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<br /> �` : '� the recetpt ot wh�ch is here�y acknawisdged,`1'rustor hereby iROVacabiy grants.transfars,conveys artd assigtta to'P'+r:isiee.IN -
<br /> "%''-l'`';-� TRU9T.I�JiYHPOlt4fbROFSALE.brthebenefltandsecurityo?Lender;u�rdarandsubjecttathatermsen�canQltionshereinafAarsei .
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<br /> ----� .,. , SSIiTiH�'S SECtlHD SIIBDYV2Si0A1' BfiIHG A Y'1�7' OF � St1ll7HMEST GU!!Ai'E!3 15611/�1) SBC.
<br /> �{'.�?�s_�.'� YIQH 'Pli€�39'Y FOUB t29) TOI�HSHIP ELEVFH t�i) HOt3?H, BAliLiE TEH (10) WEi�T OF YHE�6 .
<br /> --:�;�X�;�� ' TH P,�... HALL COUti�Y, HEBBASYfA. . �
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<br /> -- ,: .••.• Topother w(th alt buitdfngs,improvemanto.tixturos,strpots;alteys,pasaageways,easements,�Ighto.prtvilegoa r��d a.ppurt�- __
<br /> _-°_�-�� �anCbs lOCate�d theceon or In enywls�pertEtinlnA thereta,and Ne rente.l&9ues and proflte,reverslona and�emairtders thareo�and
<br /> =-`=�_��r�,:?x� � du�h p�►�onal ptoptirty that f9 attached to tno improvoment$no no to can�titutae flxture.including,but rto411mlted t4.heattng�rtd
<br /> - - _----- caatin�equtptnenx aaO topether with the homossoa0 or maritat intareste,if enp.whtcfi lrnerests are ttereby rete�aed an4watved;al) _.
<br /> --- -- �� ofwblo�,I�tGtudln�reptace(�ontsandaddltionsthereto,lehorobydeolaredtobe�partotthereale�tatese�uredQylhstlertofthl�
<br /> -_ -'"'��-3'�'�'� Qa3d of Trust and et!ot tho toregtlln�peing retorrcd to horoin as tho"Prop�rry". _
<br /> - -.,..-�� �
<br /> --_-a------= Thie 0e1ed ot Tniat�hell secure(a)the payment of the prinetpal sum artd InterEtat evlQenced by a promlasory rnste or croQit °
<br /> --� ���- -- � Septe�Ler 6tA 1395. Septe�Der,bth ZGOD. �
<br /> — aqreemen!dated .havinD�maturiry date of .
<br /> — in the odpinal p►1nclpal amount of� 13,070.18 ' �
<br /> -���- .and any e�d atl modiflcaBon�,exten�lone and renswata
<br /> . 1�6f�ot os thereta artd eny and ail tuture adyancna and�efafirances to Borrower(or eny of them H mors#hfn ons?hweundec
<br /> puiauant to Cne ot mOte prOmissory notea or esedit egresmente(herein called"NOta"};(b�t�e�aymrant of other euma acNanced by
<br /> �enderto protectMe sacuriry o1 the Ivote;(c)tho pertormance a4a11 cmvenanta add egreements of TrustoraettoN►haretn;and(�rt!
<br /> - _ presen!and tuturo Iqdebtedrte�.R and obti�ationa of Bonower(or sny ot them If more than one)to Lee�der whether direc�tndirect„
<br /> ----- � abanture or conUnpent and afiether.a�letng by note,puarenty,ovardraft or othorwise�The Nofe.fht�Oeed olTruat anQany andait
<br /> atherdoCU.enb thatsacure ft�o Nofe or otherwisqexecuted In connecUon therewith.lnctudtng'wi4ho�stltmfffitlan guarantee�.securify
<br /> ____-___� agreem9nta and asatgnments ot teases arid�ent�.ehatl be►�lerred to herein as the"Loart Ooc���ttli�'°_ �
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