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<br /> ,F t •
<br />, .. '.t• • � • � ` . . ' ..
<br /> . . . 7�'
<br /> , °° `�_�,,.�• . � �i�e No.i 9�Q3o4�� . - .
<br /> � c .. � ,
<br /> � � That po�tion of ttw SWiJ4 NE1/4 of Section 21, Totonahap il
<br /> : . . l�ar��s,. �tange 9�.,we�� o�-the.-��a_P-�44�s- t'i,�;�+,r�f Grand Island. Hall , . . . ,._. �.:�
<br /> '� �='T�' ``�� Coua�ty. Ne.braska, described as f�IYows:
<br /> .. .,�� . . , . �
<br /> � Camm�ncing at the intersection'.af the centerline of Phoenix . • �._;
<br /> �� � ' Ave�ue with the centerline of� Acdam� Street, said point being -_
<br /> �.. �` � � •� �� dietant 707.9 feet weaterly of the intersection of tE�e � - ' _ -
<br /> = .'7 '� �`�"•' cen�erl3ne of Lincoln A�eriue and eaid Phoenfx Avenne aenterline • :
<br /> .I �" ';`,�.; tas �howa by Plat of South Park, now v�catedl , and sa�d point ��:
<br /> � �� aleo�being on the Weat Z�.ne of the Ei/2 SWi/4 NSi/4 of �af.d � �..._
<br /> .r `•°'' r�,„ Section 21; thehce Southe�ly along said West line, of �the E1/2 - . ,
<br /> ,>_,_ , , �.��
<br /> . � Swi/4 NEi/'9, said lime also beiag ttie centerline ,�� the coua�y =-_
<br /> ..��`. ' '•� • road nar� cal�ed and uaed as S. Adar�� Stsreet, a dietanae of
<br /> } , , �� 400.0 fest; thence Eaaterly at ri ht angZee tp the las� � �
<br /> .. . . .
<br /> �F , ��6=:
<br /> ��: -� :==-r� deacribed couree a dietance of 17 .0�€eet to the Tsue Point og
<br /> �. ., .� . .
<br /> � �� .� , --- �eginnin�-a�"ttie--p aicel._o€-.land....td-�e�deB�ribedi--thenc�-�-----�------..... ._..----- . ... .. :
<br /> .= `--yz..—._°. '
<br /> �. ;. ^�,, � . _; t�ortherly���a��B�l witb said We�t line of the El/2 Si�i/4 NE2/4 -_
<br /> : : ' ` a dietancc�_��� 25�.`8 feet; thence Northerl.y �long a curved line _--
<br /> �� ;'��. � , cancave ��aterly with a radiva of 468.28 feeC, tangent to the = _
<br /> �-T�T laBt .deacr�.bea cuurse a disCance of 1Z9.27 feet,._as_ mea$ured _
<br /> _ �.�! �. ' along the arc of .esid curve, the long chord of $aici curve� being . , =-
<br /> ;;:�a�,�:---=-,����"` 128.9 ��:et in �.eagth� and bearing Easterly 07 degx�ea. 53 mfaute8 . • �
<br /> `f�`�,,• 't���: �� grom the last described couree extended Nurther].y; thence ��
<br /> _ � -+-�: Northweeterl7j a�ong a atraight liae at an interior angle of •193
<br /> �` �� : '���'����.` degrees 59 m�.nutea, as measured fram eaid long ahord, �_ ,
<br /> -::: � ;r �� distance of 108.55 feet to the paint ot intersectimn with s�id • � � ' _
<br /> „t,s � Fhoenix Avenue centerline; thence'Northeasterly along said . , =-
<br /> �..., F:'.�.� �er�Cerline eo a pofnt distant 387.5 feet Soutt��eaterly o£ the _
<br /> -2��' fnteraection of �aid LinCS�ln .Avenue and �hoexif� Avenve -
<br /> V '�� ' '� cQnterlines, sa3d point also being the point o;� term3nation 'of . ^
<br /> -T�-`�'- �°'��.- ' the here�saaf�er deacribed Li.r�e °A:s themmc� Southex3y along aaid
<br /> �'`�` Line "A: to Che Pofnt of He�inn3.ng thereof; thence westerly �at
<br /> � . ����i righC anglee to said Adams Stzeet centerline to. the .True Paint
<br /> n,° ,�� , of Beg3.nning. � � .
<br /> � -. _.�-� . . . .
<br /> •.r� ,��:.�� . . . L�.ne °A" Descriy��ion : . .
<br /> �_��- - - - - - - __----._- _—..Q��vx--i��ic:ren�e ,�i��Iyi-=--: . _ -----�- - -- . � -r=
<br /> ------�.,�_.,� . _ . . ;-, . . -
<br /> _ . . •,�° . � .
<br /> _=��'`' :,Commeacing at �aud intersec�iQt� of the cente�k:i�x�s of Phoen3x � .
<br /> :�`�'�' �-�1�v�nue ant� l�dams 9kreet; thence Southerly ale��g'�aaid Weet li�ne � � �
<br /> -�-'�-=-m�' ;+za,� the� tii/2 SWi/4 NEi/4� safd lfne also being the center�.�.ne of
<br /> -_>.;-
<br /> =�����-� ' � �:he� cou�ti�y road nos�+� called and uaed as �3. Adam� Street. a �
<br /> ,��Lcsr•;,, -
<br /> ---' �; ��:;:�d�etance of 900.b �eet; thence �EasCexly at right anglea �to ttse • � �
<br /> �;;�.;� '�� ����st descrfbed course a �_di�ta � of 212.46 fe�� Co the Point o� � � ' ,
<br /> '�egi nning o£ th� Line� "A" �o ��� desCribed; th�s�� Northerly ,
<br /> �������#�'�' � aloa a etraigl�t line crr�Icing ari interior angle of �70�d�gree� :' ,
<br /> „„�..,,,,,,.,
<br /> _�.�,� �08 m�nutes with tbe laq�: deacrfbed course a dietance ��a�� 20�.2 , . • � .
<br /> - �' - SPet j thenae Noxtheaet�srly along a curved li,�e concavr�.., � --
<br /> ::�;c`.�' ,:. . � ',
<br /> _ :•�.=;:.s_�-° . • , _
<br /> "�:::-:,-.,-.. . . , -
<br /> a:H„_�r -
<br /> !` `�';:�;�'„ • ' ' ,
<br /> - ��'�'':e . • • . :
<br /> �3�71���._ -�.,,a., ' . , . ' —
<br /> ���
<br /> � ��. •
<br /> , :i.
<br /> • � :'�E . ' _—.
<br /> ... . .� . .. -. ' � . . . `
<br /> : `�� �,,:': S�utheaste.ly v�itk� � �ad:.ug of. 752.49 feet, t�e long chord of • � �-
<br /> - .-��° ° which i� 398.6T feet and �anakes an intea�ior an le .af i68 de rees �
<br /> ` .:_:;� ,.•; •..�a: 9 9 '�:�
<br /> - . . . 33 minutea with the laat 'describe� course, � a disCanCe of 351.85 .
<br />