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<br /> � . .Grant�ea. �
<br /> VAlRB S. �I/1ti � SHA1tDH i. VuIA. 1Tuebanc! and Si�fo , ' � ' . i i
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<br /> ia L�Teb.�Rev.Stat.��'78-801) fs� �I� � � Cowrty,Nebrwjt�►s A t�esce of .laad�
<br /> o�ted ia.the Narth�ast coraer o� t e Noxtt�ease Quarter of the fiou3hvest Quaster of Sectim I
<br /> nt Qne (21y, Tawas�l. Elevea (9.1� Noz�b, Range N3ae (9) Weat of tl}e 5th P.I+�., ia Hall
<br /> ou�ty p braeka more. partiiculaslp deseribed as folla�ts to wit: Beaiani�tg at a�poiat whe�e
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<br /> ortheaet Quaster of t�se $outts�est Quastese above dencribeda �birt�r ti�ree (33 .) �eat �set o� �
<br /> iae center of said sectioa lis�o. theace in a southerly directioa,300 feet parallel vith�rtine
<br /> aid seceAon line; tbeace in aa easterly �Rirectiori 22�i.feet at an a�gle o� 92 degre�s 4a ,�.�f
<br /> � heace in a northeaete�ly direction 580 fee�t at aa arsgle of 319 de� Sreas to a poiut,7.�0 fee �
<br /> eut& of the north 13ae ef the northeast quartsr of south�rest uarter of the a�ove d�ecri6bd; �
<br /> ' • thence in a uort'�e�ly dfrecLioa 120 feet araia.ei�wiEh L�e aectien� ltust on .th� w�st � j
<br /> ide'o£ the above desca�i.tsed ncrtheast quarter o�r soutE�weat quarter; t&ence i.a a vestesl.y � �
<br /> rectian along the sao�.eh 7.ine o� the aa•ld northQae4 quart�s Qf the soutbvest quartes above '
<br /> �sscsib�d for a distr��e of 30Q feet to a poiat �here eaid litae interaecxB the'rlght 4f,wa�_i ,_
<br /> � the balt 1lne sailrray, thenae in a 'southwesteriy directiaa 431 feet to the point of ---=- _
<br /> cept�$ �..�ertai.n trast dees��d to the Citp of Grand iel.a�ad as ahown ia Warranty Deed rec r ed
<br /> I4 BOO� 1C1�i`�8�e:1Z�: . . � j
<br /> �. Grantor covenai�s �,�4iPU9�d eeve��.iY more LPian one) :wfith the Eiratiteee th�t Grantori i �
<br /> `::, � . . . � � .; i
<br /> ' (1) ie]awfutly eeised af�uch real eatate and that it is free from encumb=ances svb3ect to easementa, � E j "
<br /> . . r e s e r v ati o ne,covenents aiid restsictiona of record . . . � �
<br /> . . . C ;
<br /> • .��) hag lsgal gaarer�lawfnl authority to convey ttie same; � • • ' �. �
<br /> � . . ' � . . � ' :
<br /> (3) warr�ts and wQl def�ad r��title to the x�eal estate agai»st Ebe lawful claims ot aU persons. � ,
<br /> ;�ecuted: .1aR..��.. .•��{'��:�!�...o D�.:7- �. , :
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<br />� � Filed tor recasd aaB en2erecd in Numesical index on .............................................. �
<br /> � � ...... � !
<br /> •. � , n4 .....o'ctcck ...,.L2..aad recorded its Book..................................... Page : ........... � ;
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