.Lender msy not _
<br /> p,fl.�y�yer,a.YYhen the obli�tian seeura�DY��deed ot Wst Ne9 Eeen paid nn0 Lander Ba�no further a�iigstion to m�e advances
<br /> S
<br /> .. . ut�dai th�inst�umente or eunanb secured Ey ttus dae0 of vust.the Tiustae sAat�uAon written reQuast Dv tts�Lortde�.recomiey the Wst .
<br /> _ ; p�aperty,The 1,ender et�ap�elivei to the Barro�ver.ar to Borrowar's suceessor in interes4 tM tiust dead�d the note or o8mr ovidence o!tAe
<br /> • . at�l�jattan so aadsfieQ.6orroWer ef�DeN�Y�ecardetian coate. . .
<br /> - ' gt.�a Truaua. Leffier. at �endm'e opIIan, t�ftave Tnts'iao end t{7Ao'tttt o Ettecessat Utl�teo 6y firat.m '�t'inp�CCpy ot thp
<br /> s�sti'et�on of uaistee as re¢uired Dy applle�!s 1a�er,end�rt,Cy fJinq tMv a�etitutian of tnntee tor teeord in tAe oHice ot ttte ressister of deads
<br /> ua
<br /> � of eaeA c e u n t y in wi'�,'cR the!�orepeRy.or semep�vt thesaof.is cmceteA_?ho suansaar truatee,witnout convey�tee of the praperty.�
<br /> • succa�to a0 Ne paw�.d u nOS.a a t P w d t y a rt d ti t t�o f t h e T c u s t e e n�n e d i n t A o d a e r 7 o t t r u s t a r a d o f e ri y a u c a e s s e r t n a s t e e.
<br /> -�,. . ' . • _ � ,.
<br /> ;r�, . • • • . '���sr+-= ���a f . ,
<br /> . . .t.!r� �C�.� .•;;
<br /> earu�s svs�ara�xe..as.aaw.ec�seso��t�eaar�r•�s+n ca��ecwarat+gana�a, ,
<br />