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<br /> ' 9CQtiETHER WITH e�t the tmPrarrementa naw or.h�eafter erec�ed on the propetcy. __-_
<br /> fxtures aow er hereafter a part of the pmpraty: ail repIacements and eddidons s�n11 also �c cov�red by�this SecuritY =_-
<br /> Insuu�aent.All af the foregoin�is re�etted to in tbis�efiuritY Ipstru�ei�t as ttte°Pmgerty" `, �
<br /> .,SORRO�VER COVENANTS that Borrower is IawflillY seised of the estate heceDy cunveye8 and has the•ri�1tt to�rant and �_-
<br /> ooavsy th$ProPeM3+ an�that t4te Pmpetty is uaena�mben�i.exoept for eBrum4raaces of record.B�rrower wanants and�vil1 �_
<br /> defend generaliy ths ti de tv the Pro�rt y e�aiast alI cfaims and demamis,subject to any encumbtances of recard. , �_.��
<br /> Tt�IS SECUBYTY IIvSTRtIM�3T eQmbines ani€osffi cavecfants foY natim�a!use and non-unifom�covefiants wifh limited
<br /> �;;
<br /> variatians by jurisdic4ion to consrirute a unifome securit}+insuam�coverh►g reat propertY• ' _ � , �,.
<br /> UNII�ORM COVENANTS.Eorrower and i.ender aovenaat and agtee as foilows: ` a arhen du�the �--
<br /> . l. Fayraent of FtIadpal ana Interest; Pt'+elPaYY��aad Imte C1�aige�.Borrower shall prom�tlY P Y . ---
<br /> priacipal of aad interesi oa thc debt evidenced by the Note and aaY PT�PaY�t�fate charges due under the Note. =
<br /> 2.Famdg for Ta�es ai¢d Ins�ramse-Sub�e�to applica6te law ar to s written waiver by l.cnder, Bonower sha11 paY td
<br /> Lender ou the day iao�hIy payments are dae imder the Note.untit the Note is pald in fiill,a sum(°Ba�yfo�r.���Yld�payment�s
<br /> aad a�sessinents wluch may attain priority over tlns Seauiry inst�nmebi as'a Gen on the PcopertY;(b}Y =
<br /> ar grouad tents on ttie ProgertY,if any:(c)yearlY b�or property insivance premiums;(�YearlY Qaod ins�uance prt�irmss•
<br />- if•any- (e)YeariY mortgage insurance Premiums•i�a°Y+and(�anY su�s FaYable by Borruwer to I.ender,.in aceozdance wit�
<br /> the grovisioas of patiagraph 8,in lieu of the paymem of mortgage insuiance p�iums.These iterms are called Escrow Items:" —
<br /> Lender may, a�asry tu�e. collest and hold Fundg in an amount not to exceed the maxiimim amount a lea�er for a tbderaAy
<br /> ielated mflrt�age Ioan may require for Boaower's escrow acaount under the federal Re�l Estate Settlea�ent Pcooedar�s Arx of .
<br /> 1974.as r.�ded fmm time w tim�,t2 U.S.C.3ection ?.6tll et seq. (°RESPA"),unless anothea tav�that ayp3ies ta the Fdnds
<br /> -. --.-_--sers_a iesser�moum.If so. l.ender may,at anY time.collect and hold Fuads in an amoum not to exceed the 1�oama� .
<br /> . .. Lender may e�sti�atc ttie�amonnt ofFuads"�u�on�the�basis of currnt d�ta-and-reasonabl�:��s. ...��.--.-. --.. -- -_
<br /> � Esaow Items or otherarise in acmrd�mce�rciw'PPlicabte law. , ._.. ._. ._...
<br /> instiumentalit3+• or entity '
<br /> 'd9ie Frands shall be held in an icL�r�i-T�an�whose depo�sits����Bank.Lender shall apply the Fuuds to gay t�
<br />.. Q�uding Lander,if I�nder is such aa�:�=�?II)ar in'�np ede�al th�escrow acoount,os
<br /> t�,�row Items.Lender may cc�charge Boiioi�+ier��or L,u�.,ng aad applying the Funds.aanuallY ana17�
<br />-- �`"ying t6e Escrow�Items:�:::.ess I,ender P�Ys Rorrpa:.�intes�st oa tt�e Fuiids and a�plicab2e law permits Lender ta make�
<br /> � a r�arge.�t���,Lendsc may requ»�s�wer to pay a one-time chatge for an independent real estate 1ax reportu►��'�
<br /> _ r .
<br />_ �.� bY..��.:;n connection with dtis•�i�, nnless.applir.able t���rovides othernise. Unless an.a�tatheP-r�..
<br />=- �'�cable law r+equims intecs�;t4 be p���l�r�bz1E�ot'be req��PaY Borrower any interest ur eamings, ._ .
<br />-= 19�:.�-ower and Ixtrder may�ia vuriting:however,Ul�-t inteiest shall be paid a�the Funds.Len�er shall,gs.��e to Bor���rCt
<br /> .,^.aout charge, an azu►ual aeoounun�of the Funds, ehowing c�ed'►ts aad debits to she�unds and the puipas��r'Svhich eac6
<br /> a •-
<br /> debit to the�ds was made.'�e Funds;�pledged as additional security for aU sums seaued by this Security Ins�ram¢�tt..
<br /> Ef the F"w��s held by I.�nd�r excee���o�P�tt�to be held by applic�ble law,�slaall a�t t6 Bon°wer
<br /> for the excess;Funds in a�cordance wiit�i�cequi�ements of applicable law.ff the amouat of d�:,�'a�nds held by I.eztder at�y
<br />°� time is aot sut�icient to pa�+�:e Escronr Items when due.Lender may so notify Baaower�in writiiig,and.in such case Borrow�r
<br /> s}�1} pay ta Lender the azuoant necessarY to aiake up the deficiency. Borrower shall malce up the de�cieac�in no more than
<br /> tvrelye monthlY Pal+���ai Lender's sole discserion. �-�ument,Lender sE�all pmmptly refund�to Borrowec any
<br /> ' Upon Payment in fuA of aU sums secured by this Securiry .
<br /> �'unds helQ by Leader.If,undes paragra�ph 21,Lender shall acqui��x sell the Properry,L�ndcr.�tior to the aCquisition mz�ale
<br /> of the Pcaperty,s�all apply any Fuads held by Lender at the tune af acquisitioa or sale as a c�:+against the sums secured by
<br /> thi�Security Instrament. . � . .
<br /> ' ' �.Appltcat�oa o4 Peymeats-Unless aPPlicable Iaw pro�►ides otherwise,all��meNs receive�by Lendei ander Paragra�2
<br /> 1 and 2 shall he applied:first,to any.�Y�t��due under the Nate:seoond,,w amoauuts DaY�bte under paragraP
<br /> ttird.to intei+�st due:fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due uader the Noie..
<br /> Q.C�aaBe�;Idens.Borrower shall'pay all taxes,assessmenis,charges.fines and fm�positions atMbutable w the PiroFerty . ,
<br /> whicb may attain priority over this Se�ority Insm�ment, and leasehoid�payments or ground rents.if aay.Borrower shall paY . . ,
<br /> - these obli�adons in th$manner prnvided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in.that maniier.Bonower shall p�y cheA!on time direttly
<br /> � to the peason owed paymem.Borrower shall promptly fumish to L�ender all notices of amounts to be paid under ttris par'agraPh•
<br /> If Borrowet mal�s these payments directiy,Bonower shall promptly futn�sh to L.ender receipta evidencing the payme
<br /> . • Bannwer sha11 pro�tlY dischar�e any,lien wh�1�as.priority o�+er this Security Instniment unless$orrawer: (a).a�in .
<br /> - writing to the payaient of;t�'v:obligation securvd by the Uen in a manner accep�tii,s.ta I.ender;(b)contests i��c�d f��I'r�ie�ien
<br /> — ' by,,or.de�'ends against enfo�cement a8 the lien in, legal prove�ings which ixx.}Re Lender's opinion opc�.�t fo preven4_the
<br /> — enforcement of the lien;or(c}secur�&�nm the holder of�e f���'�?��5����a��wA'schscnay auain pri�ry o er �
<br /> this Securiry Instrument.1f Lender d�.�mines that any p
<br /> this Security Instniment.�der maY�ive Bonower a notice ideatifying the lies�Borrower shall satisfy thz Uen or take one or .
<br /> _ _ : more of the actions set fat�abave wittun 10 days of the giving of notice. � � , �m,g078 8�90 '
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