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<br /> � :, �;r t:•'�":��� � • amended by�an�o�this A�ticle IQ,-b�redeemable at any time,on or after J�a€y�i5, . .
<br /> - �� 19�b and prior�o mat�ityi,at the op�ion�of tlte Company,as�«hole�ugon payment�f the �'�,
<br /> � ��. � ; �-,��,. f�ltawln�pzrceatagea of Rhe principa�affiaunts thereoff: �
<br /> �:''��:.*�. ' Y�r�deemed du$ang th�tcveiv�ma�tth p�riad bsginning the�ft�enth day of July of ' ,-.
<br /> ;? _ _�Y.-�;� , ,
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<br /> ��` ' .. ' 1�97--------1�U�0% ' ;y`
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<br /> � ' � togetl�er with ar,cn�ed interest to the redemption dat�,. • , .',.
<br /> . . , . :�
<br /> •�`ti:.`:�.:,,. ��„ .,= � Section 2. Notece of redempt�on of any Ne�+Mortga$e�Bonds of tiie 8.824%Series ' ��;.:�:�.
<br /> ��•, - • shaD be givea as prrn►ided in Secction S 04 of the 1Diiginal Indenture. If given hy mai1,the g�:
<br /> � ` m a�i n g af sucb notice s�salt b��a condiaon precedent to re8e�nptioa�, pr�vided t�t�nY ` "
<br /> . . .
<br /> ..� ,�. .
<br /> .. .aot�ce',whicb is aua�ed in the mann�r pravided in Sectioa 5.0� of the Ortgiaal Ledenwre . `_:,=�
<br /> > �:, _
<br /> . . ..
<br /> : �� --- --�-� - shaD-lie c���I�sively-pa�sum�edto�$ave�t�een-duly�givea wh�ther or-�ot-the-h�2dezs..r�csive . _--�- -------.--. F� _
<br /> a,
<br /> °= •�=�'�.:.. sach aotice, s�ad f�uz� ta giw�such natice �y�Il, or�ny defec�in sucL �tot�ce,. to th� �t__
<br /> - �;::;�-'. �ho2sler of a�r sucb b�ad d�esignttted foa rede�ption shall not affect the vatidity of the � �'�`
<br /> . ....., . --_
<br /> .. � � ,.,, . redem ttan uf aaher sucb bond. Except'fpr the chaages in the ' ' of n�tice of �=-�-
<br /> _. _ - -
<br /> ' .�..' i . - . . . - G�rr.�.
<br /> -- �-P- -- ---�Y
<br /> , � ;`, .�' ` - - red�mption as pravided m tlris Section,the rocednres far redem tion of t�te ATew Mext _ �,-:�..
<br /> . :.f.�'�, P P �'� _ �_ _ _—
<br /> - .•�"�'-�- , Bonds nf the 8.824°!'o SQries shall be as pzavadeal in Article Five of the Original Ittdeature. -_=
<br /> . .. � .
<br /> •1 �� ' �� Sectian 3.��'he Campa�sy,witb the appsoval of the Trustee,may eater intn a wtitten - -
<br /> ; : ,:r.,{ agreement with the ho2der of any New Ndortgage�onds of the�824%�Series providing that . . ._
<br /> .,I-�rz,;;r. - payanent of such bouds c�11ed for redemption in part onty be ffiade directt�t by ma�,wire �:—�-
<br /> ,'=-.':��•
<br /> •. . ��ransfe�or in atry aiher manner to the holder thereof without gresentation or surrend�er _
<br /> :?-..'xMw"r'��`.::.`� t�ereof ff ffieae shaII��delivered to the't'austee�n agreement(which may be a con�osite °. �
<br /> ''x1�"'.R'f,�{f. �.�.'.��. -.
<br /> '• �f}�'-'� - with other such agaeeffients)between the Q:ompafir and suc�hoIster(or other persop actutg . _.
<br /> :_,::;s :,�.:�
<br /> �-��;•::�tr ;-. •. as.oge�t for such ho2der or for whom such hotder is a nominee)tha3 payment shafli be sa
<br /> _ �-.x�-r:;��;;r�-.'• . . ' _
<br /> _-_�:�:,;_ �.. ; � made,and that in the event t�e�holder thereof shall sell or tr�nsfer any such b�nds(a)it .
<br /> -"��`������-� wID,prior w the delivery of sun�bonds,either(i)surrender sueh bond�to the Tru�tee to .
<br /> --- -�,��._•.
<br /> ��',_�:i�}�'�__ �. make a proper notation of the amount of principal paid thereon oa(aij surrender suc�bonds _
<br /> �� -�� �the Trustee against receipt of a�e or more New Mortgage�omds of tere 8.824�"0�r1es
<br /> -_�_�' ' � 3n an s�gregate prsnc�pal amount equal w.the ungaid principal portion caf the boads so .�
<br /> ���� " sutre�G��, and=b)it wiU pmmptly natify the�nj�any of the name a�s�gddress af the
<br /> �''�-'�°� � , . 4ransferee of a�ay New Mortgage Bonds of�re 8r�"�o Serles so transferre¢�. Tlte Taustee � .
<br /> - F�_ ;��� . . :. shall not be liab2e�a�uesponsible to any sa:��n holder or tcansferc�ar to the Cqmg�jay,±�r W --
<br /> --=:�`,. _
<br /> � .�.�r x_:� r �� . atiy nther pe�s�an for eny act or omissIon to act on t�te part of th��ompang►or��r sucb
<br /> - ,.�==�:;�:w . � ho2der u►conneetion with aiey�a�h agreemen� The�ampany wDl indea�u�!�and save tf�e , -
<br /> '�..�_ ��: . Trustee harmtess against any�b�ity resultin�from any sucb aet or oar�:�n and a�t =
<br /> _� :�._ _
<br /> -i,,:��;_t:,;;,�" any liability resulting from any actton tal�bythe Trustee,in accordance arith the p�co,visions _ _
<br /> -��::.�..� � =-�_
<br /> _ ���� of auy such agreement . ,
<br /> -_- �`;,:L::�,: ,�� . , • . .
<br /> ._ar��� �`n:,j y - . _ -�
<br /> �.1.�., . `i',c. 'r t . . � � . . . � ... �.
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