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<br /> � * .� .l- f . 't' � �. 4.-t .. ' '�c (. : _ {4. '� .. `; } . .
<br /> Y ``C 'r ` F r � .a ` • . ' k i. , o . . `_
<br />. ' ' ' 'c '�, . � '� � ' `. `.< � � 'p � c` G� , ., {v �"' , - � - :�Y' - �,-..
<br /> _ t ' 's . t . `� ,i . . '/ �..
<br /> . . . . � ..�. �._�e .p . • •o . .�' .. t;4 � . . _, . . � . <'r . , ' �.
<br /> � ..6 `�. ' t E _ . ,��` ` ,.., Y: ' r��. .� , � 'Y�1 k`�. ' .cc t�� � i ' 6 `�` ..�'. 4
<br /> . ,`�` �� ` �` .
<br /> �` V{'`: t `<�� ` �g�� p' •,.
<br /> � . . . � • ` ` �� :•�'�
<br />: - 'I�OLisrt�[t�vriH aII the�no�►ar eaeaftar�d on the p�ope�ty►.a�d a11 ea�ent�.a�rp���3.�nd �� � .
<br /> ''� �'°` <:'�' � 5x¢�es mo�i n�k�a part ef tl�p�peaty.AII re�22oe�c,nt��additions sbaD also be covaed by tbis Serau�r I�cumeatt "
<br /> f"�. ,<�� .' < ':� . AL�t of the facegnmg is cef�d tn in tLis Secauity Ins�uaneiu as the ° .
<br /> _--- ---- ,- BOitAO@NER COVEIVANCS t�as Aorrower.�s Iav�fatty r�i�d of s est�hereby oonveye��d has d�rigDt�grant Fn� 'ry., �
<br /> ,�.�--�'—.� �y i��tp m�d t4�Qs3 Pru�ly#s tm�mmt�red.r.�t'�-�of sec�d.�omovrr.��vaaeNS�willl -
<br /> _ . Qefemd gene�ally the�e to thePtopertyi�st ell claims and demands.sabject to any eac�m6rances af rooasd. ,
<br /> . .T�IIS SECIJAITY D�iSTRUMF.NT oombs�s urrifoim coveaanLS for national ase saB a�-oaifomt savenants vrith l�it�d '
<br />_- �. _.....�...._. - - _ '�'�''*'i����t�s:�:.�;i�s��Ss°--�°�";.. - . . . -. -- -
<br /> ' � `'��� � LiNIFORM COVBNAI+PI'S.Boaower�d Le¢der oovea�tand sgre�e as foIIows�_ � �, .
<br /> . � z� ; :. '.
<br /> _ :. L Paym�t of Petndpal aad Inte�est;Fnepayrsent and Late Charge9. B�aowea sball PromDtl�► pa3► w�ea dne tLe , ,
<br /> �..`z , prmcipal of ffisd mt�reston the debievideat�d by the Nn�and suY F�Y�eat and I3te c6atges dae and�the Nat� . . :.
<br /> ` � , L F�ds for Tea�and Insarano� Su�jcxt W applic�ble taw ar to a wrimea waiver by Iradea,Ba�rawer sbaII pay tu . �
<br /> Ir � 5'"
<br /> �:. � � I,endea on the day manrLty paymeuts ffie due�der the Not��W Yhe Note is paid�a fua,a suas("F�mds'�fcir:(a)ye�iy ta�es ' ...
<br /> '- � attd asse�me�ts wbicb may�ain yaioriiy ovea 9biv Sec�uity Instruta�t as e�aa the Fmgar[y:(b)Y�711�s���FaY��� .
<br /> ',.z,:, �,.. ����s on the Pcopeacp.if aaY+(�)Y�Y�d�D�P�Y��P�(�Y�Y Qaad ansuiance pr�as.if .
<br /> , . °. �:,`'' anY:(e)Yearly mang,age in�uaace pre�tms►if any;end(��Y sams payable by Boaowea w Lerc�,m ecoosd�ae witb the
<br /> .`:.�_ - gmris�Ons of paQagtaPb 8,in Iieu of the paymeat af mmtgage ios�uance pse�ninms.T[�se Items�.calted°EsQag►It�.s." �
<br /> ,�� �..:.
<br /> . , . L�er maY,ei ar►y dme.coli�t a�d hold Fimdsia an a:noua!not w exceed the ma�im�un amo�mi a t�for a fe�aaIIy rei�ted .
<br /> :';:'�;��"�, •,�� tnnttgage Io�ins'�c�ui�€a�Boaawes's csaow accaunt mtdea d�fe�te�al Real Fs7aze Settle�e�s E�m�es AtL of 14T4•a�
<br /> .;,.:•�, _ . �'
<br /> � -- - ;�;;` . . -ameu�iedfzouat�[����2-t��:�S�ion�At-etseq.-{"R�ESPA¢1,��auatt�lawtha38�g8�s��theFt�ds�setsa-I���- - �- -
<br /> . , . " :�;<,;. . 'i�.
<br /> � 1�;:-.r;: amounL If so.lr��may.�aay tir�colteci�d hold�hnds in an�affit r�a4 to exoe�the�r aauouut.I.end�m� . - "'
<br /> � .. ;,.,`�'. :'��� �the ammmt of Fua�s�on t6e ba�s of c�a►t data and reasanable est�aies of�dImres of fata�Escz�v Items or ;'"_=�--
<br /> ''' .;� ��wise in�oe w3th�g7irable law. � `'"t`
<br /> , . y;;,=_
<br /> _ .;;�.� ..�:: 9t�e F�ds shall be helst�s aa�wkose deposits are ins�+ed bp a federal ageasy.�s�um�lit�►.ar�atY(iacbd'm8 _
<br /> ,., ,.
<br /> :'.� • �;;� ' Leuder,if Lender is s¢cL�instim6mn)or in any Fedetal Hame LQaD fl�.'�.l[r��shari spply the F�ds��ay d�e Fscrpw
<br /> •. ��.
<br /> �._,_. _^.;��; Items.ie�der may nat cbarge Bo�nwea far holding mad agplym8 die,Fu�,�....�IIY�Y��the esiaow a000nn�or v�g • �,,�
<br /> , , �� . ��, �F.scaow Ite�s,aule�Le�di��pays Boimwer tnt�.st an t�se Fwrds�apglic�Bta I�w permits7�eudei to'maT�sdcTi a cbarge. - - - �:_
<br /> '2;f;;`��::.�; _ - $�+reveJ,I�der may teqai�,L�ower ta gay a ona-ti�e�rge far an indepe��u�al esmte taa r��aiGng sa.vfce as�6y, ";:`�-'-
<br /> , eq :�r-
<br />_ . `,;;:; . '`. II�dea ia cannacxion with th��m,unless appl�le law pavides o�se�vis�Un1i�aci agreemeat is mad�ar�ticable Iaw �gi�g,Y;;
<br /> :�;;;,' -
<br /> `: . re�res indea�st to be pa�,L�sLaD not be�a'ued to pay BomaYar�aay intes�st or eaming.g an ths Funds.Betmwer and F�,�;L
<br /> � - Le�der taay agree m writing,Cc�reves,thai iaterest shaII be paid on the Fimds.I�der ehall give m Bairowea.w�hoat Ct�arge,an • ''
<br /> i:.�,�'.:, : ' ' � �muai acm�mtmg of tEe Fua�ahowing credits and debits to the Funds�d tae pmpase far�uhicb each debii W the Fimds was , ;�ri�:�.:.-:
<br /> ' �'" ' • made.lbe Funds are pledged 2���ddidonal secmIty for aD sams secme8 by this SeauIry ___s_� -_-
<br /> .. 'Y� r„�rm r = =
<br /> If the Faads held by I,e,ad�eRCeed tf�e ammmLS pea�iued m 6e tiedd by�pplicable Iaw.Leader shall a000umt to Bmmarer for -
<br /> . � the exce�Fands in aocordance with the reqa�em�ts of appl�rable law.If the amaunt of the Fimds hetd by Lead�at�y�e is y'�:""�
<br /> E--_
<br /> � � � • noi suffict�t ta gay the Fsezow Ite�s when dae.I�der may so notify Banower in wtidng,and.m sucd case Bon+awca atiall pay �;. _
<br /> .. . � , �:+ � , ro Leader the smount n�azyr w maTce up the defccIe.ney.Bmmw�sLaII malce up the de5ateney in no mare than ta+etva ,�� .�i�A=.
<br /> ` '�• ; " �YPaYm�s.atI.eader`ssa2ediscretIan.� . �;•'.-----
<br /> 1z:.:,. : .� . . - -_--
<br /> �,:�:S�• �: .. :' �F�FgYment im fuII of�i,t�sec�ed by tLis Ssan.uq Insron�m��I�des shall pmmptty�d to Bonoae�anY Funds = -----
<br /> 'F:�'`�_� :''�.' , h�by Leader.If,mider pa�gh 21,Ica�'ea sbaIl�:ar s�dl:t�'.Pmpeaty.l�dca.Prior to t�e acqnisidon or saIe of tha ---
<br /> .�, �s r ,�,.
<br /> ``.°,-' �� sbav F1mdg he1A �Lar a2 tha�of at sate as'a credit �e s�ns soc�ed Ws' -
<br /> f;'�'�+ ..},�::1'. PrOpetiyt �Y�Y �S► . � �. bY -
<br /> ,'�'r�ii•�. �: ��;:f. '�- Sea�ityL�swmcnt :, . _
<br /> ;:��" ;. '' '. � �AyplkatDan ot P�ymenta Unless applicabI�!�.^eu p�rides otherwis�aIl FaY�ts recciv�by Lendcr ar�r para�Caphs -
<br /> , 2�2 shail be appli�d:first.to aaY D�P�t c�gq d�xa ander t�Note;s�;�i ammm��sajrable an�4�'aPn Z; ' :: -
<br /> .. . .� thiia�;W�nteaesidaie:fomth,to prins�al dne;and la�,w a�t iais c,harges due imdea Qie riIote. --
<br /> �.. : . •.:
<br /> - .; •, �= dAr��.teas. Baszu�ved shall�.r�t taxes.rss�sme,nts.char8es,fines and im -
<br /> ,,.rj`...:;}.� 4.C pusitiar��rIb�table w the Pmperty
<br /> wt+�may at�a l�ria�iry av��is Sec�iay��,a�wl;Ieasehold Dayments�grotm0 reats�if any.Bmruw�shaU pay Q�ese
<br /> . .��'� e$fi,�lions in ihe mvuted provided in.y��3t 2.or if�tI¢qfa�d'm tbzt mannea.Bo�etiaer sLaIl paY.them on��eeayr to�e --_-
<br /> ' • .. .�� ' pe�son owed paymeat Borca�er sbatl prom�tly furai�r ur Leader all nodces of a�a�mta to be paid�mnde�t��a4a�apn:If --
<br /> .. . :aY� Botmwer ntakes't�ese payme,nts directly.�anuwea stutffi p,�inpSy fumish to Leadrr reoeipt�evideada��e gaymentv. � � '.:��:�•-�
<br /> �.:�., . . ---
<br /> _ .. : .;�� Bmmwet sh911 pmmDBY d�8e�eS►liea whicb itas prlarity oyer 4nis Socpaity►Iasaumeat nsrl�Boaowa:(a)agees frt. � :°_�r_?
<br /> . . �; wriimg m the payiaeut of the obligation secured by the tr�in a manaea aaxptali2e tn Lendea;(b)ou�res�s in•good faith the li�.' ` '°-
<br /> ,.. .:_.
<br /> � by,ar defe�ds ega�st e,nfor�eamant of the lir� �n.I�DmceeQinBs w1�in the Leander's opinion opa^��e tb pzcvent the � '�:�:��;----
<br /> � _ _� • :� euf�emt af the 1ic�:ar e s�ras fcam the ha1d�c�f�he 1iea�aa :�lt " W I.CttCcs�.', '.a. th8 luxt W ;{i��'yr-
<br /> ' �._,,.:.
<br /> . � • � () a3tet+�t �► S �•,i;.x:.-_
<br /> . . . :.•.� this Ssc�uity In�trutaeat 1f Leadet def.e�miaes t�at any patt of the Ptopeaty is subject tu s li�wh�Ch may ai�i y�ioriry wer this
<br /> - . � Se�risY Insttame��l�der may give 8mr�we,r a nodce ideaetifyfig the lie�.Bonower shal�sadsfy the lien ar taYe one or�ure .
<br /> �". � i of thc aetians set fartL above wldiin 10 days of the givmg of no�ce. _�
<br /> - : , � Form 80�8 81�0 .• ..
<br /> . . � • ��BR(N�tgz�2) Pa4�2ot0 tntti�b: � ,
<br /> I .� • '.
<br /> . . . . . , . , .�,�,'
<br /> . . - -� � - .. ' • , - . . . � . . . . . .• � • � • : . .. :. t. � ... .. _ , _ .r.
<br /> - . ' 1 • � . � .._ • � . . . . . ' . .: .. , " _.. . .. . . .. , .._. .__. __ . f;'1.. _ _. , _ . .
<br /> - .� �, � � . • � .. . . •• . . .. 'y� ' --� . . . . � � . . .. . . . . ' � • - � , . ' � .. .
<br /> ' ; .. ' .. .. ' ' , ; . .. , . . .. ' .. , • .. ' � ' � ' • �, • . . . .
<br /> . , . . . . , . . . . .:r^-�. . . � .. , . .
<br />_'_1._ ' . '.. �. . . • ,� .- . ' '. , . . .�. .. . ' ;c ' `.. ' . . . . : � ; , , '' .
<br /> — : . . . . . , ' • . ..'. ' ' ' , ' � . ' � .. . .��'-�. _�_. . . ____ .�.
<br />