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<br /> ,.. :: : :r. �08th '� 5eP• 1�.�..by and amanp
<br /> • `` THlS DEE�OF TRUST.is made ea af the daY o} �(� :
<br /> , �_ . E � "``,' .
<br /> _ . `.:.:��r,1,� �oDert E Coffey � Pe�gS► J Coffey ,; husband and eife � Q �;�:��.
<br /> - '� •• � ' � the Tru�tor, 6rand I�lend HE 68801 n ,� ::„�.u�
<br /> , ,.. . ; . 809 S Lucuet St m�tn��r"��er orta o�more). �`�
<br /> ,�_ ;;�: wha=e maiting eddress fa , . t -- -
<br /> _ ���� � � the tnist$a Five Point� BaaFs. a Hebrasfsa Cospsratian � _��-�,�
<br /> - �: •�• ;r� . P.0. Box 1507 l3rand Islarid� �E 68802 ��
<br /> ' , . �;�•. wh�se maiting address ta. . (herein"trustee�}.an0 �,.,�,
<br /> • • �xve Pofate 8ank
<br /> • �'' � � �• the BeneBctary. � ��'"
<br /> ..:.,
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<br /> -=•-`�'"``��: < 2015,H. Braadrell �rand ��nd. HE.•68902-1507
<br /> . , _. , .. ....... ... theraU°Lertcfer'!•� �rx.
<br /> .• :•• ._wriosa�maiting-aQdress-is--..._: _ . __. _ ... - - -----� �--- ._.._._. ._... ---......--�-�--._. _.._.___....__... �*
<br />< ,, ,.. . _..° � ' • Sobert 8 Cofl�ey ��
<br /> '.:�:z._,� � -
<br /> - . - _- ' FOR VALUABLE CQ�•VS�DERA7ION,includirtg Lendefa ext8flsion cfcredit istan�A9d her8ln to _ _
<br /> :.z� ;.��t:- , 8� Pc-g,Hy 3 Coft�y
<br />_ , , :, (herain�orrower:wttsther one o�mcre)and i4le trus!herein cre�ted. �;'
<br /> �" the ret�`�2 of wflicA 1s hereby acfmowted8ed.Trostor hereby irccuocaDly granls.'hanster9.cbnvsys an�assIgna to'itu�e.�1 =_..-
<br /> t --
<br /> '::,�.'. � t...,� ' - TRUST.YYRHPOWEfiOF30+LE.f�tt�ebenefitandsecuritya4Len�r�underandauDjecl�othstarm�eadconddtonaherefnaR�aat _�
<br />.;� ,..�.,��..��'. t°L�he�e21 P�r��. -Rie°ltio�tb�t�tdiv3eior�. #n ttt� Ci�ti► a� frend Ielen¢1. H811 -_-
<br />�r.; � . ,. %;. _ Gountp. Hebraska. , � ---_-
<br /> '. . � i.,.�. . , ' . '
<br />-�— ; .' • : ,.,��,:�. . _.;� __�:.
<br /> .�„< �,:,;.�,, ��,.,y. ' To�e�:�t with aU��!idings,improvament�.Nxtures,streata,ar,�3�.'pF►ssaSerraY�,easement0.�igtrts,privflegea 8nd apy�s.�t�tts- �„�,._
<br /> � ,.rT.. ..: ?" :��� nances tocated ther�^�or tn anywise pertaining thereto.end the rer�s.is�ues arts9 y�rotits.revers{ons and remaindars theraat.end
<br /> ti,:_�;,,-� ..,{ i g but not Ilmlted to hea�nfl end
<br /> �ti suefi persona!propertythat Is attached m the Improvemerns so as to constFtute a fi�cture. nctudtn . . -
<br /> ��`� '=�•'-. ;a' t�te,(fany,whlch(nteresffiareherebyreteasedandwatr�alt '
<br /> ri�:�F,�x�.°,�::r�_�< , copfingeqt�ipmenXand4agethetwiththehomesteadormaritalin , ---
<br /> •• � of vrhfch,i�t(uding tepfacements artd edd iU o n s t h a r e t o,i s h e r e 0y�.c t a r e�W!a e a p a R o f t h e real estata secured�y the tle�n 4��b
<br /> '� ' �� ' " Oeed ot Trust artd&i�04 the foregoing betng referred to h�refn as.�e"Properi7�'. " °-
<br /> ,��-:..'jF4:�,�!�;:�';' "'. '
<br />-��::` ��� TAis Deed ot Trust s�atl Becure(a)tt�e payment ef the principal sum and inte�est evldence0 by a pr4m�ry RQ�or credN ____
<br />=�z'�..�._:,.:... ; . auiy istn Q� .
<br /> :�: w
<br /> �_,�,ro.��• :. ; � 5epteteber 8td 1995 ,Aaving�matudry date cf . •
<br /> ,[�_,��.;R� •• aareemeM dated — . .
<br /> 8�•�•� • gnd an and a11 m�difs�ttons,extenstans and nenswus
<br /> � ' ' in the ortyinal pdncfpal amount of S � Y
<br /> --- tn�reof or mereto end any a��att tuture advances end re,adva:*�to BorrowEir(or any c�`�fd5m It mbre than one)her�und�r
<br />_ � p urs�nt to oneor more promtssory notes or creEit agreemenb(herei�enited°NOte"k(b)�s G��t a!ather 6ums advsnce.0 btf
<br /> ����; � L.ertdettoproteettb9secudt�laftheNote;(o)thaDe�f.rsrts;anceofalicovenantsanr��greeme�otTruatnreelfaMherait�and(��ii.
<br /> '_�'?"�i3;,."�� • preaant and fuWre UdebUadness ana obtigaUona o�i�+rrower(er any oithem i4�.ra tt�an ar►�-a:to A.ertder whefher dtroct;iadirec� .
<br /> ���� absolutg or conUngen t en d w h e t h e r a�t s i n g b y n o t e.g u a r A n ry,a�a�a ft o r o t h e r w i s a T h a t�.t�,f h i�O e e d o 1 T r u s t tnd a A y tnd all
<br />- ,y,��;;'�.�,� otherdocu.eritsthataecuretheNotearotrorwlseexecutsdtneanac�Jonlherewith.tnctu0mg�filzwutltmltaUon$uarentee�a+�cx:rih ,
<br /> - � *''� �• °� �gresthente and asstgnments o1 teasea gnd rents.6he�1 b0�e:k..tm�d t0 hB�e�A 88 th9°�oan Doeuments".
<br /> s..�`"'�`�' � Tr�ator eavenanb and agrees with Lender as follow� • � . �
<br /> '� 1,p�►ym�n!ot fnQ�bt�dnfN.�All ii►6�tedneas secured heteby shali t�e psid when due.
<br />- � 2.TifM.7niatar ia the owner ot the Property.has the�igM 8r►d sulhority to comrey ihe PropeRy,artd wartants that tAe Ilen •
<br />'� � �K ��'�. creatod h8reby fa a tlrEt and prtor Ifen on the Propercy.exce0t tor Itena and encumbrences set tortb by Trustor tn wr8ti�nnd
<br /> " `�'='�����• ����. ' �deltveredloLenQerbetoreex�cutlonofthlsCaedotT�ust,andtheexoc�tonanddeltvaryofU,ll�QeedolYruatdoe�nolvfiel�'�eny
<br />'��"� ;,�� ' conVnct�r othec o�lt�adon to wtitch Trustor Is subject
<br /> �ri,;. • �
<br />- - .��� ;.��.. 3.Ta�cp.Af�t�.To Pay 6etcre Qeflnquc�cy a11 ttviceaR apeclat assassmenfs and all other chargEaapainst fhe Prc►perry
<br /> ��'�.� now or hereaRer lav[v�.
<br /> "' 1'��"�` • 4.tneurane�.Tofqa�thePropertylnsuredagalnstdamagebyflr+s,haiardstnetuQadwithMtheterm"�edcm►arage^:enr7
<br /> . �tn..-:Y,-- ,
<br /> . �"`-''"�':', '�' guo�at!!Qr hezards as Lender may requlre.M gmounta and with companiea acceptabte to Lender.namins�er 8s an eQddfionel r
<br /> `•`•'��'�'��``•� �"� natmed f�:sured.wiM IaEa payabie to ttte Lender.in cas�of toss under sucA polictes,the 1ert68r IS eui?�ari�Ato GdjuK ca���itsts� ---
<br /> . .. �•� .. _
<br /> �'--' ��� ��:, .z : � � compramiae.ellctatmstt�ereunderahaahallhavetheoptlonofappryingeticrpartoftAeinsuranceprocee�(�Wan1►tnQe� _,
<br /> =`�•�•� `� ��;;: , secure0hereDyandMsucbordoraslendermayd�tsrmlae.pi)totheTmstortobeuaedEorthere�alrorrestora8onoftAaPro�rty —--.
<br /> � ��:
<br /> j,��,;A..��':_, ,,,�.�: or((1�fornnyatherpurposeorobje�taaU9lacWrytv�derwlthoutaftecUngthelienoftAisOaetlolTrustbrt�atu118rqcunteeoured• �--�
<br /> , �' ,• hereby betore eueh payment ever taok pleca My s��liceBon o1 Droceeda to Inde6tedness sha11 not e�c0end or pastpone ths Aus � _
<br />�'��'� �- •` dats ot eny paymenb under the Note,or cuce any Qefautt thereurtder or hereunder. ��-
<br /> ..�:..�,�;= ..•-
<br /> � '�°"` 5.�soro�Upon written demand by Lender,Trust�r aAall p�Y to Lender.t�such manner as Lender may designats,auSficient
<br /> := : • ,t .�.ii �,,='-
<br /> - _�?�' sumstoonabteLendertopeyestliey�ecomedueonoarmoreatt�etollowing:(�ailmxes,assessmer�endothercharqesa�alnal :�
<br />����. ,�`•;'`��'°.' , .::• • thp PropeRy.(ii)tha premiums on th9 proDen!►insuranc9 requlred hereu�dsr.anA(ifS)th0 ptemtum�on eny ma�Q9[�furence � �`=�.
<br />�' -'���� t-�;�`�"`�'`i�.�.; reRuired by Lende� . �_
<br /> _ ,r, �!.,.: , •.� g,1N�kri�ntne�.R�pabs tnd Camptlene�wilh Lewa.Trustor aAa10 keap�tho P►oporty in good condriton en0 tep�lr.eh�il
<br />: • . , � prompUy�aAatr.or reAtace eny improvament whtch may Iss damaged or de8trayed;shall not Commit or permit any waste or _
<br /> ; �;�;'.�±'. • Qsterto�tlon o!tPto Rropertsr.ahatl not removs.de:noll�h ar suDatan41a1N a�tor any o!�tto Improvemea�an tt��Pro�C�tyt aha11 rtat _
<br /> �. "'` � eommf�autfsrorpertnitarryaetto6edo�einorupontf�eProperiyinvlolstionofanptaw.erdinanco,orre�utatlon;artdsRa�lpayend.. • �_�:
<br /> `° � ' promDtiY dla�hargo at T►usto�e co�t end expens�all tions,encumbrancea cta�d ehargas levied.tmpassd or aasessed s�atnst thb'
<br /> � . ' • Pro�erty or as�y part tt�ereoL ' , yT'�'
<br /> .; "� .• ;'. •. • � � •
<br /> � .,• .
<br /> ' , �� � •
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