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<br /> � � � G , c ,-.Q� �_ <, G ! l .1 �..�-�-..---'. � -+f � �'.{M:.��.
<br /> , j �c . �,� ' �, ^r �. ,.. . .
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<br /> .� s� ,u, _ • 4 , •�.� , e �� .• " , �.
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<br /> ! . . .�4 .. a -�4 h,'i � .. � • �h4. ' . .� . 4 . .. . .� t -� .. �Y.� f vl. i.i. f.bY
<br /> �• � �� �`. �r' ' • _ �t.� :F _ Fr{...c � `u; .�_. {_.�q: i� t�n :"' .�"_''e'r-e'°! r.i..c^� _
<br /> S. --f6-�a%,T' i%�.�s. _ r�i.�" ::Y' , f.}��:.," '.� S.` . c . ' � � r -
<br /> �`. . . . . � - - � � . . , . , , '�..
<br /> ,a: ,.:�.� • ' ' � ` , � � �'���< �Q�� � . .�,.
<br /> � � ;'�' payments may�no tanger 6a res�uired.at the option of Leuder.if m�rtgage��c�.::�n�covera�e(in the simount uad fu�the perta� —
<br />�Y.�-.��;�.,.��'.� �.�,. ` tt�t,Lender �oquires)tmm'ide�6y an insurer appmyed by Leader again.6emmes�vaila�ie and is o6usiaed.Boxc�nwer s4tat��aY _
<br /> �j°-�� i�� : the premiums iequired ta maintain crwrt�age i�suraase iu effect.or to pmvide a loss resenre.ufliil the re�,uiremeat for auartguge. —
<br /> _.'`-` ` ipsurause ends in aocordaaoe tiviih aay writ�en agre�ent hetv�eea Bmro�ver.and i.ender or applicabte taw. -_-�-:
<br /> � , 9.ansp�ti�n.Lender or its agerit may malce masonabte ennies upon and inspedions of the Ptqpert�Lett�leT shaU give . �
<br /> ...�';;> Bflrrowet�notice at the time of or priar.co an inspectton specifying reasona6le cause.for the inspec�ion. �
<br /> .` s 1@�n'Fhe�mreeds of�nny aaiard or claim fnr damages.direct br consequenti�l. in ootutection with any .a-
<br /> ,•.�s.•.:�.:. ��:,
<br /> � ` condemr�ation os other ra�of ahy part af.the Progtrcy.or for oonveyaace in fieu off oondemnation.a�e henehy ass'igned attd `_
<br /> `'�� � shall be gaid ta L.eader. . ,�`'
<br /> . �
<br /> '°--'��`£ - � ��cfian he�ppliedto��sums.secure�b_y this Secun"ty ,"'ent, __. _:
<br /> -T-� -- �- -"'�S:'�:i't'�2ltiffL-t atta4in�a£t11Cpl�E1lVr�iCn*R —
<br /> � :..a i;��,� . whether or aot ttien due;"with airyr excess paid-i to Borrower. In the evetu of a�artial talang o�e FcoPe�iY in vihfc�.��f�r-
<br /> �±�'=4:i�.�"n` .� un�rket value of the Pmperty imme�discely before We taIcing is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secuted by this , .
<br />.�:�;;�...;. .. �
<br /> � �'�'''' ' iment{mm �a Pl �
<br />_°.-<_.€��-. �urity.Instr�=- �'?_y befo¢e the taking.untess Borrowe�and Lender otherwise in writing.the sutris sec '
<br /> ='�`��=� 1 t3�i.s Secarity Insmunent shall be r�nced by tlte aiitount of the procel�ds mWtIpketl.6y the foQowjng fiaciion: ta)the wtal.
<br /> � �}�:.'`,� .mmonnt oF the sums secwe�immediately 6efo�the tabvig,divid�d 6y(b)the fair maitcet value of the P�vperty�a�diatelY •
<br /> =���'� lsefore tSe t�ng.Aity,balanc�e shaII 6e paid to Barrower.In the eve�of a partial taldng�of tiie Pragerty ia which ihe fair � -
<br />;%;�:i,��'�``•,' tmme�iatP1 before the taking is less t6an the�mavnt.of the sums secured immediately before the
<br />_�w;^,,,•., mazket value of th��toPertp� Y
<br /> '-�;�,�="" : taYing,untess Eor�a�r and I.�ruler othenvise agree in writing or anless applicable la�r ot6erarise pmvides.the pmceeds st�ail , .
<br />-�`�;`•°�''�-`°��'- ; ' E1e eppti��o the s!s�sewred by this Security lnstrumeat whether or unt the sums are then due � � .
<br />'=s�;f ;�rT',���; ; If the Prop�rty is abandone�by Borrower,or if,�after notice by Lender to Borrower that the oand�nor offers to mak�aa
<br /> : ...:. ..;.�.�w� ,
<br /> ..,-- =,=.----=>_ . av�ard or settle a s.laim for damages; Bosrower fails tu respond�to Lender witbin 30 days aRer tlae date the notice is ven. -
<br /> � :� � ........_..----- � aPP Y P�S �
<br /> � �. �_; Lender is aathorize�.to collect�nd � the :at its o ,�either to restoration es zeQair.�f the_Pmp�,rty_qr to e sauns : .
<br /> �.;,."�,��; secured by this Secuaity Instrumeat,whetlier+n�"�r�t then dae. `�� � " _.
<br /> °� f i ' Ualess Lender ar.d Bomowef otherwise� in atiting.aaY aPPlication of pru�eds to �� shall not e�tend oz.•.:... _
<br />.:'_.c'F:? . � :-:i' •
<br /> •«ts;�fy� � ! , gostpone the due date af the monthly payiaerrts refemd to in paragraphs 1 aad 2 or ct�e.�e amauai t�,f such payments. ,
<br /> �r ;� . 11.,Basmwes Nat Re2e2►sed;Fos�raace B9 Le�d�r��o!a Waiver.Eatensia����time for paymem o��:�#6r�tios� ,� :
<br /> b.-_---�.`����"� of amoztization of the•sums secuted by this Security Instrn�,¢�Canted by Lende�ta a�y e�:�ssor in inteiest of�sat�dp�+�r shall .
<br /> � *�- � � aat operate to rel�the tiability of the original Boirower ot Sorrowe�s s.�c�essors in i:::res�L.enster shall ttot be°i'equited to. �.. ,
<br /> �'T„.�,3� oommeur,e proa�2wx�k:.�aSainSt any successor irt;�:!terest or refiLSe ta ext�it�tiane for gayment ot ott[es�yise modity amorti7aliou. . .
<br /> ;��; - of the sums s�s by this Se�rity �ns��Y �so�.���Y �.��bx-;,t;�s original Borrower or Borruwer's .
<br />'r,'?+;,�i�;�� sutcessois in interest: Any facb�ti'aace by ii�e1 in exer�g aY►y sight or remedy �`not be a waiver of or precl�de tha .
<br /> ' '''''� eaercise of any right or reme+d�::�� • .
<br /> f .r...r � � � '
<br /> .° ' 1�. Su�•�nd Assi�s_'P�a.�s��r'i.t�3'and Severaf Liabiiity; Co-slgners.The covenazi*��and agreemenis of ttus
<br /> �=_���(�d Secarity Instrum�.'shatl biad a�fi tienef��successors and a�signs of L�nder and Borrorrer:s:�4;�to the provlsioas of
<br /> � a . , paragrapb I?. Borrower's cove�ants and•ag�mea2s shall be joint and severat. Arry Borrot�er Vvho co-signs this Security .
<br /> ___ _�,��,�,�, �nsteument but does not execute tlfe Note: (a)is co-sigaing tt�is Security Instrutneat only to mortgage,grant and wnvey that .
<br /> --- ----- ' Borrower's interest in the Praperty under the terms of this Seauity ins�trument;(b)is not pe�sanalty flbliP,ated to pay the sums
<br /> __��,R�,,,�� s�c�red bp this Sre�rity lnstniment;and(c)a$rees that Lender aad any other Borrower may ag�ee to emend.modi€y,forbeaz or
<br /> - "`a° _ p�ake az►y accomr�r�;:tions with regard to the terms of this Securiry Instrument ot the Note without that Borrower's cansanL. .
<br /> ---- . I3.�oan C'Da'rges.If the loan secumd by this Security insnvm�nt is subject to a lave which seu ma�ri�um loan.charge,s.
<br /> -----� and that.law is finally interpreted so that the interest or ather loan charges coll�cted or ta be collected in coiutection with tlte ,, ;
<br /> -� ' Ioan ear�eed tlie permitted limits,then:(a)any sueh toan charge shali he reduoed by the amount necessary w reduoe the cvarge
<br /> . �to the,permitted limit:and(b)anY sams siready collecied from Borrawer which exc�eeded�ermitted limits will be reirnn�ed to•,�,:, .
<br /> Bornnwer..I.Qnder m3y chaosG to make this:�fund by reducing the principal owed an�er the Notx•ar bY makin8 �direct•` .�
<br /> - --- payment to Borrower: If a refund redwdes..gcincipal. tde re�¢ctfioa will be treateA as a partiat �ayment without aflp;`�,:�;.,,
<br /> prepayruettt charge under the Nrzte. . � , • : � .
<br /> - � � 14.NotYc�.Any notice to�orrower ptovided for in this Security Inst�'ument shall be given by delivering it c?by�ailing
<br /> ---- it by Grst ciass mail unless applicable law recwires use of anoilier metltod.'1'�e no�ice shall be direaed,tv the Pca��Address; ._ •
<br /> — or any_o�her address Borrower designates �y�ttotice to Lender. My Grstliqi to Lender shall 6e givGn by first clas's mait t�.' ;;�
<br /> ---__ ' Y,ender's addres�:�.4ed heretn or any ather address Lender designates bq notice to Sonowei. Any�opce provided for in ttt�.��. ;' �
<br /> - -- - 5ecurity Ii�sttument sha116e deemed w have been�iven to Borrower ar Lender when given as provided in this paragrapi�•� • .
<br /> --:�. t5.'GovcrWng Law; Seveczi6itity..This Securiry•lnstrument shall be govemed by federal law and'the law of the �
<br /> _ • jurisdiction in which the Property is iocated. ip the event that any provision or ctuuse of this Security Instrnment or the Nate
<br /> � , conflicts with applicable law.such wnflict sl:��t4 not affect other provisions of this.Securi4y Instrumens o�r the Noto which can b�•' � ..
<br /> _ � given effect withaat the conflicting provis�o�:'T'o this end the provisions of this Security Instrumettt�d the Note are dectaredr . �
<br /> — to be severa6le. � , ,
<br /> -_ - --"na=; 16.Borrower's Copy.Barrower shall be given ane conformed capy of the Note and of this Securiry Insuumr.� .
<br /> ���, . �.
<br /> s, �;� • . Form 3d28 9l9Q
<br /> _-v�i..:.-,, aofe
<br /> �s�a-.::�w�ww � •
<br /> - w.u,J',W?a' � . . ' ' - . .
<br /> i.J'1� . � � � � ' . .
<br /> t ia�=��.. . . . . � � . .
<br /> �.r� ssis�° .�+ � `^ �'"��'�_�G -
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