.. ,. ...•. 1 j� t � � .. . � : .�. .
<br /> .� . � � . : '�. f" _� � ' � �_
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<br /> �.�lF'.� ... L:tr�.�-.�. _� +1 Wi.> " ' -������ .'S� .��. ' '�L'— '._'.
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<br /> �t� � ~�� �.�.� —'LY ^T! . Yl ��^ . 2. s �C�I, . 4 " � — � ; '��..' 1 _�
<br /> * , !^. _ � '_ ' �^�^„i— ' `. r.}'iR`_.�i �.4.: _ ♦� f ... �1..,----- . ----�. _s--_ -
<br /> Y ` ' _ . ( _— ��'V�"^—� h i- h
<br /> i�. . .
<br /> , ^-r— . ��'e. ` F �� "� _--t T _r; � .` t� �� 4 i u� 1.tY.i'
<br /> ti: F t' � f r
<br /> :.:~'� � ' _ � •
<br />��ln. � .� � ;C .''�,:'�...,: ' • ♦ , . . � � . -�
<br /> L V ti�. :.4'�: ,t�...: t , Q
<br /> - `,��'�� 4 4 ' �. T�e BeneBc�ary,or its a ts,a�a�rthuaized tb enter at any reasona6Ie tame upnn o��an�y Q�art�ti��is�op�for tL� �`
<br /> —_ .., s• � � �
<br /> � �•�,_��r :'� �°;,` ' •;' p�pose of inspecbing tI�same aad far the pu�ase of p�rfotmiag auy of the atxs they are awhoiued to peafonn ander the tetms of '` .•:_,�,'`
<br /> - ` �' atry toaa insumaeNS exeaued by Ttirstois. � � ,
<br /> " 4�t�.'a �' �. .. - � . .
<br /> . � .' 9. If all ar aay part of tbe piogerty or aay uueiesa af Trustors is sold,transferred or fiuther�aawmbeered without tfle wtitten
<br /> - .� �` consent af the�eenef� the�n declare all sums secumd 6y tl�is Tn�st Deed co be immediately due and payab2e aad
<br /> :;;�, � ` , � � praceed W ti�e�i.es availahle w it nader the def�it provisions wntairted 4�ela '
<br /> -- . , ° , 10. Aup of t�e foltawit;g evenis sball i�de�aed aneverII of defanit herenader:
<br /> -- .•;, � . • a Tr�staTS shall have failed to make pay�ent of a�►y installment af prinapal or interest or aay other sums secured hereby when
<br /> • ' � due; � .
<br /> ' �b Theie i�as accorred a breach of or d�f'anit ander a�teraE, cau�t, agceemcns, wndirion.�pmv�ion. repre�ntation os �_�
<br /> -- - :��^'"�'-`."�-� wanantY oontaiiaed in.this De�d of Trust,tt�nate ar aay olher toaa�n�r�,m..�s�l he�isy; �
<br /> �: ' °��`;`'' "' ` c. Thene t�s beea a dsi'autt 6y tthee Trustors in the Qayyment of any priar or s�bs�neut lien or euctlmbranoe i�cesp�t to al!or,amy .
<br /> _ `:;�;; ' part nf tlie prcpet4Y; � � � � ,
<br /> " �,���` d. Tmstois st�al! Sie a valuntary petition in bankniptry or shali be adjudicated 6ankmpt or insolvent, or shail atake an � .
<br /> � `�'��:'�:,=• assignment for the beaefit of creditots in respect to the praperty,or an actioa to enforce a�+lien or encumbrance or judgments
<br /> `':��<'��., '., .,,:. . against the property is commenced. � :-
<br /> - .�,_ _�.,;�iz;• • il. In the eveat of angr defautt,We Beneficiary maN deciare aIt i�udebiedness secured her�y to 6e due aad payab2e and the same ;�'
<br /> , .
<br /> _ t� _:'�`.�'���-�,'`�� svall thera,igan beoowe dne and paya6le without any pr�ent,d�mand p�est ar aoSoe of auy idad. The�the Benefr,ciary
<br /> ,. 'f;x���� _ _ m�: -
<br /> �'�.r��!�"�.•�- .�"�-� a. either in gerson or by agent,wiW or withaut 6rn►giaS anY actio�or proceeding,or.by ceceiver agaoi�ed by a casut,and
<br /> ��,�r`�',. , withoui regard to tbe adecPtacy af any secruity,enter u�wn and takc possession of the Fne�ertg,or anY Part t�ereO�in its awn
<br /> '�t'��,.�r�: ` , , aam�or inthe�name of ltte T�uster� and do az►Y acts w1ucL it deems neces�rv � des'srdhle to p�ecvc tlne value, �a°•
<br /> :;�` �: or intemsl tha iaaeas�ul� th�om or tJie ,
<br /> '' �;;��,��,'�._.. tnark�ab�7ity ar rentability of Yhz propeny,ar Part tbereo$ ein, i�oome P�a�
<br /> .::�.�..�'.,=.; �,.: 4 i�. s�c�ity 6e�f and,without ta�ing pussessian of the properiy,�c for or otLenvise coliec¢IIt�rents,issues aBd prafits ther+eo$ .�'
<br /> -.: :;•...: :- ..: .�...�..... -=. ... . . .. ..._._;_ .._ ..
<br /> .4 �e.. .. . .. . .._ .. _ .. . .
<br /> . . � ...
<br /> ...{�•� - . .. .. ...�
<br /> , .... � � inctuding tfiase�ast�ae aad��iiupaFd,-.and apply ihe�te.�Iess-cast�and�exgensesofogeraaouaad wltecuon; g�-- - -
<br /> �-i f� • � � , �a�Y fees,�spon anY iu�bt�d�s�S�vred�e�q•all in sucb order as the BeaeSciaty izmy deiea�� T6e eiutering upon :_�-�
<br /> ' . ;'a�:.';, �sa+�;ng��inn af the uust estate.thc witectioa of such reats,'issues and profrts and agpL�on theceof as afaresaid ,��
<br /> ���. �„` , ' sha�Ill u�t due o:waive azry d�nit os notice of default bFae�mder or invalidaie any a�and in�e,sponss to sucEa��aault or �;•;
<br /> ��
<br /> , ''�: .�"� ;,: . . . � {nusuan!to anch uatice of de�anQ noiwitbstanding tli�cnntinuance in possessIon�CII�a.property or the obll�a�t,.-;eoeEpt
<br /> �`iE, �','- •�: ::.. ;'"".`�:. and applica6oa of xeaRs�issues or pmfits,Trastee or the Eenefciary may 6e emitled to exex�cise every aight provided foz ia aay . ��`
<br /> 1u,,..,.�-. .... ; � ia�
<br /> ,'j,,`,• . ;; :: of the loaa iasd�ie�s or bq law upOn o�eaoe of a�y�nt ofdefanit,incladin�the rlght to exercise the pawer af sale; .;':;• .•� �a•;
<br /> 6. coffimenoe an a�n to fom�Iose this Deed of Trust as a.mort�g�appaint a reee� or s�pecifc�lly eIIf'orce suy of the ':�;:, '�::.
<br /> . ;�;•;�`. oavenants teeteaF . :,;::" • , .., : . , ., �
<br /> .. f,�. •;�.. ,
<br /> ' >`���§,� � c. deliver w Tcastee a vvritten decta�ation of defauit and demand for sale.and written A�e of defanit and elep3oa to cause '°'r''-
<br /> _ � ';'�Yyr�r. , ���=
<br /> �• Tn�stors int¢cest au�the property to be soI�},which natice Ttustee shaU cdase to be d�ty.�led for record in the nffcial records •�_f•_„�;
<br /> � �� . ';�; .� of the aounty in v�afch the pmgerty�is tocated_ . . . . � � ` _..--
<br /> -,_ �� 'y '. . .✓, ,�. lZ. Shonld the Bemeficiary elect to forectose by e�s�e of tIie�¢wer of sal�lt�zin contained,the Beneficiary shall notify Tcastee . :: .�;.;i�
<br /> .;:r��.'�,� _ ;• --�-
<br /> . . ; and shali�osit ait�Tzustee this Deed of Tcust and�e note aad�such ioceipts and evidence of expenditure.s made and seeaued �_
<br /> _ . .. .:.,� �• heieby as'�'�may teclwse,ansl upon request of the Beaefcciaiy,the Tn�stee shall cause€o be reaorded..Publishe�and de]iveYed . . �';���-
<br /> - •��.,,..,..;; .;x#,'�� to Tnutor sti�h Diottsa:ci DefaWt and Notice of Sate as then req�ained by law aad by this Dee�of Tnzst.Trustee sl�aall wllthout demand __.--
<br /> s. , ' :• ,:� 'on TnLSwr,af�sac�u�e as may then be required try law and after recordation.of sush Notice of Defanit and after Noriae of Sate , ___
<br /> �;-' : • � havin been`•' ' as law,seU We at the tiaae artd Iace c;sa2e fixed by it in snch Notice of Sat�either as a �=
<br /> .�,.,. . _.�;�-*�`.,� g �.ti�a t�r�isY PI��Y P
<br /> � �`'`'�' ' ~ , • = whv2e.or in sepatate tots ar parcels or ftems as Tmstes sball deem expedient,and in such order as It may determine,at public _
<br /> �+,��_,,^�.;�==� �,� suctton to the h�ghest bidder for cash and shaU deliver to such purchaser or p�uclnsets the�a deed to the yrapeny so2d,wnsistent -
<br /> - � ,�;;..,- arith tt�e law then in effect. Recitals iu the Tiustee s deed shaU be pYima facis eviHence of�he nmh of t�statemenis made therein. , .
<br /> ' ;�:r;. Trasta shall appTy the pr�ooeeds uf the sale in the fcu��wing order.(�)to ail�le.c4sts and expeases c��e sat�inchidiag but .
<br /> :-'T'k�,,•,•-:�. � nai liraited to Trmtce's fecs of nat more than 2°/a o:`ul�¢gross sale price,reaso�:�omey fees and costs r,�¢�.Ie evideac�@)to aU
<br /> �,:';�;;:;.�; -�"� sums sea�d b3+ this Deed of Trast;and(c)the exoes.s. if any,to the person�cr persoas tegally entitted thezew. A�y person, -
<br /> ;.>,_ �` islcluding the Beneficiary,ma3'purchase said propeay at said sale. Tcustee may in the mag�r pmvided lry law,Fostpoae saLe of all�
<br /> ;•='✓�`'=� . , .: �,.:• ' pr any portion aFthe pmgerly. __�
<br /> �.,';�;};;;.-:4•.:� ;;, 13. T�stee and the Benefiaary,an�each of them.shall be emitIed to enforce•payment an�peiformance o�'any indebtedness or —
<br /> �,. :�''�a�w{;�':�« t � .
<br /> �..,�• ,�,�:,;.; oblig�tion secuted hereisy and to exe�cisa all rights aad powers under this Deed of Tmst or andes any loan insmunent ot othe� . _
<br /> � '�,j ';..:.r��..�_ �.', ' agreement or airy laws aor or hereaRer enforaed notwithstanding same or aU of We ittdebtedtiess and obligations secured hereiry ��-_
<br /> wtucb may now or herc�iter be otherwise secnred, whesher 6y mortgag�deed of ttust. pledg�Jteq assignment or otheTa�ise. �'��"
<br /> :� . '"..:,:9i§it �i,'���� _: .
<br /> ` Neiiher the aaceptauce of this Deed of Trast nor its enforcement,wAether by oonrt action or pursvant to the powar of sale or ather ,
<br /> :� ' -c::-
<br /> .�, -
<br /> ..?'..��t:, pawers herein oontaiaed,shall prejudice or in azry manner affect Tnistee's or 1Le Beneficia�'s rigLt to reallze upon or enforoe aay -_-
<br /> ' � ' � �. ;' ;��� other secuTiry now o:hereaRer held hy TnLStee e�r�Benefciary, it beiag•a�that Tnistee and We Beneficiary,and eac�a£. . �
<br /> ;;}�. *,''"� �' ;.,..�'� � them,shall be e�ntitied to en€orce this Deed of Tn�t and any othea secarity naRV or hereatLer hetd by the Beaefiaary oi�'naasi�c� , �:'�
<br /> • ' such or�and manaer as they may in their absolute diseretion ds�c3mine. No�emedy hecein oonfcired upon or r�ve�t�'£twsiee . ��`
<br /> . .:�., .
<br /> � or Ben�a�y is intended to be exciudve of any mher remedy hereiu o:by law y�ovided or pemiitted,but esch sHall ite�ative �?.:-
<br /> � '� � and shall tie in addition to every other remedy gnen hereander or now or��eafter eldsting at lativ or eqniry or try statate. Every
<br /> �- � �`'� pawer or remedy giv�m Ciy a�of the loan instru�ents to Ttnstee or 1h�Beaefiaary or to wbich either of them may be oWerwise �
<br /> ,� . � � . �: �: entitled may be exacis�;canaurendy or independQntty.from titne to time and as oftcn as may 6e decmed ex�ediens by Tnutee or
<br /> ,, , :.;,�'�`.;., B�ne8clasY,aad eitb.er of them may pnrsue incensistent remedies.Nothing herein shall be oanswed as profu'bitis�g the Beneficiary
<br /> �-. is
<br /> � � � ' fram seeking a def Cciency judgment against Trustors to the extent sach action is permitted by law. �
<br /> __ �'...�-4:- ' 14. Tmstars hecet�y request a capy of any noitce of defauIt and that any no�ce of sale hcreumder be mailed to Tnutors at the
<br /> ':� . ... . ' , address set forth in the first paragraph of this Deed of Tnist. � .
<br /> ' . . 15. 'fhe Beneficlary may.by a written insUument execvted and acknowledged by BeneHciary,maited to Tn�swrs and reoorQed in
<br /> - ' • ' ' `� the Cmmty in wtilch the property is located and hy othen�vise caompiying witb the provisians of tfie applicabie!aw of the State af -
<br /> � � Nebrmska,.substitute a successor to the's'iustce aamed herein or acting hereuadet.
<br /> ����� . . 16. 'I'his D�d of Tnist agplies to and inures to ttiee benefit of and binds�all parties Iiereto.their heirs,personnl repres�ntarives, '"� .
<br /> . ', . ,� successors and assigns. The term"Beneficiary"shall mean the o�mer and holder of the note.�vhether or not named as Beneficiary
<br /> ' � , herei�. ' � , . .
<br /> - -' ., - t'. .
<br /> - . - -� --
<br /> . . . }Jr�
<br /> . ' � �.: . �. ! .
<br /> .� . �
<br />