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<br /> ` '�.�:.,., ;;:".� payments may no ionger be cequired.at the option of Lender.if mortgage insurance oov�ge(in t6e emoant and for the period , -__
<br /> .� .,$- ,;�.;;,``. da�at L,euder requires}pmvided by an insurer approved 6y Lend�r again t�eoomes availa6le and is obtained.Borrower shal!pay _
<br /> _ � . .tiie premiums required ta maintaim m�►tgage insnrauce in.effect;or tn provide a toss r�serve.urrtil the r�quirement�for mortgage . �:
<br /> - "� ``�� �" � � insuranoe ends in a000rda�oe witl�any wriuen agree�ent between BorroKer and Lender ci applieabie taw. � �
<br /> :; _ ,�
<br /> -�`` :�'�'`�` `, �: ' . ` 9 agent may�talce reasonable er,uies upon z+nd i cons of the Pm rty. Lender shall ive �
<br /> Iasputioa.Lender or it� �P� Pe � R,_
<br /> - , �' gono�rer no�oe at the time of or prior ta an inspection speeifying rEasonabie cause for 4he inspection. , �_
<br /> - .r.� I0.C�ademnat[oa. The proceeds of any a�vard or c[aim for damages,direct�or consequendal, in oonnecfiAn with.apy ,
<br /> ���� condemnation or other taking of any patt of the Praperty,or for arnveyat►ce in lieu of oondemnation,are here6y assigaed 9ad • �,
<br />��:1.r.°'ti`'�„"�"'�'�'` `_chall.he�,aidt�Lender,---- < _
<br />__. _�. .�..._ ��.�_
<br /> �:,,�; .:.. .�°.�_, . In the event of a wt31 ta�nS of the Ismperiy,ttie proceeiis st�all Be�ppiied t�the s�s sesv�by inis Sei.�uity;�trs�t� - - -�
<br /> :� 4 ° whe�er or not then d�e, �vith any excess paid to Borron�er. In the event of a partial taking of ths Propeity in which the fair �:
<br /> ...�, : 4^,= tnarket valae of the Properry iwa►ediatel}i 6efore the taldng is equa!to ar greater than the amount of the snms secureti by this
<br /> - s�.,��*�:�. �'� :.•t.' 3ecurity Instrumeat immedi2tely before the talcing,unless Borrawer and Leader othernrise agree in writing.the sams sec�r8d by
<br /> y`:.::,..
<br /> s.,,, .,_•:. _,..
<br /> � : �4 ` ` this Security Instrument shall h�red�ced by the aafount uf;the praceeds rauldplied by tlie�'ollowing fiaaron: (a)the tatal -_
<br />_ k.�L.�,� .: .;..� .
<br /> :: -z �ount of the c��ms secure�immediate[y 6efore tHe raking. divide�by (6}the fair market value af tPce Pcnperry immediately, —
<br /> ��F laS L�., 1� .i i1�{:� -
<br /> _ .-t_: bafote the iaking. My balance shaIl 6e paid to Eorrower. In the event of a�par�ial.taking of the Progerty in whicb the fair =
<br /> .*�':-•`� `'.'�'�"` immrsliatPl befbre the takin is less than tke amonnt of the s�ms se�v�ed immediately befm'e the . � -
<br /> i�,.�r_.• . markk�t vatue of the PropertY� Y g -
<br /> ��""''��'```�,,'��.� taldng,uniess Bar�owec and Lender otherKVi�e agree in writing cr unless applicable Iaw oiherwise pmvides,the prooee�3s shall __
<br /> `- ^� •;�:.�: be apglied to the'sums secured by this Secc�in:Jnsaumeat whether or not the sums are then due. w
<br /> ��"�'r:,��,�.`� ' If the Property is abandoned by Borrosver;ar if.�c nadce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an' --
<br />-` °�� •:_. .: _..:award-or.seule-a-claim.for.d�inages.Borrancer:fails.its��espoas!_to I_.ender tivfthin 30 days.aftes the date the�tice ia givca,.----- -
<br />- :-,.:•� � __..._.. .._ .... . _ ..
<br /> � • °•��-�'`.• � Lender is authorized to ooUect and apply the proceeds.at its op6on,eithec tn.restoration or repair of the Propesty or to�ttie suu�s _
<br />� ' H.����?'_. . secured by this Security�Instrumen�wheiher or not then due. " ,� _� �'- .. �' . ,
<br /> '����r.�`.':�'�' � Unless Lender and Borrower otherarise�a�ee in writing, any appHt�an of proceeds ta p�incipal shaU not extend or -
<br /> _ ' .,�s�� ' � --
<br /> , , postpone the due date oY the montWy payments.ref�cred to ia paragaphs.l and 2 or cGange the amount of such payments. • , ___
<br /> •� ���.;.-,° - 11.�orrowes Not Released;Forbesi�tce By Leuder Not s-Waiver:Factensior�of the titae for paym�at or raodifica�ion •
<br /> �:�;,:,�;.,:•,.; .;;,: af amortization of the sums secured by this Security in��ms*�t granted by Lender.t�a.r}±s�ccessor in interest of�ormwer stialt ,
<br /> .;., �r,� �4•; -.. ___-RoTopera e o 18If1TIli�7f,f 1I1C OTIgIII3t$DI1�oW6t OT b'6Tf6WET'S si2€�SSEllS:a-Sflt�i9gSt=x.•'^�!a`r-chaU nn�.� mi r-x4-- --•-_:�.
<br /> - . , ,� `` ��.,�: commence proc�edings against any successor in interest or refuse tn eatend time far payment or.otherwise mud;fy amortizatlon, -
<br />;;:•...,,... .: i=-F'- -..., �:;�: • .
<br /> '���•�� °•���� of the sums serured by tlus Secvriry Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Eorrower or Borrowers .
<br /> '�`���,�';'��t"`=;"n°�; � s�ooessors in interest. My fArbearance by Lender ia ezercising any right or remedy shal! not be a waiver of or pceclude the __
<br />_ � - , exercise of any right or remedy. . . . .
<br /> _ ,...,.�, r,:.; !Z. Successors Pnd Assign� Bound;.Yoint and Severel Ltability; Ctrsigak�s. The covenant5 and agreements of ttris .
<br /> Securiry Instrument shal! bind and benefit the sucaessors and assigns of LendeF aipd Borrov�er, subject to the provisions of
<br /> ; paragraph l7. Borrower's wvenants and agreements shall be,joim.and seveial: Aa�}r Borrower who oo-signs this'3ecuriry '
<br /> . Instrument but does,not e�ceeute the Note:(a)is c�o-signing this Security Instrumecb only to mort�age,gr�it and convey that
<br />— ___---= Borrower's interest in tha Property undsr the terms of this Security Instrument;(tc�.�not personalty obfiga�ed to pay the st�ms
<br />=�j secured by this Seeurity InsUument;and tc)agrees that Ixnder and.any other Boirawer tinay agree to extencf,modify,for$e�r or •
<br /> make any at;commodations tivith regard to the tertns of this Security Insmimeni or t�e Note witho�,2 that Borrawer's ooasent.
<br />_- --- - - - -- - • . ' 13.l.oan Cl�atgeg.If the laan secured by this Security It�strumert is subject to a ta�v wtnch sets max'unum loan charg�,. '.
<br />- and that law is finally interpreteA so that the interest or other laan cttarges collectcd'ar to be coilected in coaaection with the ' �
<br /> ' toan eaceed the permitted limits.then:(a)any sach loar.s citurge shail be re�nced by t�7e amaunt necessary to reduce the dhar�e
<br /> to the perrtutted limit;and(b)anY sums al�ady coilected froin Borrower which exceeded pemv3te4 limits arill b��refunded to _..
<br />����� Bamu�ver. Les�der may choose to make this tefund by reducing the pripcipal owed undet Qte•[Vote or by making a direct,
<br />- • p3ym�rtt to Borrower. If a refund redqces.principal. the redaction will be ueated as a psrGial przpayment wiEhout any
<br /> prepayment charge under the Nate. � '
<br /> 14.Notices:Any nvtice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instntment<h�rl�be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br />� _ it by first class mail unless applica6le!aw requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the�aperty Rddress .
<br /> or any other address Bomawer designates by notice to Lender. Ang notice to Lender sh�U 8��iveri hy fitst.class mail to
<br /> �` L�ender's addrgss stated herein or a�y other address Lender designat��y notiee to.8oaower.Any aatice.pmvided for iri this
<br /> ��-�•�R:�• Security Instrument shall be d�emed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when gi.veq as prov'ided in tfiis paiagraph: ,
<br /> - �.._.-- � - 1�.GpverNn� La�v; S��yerabllity. This Secutitg (ristrument shall be gacemed by federal taw and the lavr of dte
<br />- jusisdictIon in which the�ht�ty is located. In the eLe�t that any provision or claus$of this Security lnstcument ot the Note .
<br /> ' c6nflicts with appli�able tata,sucb conflict;t�ali not affect other provisions of this Security Inswment ot the Note wtiicb can be
<br /> � '. given eff'ect without the confliccing prov��ien,To this end the provi9ions of this Security Tnstrument and the Note are declam.d s.
<br />'�"`�°'� "��.� to be severa6le. � '
<br />�•. -'�-'�����': 16.�orrower's Copy.Bornower sha116e ven asue rnnfomted co y of the 1Vote and of this Securi Instrurttent. • �
<br /> _ �-}-.. :..,r r-. b'� P � .
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