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<br /> . � �--•t-°a c+!Pr- — . - - - . --�- _.. �n.�:i;.�,�.,-.._ . -�� ;,4.n
<br /> � � . _� � .i fi. . '� "..- � -� 4 cs- . `�--�-c-•----.:'•tz_-�,__�„�--^-�TM <:-T __�-r^�.
<br /> � �r— '4' L � C n'" - '
<br /> �. .e' .,� �.���a � .n .` '� . �� f � a. ` L `. �_. ` e����;
<br /> ��� -��,- f _ , 4.:R' �i�r!" l ,:� �ti. • t . N '. . .� ' �� �.
<br /> �i-� - .' .. -y - . . � . , t. i r y�fn,.-�: p�-cr��7=�e� �.
<br /> �� - • 1i, ' ..Y N -t � . . .4 c. ,�E �a- .� ,_, rr_.-.:'.'
<br /> �y'' . - r � . .it �1���ry�`� f _ '•�e.! . . F N � i - . �� -" . � . ' }.�'.�
<br /> t 1 It , �J.:L.. ',t`1F� .:f __;[iy' V �' ,f .V c ' _� Y _ 'c�•eY T�^ (_ -.
<br /> — "��.' _ _'" . , _
<br /> ___ .r.�� ' ``,� . � ` ' . � r � �������� `
<br /> _- . � "TY3�i�E'fHER tVTfH aU the improvemeats aow or he�eafier erecied on the propett�+.and all eascments.aPPurcenan�.and . _.
<br /> ' '� �•^rt� fextures,rcaw or heneafter u pan of the pmpettyr. All replacements and additians shall also be oov�sed by t�tis Secarity -
<br /> =*:�.' � 4'' -
<br /> _ �°``` � instnunea�.All of the foregoing is r+eferted w in this Secvrity Instr�meat as the"Ptnperty.° .
<br /> "r.':.°_�.::�, .. , . B�RftOWER COVENAN'I'S that Borrow�r is IavvfuUy seisfd nf the estate iiemb�r oonveyed amcl has the right to grant aad
<br /> �_,.. �. . .
<br /> -_ ' `�` , convey the Property�and that the P�ro�rty is uc�sncumbe�ed.exoept for enaamtvances of reonrd. Boaawer wanants and will -
<br /> - ..t;:� -�3as-2a.�'fr��-$�Ciii�£nir2�i0�:�r+`rj`a�flSfE��L"'�-'a3IDSEs��.a33`v,�It�95J/�1G3i3FE1h.h:t'�tl��`�.
<br /> _ � ��` ,� � TEfIS SL�CURITY INSTRtJMEN'i'wmbines uaiform wvenants for narioaal vse an�non-unifoim cove�ants with limited
<br /> `��- variations by jwisdictiaa W coc�stitate s�tmiforarsee�it}►iasuym�at cuvering r�st pso�t}r. � . -
<br /> � ` UNIFORM COVENANTS:Borrower aud lander oovenant aad agree as foIIows:
<br /> • -''T'''��; , t. P�yme�of Pei�dpal aa�I�asst; Fr�aymeat and Iafe C�argcs,Bomnwer sLal1 P�mPUY PaY cvhea due We _
<br /> _�.:_
<br />--—�y�,.�__ primi�mi aF am'riuter�-sFutt thc sis�'s cvvi�Cr.irxI ioY�����►Y P�Y���iaie cuu,y�e.s u'ae mni�wt idutc =- -=-- • _
<br /> • . '�`. :��. � B.Ft�ds fos Taaes attd�nsvraaae.Subject to a�plicabie taw or w a written waiver by I.end�r,Eorrower shall pay to _
<br /> ; " "'`.,%.+�` • ' Lender on the day maathiy gayments are due under the Note,unti!the Note is p�id in full.a sum("Funds")for.(a)g�iy� -
<br /> - �. _
<br /> f.,;;.: :�: ,♦:�;,.°`:� and asc-ac�at�which may auairt paority Aver dus Security Instrwment as a lieu on tiie Property:(b)Yeariy teasc�old payments -
<br /> "��•.,��>,'��.z� � � PsoPertY, an}+;()Y�Y PmPa'ty� Premiums:( )Y Y F� .
<br /> '� ru or und teats oa the if c 6azard�or msurance d earl Qood iasarance ums "'
<br /> :'��r�=,`,; , :`�- ` i�any+�(e)Year1Y mort�ge i�suranee pmminms,If am3+:and t�aaY stuns Payable iry Bo;mwer W L�ader,in acoordanoe avith =
<br /> ' � r .,..::�...=��- ' the r8visiou�af 5 8.in li�r of the �of in e imuiancx �nim�. -
<br /> ��L:::=;•�r¥;- •t� P P�P P� b� P 'Chese iteu�s:are called"Fsct�ow Iteans."' . . _
<br />_ ;;.�f-�;�,:�;.�... Lender may,at az►y time,�oIIect and hold Funds sn an amo�t a�to exc�t��m at�uns a l�der foz a fe8e�ally °
<br /> �� related mattgage loan cnay reqaure for Bormwa's escrow accomz!c:ua�er the federal Real E�te Seitlement Procednnes Act of
<br />- �..,,.'�.'�-:;�;r;:= Ig74 as amended from time to time..l2 U.S.C.Sectian 2Cs01 et seq'.("RESPA"),wiless arn�s law tira�upplies tq the Fuads =
<br /> ,`,°�;:., ." -� .:�,� � -
<br /> ,;;,_..�:�._,�.� sets a lessea a�ount If sa,I.�adeF inay,at anp ame, oollect and 6old Funds in an amonnt not to ex�ed the l�.ser amonnt. _.
<br />_ �� �• � .' . I.ender may esdmate die amaunt af Euads dae on tIIe k�asis af aurent data and ieasonahle estimates of e��asf jhues of fatu�e -
<br /> : �__.
<br />_. �,�:.:., �:. ,_�
<br /> . • _...,:------Escrow�It�ns or otI�vvis��in acco�ceivith-applic�rL-taw:_.._...�_.---------------._....__........- �----�- ------�- -----�----- •----�-�------�
<br /> ��� >.,�:,,t„,���� . -.
<br /> "''_�-"•.,::-� 'I�e �uads shall be hetd in an institutian whosa deposirs sie insated by a federal agensy, instn
<br /> unemality, or ea�tity
<br /> +�'.�,�� ('cnctudln�L�tader,if Leader is such aa instita6on)or in any Fe�!Horne Loan Bank.I.ender stuill appiy the Fands w pay the
<br /> '9i ,•° r;`�•�'' Fscraw Items. Lender[r,� aot
<br /> . ..,:;;,;:•..,: - y charge Borrower for tt�".diag and applying the�d.s.azmaally anaJyzing the�scro�v amount,.or � -
<br /> : .. ,.::, . • . . . ' -
<br /> _ ',"., ..',, : °enfj!t°g.the Esccuw Ite�s,nnless I.ender pays Bomou�inierest an the FuchEs•.a�d_appticabte taw permit�Le�der to make suc� .
<br /> * �::.�;�;Y{,L a cliarge.However,Lend�a may�equire Borrower to pay'a on�time charge fcr an independent real esl�te tax reportiag servioe
<br />��::.�:s�����w_ • tued by l.ender ia connection with this toan, antess applir�ahle taw gravides.otherwise. iJNess an agreement is made or
<br /> �"'"'���� applicabie taw rei�uires interest to be paid,I.eader shrill not be re�iuefl to pay Borrower any ieL,�-rest or eamings on the Ftmds.
<br />-��:-:`.-���� Borrov►er and Lender�y agr�ia,writing,howevea,Ehat intem�shalt 6e p�.on thc Funds,I.�er shail,give to�arrower,
<br />�_�s3�•'�;Y;�=�.�.:-.�t7,`; . .
<br /> � ,;••:�..�� .:_.,�• without charge.an annual acconndng af the Funds,�owing credits and d�r�,�o ihe Funds and the purp�sr�fvr wi�ich e�ach , -
<br /> �`�'' �debit to the Funds was m�.The Funds are pledga�i'�addidonal sctivrity foralls.�ms secu�d by this Sec�i�r dnstmmeni. _-
<br /> . '�� `� , If the�unds hcdd by II�ndea excexd tbe amnu�Yetmiued tm be held by��icable taw,L,ender shaU aaaonnt to Borcuwer
<br /> . _;,.�'�;� . fos the e�ss Fnnds in acmrdance wit�a the require�ents of aggle�kle law:If,Uw,e amount of the Fuuds�id 6y Lr�'ra,�atry �
<br /> ' . . tima.is no�sufficient co�y the Fs�xor�Iteias wheu due,I.ender��+so�notify�i:�e�ower id writing,end.i�s�ch case B��uer -
<br /> shnll pay to Lender the�r�unt nec�ssary to make¢�t6e defrciency: Borrm�siratl maice�up the defici�.in no morethan
<br /> tarelve monthly paya�eats..zs[.e�der's sole discrericrr�. � '
<br /> _ti a_.�a_� Upon payment in futl of all��ecureA by this Sec.uriry Instrumens,•�ider s6all�*.aemptiy refund to�orrawes eriy .
<br /> � �.•.� Funds held by i ender.If,unde�pa►-��.,�2l.Lender shall acqaire or s,ell We'Property,L�rdr�.prior to'the aoquisition vz sa2e
<br /> � of the Progerty,sball appiy any Funds"held bp[.ea,der at the 6me of acquisiti8n or sate as a ci�edit against the sums secused by
<br />- this Secvdty IusuumenG , � '.
<br /> 3.Apgt[catian a�ft�pm�►ts.Unles's applicabte:Inw prorides oth�cwise.�lt'gmyments reaeived hy Le�r ander paragraphs
<br /> _ ' 1 and 2 shalt Ise applied:fi�t,to anY Pnepayment c�rges due ar�let the Not�,.�seaond.to amounis payab�e under paragrapb 2; .
<br /> tMiN.to interest due;fourth,to priacipal due;and last.to aay l�e charges dae umder the Note. - • '
<br />_- - � 4.Charg�,s;Liens.Borrower shnit pay ail taxes,�ssessmer�ts.charges.fi�e�and imposit16ns ariribatable to the Propraty. •
<br /> wluc�may auain priority uver this Security Ins�a.zt.azcd leasehold payccedt�nr ground lents,if any:Borrower sI�aall pay
<br /> these obligations in the manner provided in paragr�'i�,or if nut paid in.that u�itner,�oaower shall�ay them on time directly ,
<br /> to the person owed payment.Borrower shall p'rompily fumish ro Lender aU aotioes of amonms to be paid under this patagrdph. �•�
<br /> - If Borrower makes these payments direcily,BonoweT shall proatpt�y'funrish to i.ender reseigt�evidenciag.the payments.
<br /> ..� Sarmwet shall pr�mpUy discharge any lien which has prioritf over this Security Ins4rumem aatess Borrower:(a)agees in
<br /> � __ writing to the paym�nt of the obligation secured by the tien in a manner accept:ble to Leader,(b)contests in good faith the lIen
<br /> _=__�_ by. or defends against tnforcement of the lien in. legal proccedings wiuch in the Lender's opiqion operete to.prevent the �
<br /> --___- enforcement of rhe tien;or(c)secvres fmm the holder of the lien an ag�ement satisfa'otory to Le�der subordinatii�g the Uen to
<br /> this Security Instrument. if Lender determines that any part of t�e�operty is subject to a lien which may s�in prioriry ov�r
<br />- 'this Security I�stntment.L.endcr may give Bmrower a notice idenGfying the litin.Bnrtower shalt satisfy thelien Qr take one or
<br /> : i
<br />= more of the uctions set forth above within 10�days of the giving of notice.
<br />- r s , Fotm 8�28 8190
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