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<br /> �.� �1:;..•. .,.``" �erelry acknav�Iedged, hete6y covenants and,agre�s to aar� �arith the Trustee and ats
<br /> -: , '° .� • . ��� �uccessois iYr ths tnasi tmder th� Ind�nture, for tlae beaefit of thase�+ho s�aU holal�he .
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<br /> . _ � � jfE.SCBIPT�ON OF SONDS OF 1'�E 699%a�ItIES EFlJ� Ziit�2 �
<br /> `�`::��. "" . .. _ � � � -
<br /> ..� �_ }'ti:'.' .��i . ' . _,
<br /> .:'"=`''-__ ` Sec4ion 1. The Comga�r hereby creates a n�►series of$onds w be I�awri as`Ttew � _-
<br /> `x` �+�.`-.:4' . . • __
<br /> ✓_� G���... "_
<br />_ �;�;,s;<<.,`.�.,.:;,�; 1 4 1 S o rt g a g�B o n d s,6.99%b SEries due ZU42." The New MuYtga$e Bonds of the 6�%Series � __
<br /> - �•.:_�.•? :=-.;�._ : . . ahalJ{be executec9,suthenticated aad delivered in aocardaace with th� piavisions o�.antl `_
<br /> �.�;�r'�=:Y�.�. �a l , _•
<br />- "�'��-.,_: �_;..��.:=.> shal! ia all re,sg�cts �e snbject ta, all'of the terms, con�ditions �nd cavenants aF �e � f:
<br /> � �-;A'-�F,r.`� , Ia�tenture,�as supplementesl and madified. � ` � , -
<br /> . XlY._' . . .
<br /> 4L.�C4�J?.tL�:� � . • ' _
<br />-- '�:x`�:;:��'�::-::•-�,� �e commencement of th�5rst anterest period for the New�Vlortgage Bonds�f the � . � "_=_
<br /> : `�=._.-=�_-� - , . -
<br /> _ __ _---.,-.:..;--- _ . ..�_6.9.9q Se�ies...s_�all be Se umber _ _1995. 'fhe 1�Iew Mo Bands of ths 6.93�`!o Seraes
<br />� a:FC.'.. �. t.J... -
<br /> ,.. . ..._...._'_'"
<br /> . t ' '_" "'_ � �__'_"""".. .. . '
<br /> ... _ ' _'_""'_"_"_'_"-_"_'-"' '...."_'_ "_ "' �
<br /> -'��"�`��=`���"� shall mature Sept��er 1,200�antd shaU bear interest at�it�rate of G.�% per a�nma�---__.--�--� °
<br /> _ _v'S�*_`/P�._ - ' :
<br /> .. -.:�°'�. . PgYable semi-anraua�i o�p�8:st day af ItRa�h and the first day of September in e�c��i�e-�:-
<br /> 'Y-,f. �i"i
<br /> ' �:���� `Y - The pe=s�a in wY�ose naffie any of the T�Tevv,Mb�tgage Bands af th� 6.99% Seriss aze� --
<br />_* �:.�Y �
<br />_„ .Y�;,:►;:. T` '.:. , . _. ' .regisiered at.the clase of busm�rn�any recqrd_aate_(�s uereiaaift�r deSm,ed)antb•respect. -_
<br /> ��ur�* to any interest payment date shaII be ensitled to receive the�nterest payable on sucL interest
<br /> -� '`�_�:=�:_" �paY�znt da�nat+withst�nding t�ie Gaucellass`on of sucb New Niortgage Honds of the F�99%a
<br />�'.:�•.r�s�:��:-�- . , � —
<br />_ _ {.��:z�,{ , . °'� 5eries ugon sity transfer ar �cchamge.subsequent to the record date and prior to sach
<br />�;�:��.., ��_:..:.,s�' '�.� �, interest payonent date;pmvide�however,ttaat if and to the extent the Compaxty shall default ..
<br /> - �•''�` � �°'':%�:." . . ia�t�te payment of the interest due on sucb in�erest payment date, suc�e�t'aulted in4e�est•' r
<br /> . `. .�'�}�` � � shaBl be paid as pravided 9n Sectian 3.07(b�of the Indenture.
<br /> ,;�.
<br /> ��.��.:�:���:�. • � . .
<br />- ��:•� .r_>�' , � . .
<br /> �y...,, �,. � The terni"recard date"as used 'm this Section with respect ta a��d�i�ter�st g��emt .
<br />- � � -� ' � date sbaU mean February 15 or August 15,as the c�se may�t�, aext��.�ding th�:.s�mi
<br /> � r�`'�.,:-:�_ .
<br /> `:�;�T.--- , annuul interest payment cYate,or,if such Februaryi�or Au�.15 shaY4��e a 7ega1 hoffday
<br />-'��='��"��� . ar$day on wlticb bajn�ng ins3itutions in�tt�Borou�h af Ma��,�e City of Ne�v Yor1c,
<br />_ --_=_=��� � State o�New Yoik,are authorized t�y la�e�c�QSe,then the n�t pre,c+�ng day whtcb ahaU ,
<br /> — � n4t be�legal�o�iday or a day on wlucb such ins4�tudoas are so aut� ��a�ru�,°d w e2ose.: .
<br /> �, . .
<br /> -__�' Sectio� 2. The New Mortgage �onds of the 6.99°Jo Seri�.s.shal�'�e issued+mly as � ,
<br />�_,_-:___ ,r�gistere�Bonds witttout coupons of the denominat�on of$i,Q100�or any integral mWtiple
<br /> =—= of�1,000,appropriatelyr numbered. The New Mostgage Bonds of the fr.'3�%Serias may 4�, ..
<br /> �_�.�-- ' exchanged, upan surrend�r thereo� at the agency of the Campau►y �a We Boiougit of
<br />- --���=°� � Manbattaa,The City.ofNew Yor1c,5tate af New�t'ork,foa one ar more new?±iew M�rtgage .
<br /> -- --- Bonds �f the 6.9910 Ser�es of other authorized d�nominat€e,��as, £or.the same�ag�ragate .
<br />=- -_--�'� � , P��P�aaaount,sublect ta tfle terms and cmnditions set fa��i in the Indenture. ,
<br />_ _�=�� . .
<br />- __=-_--�.�: , N�w Mortgage Bonds of the 6.99%5e�ies c�ay be exchanged or transferi'�without �
<br /> ; � eapense to the registered awner therea�c�cept tbat any taxes or other gavemtnental�t�arges .
<br />`: r�qvireal to be paid with respect to su�t�nsfer ar exchange�iiaU be paid by th�r��stered �
<br />� '```-��;:'-. , ,
<br /> I "�ri�' � � .. -.
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