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<br /> .jr� SS�'.,.�`;,.. .. - � . _. ,'fI`.-3�t.ia — -
<br /> �`��- . it `,y4.r 1�:�� .�y., . �4 �__., $qRi' _c. n^J, tt ::t-�' _
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<br /> ---rr- � - . .
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<br /> .. :..,``"�� ' sutystanijaity`equivaieni'mnrtgage insurauce aoverag�is not availabte,�orrower sball pay to I.eader each menih a stlnn equal.to� _�.
<br /> .4 e-`(`.°_F: o�tweliidi af tfie yea�rlY mortgage i�surau�x Premium be�ng paad by Horrower vrhen the ins�an�coverage tapsed ar oeased to� �-
<br /> 6e in effect.I�ader arill aeoepi,�ase�d rgta�n these Paya►gnts as a la�s reserare in 1ieu.of mortgage insuiance. Loss resefve
<br /> • " PaY���Y������,at ffis ogtion of Lender.if mortgage�sn�ance covetage(�n the amoimt and far tpse peria� _--
<br /> that Lender re��ires)Pmvided by an insurer approved 6y L,ender again becum�s avaHable and is o6�aiaed.Borrower shall.pay� . —
<br /> � .:"``,�.`,' the piemiwns teqnir�d to mlintain mortgage ias�uanoe in effect.or to pmvcde a[oss r�serve,anu'1 the iequirement for mnitgage� _
<br /> •;:`;"'.�; insuran�e ends in a000rdaace with any wriuee�agceement between Borrower a n d I�e u d e�o r a p p l i c a b l e 4 a w. , , --
<br /> u
<br /> - -, - � 9.Iusp�ttoa.L�n+der ar its al�ent may make reasot�ble entr'res t�pon and insgections of the lgro�erty.L�ender shall�ve� _.
<br /> :,.; . .'� �reasonable cause f�r the i on --
<br /> . , .:.�,�:; Enmo�ve;notice ai the tiace of or prior w an ins�ectioa s�acifyina �P� � �
<br /> 10.Com�Pem�Eton. The procceds of�any award or claim fok damages.direcx ar con�equential, in connection vrith any i.
<br />- . .. enndemnation or other taking of eay part of the Prape�ty.or for conveyaesx in lieu of condemnatiori.are heceby assi�ned and� " `
<br /> kin
<br /> � shall b2 paid to Lender. • �: . � �,
<br /> •` �, �. '.-. in the�vent of a total taking af the Progerty.the p�s shall be ep�lse�to tha si��ns seau�e�d�SY tbis�esurityr Enstrument. �>
<br /> ,;��� tivhet�er or not then due. v�Ith any exc�.ss aid;tt�6qrrawer.[n the e�teQt of a.Qart'ta1 taking af the Fropecty in which the fair �,
<br /> �4s t . market vaIue of the�roperty ienmediazeCy�efore the taking is eq�al to ot greater than the atnount off the sums s�red'Ay this �.:
<br />--�`�`�f�• - SeciiNcy Cnstrutnent ifna�Iatefiy befort"tfie iaai�.uni��t►�t�:�tc!Lest�ler osEce:�uas�sgs�'tt�+!�ting.th��t�s�cttre�l�►y .._- . . =.
<br /> `' ,�-�,'s:'.'. � thts Securiry Instrument s1�a11 be mduced bY the amount�of the pm�s multipfied by the foltowing fraction: (a) tAe toza} __
<br /> .F'"':��`<;:..' tunount af the sums st�umd immediately 6efare.the taking.dlv�ded by(6)the fa[r market v�li�of th$Prapeity immediately =
<br /> ��`' a. , � . ,befare the tak�ng. Any bataatce sht�ll be paid to 8orrowes. In ths event of a partial taklns of tice Property in wfuch the fair ,
<br /> ...F:Y`���'. , mar3cet vatue a4'the Proge�ty immediately befQie the t�Idng is[ess than the amount of tlie suats secured�mmediately before the . _
<br />'`'�s'.r.'� -
<br />=`f��'°4�F,, takirtg.unte.�.c Bomawer nnd I.ender othec�vise agr�in wciting.or unleas applIcable taw atherwisa pra�+ides.the prooeeds s1�a11 .
<br /> be applied to the sums see�ared by this Securiry Insmsme�whether or noe the sams are then due. -
<br />^�=��=:�;�=; ' if the Property is ab�ndaned 6y Borrower.or if,after notice by, Lender to 8orrower thai the coade�nnor offers to make sn , --
<br /> _ ��,:�r�_: _
<br /> `•.: . h..,, award or settle�'a c[aim for damages;r 8arrower fails to respond to Lender within 3Q days after the date the notice is given. o _
<br /> �"�"'�� l,e:t@er is suthorizo�to coilect and apply tt�le pmceeds.at its option.either to restoradan or repair of the Property or to the sams _
<br />;r��-a%�, � -. .
<br />,;'�`""�� secur�d by t6is Security Instrument,whe.ther or aot then due.
<br />,-.,zl__.,���i
<br />:'rv.:,�', :"�;�`:�. Unless Leader and Borrawer othera+ise agcee in writing. anY �PF��ion of pmceeds co principal shall uot extead•or _
<br /> � �.•,.��� postpone the due date of the monthly paymcnts rcferm�to in parag�aphs 1 and 2 or change[he amowrt of such paymems. _
<br /> .`�"I=�N�`.-��`� 1L Bore+owcr 11tat Reteased;�'or6ea�ce By I.ender Aio!a Waiver.Exteasioa of t&e tinne for payment or modific�iian --
<br /> .;:_,� .. . - I.ender ta anyr._suocessor in interest of Borrowes shall, �
<br /> ---.,__. ._...of anwrt�zauon o£.the.sumssewred bK tlus_S�cu�[it3!�nsWment_Sranted.bJ!___.._.. _
<br /> ;�::.•al s, " /TT. - �CT 5�3�QOI�tC'[0�ll1i2�LO _'__....
<br />,_+;:i,._ . nat opetate to release the liabil�ty of the ong�nal�orrower or Borrower's suooessots 1n __
<br />-..;;T.:� commence pmceedings against arry successor in inte�est or refuse td extend time for payment or otherwise modify auw�ion
<br /> :�-.-5,� � of t6e s�ms secared by th�s Securiry Instrtunent by reason of any demand made by the original Bonoa+er or Borrower's
<br /> suc,cessats in interest.My forbeaiance by I.ender in e�sing any right os remedy sball not be a wai�e�of or preClude the
<br /> •,.. ... , ,
<br /> ;., exerclse of any right or.�remedy_.. . • �
<br /> 5 ' 12. Saccesso�s and�3gos B��d;Jolni and Sev� ldabllIty4 ���. The oavenar►ts and agneeaients of dris
<br /> ���° �- -�ty� . � °nt�shalLDind_and_�z�efit tlie s�sso�aad assi$ns pf Lender aad Eo�ower, sabject W the pmvisions of
<br /> `_;.,�r�:
<br />;;�,`'�.... paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants aad agreestents shall be jomt and saverTAny�-"zrower,�w'o-co-sign4 tLis S�rity---_
<br /> era.
<br /> .,���� �' i�+�smt but does not�execute the Note:(a)is co-s�gnin�t�is s�u�ity Insu�ent on�p to mortgage,grant aad oomrey t�t
<br />'��'�'.'s.�y'�' •Borrower's interest in t6e Pcop�rtq under the terms of this Securtty TnstnuReat;(b)is nat personally obligated W pay the sums
<br />".`,'��� �;'�`�' secured by this Secvrity Inswment;and.(c)agrees that Lender and uay othet�arsuwer may agree to eAtend,modify,forb�ar or
<br /> :'.;.i�°+�J.;�f a
<br /> .�1i1.i.`:�.�s�.r. make any aocomiaadations mth regard to the terms of tins Secutity Insuament or the Note�vntiwut that Sorrower's con.en�.
<br /> --_ . 13.Hia3n Chaiges.If the loan sec�retl by tttis Security Instr�ment,is snbject to a larv�7uch s$ts maximum laan cDarges, .
<br /> -�.2�y��� ' and tt�t la�is finaliy interpreted so ttnat the interest or oiher loan charges coIIected or ta.fi�collected in oonnectlou wd+t'h the
<br />-�':,i_`�N.i.
<br /> Ioan exceed the pernutted litnits.,than:(a)anY sucH loan ct�arge stial�be reduoe�by the anannnt necessa.ry to r�duce the charge
<br />��yr;.«�:�� to the permitted li�it:and(b)anY sums already cfllleded frdm Borrower artuch exceeded g�itted�timits�will be tefiutded to
<br /> z?��,��':� Borrower. Lender may chaose to ma'�,e.this refand by redacing the principa! owed u¢der'tlze Note or by malang a'dinact
<br />-=
<br />