_- z . . . . ,� , ` ' . . �.. ._ . ..; . . •,�. C�. .
<br /> .
<br /> ���-� �.:_.._..y..._.�::YF ' . ' . . � �` ct. � '. �. - .—.. - . . �' , .
<br /> 5 '. . .t � c � ? `:,
<br /> C . . � . .. � _•� . . . � i.
<br /> - ` '1`` �f�. . � '�`' �i � ��L` t r . ' .. f . _
<br /> \ . .. • � . f . , k. . c-( . . . !� -
<br /> .iY << i L .ic!' t�i ,E_ r F.� .r.. `c• , ' ,, ' �`�,.. . . c-*u, � ��......�s...:`�..._ V ..c ;� _ _ .
<br /> :'� �,r .� ,�c � u
<br /> _- :�5` .. � �����6D , , � . • �� • . F°'_
<br /> � . .:i` �',,
<br /> � '4_' � 6 <
<br /> __� �� ' �. � �d},Trust�t��I��pr�curad.�c�rmi4tad or euftere0.YOIilflt3illY bi IYid0IUt118ff�1,ony ereditor to abtain a lie��of .. ;; ��-�;��r�-�'�• °`.
<br /> —: ��`��`� , ��.. pa►mi4�e0 h�eein upon QII m pari vt 6ueh pFOpapty,Tfustor or cany guara�t�r at thm indo9i�dn¢�es�ured herebJt eh�tli � •� •�'��r ,��: ;, �- .
<br /> �� ` �`- ' ' �como inabtvenl of admi!trt v�►iting it�laa0tlity to p�y ii�deDt�g9 th0y m�ture.or mako an asal nment t�r thelzenetit ot �� .��. k.� ..� : `�� _
<br /> g �k ,. `.
<br />_ �� � ��. �� • `c�edltorsorapptytororconsenttott�aappointrnet�to4arec�ivero►trusteeferitdHoranubstantlmlpaRateuchproparty.or . .,
<br /> —. ' �. ', . . such�a reaeivet ot truste�ahalf�a�ppote4ed and shn0 no!Q�discharged wtthtn thirty(3d)day�caftsr appointmenX or .
<br /> :;.,��::.. , . , .�. .� -� • <
<br /> � �.`c , , .. .- ct:" y� :
<br /> � � (e fAi�rritotexecuUonorettachmentoranystmilarprocessshall�eiasuedorteviedegatnstelloranypaKota�inter�st t
<br /> � •• � � insucP�praperty,oranyjudgce�entinvolvingmon�4erydemag�ashsllb�en;�red8gainstTrustarwhichshallDecomealien , s � � ° << �,'�
<br /> - �,,.` ;��` ,' ' onsuehpropere�torportionthereotoric�re9tthereinandsuehexecution.a�tac6mentarsimilarprecessosjaQgmentisnot ,. . '.
<br /> -- • ���` ` • releas�d.bonded,sa�sfi�d.vacated oP stayed witiitn sixty(60)days after its entry or tevy.or '
<br /> ' 4 - � . ._ . _ . .
<br /> �. (f) Banlauptcy;insohrency.reorganization.arrangemen�or tiquidatian procee�ings or ot�t�r proee�dings for retief ,<- --
<br /> ,� t ��.���, �, unQer any bankruptcy law or other lavi tor the rettef of�tebiors sha11 be instftuted by or agains!Trustor or any Guarantor , n .
<br /> �;.` __ .. .. .
<br /> �==_--- haraales:ditl�eatttuied.�3����P�'����4eC°nser,tedtao►shaQfiothedismissedwi+.htnsixryC6Q)daysaftersuch . .
<br /> --- =-'�y:-._-_`;... :
<br /> =�.. ;r -�•::: institutior;ot . � - - �
<br /> ��..'` 4.(..�. ��'���,l.•�' f S)TN�r or any successor in interest ot Trustor,vofuntariiy or invofunt9riiy should sal6 exacL convey.transfer. ' �.`''`�' ., , �
<br /> . ,, .: : � ..,�� `� �.
<br /> "'� ' '�'��° ` contracttosell.leasewilhoptiontopurchase.s�eIDtsz3se.dtsposeof,ct�angethecharaGterorussot,orfurtlqerencumber , ,_,
<br /> �.•�:`�: . saichprm�9rty,orae�ypartthereef.oranyinteresttFier�:��aAo;Hanysatdpartlesshailbedivesiedot4iUetosuchrealpraperly , . .. ;. . •
<br /> ' ��,:_�� 08 any partthereoi.or any irterest eit�er vatuntarit�`�r8�v�untarity.or if tit[e to sucb proasrry be subj�ctad to any lien or '` � �
<br /> ;;":�:��'�° .^` ', c t►a r g e v o l u n t a r i t y o r i n v o t u n t a ri t y.c ontractuat Qr s��y.without the ardtten�a�sent ol6eaefictary being firs4 had `. ' ;:
<br /> ��' .�r•_ ;" obtai�ed.or � '�, � `.�. �� _ ::.�.r:•�
<br /> `,� � � `.� -a��?;.
<br /> `� ` `�� " (h )IfTiustorisapadnershipandtReinterestotagenerakg��nerterminates.isassignedqrtransf�rreti3O�isdien't�tished ;,� •r
<br /> �� .
<br /> r ,., s
<br /> �> �`��x1�;;r t `� inan respect�orttl'n�stortAgcprporadonandamajorityoit�a��gcorporatestacEcistransterredsol�ora�signed,orN , �' '
<br /> ;�',�`
<br /> �=f �'�%�`� •i � - the Trustor is a 7r�es�a o1 e trust end there is e change of any ca���eneficia!Enterest oi the trusk br �'� ` , �' , �
<br /> �,, ....
<br /> :. ..: :.,,:.
<br /> ataea�T`'. _._.� � ;�,,: _..._ . .. _.._. . . ..'_ .. , .. .... ... ... ... . _ .. . ' .. ,...,..' .. -- - -- � - -.. ._ . � {% � -
<br /> � , •:.;.:.;� :..; , �: .,. � .�
<br /> . t ...�.,... ...,-... : •.. .. -
<br /> . .. ....... .. . .. . . .._. .. .... .
<br /> r ; (i)Truatorshall,�iithoutthoconsentofOerteTiciary,createorconssnttoth�e8tablishmeMOfadistnctwhicFihasiaxing� 1 �ti' � -
<br /> ��,�� ��fkll-. . t f . _!' ��,Y/filN:.
<br /> f
<br /> . �� y��f� r ` . . .. - � _.- . . .-
<br /> rT��� r . ��WE'HS:. , ;
<br /> � ., ` � s , pCGE1.f�ipTdatl��DPON DEFAULT,AC�ITIONAL REMEDIES:In th�eventot any detautt hereunder.eenef�ci�ry m�o,a1t..::. � �' `�r;;;� ,
<br /> �:;���� .,``: ``.�_ -.<, Itsoptioi�,c. ' -• ,. ,-'..;—;"';'; ,�
<br /> • t!i r - . . � . �• , i�! '' �.
<br /> ti��ii �!r..l� 1. - •-• • � "t
<br /> .' r_._- —" _ —__ . .-.. ...__' _'_"__...... ._-- __ __.__ _' . .. '- V � . .
<br /> ��''
<br /> 'r�r�?:�.; .,,,. t a )Fc.�aina8e adEi��nai a�vanoes.it any.to 6e made under ar pvrsuan�ta�e�inissor�a�e 6r a�fiu�t�n ioarr-'_
<br /> , ��
<br /> ,�:tr�,o;u°>>:.-��-, . agreemen�or i� r �}t��t��:.. �3:: �
<br /> _'5�,:.� -� ---- - - ,•� , . . , �,� . yl;�. .
<br /> ����;�... r .;_
<br /> • � � (b)Declare any su4n secured hareby immediatety due end payabte and the same ehatl tt�ere upon becoms due and _,�`�-� , .i.
<br /> payable�vtthout any presentmen�Qemand,protest or no�ce of any kind:or , , � •
<br /> � � � � � � (c)Atany time.with or witt�out rtotice�either in person,bysgen�or Dy receiver•to�e eppointQd by the Court without •:�..�„•;.. .�
<br /> , , � .' � � aregard to the adequacy ot any secu►ity tor the inde0tedness secured he�eby.er�ter upo�artd take poESessfan ot such , -.,
<br /> , � � propertyoranypartthereoi.make,c�ncet.entorceormodifyleases:obteinandejgcttenants,setormadifyreat�;initsown � ���.
<br /> ' � namesuaorotPierwisecollpcttharents,t�come.issueaartdproftsttteeeof.includingthosepas4�uea�dun�aid:anae�pty `�.���..� e4�
<br /> � �"�,,.�� '� the same,tess cosb and expensea of operauon,trtctuding reasonabta ettommy's teas,�upon any indebiadness seoured �' -°
<br /> ;.'.. .. . .:. . .
<br /> _— � � Rereby and in sush orderas 6ene�ciary m�y determine;and exGept forsuch.epali�ation.Bc�netic�ary shall not be liabte M ��.�
<br /> — � ���`� � anypers�onta;thecollecti�nArnoncoltectianolany�ents,inccme.issu�orprofitaforthetailu�etoassertorentorceanyo! :�
<br /> • thetoregota�g�ights,norshali6eneitciarybychargedwithanyoith�duttesandobligationsnfamoltgageei�possession. ��
<br /> �" .• '�. ;.' ' � Theenteringupcnandtakingpossessionoisuchproperty.thecaflecttonotsuchrents,incom9.lssuesorproflts�thedaing �
<br /> a�:.•:...,...�; � � - ::
<br /> �;;':, �'.� ;•:.:_,:{. 01 other acts herein authorized,and the applicatlon thereot as abresald.shall not cure or waive any detautt or rtotice of
<br /> defaul!hereunder or inwelldate any act Qone pursuant to such�otice:or �
<br /> .: r�: , . , . . , . .�
<br /> � (d)Cau�etobetiletlonrecor�.awrittennoU�eoldatauttandefectiontoseiisuchpropeRy.Afterthelapseo?sucqtime —_____ _
<br /> � � � �"`��:� as tisfln may be required by law tollawing�ecordatian o!such notice of defsul�and natlCe ot sata having been given es =—_— _____
<br /> required by law.TrusteewitttoutdemandoroTrustorshallsellsuchp�er�ty.eitlierasewholeoriqseparataparce�s.andin __
<br /> - - • �',�;� � suChorderasitorBeneftciarymeydetermineatpublicaucttonMthehlghestbiddor.TheTruoteemaypostponathesaleot �r --
<br /> ��'� ''�� . ail or any portion oi such prb�arry by public announcement at the tlme of saie,artd trom tiine to tims titer�a�fter,m�y• .�"�""'�'R=„=,,.__
<br /> ��� :�z•''.'� �'� post�one the$ate by pubUc announcemem at the time and piace flxed by the preceeding postpoRement Trustee si�ail � :��-; ;:�,
<br /> . � '. detiver to such pur�haser its deed conveyJng the property so sotd.withaut any covenant or wsrranty.express or implied. � �-`�;i�;f=,;�_::�:... '4
<br /> ` ° The�ecitalinsuchdeedoian mattersol�ac4arot�erw�seshaltbeconciustve rao9althetrNhf�Inessthereol.M person. .-,;;.5:;,� ==-
<br /> Y p y .'�'' .._'' '
<br /> �. ',� '� � inctudingTrustor.TrusteeorBeneficiary.rt�aypurchaseatsaldsafe.Trusteemay�4so�SetiatanysuchsatAandasepart ':�;����;;�;,.�.��.-+;,�. .
<br /> � therea'�any shares of ccrporate stack seaurin the obti ation sBCUr�d hereb .an Trustar waivas demand and�►ottce o1 °u�:rr°.`•-°:;;'��
<br /> 9 $ Y (� • ^.,,_,,. ..��'�.�:.� .
<br /> � such sale,(Beneficiary at its option may also torectose on such shares by independent pleQge sate.and Trustor waires =,:=- .,-•,�-� ,�.. -:�
<br /> -� - deman�ot notice ot such sate.)After deduce+rrg aU ccs4s.iees and expenses of Trustsa�anS ot ihis trvsL instuding co�t oi ,�:;�F_��:.;:�:��,.
<br /> � � " evidence of tiUe trt connection with such r�3i�.Tru9tee shail first ap�ty the proceeAs ot eate 4o th8 payment o1 sil sums ,;i��_,,. ;:,.'
<br /> � � expended under the terms hereot,not then repaid.with accrued interes!at the rate then payable urtder the note or notes .
<br /> - � • � securedhereby;andthentopaymentotaltothersumasecuredhereby,andifthereafterMerpbeaayproceedsremaining. .. . � �,
<br /> . � : distNbufe them to the person or persons legaily entitied theretv. ;
<br /> '���� If thls Oesd of Trust or any note secured hereby providesfor any chsrqetor prepaymentof any indebfedness secured ,
<br /> • .. ' hereby.Trustoragreestopaysaidcharge,ifanyofsaldindebtednessshalibepaidpriortothematurlrydatethere�tstatecl � �
<br /> � � � in said note or this Oes�04 Trus�even if and notvrithstanding Trustor shall have detaufted in paymeM thereof.or in �� . . .. �
<br /> ' . _ perfermanceotanyagreemeMhereunder.and8aneficiarybyreasonthereof.sliailtt�vedeclaredalisumssecuretfhereby < , ,
<br /> � � ' . , imrrn¢diatety due Snd pgyabt� � , � '
<br /> .- �,i:.;. . .� .,
<br /> - - SCHEOULEOFl.EASES:Wlthinten(10)daysatterdemartd.TrustorshafttumishtoTrusteoorBeneticiaryaschedute,' : . , ':`�,,:;;�;..,.
<br /> . � � � . � `��' cerBfledbyY►u8tar,ssttingtoRhatileasesofsuchproperty.inciuding,tneachcese.thenameolthetenantsoroccupar�ts.a � . • °
<br /> �����:��° � • Eescription bf the space occupF�d by such tenant and occupant,the�en4a1 payable for suCh space and such oiher . .
<br /> ;,,:.
<br /> , ::�7;;;;�,-.� . � intotma8on artd documents vlith respec2 to such teases and tenancies as the Trustee or Beneficiary may request • . �, .
<br /> ,� COVENANTS O�TRUSt06i WITH RESPECYT�LEASES:Withoutthe prior vurltten cons�ntolTrustee or Bertsficiary. . � ' '�„:_
<br /> �. 4' .<�,fJ�y Trustor shaD noL diteC4ty or indfrectly�with respectto airy tease o�r spa�-e in sutfi prope��y.r�#�e2tts�suc#s I�a i�c�tat - .- ._....
<br /> _ . ' hereaftertnexistence:(a)acceptorpermitanypr�payment,discountoreQvartcepaymento4�eMth�reuaQer.(b)cancef .
<br /> . ,�. � . or tormina4e the same,or aecept any cancetla�on.termination or sunender thereo4.or permit any event to occur e�rhich
<br /> • a , , wouldentittetRelesse�ihereundertoterminateorcattcolthesame:(c)ame�dormoditythesamesoastareducetheterm
<br /> .. , .. : .. ; - _ _
<br />