3� $-' =a.. e .:�. 2 - '.t. f _" 5._ "'a 4_ . , t,
<br /> �G' _ 1 Y -�� ,_ .M1 v Z _ '� ,c.� .� F .
<br /> -sP� � .. ' n < .iu . � _ ' 'F� e .tt., f� '
<br /> 1. t T� '.. . ,. . ;..� ' `�. t �`h . .i� ' � • ..-�i � . . ;�c 4 �
<br /> '. , y- ' '.� _ `t � `- 1
<br /> � ���4', \` _ s _,.EC. '� 4�r�r f r. . :
<br /> �5. �x. '� ` , ' . �`�.,
<br /> , '� . • .'`` ' ` • '• ` � (�IB jII! Y?ZdQ11S IIdW C]ffSLtll�Qf�1RC�t�Pd�7�O�U��tOg42l}/` ' �•- •'
<br /> `1 _ < S Ha€asd�o�Frap�rtygnsusan� Ba�res ise� atpm -, � :�t:
<br /> v'4.� v •
<br /> ..,` ' 1�S{;f��LSl.51�USS jfj/�.��IICZIIl�1A11t�1II i�t�°C7�LEa�i'AY�B°EIId Sn�►Oi�f 4�'d3.1��IIg�C��. '
<br /> ,<4 ,,,4,'s����.k."�:^�,. Eioudin�,far wlu�h Lendee tequires ins�2nce.1?►is it�ance s€�lt ite tn�iaisin.ed in tlte amounts�td f�the g�iods ttiat Lendss -'��`.
<br /> ,. . � .� .��i �qu�r�a.�lse i�utaace canier pravIding th�insurance shall D�chusea by�armwer svbl�t w Lender's app�val whicE�sha11 aot�
<br /> • � be'ro�aso�ably wIthheYd.If Haimwes fails t�mainmia�veraga�ed aBavi.L�endca msy.at I.end�'s aprifln. obtain �
<br /> _ . �f,�.. , � �cavetage m piotsctLeader's righ0 in the Froperty ia ac�orffaace with F�h 7• � " � -.
<br /> _ �� ° :'���'. Atl insvrar:s�polisies and r�as�rats s2ta1�be a�ceptabie to Lender and�.it iacIude a st�dazd aaortgage c�aus�Lender shait `
<br /> :.<�
<br /> - _ � � dave t�right co hold t�e pmlicies aad r�a�wals.If t�ad�cequ�es►Sarxvwrr shall�omptly�ive m L�ea�er all receipts of paid
<br /> � . .°_� premim�s aud reaewal nati�ccs.ta t�e eve�t of toss,�lumwer s�ll give pram�ao`riso w tae ia�uance cani�and Iander.Lendet ,
<br /> ' _.�: . �
<br /> "=-= �ay ta�e psuof of tass if not ta�&:�mneytly by Basmrre,r � , � -:�
<br /> – ° .�--�-�- ZJutess t,euder���aaower otkearwldse ag�ee in wrttnag,i�suiauce pmceeds shall be app�ed tm restniarian ar rep'air uf the ..
<br /> ari �
<br /> �.a:.;�%::', Fiat�eatY 6amag�d+if tDe resmia�an or r�pair i§earnomitalty fe�te and I.euder's secariry is aot 1�,ss�ned.If the resmraaon or� --.-� ,�}�
<br /> -..:. `_:-_._ . _. _
<br /> ,---'"-�' �= . �cpanr is nct eoonomisaIIy fe�s�Le os i�er's s�a�ity�vsa`rtt��re�.��p�s s�II�app"usxi[U tf��,ms' '�
<br />-= �.�, sec�ned by this Seculity f,usaa�n�w�ethes ar not t�aa du�wit6.anY escess Faid to Barrower.If B�a�rer abandoas the .
<br /> •� �
<br /> _ - � . � Prog�r,ar does aot anssv�a aithin 30 days a notice'fra�I�er ibat fhe inssuiance carrier 6as offered tu sett��a claim,ther� •
<br /> u
<br /> _ - � �� �'�y`.��- Lasdzr may cN2e�t the ins�aance pmceed�Leader may�se the pr�eds to�a ax c�est�se t�e Pmpeny ar m pay sn�AS secu�ed . .
<br /> -=�",. - by tbis Se�aity Instrut�txat�whether or aQt tbe.n due.'i�e 3�day periad an'A 1�wh�the aot�ce is�iven. � ' -
<br /> �- ..2 �
<br /> - . . . �. Llnless I.encier aad Boamwar othecsvise agree in wiit�8��Y aPPli�n of gm~x�s to yrmcipal s�all not extesd ar postpune �
<br /> ,. - the dne daie of ttte mnnthiy�yments re€c�ezd to in garagtap�s b and Z as.c�ange the ematmt of�paymeat9.If qadsar ga�ag�ph < ��.�;;.,
<br />=_ ... '.. .`� . �:�' 21 ohe Ptapeaty is ac,qs�ed by I.�tier,Eoaowea's�agtit to 2uy�ce polisies and pmcer�is resnIting fiam damage ro the � , �'�':_.
<br /> �� `, ' %`�� . �Y P� �1 F� --M��•
<br /> 4o the ni�on shaU co Le,nder m t�e acoeat af we snms seaued by tbis 5ea�►Inswment immediatety.
<br /> •;��`:. .; . priar ta the�q�tfia�. ;.�-`
<br /> •• :E�: "' 6.Qacapansy,�res�vat�oa,Mainteeaac�e and P,�vtectiaa of the Pro��ty't Bo�rrowe�s Laaa AppGcatfon;I.ea�e6otds. . . -.
<br />� ,.. ,.. .,
<br /> --,; ,=t-� Ba�rower sBaR aaupy.establish.and us�the Prop�ty a4$oaower's�nacipal zesideace within su�iy days a�tea the exerution of - _
<br /> . . • ; --�- - - �.
<br /> � ��� �.tLis Secuiuy ins�umen3�d s1�I1 canwnue w aocugythe Prapeaty as-Borsawds prmapal r�for�a��least ans year af�tf�-.. _ _...__._ ,,;�
<br /> _. ` date af accugaaeyr,�Lender otherwise a�es m�iting,wt��t sLaII aot b�imreason2bty withha�,ar nat�: � ��'�.�..
<br /> '4..
<br /> :�� � extrannatiag ci�umstances e�is[whicd ar�beyand Boaoxrer's cuntroL Be�wea shall not d�coroy.damage.ar impanr the Prepeit�e • ___
<br /> � ` aIIow the Pcage�ry W dstcxiotare.as commit waste on the Praperty. Bormwea shait be in de�it if aay fo�feipue as�na ar __-
<br />-- �:,;;;� ' pruceedia8,whether dv�ar c�rimn'�a1.is Be�m tbat m Leadgr's gaod fai�jud�qneui oontd resiilt in f�fei�tte of the Pmpe:ty or _...�.
<br /> ��"��' ` : ��Y`I ��� �' othesvvise mateaiaIIy imgair tlte lien created by this S�lnswment or Lender's seca�iry iaeerest Bouower may care such a . .�"`.
<br />=—_-_�=_�=_-�_-� —- --���-�.�s�3�-B�#esiu��cuu�sces-p�to_b?. '�.n"s�t?�ith.�n�1i�►g�trat,_in_- - -�
<br /> ,���`" ', -
<br /> �� I�'s gaod f�h deoer�€na�nn.FreclIIdes fotfcidue of the Boaoarea's int�rest in ti�e Ptopeaty�r c�lir�mate�ial impairment of
<br /> . �t','��� ;:! , t��!��d by clds Se�€ty Ias�uuent aor Le,n�ec's sact�.y inr,erese Boaower s6all s�o Da in d��t if Bonawer.du�iag the � -_
<br /> ,',•'' ` ,tos�i applic�an pmcess.Save matraianY fa2se a:inaca�~a:�c�aiu�atioa oit stateme�ts an.�endea(dr fa�ed to psovids I.�nder widi __
<br /> �; .
<br /> � . ' �y mat�ial �afa�arian)i�e ctinnection n,it� We laaA evi�ced DY the Note. i�cluc�'m� bnt not iimited to, rq�resentarions . �=_-
<br /> ��'� �'�„'� �'', cenceming Bam�a�r's oa;ap�ncy of t��Frag�r�gr'ag a�Siaslpal msIdea�ee:If @ds Sec�itg Inst:umeat is on a leasehold,Banmwer.
<br /> ,� ,...t.�:;... .
<br /> _, ,.:, .� .: , , st�a11 camply with aIl the pmv�ions af the Ie�.aE Souo�ver aeqnires fcix r,�tle w tbe Pcop�eay.the I�sehoW and die fee atle shdIl••.
<br /> _��°-���.�r;' :.,»" , ; •� . —_
<br />_�:°�r�;-,;,;:,"�:, ,• :c�i�uniess Lentl�ar agrers oo t�e me�et In�curIt�g. � '.
<br /> • � �R. � �:Protes�toa ot Lender's Righb in the Froper3y. I�S'�owea fa�s w gerfatm tIiee Qovenanb aud ag�eeffieuts canraiaed in
<br /> ',•;�'�`{iz"`;'•`� tLi.y Seciuity Ins�nmea�ar there is a 2e8�P�B��Y��uy affert Lender's rights m thc�tapea[y(such as a
<br />- -:.�;_��sy_; .
<br /> ,:��..yr�,��,; ,,.
<br /> `,,�:' .. •.N... . . proc�ding in baniu�zgxY.W���re�f4r eondemnnBon or fbifanue ar to eafos'ce laws��guTzstions).thea Latdar may do�nd p�y
<br /> M` ` ' ` for whateves is aecassaiy w�pratect the vaIue of tbe Pcoperty and Le�der'srights in tha Ymparty.Lacdds acdons may inclnQe�.
<br /> � -�o,--_:M��..
<br />_ -;_;":''1's�;�., •. FaY�B �F �s sa�ed by a liea whitL has priority aves.this S�uity �nsOr�uaent,aPP�B ia aamrt.payin�reason�ble
<br /> _--- '�;n�ifi • .
<br /> -_--�.,,�,:,�A:� atmiictys'fees aad�g:on ttte prapr�ty to.maice repairs.AId�oogh LeatQer tnay talca action uaMs thiv pata,�raptl7,Le�tdes
<br /> ------_�__=�s d�oes aot have to 8�so � � � . . , �
<br />:�,,��—"..° .Aa�amaunts dish�rsa!by.L�adcs�►dr¢�r�is parag�aph 7 sbaU bera�e addtti�anal de6t of Bomawa saauW by this Se:cariry .
<br />�'�`"�'� Inso�umeat Uaks�Bo�mwes awl Lgader��to other te�ms of:paYauat,these amounts shall beac intaest fmm the date af
<br />.�;���,.,��
<br /> -:-,�,�.-,::�� d�b�nt s3t d�a Nota�te a�d sha11 be payso2e.wItb interest.upon no�ttcce fmm Lcuder to Bmmacsr e�quesromg payca��• ,
<br /> =-�s�„��._,
<br /> �,
<br /> _ .5�,;�.�., 8.�iortgsg+e I�suraece. If Leadea re��mmtgag�msmaace as a condidoa of maldng t�:Ii�sa�ed try tJ�i9 Socurity
<br /> �-�'"- �.-µ �ny�rmme�t, Boaawar shall PaY yr�mi re9 m�8'd8 Y
<br /> _.:-:.;�:�`�. . In the um5 alred e,v r.nginmin the e insuiaace i�u.�c�,i�;:�,far an reasun;the
<br />. —. ���-J•r' � e �ed�by Ler�er layses or'cr.ases to i�e iu eff�t,Bwco�v�r ahalt"��i�e premiams r�qnired to
<br /> �r�.:�r.'�' �8 �ce c�v�rege req '
<br /> --��:;�.,:�.,,_ . obtain cflvarage snbst�n�talty equivatent w tho mortgage�sacance previnusly in effect.ai a cosE��aadally equivakw to the _
<br /> �,�,•,�-�,�.w- . cost to�Bunowu of.the mo�►gage ins�tsaace ptevIausly in effect.fmm an�aIteanate mongage insut►�ap�oved by L�euder;.rf
<br /> `'�1A::�;=;,;�.� s�tr'raaeaIIy equivaJent m�3 ias�sance cavaage is not available.8ouawer shaD pay to Ieader each m�anth a sum equal tn __-
<br /> '`.�` .: aW b 8orrower wh�the ins�uanoe oav e o:�cased m
<br />=����3��.:,;;�r.rr ono-twelftb o8 the y�zty m�"'�S3ge insu[enCe pntnlum�beinS P � Y �8 � . �
<br /> --T=?'�:: ?:;�:°:'`; be ia effect.i�w�71 axeps.use aad�ain tt►ese yayments as a toss resave in lieu af mortgage insmance.Loss reurve _
<br /> – .; 3,��,�r4 l� . - � . Form 303�!?tsYC , � -
<br /> �..�`�' �.:�.�.-i.,.j� ��68(���(olt� �aQ�3ote � tnMib: ...::
<br /> j . . .�.t�t; .`� � , �; ,�����, • ...
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