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<br /> 'S. ..,�.J' ..l' _- ' - 1 ' y , " •Y .. •c' �Ct _`t t ft � `4,��.R4' � _
<br /> '_ - t�:' . � rv'-l�- Ji< .. - ' <'Y' I _.S.-'l �h� - �
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<br /> :y t k `�'� t �F ` < . R'�1P• . ' t
<br /> l tg,�pdyartses..Upon reques4 of Bonaeler;Lunder may.et(ts opiio».maks addittonat artd futurs advances end�e- • ` ` �
<br /> -- `;,L • ` g�8neea tp BoROwer.Such 8dvan�aad rer1dvance�.vsith intetest titerepn,shali Ee secured Dy tt►is Qeed otTrust At na�mo sRafl .
<br /> � ' , Nepris�e(pgl8mount�ithe.indebtedn�sseecuradbythisCeeAotTrustaotincludin aumsadv h�tog����@8QGUrFryotthts
<br /> �'�`� •�`� � �z� �eed ot Trust ex�ceed the originaf pArtai0al art►ount statad f�er�in.or .
<br /> _ <<<t. �� t8-M��p�prov:sknl. � � mertt or madificaUOn ct amortlmt[on of ttre sums sacured by 4hts . �
<br /> ^ (a)gyrroycar[do!RatratRd.Extenslon pt the time tnr paq
<br /> ' Qesd otTNat grenteS by Lenderto anysuacc3s°.or in intsre�tof 8orro�rer s1�a11,nutcDe►ate tare�BasB in any manner.thsUabiltty
<br /> �`';,(.��� � � oYthe original Borrowarand BorraweYs auccesscrs in interest Lender shatl nnt ba re�uiredta commertce praceedtngsegatnst
<br /> ��'� ,s¢ct�succa9soiorrotusetoex�ndtimBtorpaymerrtorothenntsemod�fy�mort►iationofthesumssecuredbyth(802edofTrusE ;�
<br />_ __ _ _ ���R fl�g�y d0�tgitds rt�3da�by the origirtal Bprrowet 8nd Bortowar's successnrs in interes� .
<br /> `'� . � (p) L,ensl�Pa Pa�+4s�.Witriout aftacting tt�s tiahi�ty ot any ather pa�spn ita4te'tor the p3Ys����Y o�llg�tion hsrein
<br /> �.� f mBnUOnad.artd�rithoutsffectln9tt►oltenarchargeotthisQeEAolTasiupananypoKiar+althsPro�e�tynotthenorttiemtoga�e
<br /> �� eet�ed es&eCUrit�!tortlre(ul!art�ountof atl unpaid obligattans,Lender m�y,iromtime ro tlmeand wilhoutnoticenneteaseanY
<br /> �- �- _c..a•---.- _. om Al�8t�8RpO�thBlB?�.Refamrc�eh lo�taations�(1,iiZgrantot!►etiMut$6Kn�.�V)�� _
<br /> , --3- - -ps7i38315�S13�t7.���' $th..�3ti�lYcu .. -- . . -
<br /> � ` .� � � or�econvay.�Dr cause to Ea released or reconveyed at any.time at L�der's oPGan any parcef.pdmm►a*. *+t���� -" �,
<br /> (h ffike or rBfeaSe'6ny other or additional securiry far any obliga6on Aerein me�tioned,os(vi)make eom0osril°ns°r etfier
<br /> "�•' `: arrangements w(th debtors in celation thersto. °;
<br /> •. w..': .':: i y
<br /> - ;:, ��, . (C) Far6auanc��Y�!ipble a v,shal{nothe a waiver at o precf�e ttie e�cerciss ot�s y such rigt►e$o hrem�adY•The ;`'�;Y,.
<br /> •.�. ..:` �� oihenerise eftarded bY aPP
<br /> - prccurement otinsurance or th�payti�entof ta�ces orother liens orcha�ges bY Wnder sha11 rtothe awaiverof Lendera dghtto
<br /> _ :�t ',`,� g��etate}tte tf�sturity of the indebtedness secured by this O�ed of Trtt$L �TM8�enanb and agreemenb heretn c�a- • ���
<br /> . (�Su�ts and Asttpns Bauste�k Jotni attd Saveraf LtabIDlY:Ca�
<br /> :',:., u.. •. ' �-.
<br /> tatned sha4i tsind.and the dghts hereunder shall inure to.the resDaeti!re s�ccess°rs end e�9ns ot lenQec an��Truatof All
<br /> ," ,:',.i . covanants eted agreements o!Trustor snall be joim and severfsL.The capttons and hetaCinga ot the paragraPhs ot this Oeed o'1 __
<br /> ��` s
<br /> Trust Bte tar comr8niertco anty anA are not to�6e used ta iraterpret or define the praviston9 hRre�! 048�ty801tCB fy�`;`
<br /> , � •.'�.:�. " , (e)i{eqtt�ttorNat[�ts.Thepartiesherebyrequestthataco�yofanynoUceofdefau�ihereurtderar�deCOpy �
<br /> -. ,; . i :
<br /> • : ,'. . . . -
<br /> :f°ri- of�eate hereund�r��a�ta eacb partY ta ahis Qeea ot Trust at the adQress set toM abave in the manner prescrtbed� .n-.
<br /> �. .• .,�� .. . • nd r_ licab .. w. b iveni an �o�►
<br /> . ._....__.._...._._.--itcabl�law:F�ccept tOr erry att�er not+ce requtred u e app i�4'i �_e.8.-.---
<br /> n enoiher mgrtrter. Y noUce D
<br /> � �- ; tor in t�ts Desd o4 Trust shail be g[ven by maiting such notice Oy cert+fied mail addresse�to trie ot�ieP p�tittes4"attAe�a�d h���-��� - �-� -
<br />- - - -�� • forti�abova My aatice pravlded ttir in d►is D�d a!Trust sf�all 6e efteetive upan nsaiting id tha mannet destg►►a ,
<br /> � ' '�'�'� Trustor fs more Man one person.noUce sent to the address sat tortt�above shail be notice to a1E sudi.peraame. __
<br /> .. . .
<br /> -:,•�
<br /> : • :•. . . .. . -
<br /> .. ... �
<br /> - •,. •"'.•° : (Q tnepsatton.LenQer may make or causs t o b e m a d e r e a s o n a b t e e n l r i e s u p o n a nd ins pecUons ot the PropoRy.pr -
<br /> ,,....�..�._� , _
<br /> , .. ,,. ,. ;, _ -- - tltat l,endec shalt gtve Ta�tor apffce prior to arly sach inspecticn apecitying reasonable causs tAaretor reTated to Lender's • __-
<br /> - �•��{.�; •, � tatereat U tfie PropeRf►• . �---
<br /> ��..�:: ''`-�F � (g) R�camsYanr.l.UponOaYmen3alalfsumssecuredbythisDeedoTYrustLendershallr�questTrusffietorecomeythe -
<br /> - — °:,—• .-=; •.- _ p�Kyartc4aAaiisu�r-•riGarthio�^�afin�stendatlaotesevidencingtnQebtednesssecuredbythtsCesdot�a T� : _ -
<br /> �� � ' ' Trustee shail reconvey the Property without wartan4y and+�ithout charge to t�e person or persons Isgaily _-
<br /> � �'.��° :�,`�.':-�,'',,. - . Yru9tor shaii Ray 81{ca�ot recardaUon.if any. -
<br /> •� °� • (h)Fersanaf R�a9�3Y+Snw�t!►Agraement As eddiSonat sacurity tor the Raymant oi the Ptoia.Trustor�ereby grants _
<br />- r,` �;+: ,::. � . ' Lender undar tfis Nebraske Unitorm Commerclat Cada a securitft intarest in aIt fixhrres.e�ulpmenL artd other persomai pro�p?cy __
<br /> �'•.:.;-;..:�,;.�:�.''.;� � usedinaa�'rn�e�tonwiththarealestateorimprovementsiocatedtit�son.artdnotothenatse.d¢ct�redardeem.Edtobeagv^.K�. . �`.':--�_.
<br /> - ' .�: .•• the reai es�ce saaured here�y.This ics.�ument shal!be urtder�d Codeen arddi on to the gn�d rarnedtaseoreat� �:
<br /> Y y fr�;;:�,'.:r; ' shall have all the�ighffi and remedies a�a secured Party. h��� --
<br /> ` andaccordedtheLenderpursuanttothis0eesol•TrusxRraviQedfhatl.ender'srightsand►emedtesunderlhts�Sarag7aA
<br /> �- ',��• �' �` �� 6e cumulaUvo with.and tn no way e limitatlon on.Lenders rights and remedies under�ny other secudiy a�es�t siSned bl► ,
<br /> ``�'���` .:.�`°���� Bonower or Tnistor.
<br /> . _;,_,T.,�,�:.:..:_.. .
<br /> rr (i) LNns and Encumbrutca�.Trustor hereby warrants end represents that there Is no defa�a�t under the provision3 oi any
<br /> ��.�.:-"�:;��n� ��� � . mortgage,deed of truSt lease or purchase contract dsssribfng all or any part of Me Property.or other contraeL�nsBUmerd ar
<br /> ��"��;ifi:'�`;rA = � asreement cans�tuUng e lien.or encumbra�ce eEafnst all or any paR ot the Properiy(collectiveiy:"lEens 7.existing as ot 4he
<br /> �`� 'r.��' date�1 thia Oeed of Tnu�'.atsd that any and QII ex(g.'1ng Liens rematn unmodifled except as dfsclosed to Lender in 1ru8b�a.
<br /> �„�.,,-4��;,.,, ' pallons,
<br /> �;�. : � ' . writtan disctoaura oi(6mn,r��nd encumbrancoa pratifded br herefn.TrustQr sh�7i timety Oe�torm a11 of trustata obli . .
<br /> ��na�rap�esen�+,�rt�and waaanttes under any an�all exlstUng andtutureG2ens,shaii prompUy farwardtb LendercaDies
<br /> - �+����. ot e11 noUces of detautt sent in connedfon with any and atl exf��'a►fufure�leiis,and sh811 nat wtthout Lenders priar r�;�
<br /> -• w consent In�r�y manner modity th9 tlrau�i�iona o!or altow any Muc�s7��!��es under arty existlrEg cr tuturp Uerts. . ',
<br /> �rs
<br /> �• : ��pp�e�ndpaynNnt�.11ntessotherwiserequiredbylaw,�a�mspaidtoLenderhareund$GinctuainQwithOutlimftelrrpr�
<br /> ��''-�= �„� . '., payments ot p4inctpal and interest,insuranee proceeda.cortdemnatton praceeds and rentn end profib.eha1�be aAA►t�d�Y .•
<br /> '�'�°�r ,.; 'Lendertotheamounffidu�andow�nQiromYrustorandBorrowerinsucborderasl.endsrinitsaotediscre�c�rdr�emsdestrabta
<br /> � , ` tk�Swa�ab�ty.tt any provlston ot this Qeed o1 Trust corttlicq with appiicabto Iaw or ts dectared Irtor¢t4d or o9�s�wlse,
<br /> ` ��;;�� r� � unenforceabfe,such conflict or tnvatiddy ahail not aftact tne other provisons ot this Deed af Tnus�or the Ncte wAtch car►be _
<br /> _ �iven eftectwllhoutthe conflicUng proviston.endtott�la end the pravl9tons of this Qeed atTru�tanethe Note are6eetared W be
<br /> �: -�- � ssverabte. �
<br /> �4�;. . _ (Iy Tirms.The ts�m�'Tnrsto�'and"BoROwer"ehatl inetu�ta both singutar and pluraf,and xrt►en 1!►e Trustor And 8orrawer
<br /> �� '�_?: z 'are mj�v,�n��Thls DeeO of T st sRalt Q go emed by the laws b�1 the�te oft Nebr$ske. °_
<br /> �. '� ��
<br /> - {" ��a� qruator hes executed th}s Oesa o1 Trust as of the Cate written ve. ' _
<br /> ;-f'-(�.�p���a f— _ .
<br /> t._".;,�Q'� -�:. ' li
<br /> ���:,. �.'
<br /> . •;�,,• , Hobert �l�ey Huaband
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