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<br /> 4'_,„ • (Tncorpor�ted under the taws�of the State of South Dakots�� ,
<br /> �x�� � �� ..,-� . 8.$24%SE1tIES�DU� ��
<br />_ ;-z:: ;`�;�:=: N�W MOP�Tt'rAG� BOND, 139E , � k-
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<br /> ,:.� --T . _ �.the laws.of t&�State of DeZa�vare(the_ Company", ry:
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<br /> �,�.;.�:::�: � promises tQ pay to,�.._ -
<br /> ��'::--' fifteenth d�y of JuIy, 1998,in any co�in or curren�of the United States��teric,a w3�icb , -
<br /> .
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<br /> .= �: ,-.,.�;.;. ° . � � at th� tiana of paystent�s tegal teader.foz p�blic. �nnd private debts, an�k��paY . _.
<br /> � � thereon in like coin or currency&om duly 15,1995,payable semi-annuaUy,�on the�ifteentli =
<br />=� _�..�,.,.s �; � � -
<br /> 'J - .days of January and J u t y in each year,at the rate of�8�824°�O per annua�.unt�the Co}p�aa�s , _
<br /> f, �
<br /> ��`��� be disc�az a� aoc�c�ed in --
<br /> :.•-�== �; �' obligation�with respect to the payment of such principal shal�. B� �
<br />._�iT.�i':Y.T:.T.��':i-
<br />`:��:��`"°��'•:��.'���;� � ' � the Ia�r3ure h�reinafter mentioned. The interest s�a�ayabl�an any Jan�ry 15 or Juty 1
<br /> ;,;{:��:.�,;.;- . � .
<br /> f �� w�, subject to certain e9ccep�ons pra�rided in t1�a���pplemenral Lndem� datesb as of ° '
<br /> ��f�:615ILa�SLIlLJ�It C',.
<br /> "°" � :Sepiember 1,14�35,be paisl to the persoai+n.whnse��this Bo�ed is seg�s�r�d at t�a�ctose
<br /> �;i�;�:���•.;;�:�, -
<br /> �.:� � �of business on the immediately prececflin�,�anuaiy 1 or July 1,as the c�e may�1oe:�'�l�oth
<br /> . -. .principal o�and'mterest on,this Bo�td ar�payat�at the agenc�af t�c;��Company in the
<br /> "c..r.;�j*�`..�� ,•;`;.�;: •
<br /> . �'_'':�;��t�,,� ;. BoraugU of Manhattau,�'he Ci�Y of New Yark,S��e of New York. . .
<br /> __- -,��:�.� . . . , �.
<br /> .��7'4c T.-F:9:�j�.iq�']Y�� •
<br /> =�'ffi`f,. � .This�Boad shall n�t be entitled w aaiy bene+�t i�nder Y�a�Fandentuie or aay ind�nture
<br />-- --,�' suppl���ata1 tiiereto, oi became valid or obligatary.for ar 3.�turpose,u�ttil the.forn�of .
<br /> _ ���`�;� ' . cert�r��end�orsed hereon sha}1 have 6een s�gned�-�-mr on behalf of'The�ase,Manba�tan
<br /> - _�__'' ,' Bank(i�''atioAal Association),the Trustee under the��denture,or a succes�3 rivstee tltereio .. ...
<br />-- ----- • �:.�iu�3er the.Indea�, a�r by an suthenticating agent duly appainted by the Trustee in ' ��
<br /> - __--_ � . . ,�:;. �ccardance with 4P:�terms�of the Insdea�ar;r�e. � , . .
<br /> - -_� .�=' . �.The p�rrniisions af tbis�7'�w Martgage.Band are continued on tk�arwveise hereof and � .
<br />_ _� - sucb wntinued pravi3ions.shall for al�pwtposes have tbe sa�a� effe�t'a�thougb fully set
<br />_.�r„�.;�;.:�.;,:; . �. forW at this place. - � - . � ,�� �
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