ti' u �° r'.r o: - t.. =�o�...�r—"`---
<br /> t . .�.sV :` - � .. _,,`, � -s' ,� _ • _ ,_._.,._....�...�"^'r.",•�,..�
<br /> � �^Y � `��. -,_�a� - . ,�� O. �,��..�. . _.�......Z�� L . . E'-�..
<br /> k� �_
<br /> . ' - \��,:-.a�e. " C -`5 �r,n 4 •�1 yr l - � ' __-C�..r.�._;yyT+..s-��y�`b�—-
<br /> t� 'f- � t�_ �� �c i.. '.�c.-. u-�`c° '_ £ �o c _ �, F �F `,� y�Y: �n[� ..
<br /> �� •i.:�. G —"�—`-•:'� -�^ }� —fc �=' � ?t x;�_
<br /> ,. <`r '-C.f� . ` .�' ,G . .,4 , ,`, . .. � ' S' ' � . �• '
<br /> ..S,^ ' ��, , .. . � � . c . \� A . . �h, !'
<br /> -tt ..�`i.�,<��' .� �. . �` �k�. . � `•t,�V�. i '�. t +' J24�J f c5..'SY�-�:.:
<br /> � r' .
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<br /> °i Y , c r . - r . °: . 'a. . . . `-°,< - e�'c .,D4- .6°• `d';..�.�.. .L� �i,�f'�-- '� .
<br /> �' ' �,� .c<<�.rv�� rv,.7's., `'t' -
<br /> �.�,'�Ay _ *.�`�" �'ti.p..u,,:'"yt-..� p'. . . , .
<br /> . �5� � . . � � � , �::.
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<br /> � _ . « . , . �
<br />-.ii-::r..�'-:;�'��'ry,b, '. .` y • —.
<br /> � '�•::. • � 17.Tmnsthr�uf tR�Pmo�dy or n BQne�9c[ai imt�t tn H�r�o�ver.K c�ll or An paei r►f thc Pruperiy nr any intcr�st in it _
<br /> !�� 4` ' `•'`' ` is s�dd or transferred{or if a benefic�nl innrest i�6orrowcr is stiid or tmn�lcKed�uut[i�►r�►a'�r fa rmt o itaturul persnn/trithout , -_
<br /> Leader s prlor.written consent. L en dcr m a y. u t i t s o p tian. t�quirc im�cdlate��ytnc��1. in tUil �t all sumv sctiurcA by tMs —
<br /> `'�£'`'���' •�`:;4Y � IfistsumerEt.Howevcr.ehis oaEian shall not b�e�cceciscd 6y t.�ndct U excrrise iv�tt�►l�Ehttce!tsy f'c�ter�l Ic+tv n�flf 1he dESte .
<br />_,_-.�,.....ii; ..,�,_.� SRCUl'!ty , � . � .
<br /> , ��n'. af this Ss�curity Enstsvment.
<br /> lf Lender eaercises this oprian.Gendcr shait givc Barroa�r n�ticc n�uc��elcruti4tn.'ft�a��ttsc±sh,�fl pn►vfdc o ptriod of n�if
<br /> �. � less tt�an 3Q daYs from th:d�the nottce is deltvered�t m�ile:��Lill�in �chfch 13u6��rtticr tna�5t p�y ult
<br /> �ums accurcd by ttds
<br /> � '.�,.•. �:, geiv.rity instntment.!f Banower fni�s so pay these sums prior t�►ttte�wpirati+i►f cof thi�{�rris�d.l�et»S�:r may invukc uny ccmrdicq =-
<br /> n
<br /> { ` =� �'�_'� • per►�itte�by this�ccariry I�stnt�n2nt tvithout Eanher nntfc�:or dem;utd un 63urru«cr.
<br /> `' 1�. IIormtivec•s Q+t�ut tu tdetnstt�te. tf Boreower mcct� ccnuin cn�c�fili��n.. tia��ttcr �Itaii ha�`c lftt iiglit tn•l�ve
<br /> ` ��� , enforeert�ent of this Seci►nty Instnament discontinuec3 at any timc prtut tc�the e�tticr +►f: !u1���uy+�1f►r�uch s�ther period ag -
<br /> > q�,�,, s�sc�le lau�.may specif�r for._e€ins�at�meni).before sale af�hc�rUpet1y put�unnt tn �tny �s�,►tvcr of xutc caataincad in this , .
<br /> . . - , Sscv�ity Iriscrumern:or 15)cnuY of u judgtiicat enfarcing�ii�is Scc�rit�*tssttu�-�c�s.T�:r�_�.�list�.a am tl�t[3uct�_►tivcr:tat pays ..
<br /> - �°��1` � Lender all sams which tlaen n�ould tre due und�r this Stcurity Instrument and the(Yot�a�IF u�t ucc�iriatlnn itad�►ccurtcd:(b), _
<br />.�5;�',..''�;x``��1� . cutes any def�ult pf any othet covehants or n�re2mznts:(c}pa�+s n!1 expenses iacum.�ii in eafi�sce�g thfs Srcurity[nsttument,
<br />----•� �:�.w=:.;.�� ineluding.6ut not timiced tv,reasonc+ble nuomeys'fees:c�nd(d►luke�$urt��tion a.r E,endr►n�y �cayanahly rcquire to c�s5�re .
<br /> �b
<br /> N.�:��Y�lS;1'�J.
<br /> -=-;;��^;�- that the lien of this Security Instrument.Lend�Ps c�shts in the Ptapc�ty a�d i3��r�«et'4 a►hll �tinn tn pa�tt��eu�ps��ecured y
<br /> ;: '�",�. i, this Security Instmmeat shell continue unchanged. lJ�son ceinstaten�enc Hy Uuna��cr. i�i!�•�FCUri�y I��strument a� �►e _
<br />__,.�w,.. . ..., ..
<br />-�.n9�'.:.:'..t-�
<br /> _-_�=�"` �� . obli�ations secured hereisy sAali remaln fully effcctive us�f na acceleraffntt tiad acc�tr��. Hu«�ever.thi�tight to minstnta s �
<br /> �sC �'`'"r"� . nat appIy in the case o8 accelrxuti�»under Qamgaph�17.
<br /> t;�� 19. Sale of Piate; C�angc qf Lo��+;rer. The IVote or a partial inse�est ie�the N�stc ttoIIc�izcr witit.this Sc�uriry
<br />`==�i:5��;"#`�!. .. i n s p u m e n t)m a y be sotd one or more Nmes without prior rtotice w�orrawer. A�satc m:�y nsuit in o cfian�c in thc entity(kn�wn . ,
<br />`";�-t4�. •���'�"��° � as ihe°i.oan Serv�cer")thst collects monthly payments due under the Note aad this Serur ity Insirumcn t.T h r r�a t s�n�a y b e o n e
<br /> ���;��-``"�' � � or more chang.es of the Loan 5ervtcer unretACed to a eaIe ot the Nate.if thc7e is u chan�c ca9`ihc Luss�Scrvicca Baxtower wil!Ge
<br /> ;.�-r-�:- .,.._.
<br /> �:='T,:�_:�';�.?�'�_ g[ven written notice of th2 cMnge in uccarciaace cvith paragraph l4 above nndupplicnble taw.The nol4ce wii!state•the name
<br /> -=-•_�::r..-;�z`,.� --.---.-----.address.of.tha.nes�r.,l.o�Ser_vlccr_and_tt�t address to whicfi payme€�ts bhould 6e made.The nntt�e wll!ntso cnntoEn 4ny oth�t � ,
<br /> .., - � ---�.. .. .................... ......--- -� ------- ......---�-�-- -:-...-� --
<br /> tnfamtatian required by epplicable lnw. �--------�----.-�-- --�-----... .�..__._-
<br /> ''-�=t� . qp, ��rd�s�ubsta�ce� Borinwcr shtttl not caa�se or permft thc presente, u�c.disp�aal. at�rage. or zcicasc nf any `
<br /> ri`-��<''r F., ; � Hazandpus Substanoes on or in the Property. Bonower shal! nnt do,.nnr allo�3_anyone ctse ed da. an hing ofiaxting iho
<br /> ,-'r�+�f;,,��,.� pnnpecty that is in violation of any Environmentat Lnw. The'preced[ng two senten yshnll�nut apply t�►�IpD t eo nom�al -
<br /> =��-�-- of emall uaz+tities of Ha�ardous 5ubstances that ere Benemll reco r�iuxl to be a
<br />.:,:.•.,�s .� .,� �torage on the�Prnperty 4 . • '
<br /> , ,�. , � residenuai uses and to rri�ntenastse og t�►e Properiy. _ - - . .
<br /> �^ Borrower s6at1 promptip give Lender wr[tten nottce of eny investigatton.c4nim.dtmand.inwsUh or ather a�tion hy aity. .
<br />-_::::�;:r�"'s' govemmental or re;ulawry agency os private party involving the P�vpeity and any H�uurdous Substm�ce oe�nvicc�nntentnl l.ncr+
<br /> =--�°�'=-;'���'� .� � of which Borrower ha9 actual IcROwle�Be.If Horrowcr leamv,or is notifeA by any gavcmmealu!or t+egulntory authariry•�that
<br /> �'��`,_:;C;-� " � � eay rc�tnoval ot ather remed(ation of a3►y Ha7ardous Substance affectin8 ti�e ProAerty is aecessary:f�otrower ehalt pretmptty.-tako
<br />- `. :�r���+. a!�ne�smy remedial actiops in accordance with Enviranmental Law.
<br /> - -�=-':`r�'�`t�� As used in th�s paragrnph 20. "HawNous Substances"are thosa substances defined si.s toAic ai hcunrdau� substat�cCS by
<br /> - �' Envirpnmental Law artd the fnllosving substances: gasoline. �Cerosene. other flummabte or toxic acuoteunt products, tdxic
<br /> _..� _ - -� pesdtides and heibicides,volatile solventa.materiuls wntaining asbestos or fotmaldehyde.und cadioactive materials.As use�In .
<br /> --�-= t}us para�ph 20, °Enviroqmental Law" means federal la�vs and Iaws of the jurisdistion whcrc Iite Pto�eriy is I�tcateQ Ih�t
<br /> ---------- ,� relate ta heatth.safety or emiramtter►tu1 prot�tiou. ,
<br /> " ����� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower ar►d Lender further covenant nnd ogroe�s foi[wvs:
<br /> °--- ----=_�- � 21.Aeoeleretlon;Remed[es.l.euder ahull give aotice t�Borrower prtor to uccelcex�tton fultowtng Barsotve�`s bmuch
<br /> --�_�„�,� of any. coven�nt or agreeraent In tGis l�curtty Instrumemm� (but not prior to ascel�rutton uader paraAr�p6 17 unttsg
<br /> --- app8cuble[uw provtdes etheRVLse).The nottce s6n11 spedBy: (u)the defaal4;(A)ttie nettan req�derd to cure the Btt�tult;
<br /> - as
<br /> -- - (c)u date,not tess than 30.days fcom the date the nottec Qs given to�orrower,by wh�eb the default tMUS4 6e cur�di��
<br /> - (c�that[aflure to cure t�e defuWt on or before tge date spedfded i�the notice mey �+esul4 ta e�ecter�tion oY ttt4 sums �
<br /> - secumd by�biy Security Insinanent and sats of the Prape�ty Tde�aottce ehntl furdh�er[nfor�n iSofrawer o.f tha rigtit ta►
<br /> -- --==---- - �iasiate eftrx eoce?ef�`�a s�u t�^rlg�s to 6e�aa a wurt actton to assert the.eoc�xlstcACC o!A dclaulB qY+�t�y Mhe� _
<br /> - def�se o��orrower to a�leretion and sale. If the defanit[s not cn�ed on or beCore f�dpte spetifkd;iit the t141k�o. � .
<br /> Lender,at tta optto�,r,aay require taunedIste�yment tn iull o�al!sun�secrsred by tNs 5e�urity InstruFtttnl wlthout
<br /> inrt6er dt�uand ead may Invoke thepnwcr of sale aad any othrt remedles Dertnntcd by opplicwbie Is►w.L�ndtr ehall be
<br /> entitled W wll�+l�l expeases tacurred in puisuing tde remedles pravtQed In thi9 parag�aqh Zl,(asiu�ing�Uut�wt tttnite�l
<br /> ---- - to,reasunable atf�meys'fecs end costs of title evtdence.: � �
<br /> _� if thepaw�r at sate Is invoked.Tsnstee shaA recerd a notice oY defnuit In eucf�couniy(n whtc�t any lHU4 of 1{�e
<br /> ------ lkoperty{s l�cate�l and s�aU matl copies of sush not�se la the mpt�ser�arscrl6ed by appficabte law to Botra�er und ta
<br /> the other persans prescribed by applicnbie law.Atter the tIme e�qul�ea by applleable law,T�te�sba11 Btvv�Mte antbee
<br /> - - - - of sate to t6e persoris and ta,tfee manner prescrtbrd by e�pilcab3e taw.Teustee.�vtthont deman�"on Bon�ower•sl�nli sel!
<br /> _=-�--� . the pr�perty ni pnbltc avctfiun M the fli�ttest bldder nt the t[me nud piace and under the terms desl�r►ated in the nWtca of
<br /> --------- sale t�oae or.�nore parceis and In any order Tn�stee determineq.'�'eust�ma9 posspone Fate�of ull or eny pa�+cei o!the. .
<br /> ------ p�,uperiy by'puLB¢unnoutscememt at the ttme ttnd ptuce of any pQevtously schednled Fale. Q�ender or its d�slg�r�m�yy .
<br /> �_ �;;,�;,�� pi,u�¢hase thc Property at any sate. .
<br /> -,�;_:���
<br /> =;y:�11,--=:=- � iarm SOxO B!M
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