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<br /> -� •i '� � .a - , .0 ��� F*:` �i • �.�`. ' , << c` ', '° � ° ._ -
<br />. , ` ,.s` ? , ;' 'r� . •r �p., ', .�.Y.� .� ` �..i .- . . a.�4E'=t�" F (� ±G.S ua��
<br /> �"s`' t�5'�' . -,` .�• ,:r t� '��`ae ��� ;�'� }-' ' �: . . _ . : .-
<br /> -"�i . .k ..� .; � - � �� �" t r-c4S k ia�'�i�`�i�r� �F 1��r}lrtt i�iM�.f�i����„5'k� �� .
<br /> - c . . .� ` _�J��:� a i"f<f�� �. 1. .�•, c. ��f. '4 � `F'_"".�;�'��.- _
<br /> ,..-.�a:a+a.`i.�.i:�:r.`fl+w.i:+L�ii�i`i:�_:.`.�y�_� '"�t��e.y�z �y i -- �_
<br /> � r be uiced.ut the a tion of[.ender.�f martga;e insucaaix covec.����aontau�d�oi tt�'rlad -.
<br /> . p a y m e n t s m a y n v t u�g e �q A
<br /> ihat Lender requires)provided by aa�insurer e�prove�f by l,ender u�in 6�comes uvtii l a b le n n d'as b btai n e d. B o r r o t v e r s h a U p a y .
<br /> the ptemiwns�cquiced co maintaia mort�tge instlr�nce i�effe�t,or to provide n tass resccve,uatii tits requirement firc mortgage —
<br /> . insurauce ends in s�cmrdance with isny ivritten a�reemsat betwecn Bormwcr und Lender or applisable la�v.� =_
<br /> 9.Yns�c4taa.Lender or its u�ent inay make tefssaeatste entrIes ugon su�d i��spections of tl:e�p�*.y.l.�ader s��t!giee �
<br /> � �t►wcr r�ticess the ti�of or pris�r td ir.a inspection sge�cifying crasonabie cs�use for tfie inspection. �=_
<br /> 10:CQUd�ataaU�n.The proceeds of any awand ar claim fdr,cl�mages.dircct or wnsequertial. in connecdon with any =.
<br /> coademnarioa or ather takic�g of ar�y part of the Pmperty.or for wnveyance in lieu of oondemnation.ate hereby essignrd an�
<br />� shall he paid to ixnder. • �
<br /> ' In the eveat of a wtal takiag of t6e Property.the graoeecls shall be apgGed w the sums sacured by this Security Ins�ument.
<br /> w6ether or aot then due.with any eao�paid w 8orrotvet. In t�he event of a p�tlal talva8 af the PtoPeriY in which the fair
<br /> market value of the Property immediazeIy before the ta6cmg is equa!to or�ater than the amonat of the sumg s�ured by this
<br /> Secunty.7ns4rument imtnediatety before the ta3ting.unless Borcower and Lender ot�ert�ise agree in whting.the sums securgd bY
<br /> • thLs 3ecuraty Instrmnent sha#1 6e rednced[ry the amowu of the proceeds malGplied by the foltocving ft:�tion: (ay the total�
<br /> � amou�t of.the s�uts seair�d immediatety i�fore the taking,d'ivided by (b)ttte fais mas�et value of the P�operty immediai�iY
<br /> before the tatting. Any balance shall be pasd to Borrower. In the eveat of a partial taking of the['raperty in wluch the fair
<br /> � marIcet value of the Property immediately before the haking is tess than"the amount of the sums s�cured immediatelY 6efaf'�t&e
<br /> ta§ing,untess BoaoNer and I�:nder ott�ezwist apree aa wnung or unless.appli�cable[aw othercvise provides.the pmoeeds s1ra11
<br /> , be aPpli�to thc sums secured by this Securiry��.�:�vliaher or nnt the sam�q ar�then due.
<br /> If the�'copetty is abandon�by Borrower,or if.aRer aotice 6y l.ender to Barsower tkat the coademuor offess w malce�a
<br /> --� � --award or setite�a�claim�for damages.-Borrower-fa7s to respoad.w-Lender_withiii�Q..days_aftct_the.date._the_notit�e_is.Sn'en..._.._' _
<br /> Lender is aushorized no coil�t and apply the proceQds.at its o�ption,either to restorasion or repair of the Property or to the sums ,
<br /> secured Iry this Security Insuumeat.whether or not thta due. ��
<br /> Unless'Lender and Bomuwer othenvise'agcee in wri6ng, any agplicazion of proeeeds co pr�ncIE�a1'.shall not�eatend or ,
<br /> postgoae the dne date of the monthIy pay�ems referted to in paragrapha 1 and 2 or cbange tt�ee amowd of s�ch payments..
<br /> 11.Hoerower 1Hot�eleased;ForLeasa�soe By I.eader Nbt a Waiver:Extension of the time�'or payzaent or modification
<br /> • of amarti�atlon of the sams serured by this Security Iasuamsnt gcamteA by Lender to any successor in interest of Botrovrer slsall ,
<br /> � not bperute to retease tfle liability of the origiaal Borrower or B�ormwer's successors in intemst.i�ender shall not be requir�d to •
<br /> commence�nr+aceedin&S a&'�ins�anY suceess6r in intec�est or zefase W exter�d time for payment or othernise modify amortization
<br /> � of the s�s,c'uted by this Se�auity Ensbument b"y reason o�as�}e demand made by,the asigii�al �ormwer or Bom¢w�'s
<br /> • , .successozs ria€"rrterest. Any forbeaiaa�e by Lender in exercisiag any right or temedy shall not be a waiver of or precEcr�the
<br /> ' � exerclse of any right or remHdy.
<br /> IZ. Su�cessms�b�.sdgng 13ouad;Johit a�i Sev�ral �a6flity,Ca��s.Tiie cavenants aad a�nts of s4sis ,
<br /> Sec�uity Insttument �'F�iad aml benefit the si:a�esso�s.and assigns of Len�aad 8orrower, snbject ta the provisions of
<br /> paiagraph 17:•Bormwer's covenants and agreements sha11 6e 1aint and several. Any Borrov'rer who co�signs this Securiry
<br /> Insuument but does aat execnte the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security 1nsUUment only w mo�e,graat and aonvey that
<br /> Boaower's interest in the.Ptoperty aader tbe terms vf this Secuiity lnscrument;(b)is noi Pe�sonaUy o�iigated w pay the sums .
<br /> �': se�ured by this Security Insttu�and(c)agrees af�:L,eader and any other Borrower may agree to exteud,a�dify,fo�ear or � ••
<br /> . malce arry accommodations with regcttd to the tesms+�t this Secairity Instnunent or the IVote witYwui thai�orrower's eonseat.
<br /> 13.I,a�,u C6aeges.If the toan secvred lbY this Security Ia�vment is subject to a!aw which sets maximwn taan d�arIIes.
<br /> � and Ehat.'�vis is finally interprete¢sm td'u�t the interest or other taan chaiges cqllected or to be colteded ia wan�ctian�the •
<br /> loau exaeed the pennitt�liatits.'then:.(a).ang sach loap charge shall be redace�by the amount aecessary to reQuce the��5atg� .
<br /> to tbe permitt�timit;snrE(b)any sums already callected from Borrower which exeeeded permitt�limits will be iefunded to
<br /> Borrower. Lwder ma},i��osc tu make this refum��.�by reducing the principal owed under +t�e Note or by malcutg a direa • .
<br /> paymcut t� Borrower.�1� a refund tt�uces prineipal, the�redncaon will be tc�eateb as a partial prepayment withouL a�r
<br /> prepaya�t charge unQ�r tPie Note. �' • � ' .
<br /> .� , 14;i'�otices.Aay notice to�aaowea pmvided for in ahis Securiey Instrument shall 6e$aven by detiveria�it or 0Y c,e:ailiag
<br /> ,,,�::.,it Dy first class tnail unless applicable law reqai�:.u(se of another m�hod.The�ntice sh�ll be directed w the Property Address
<br /> . ' ..,. 'br any�otiiet address Bosmwer designates B�-n�:�l{a� to Lender. Any notice to Lender shal! 6e g,iv�en by fust class mail to..
<br /> . .�' Lead:i,�ur�diess stated herein or any�other a4C�e�s'1.ender desi�nates by notice to Bomna•es. Any notice Pmvtded�ar an this
<br /> Secority'iiifsttument shall be deerhed b�t�st�e been given to Boirower or_Lender when givea aa.�Yovidod ia this pamgra�li:'-;�. .,
<br /> . 15.'Goverutng Lntiv; SeveanD�i4g. Th�s•Secvri¢y Instrament sha11 be:govem�d by'. federal taw arM the law of ttte
<br /> , jruisdiction�n which tI�Ptoperty is tocete�.ln ttYe event that any provision aa clause of this Securiry Instnrment or the Note
<br /> � .conllicts with applic�'stl�l�w.such conflict shall nat affect other provistons a��:ti�Secutiry Inst�umern ar tlie Note which ean be � .�::..
<br /> given effi�t without the conftictin��ci�zvisiou.To this end the prpvisions oP tt�s SecurIty instzumem and'the Note are declared •
<br /> to be severable. � � ' � ' •
<br /> � 16.�Rs3rrower'�Copy.Borra�t�r�liall.be given one wnfarm�d oopY of t6e NotO and of this Security Inswment. ,' ,.
<br /> . • • ' ; S'ortn 3028 9180
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