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<br /> ; , . �. Co1utemnattoa. 'IUe pmoeeds c►f�y award or cla�for damages.dinect or col�quetttuil.in connecuon wt�any _r
<br /> � �:��. r coitdEUmation or other�Idng of any gart of ths Ftoperty.ar.fo�wnv in place of condemaation,are hereby assigned ,
<br /> � erty
<br />'',t�� � � `. °., end sltaU be paid to Len�co the exteat af t he t u]I smwnt a�t d e in���t e�d ness t h a t remains u n p a i d ua d e r t h e Note aa d t h i s
<br /> •t,.:� ' , SeeurI}y Iastrnment Leadet sbaU a�piy sucb pnocaeds w the reductian of the indebtedness under the Nate and t�si�Security
<br /> ,��;; '°.. Inswment,fiist to a�deruzq�t�aunts-appiiai ia-tfie oidergruvi�a i�F:u�.sgs� 3,u� �u�.p,�-- �r�,�� -
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<br /> .. `';y.•::;�.:. ��P�- �y�P�on of t8��roceeds w the princIpa! shajl aot eatend or postFoae the due date of�monthly `
<br /> gaytnents,whuh ate refeaed ic�in P�agrapL 2,or cf�aage the amount of sucb payments. Anp exoess over an �'
<br /> `` `: <'ataauat req�ned�o pay sll outstanding indebtedness�der tfle Note shall be Qand to the entity Iegaity, tfieceoa. • -
<br /> . ,.�•`a�; � F�. Lertder may oollect fees aad charges suthoriud by the 5eaemry. '
<br /> � ' � �° ' ` 9 Gm�s forAooeterut€on o�D�t� '
<br /> _---.�.:�..:.e.`....-;a. _. .. . _ �A2�Aif�< I E'�!_1PS!il3Y.?�!�?�as limited hvi ceeuiati�as issued by tbe3earetarv ia tf�case af nayment defa�Its. . _. _ . _-
<br /> �� � re�ui►�iatmedlutepayment in fuU of all sums`serured by this Secauity�ashument i�� .
<br />,. ;,., (7�Bosower defauIts by failing w pay_'m fnll�y mnathly.payment required by tf�is S�urity Instrume�prior
<br /> `�•�;- �. � ' tooran the due date af the next monthlY P,�Y��•or . � ..
<br /> �s�i���• �t ° .(uZ�omower defaalts by fa�ing,for a penod of tlurty days,oo perform aay othea o6ligatioas coniaaiaed in this
<br /> e:` _ I
<br /> . .�iOClil'1ty tOS�IIi
<br />' . .. ' (b)Saie V9i�out Credit Apgrava6 Lender shall,if permiued by�pplicabk 1aw mid witb tiYe priar approval of the •
<br /> �. $e�r,t�equ�immedi��P paymetU in full of aII the sams seCO�ed by dus SeC�ity IcisWmeffi i� ; � .
<br /> (�)All or part of the Property,or.a beneficial inte�est in a mut owaing alI or part of the Fraperty,is sold or .,:�.•.
<br /> � � . othetvvise transferred(other t�an by devise or desceat)by dse Bomuwer,and ,
<br /> . `" (u7'Ihe Praperty is not accugied by the pun.6aser or grantee as his or her p�cipat cesideno�or the pumhaser , • ;
<br /> or gaatee does so accapy the Property but Uis.or hei credit has not been approved in accor�da�ee , '.7
<br /> e
<br /> . with We�guirement�of the • .
<br /> � . '(c)l�011Vaiver. If cuca�nces$�wouId�ermit Lender w require immediatc gayment in fiill,but I.e�..r,3�i .
<br /> . „ ..
<br /> . �.,." `• ., •' �. d t ' cb ts,Lend d ts 'ghts wiYh cespECt w 6 t ts.
<br /> .�_.�_<=.-�=. , oe.s no tequue su paym � oes a�vei n su sequen even
<br /> eu aot w '�
<br /> , ,: . -�.: ' ----.._.... . .. ......<��g��s�of-HlJD S -�n inangc�staaces regulations�issued by.the. anU-timit-Lendel-s- .__ . ....__. ",.:
<br /> r` . righ�,in We case of pay�nen�efauIts,to requue immediate payment ia.full and fo��.Io� if not paid.,'�is �_,
<br />