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<br /> __ �:.3'; :. .:: ' . .
<br /> —_ •• feet to thq NorYheriy tina of the Sout�w�st Quar4er of th�Sauth�rues4
<br /> , S`'� � •', �� Quarter t�W1/4, SW1/4} of satd Section Faueteen t141.•thence °:�
<br />�'•� � _�_� � =�, ` East�r6y atong the I�o�thsriy tine of the S�u4hwest���rter of the ' - � ..;
<br /> ..�� � �Southwest!�uarter i5W9/4. �1P4fi/4?of ssid S�4tost Fouti��n!1�l,a
<br /> --= ,���• diStaR�ce of focty three and six tenths (43.6) feet to a patnt twenty
<br /> � � `� � � l20.Q) fe�t�ist�nt,as measured at�ight a�gles to�aid right-of-way ;��°�
<br /> �_-� t-� � - ` � fins: thence NoRhwesterty�araifei 4o ti�e'sa�d rtght-af-wa�lir��.a ' . -
<br /> - , .:"..-_-. .
<br /> ,: �,� ;-.�;,,,.-.�° Y distance of one thousand four hundred ten and eight tenths t1,4�E0.8) .
<br />- � :%,;�: �. � fee�to a poirit forty one (4i.0) feet East of the Westerly line of the
<br />- • ��� ��`�� Sauthwest Cauan�r iSW1l4) af said �ectian Foutteen !14).•thence . �
<br /> �" � � � Nonherly parallef to the Westerty line'of the�outhwest Quarter :•:���
<br /> _ r>:..: ; ,... '
<br /> � � 1SW1/4)�f said Section IFourteen i14),to a poimt seventy t70.0) feet f�r-��`
<br /> � �- "'y�'"��;^'� South of the North Itne of the Southwes4 Quarter iSW1l�1 of satd . �>�����
<br /> . .` .:.^.. � ,.{��r>I_-
<br /> - :r.:... �':�'�>��,:;;,1:=��� � Sectian Fourteen tt4};thenGe Westedy parallel to ths I\'�rrrtfi�line ta#. :_ : ' �r£;
<br /> , �. '"�-��'�'�` th�Southwest Cluarter.t$�'���4) of said Section Fourteer�&��1, a ,;, . °``:J
<br /> �� +,�r':< r�..•.. , `.:
<br /> { � . dist�nGe of et�ht t8.01 feet tGm ttt�FOti1�'.OF BEGlNNING; -
<br /> r �::� t��w': . ` . . •: - ,;
<br /> - � .�r a�''�:r..if ���• �
<br /> 1 ,1
<br /> ''' ,:,'•„" �"�' '.� r @fl
<br /> �ri.:,...,>.;,:�£:i��Y : . ..... .. . . , - - - - .. . .,... .�__.. . ---�
<br /> �:i�:and commencin���EE ihe Norttleasa e�?r.r�o¢th� S�arthvu�a.uarter
<br /> ?�,,<,. .•;:�th�,-��,; . iifir tR�Sautheves��luarter tSW'1�/4,��af.�) of ss[d Se�t+i��t�Fourie ,
<br /> �!:��f,. �,:.��:�'.{=�=:'f'r:;; ' � �14)• ��ncs Southerty�long the Easte�ly liae ofi the Southwest �
<br /> Y�� •f�I� � �.���� ` � Quarter of the�Southwest auartev(SW714, SW1/4! of said Seation � �-"�
<br /> �:.t;.;:.
<br /> - '� ,'`��;;F' Fourteen 114), a distartce af seventeen and flve hundredths 117.051 ` ��F
<br /> „`,.,_ . . . ��.i`�.l.
<br /> � - fset to the�.CTUiAt POtN�' OF_B�aINN�NG;'th�nee continuine ,
<br /> ` �_� Southe�ty atong the Easterly line of the 5outhwest auart�r of tFie �
<br /> ,;�; , F. " Southwes4 Quarter tSW9/4, SW9/4) of said�Se�tion Fourteen �141, e � '�•T
<br /> .� `• � distance of twenty two and sixty thr�hundredths �22.63} feet to th� . �,�;;
<br /> � ° Northeriy �ight of-way liae ofi sald 8urlington Northern Rattroad; • _ =--
<br /> . � � thenae SoutO�easterly atonA satd ��ght-of-way�line,�a di�tance of seve� . �
<br /> � �� hundred thirty four and ninety�ight hundredths 1734r.9�) feet;thence � �'���=`
<br /> � Northerly parallel to 4he Westerly line af the Southw�st Quarter �`�='�'
<br />�:.�r''� '.'..!`'�` �;.;�: � lSW1/41 of satd Sect�on Fourteen 1.14f, �distance of twenty two and � . _ -
<br /> ':�;���`:. ' '�.�.`: : sixty three hurusir�dti�s 122.631 feet to a�point twenty (20.01 feet � -___
<br /> � distant.as measured st right angles to said right of-way Itne;thence � ��-
<br /> : �:; ,,F� ; Northwesteriy parallol to the said righ4-of-way line, a distance of �-
<br />��� � ' ' '� soven hundred thiny four and ninety eight hundredths l734.95} feet _
<br />�::`;:.� ,'`=:.-: .„; �. to the POINT O� ��GlNNING; ��-
<br /> .e � ♦ _
<br /> . ...a.•1:•....( ���.' , -.
<br /> .: :,.;,::� ,::..�„r,n.=. � and commencin� at the Northwest c�rner of the Southw�st fluaner _..
<br /> T�-' � ;�<�- ;;�-�r��: • .,. �SW9/4) of said :�ct�on Fourteen 11�9;thence Southeriy.��ong the -
<br />-�;''���`r��t"��� ' '� � West�sty Ilne of�he Sout6�orvest auaner (SW1/4)of satd Section � �
<br /> �4;����� �`'�`� ,�` Fourt��n 194f, a dlstance of one hundred thirty four 1134.0) feet; -
<br />���� � ' � � � ttience Easteriy�ara19el with th� Northerty 11ne of th� Southwest ' �
<br /> -�;;,:. .� ��-��:f ' �,
<br />_- . .. Quarter lSW1/��:�f said Section F�a�xteen l94), a dista��o of thirty
<br />' � ��'4 ""���� °� three t33.0I fea�.��a p�int an the C^��terly right-of•way.�:�e of Stuhr � --.
<br /> ^. � � �� � Road being the/�hCTUA�I�S�iNT�F BEGINNING;tQ�ertc�conxinuing. . _—
<br /> - ,;�.`,. . '�':� —
<br />�, ;,,;_,;.;:�; A� � � Easteriy, a dlstance of t�aa��undred flve t205.0) feet;thepc� - � � __
<br /> _ � �.:-•Y '-� ��'- Northerly para�lel w+th tE���Vesterty line of the Southwest auart���
<br /> �` tSW1/4) of said Section F�urteen (14),a distance of tourteen 114.0) ___
<br />_ - �:�. �.-.����`•� feet; thence Easterfy paraltel with the Northerly Une of the Southwest � _ -_
<br />;4 .. • ' � au�rt�r {SW1/4) of said S�ction Fourteon {14), a distance of thirty . =_
<br />-'" "' ��'.�` ��. : 130.Oi feet; thence Southerty paraltet with the Westerly line of the ,::6�
<br /> , �. ,.� . Southwest �uaner (SV101/4) of said Section Fourteen 1141, a distance . t._-=-__
<br /> ��• . . -. of thirty �30.0)feet; thence Westeriy paralie!wtth the Nonherty fins: � _
<br /> �.. of the 5outhwest auarter dSW1/41 of said SQCtion Fourteen 114), a �,,,__
<br /> . � . � ' � distance of two hund�ed thirty five 1235.01 feet to a po in t on t he s a i d :
<br />��; ,;; �, . -.; . � . • . .
<br /> �, .. ;�;:�� , � . Z • ' - .•�
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