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<br /> ' S. �ard or�°rogerty lnsurugce. �Barrower shall keep ttce imprvv�ments now exrsFing or her�fter ecected on t6c' _
<br /> � Piroperty in5ured a�aiast Ross by fir�.h�ards incYuded within ohe term"extende�caverage'aad aay ather harar8s.including . _
<br /> ftaods or`Qooding.for whicb Lender requires inswance.'Igsis lnsuranu�shall be maintainad in tne siaouats and for the periads —.
<br /> ` . tI�,Le�er requires.7'i�ipsuranc�e raerier providing the iasuraace shall be chossn by Borro+Ver�subject to Leader's approval , . �
<br /> which 5ha1�not he unreasanabty withticld. If�oaoarer fails to maintain oovetage described above. Lender may.at Lender's _
<br /> option.obtain caveruge to protect t.en�er's rigt►u in the Property in accordance with Para�raph 7. • �=
<br /> A!1`u�surante poi�cies and renew�ls shsll 1�a�r�bte w a.endBr aad shall inciade a standaid mnr[gage claase. Ler.der �~
<br /> shali have the dght to hold the galicies and�reu�wals.If 1.ender cequires.Borrower shall promptly g�ve ta Lender ail receipts of �r:
<br /> paid premiums and mnewa!aotises.In the event of lo�s,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insruance cairier and Leader. �..
<br /> ` LeBder may make proof of loss if nui made promptly by 8flmower. . • � _-
<br /> Untess Lender and 8orrower otheiwise a�ee in writing,�n�*anoci pioCeeds Sh31t be e�lie�d to restotst�4n ot Te�air of the _
<br /> propzrty dainaged,if the r�staration or r�pair is econoaricalty feasi'6!e and i.ender's securiry is not lesseaed.If t6e�estoration or =
<br /> repair is not economirally feasi'ble or i�nder's secutity woutd be lessened.ths ins�ance proceeds shall be agplied to tTie sums
<br /> secured by��his Security Ins�ms�st,whether or not then dus,with anY exoess paid to Borrower. If Botimwer abandans the
<br />- pruperty,or does not answer withln 30 days a datice from I.ender that the i����*+c�carrier bas offere�w settle a claim.then —
<br /> Lettder may coltect the ins�uance pm�eeds. Lender may use the pmcee�s ta repair or resWre the Pragerty or to pay snms • _
<br /> secured by this StxuTirnty Instiwneat.whether oF noi then due.The 30day period vyi116egin whea tfie notice is given.
<br /> � � Unless Leader and 8orrower othertvise agree in writing, a�ry application of proceeds w principal sha11 not extend.or .
<br /> "pastpone thc dne date af the aQOnthtY PaYm�ets referred w in paiagraFhs 1 and 2 or change the amourit of the paynne�us.If
<br /> r � under paragiaph 21 the ProgertY is acquired by Leader.Borrower's right to any insuranoe poGcies and praceeds resutti�g from .
<br /> damage tg tfte pcoperty�rior to the acquisition shail pass to Leader ta the extent of the sums s�by t6is Seauity Insuument
<br /> - -�---...iu�ittCdi�teIypriortotheaoquisiriott: ---.� ._..___.. � .
<br /> .......... .... .- =--...-- -._...----�---...._:......----.- - - -- ----...._..- --- . .
<br /> 6.Occup�ncY+PeeseevatIon,Mafnt�an�cucd Ftoteettoa oi the Property,Borro�ver's Loan App�imtIa�t;Lease6nlds. �
<br /> Borcovrer shali occupy.esta6lish.and nse the Propetty as�orruwer's priacipal resid�ce witfin sixcy days after t$e execudon of
<br /> ti�s Seturity Insuumeni aad shall coirtimie to oaa�py the Prape�ty as Horsower's priucipal iesidenc�for�c leasi one year affer
<br /> _ !he date of.oc�upancY.tiatess.I�nder oiherwise agrees iA writing, �vhich consent s6a13 not be unmawnably withheld,ar uWess ..
<br /> extenuating circumstances exist which are�yoad Borrower's control. Borrnarer shall not destroy, damage or i�pair tite
<br /> Prbpezty. allow the Progerty to deterioratc, or ca�it waste oa the Property. Borr�wer shall be in defantt if any forfeitiue.
<br /> : eciion or proceeding.whethr�civil or criminal.is begun that ia Lender's good faith iudgment oonid resuit in forfeitare af tbe
<br /> �1�riY o=othera�ise materialiy impair the lien created by this Secarity lnsuument or Lender's security interes�Honnwer may
<br /> ' cure such a defauit and reiqstate.ns provided in paragapi�I8,by�causing the accion or groceeding to be dis�ssed with a ruling"
<br /> that, in l.ender's good faiti�determinarion,precludes for�eituTe of she'Borrower's interest iti the'Property or other material
<br /> iffipairment of the lien created 6y tAis Secvri2y Incm�m�nt ar L�end�r'�..s�rrat�! interest• Borrawer shali also be in default if
<br />_ Barro�ver.dur�ng the loan ayplication pmcess.gave materially falsc:q�`��"'�"��nformation ar statemea�ts w I.ender(or failed , .�,;,,�
<br /> co provide Lenc�er with any+material information)in consrection cs�ii;i�e`ioan evidenced by th.e Note.includi*•...�,hut nnt limited
<br /> to,i+ep�sentadons wnceming Bo:rower's occupaacy of the Prop��s a prindpal yesidence.If ttiis Security Insaumc�tt is on a
<br /> . teasehold, Boaower shall compiy with all the piovisions of the tease. If Borrotver acqulres fee t�tle to the Properry. the
<br /> leasehold and the fee tide shall not merge unlesg Lender agre�s to the merger in writing. ' �
<br /> 7.Protection of Lendcr's Rights.in the Proper�y.If Eorrower fails to perform the coveriaants aad a�reements coata'taed tA
<br /> this Serurity instrument.or there is a iegai pYOC�ting'that may signi�carrt3y affcct Lender's rights in ths Froperry(sueh as a .
<br /> pro�eeding in banlauptcy.probate.for candemnation or forFeitu�or to e�oire laws or regntations).tben Lender may da and
<br /> ' pay for wt�tewer is necessary to pnotect tice value of the pmpertY and I.eader's rights in the.Property. I.�er's aciions may
<br /> include.PaYiug.anY�s� �red tiy a tien which has priority over t1�is Sewrity Instrument, aPFearing in�wurt, PaYin�
<br /> reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Yroperty to make repaiis.A[thau�LenQe�may take action uader ttus paragrapb . .
<br /> 7,�nder does not have t�do so. ' ,
<br /> . ' qny amounts disburseA by Lender under this para�h ? sha11 beoome additional de�bY of Borrower sewred by this
<br /> Secvriry Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lende:agree to other tera�s of payment,thes�amounts shail 6ea,r�nterest from the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be paya6le.witii interest. upon notice from Leader to Borrower requestiag
<br /> payment. ' . ' ' . � . .
<br /> �S.MotE�atge Insnaiutce.If Lender required mortgage iosurance as a coadition of makiug the loan serared by this Securlty
<br /> 1nsWmerp,;��3orrawer shall pay tt2e premiums required ta.mainiain,the mortgage inswanoe fi.;a+effect. tf,for aay reason, the �
<br />-. , mort���srartce cover�ge required by Lender lapses or ceases w 6e in effect.Borrocyer'�pay the premiums require�!to.
<br /> obtain coverage substantially eyuivalent to the mort�age insurance previousjy in effect.at a cost substantially equivolent to the .
<br /> wst to Sorrower of the.moRgage insurance previously in effect,from an altemate mortgage in4urer approved by Lender.If
<br /> =_ su6standally equivate�z�vrtgage insurance coverage ts not avaitaDle.Borroa�r�n'shaU pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br />- on�twelftta of the yearly inortgage insuraaoe premium being pafd by Borrower whet�the inJ?r�nce�overage lapsed ar ceased tQ
<br /> - be in eSfet�.t.ender will ar,oept.use�d retain these payments as a toss reserve in lieu�of�.��rtgage in§umnoe. Loss resetve
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