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<br /> - i .. _�- � __} t .�h _ -4-� 4 --�--r----T--�. �.—•_G S.f• S R �a ' +4 GYC�e�c _
<br /> ` ��� •�7t:
<br /> ,1 _'"' '-•-_...'�-nF id�.P�----` -�-� . . -�.�.Y.�'_' —�"La� ^,t G - , . .<^.y'- � ,_.,i-Y,a "F,c� sf�.rr -
<br /> -•s.r�^F-i --',....a�.����.,..��� �_ r— c'-'------t -�--t ^:`"�' . — i =�-'____'�`- c - t roo`�iF'.
<br /> �"t-� x., o . . .�u �<`r, ' .<a`��`, .�. ��`, v. �,. ':n.u�.. 4�` -
<br /> C .h.''_ -.Sf. i�C� ib:.' . ��`' • '{.'
<br /> . ` �
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<br /> - .� . . . .� � � . � . � d ���v�/
<br /> s `( l)ax�t �ar6►a F�ym �dV� orrsr,enaraurrcferine,c�ssmonemm,u,,' �,
<br /> 'a 8 Of JE 'Jllt,dISCGIOROI p8j/m2Rt ,� _ �'
<br /> . i.°. ' .`�` (b1 c�ancolartemitnam�rssemQoiaxstrre�+ca�a�suon.terrr�nattonorsurranderrlreraof.aRermgsnYev�'AtfiiocurrwAir�wouldQ�ur ��
<br /> , .�, �:. � , therayndertomrmlrrateorcafrceltlrss�ofha�G�a»mmr�naSontorrronpsymarrectrsn4 _ <
<br /> ,, .����.�-.`�;,.:4°`•. • (c)Amendormod�y the sama so as co�eCrrce t�e tarm ther�oi.tlra rantal pa�rab.`�tharsrmdeb wlachas�ge ery ranarral p��lsfans tho�eM. . �;
<br /> . • corr�frred. . �'`
<br /> • '`' i.- (� {I�.�N86l1JIQ6f8(1/«18/8f1fiQ8IOlQtHSC�f�fBl801, < . ., �
<br /> � (e)GIVa eryconserr��vafir'�r orap�trQral NararinderarffiI��I cUra�a's7lon tn corurse6an Nera ifth,ar v�Rh alessesthateundeL vrhtcA vroUtd hsva : �.
<br /> ., ilroeficct affmpaUing tho valua otUrafessa/shti�mst thersrurderarthe pmpartYst�lect thereflol ar oflmpahfrtg the FosfUon of lrnerestaf ,
<br /> ,`,r' �. .:.;• Bon�dary tNereln,or
<br /> - --P-_-n--::" • ln Ssl�e�t9n.FfeOg�ma�ga oroilferr�ise 6s,pase af,ar encumbar Rs h�terest�n srry satd taase w ary m.�s.lssues�Pra1Ts Iss�g ar arfs/ng ,
<br /> " �t tAeteurt�ea .
<br /> -""'�'�� � 17. N.'f��of Strh�W Umftaffvns.Tfine ls ot the ssssrtceln all o}T1us0a�s t�!lgsYans end dutlss hefe�mCar,and L�the eiRantQwmRtad bfla�i DLSIOr � .
<br /> .;.,.;,�..,--�' cvafi�assDp�asentarfu6�res�aLdesolUrs�1�74��►mspecttosrydeDtidamarrda�abllgaVonsewredAe�abYandBrYacttarrorAruceedln9fo� o,-
<br /> ,�° _ �,, . thept�OSe ofetdardng UrJS OsaO oJ tfust orm�ydgRts orramad'esmrrmtned heretn. �
<br /> .' , • ?. 18 Asst�unentof Oeposfls!e ftrs euerrt consbuctlan of lmPraramarnafs aoniemplatedDy tPrefoar�evfdencedbYths Nete sscuradAereby,asad�tloast s-
<br /> � `, secrafly thsrsfere�Tiustor AaraO�transfars and esslgns ta Ber�efla�ry,eDdgh�tr7la sndlrnerest to anyrandellrnoNesdePoslted DY oson beAs!!ot . �-
<br /> . s —
<br /> 7tusLo�wtth anY dt}t cou►nY.Pr�Gc badyor sgenqt sanftary dlstricG uUGtY comPar�and any otherbod�asgam�y,farths ins�i02tlon orro secure _
<br /> � - � ��,4;, tAa tnstatlatlon aienYu�i�bY Dusia�Fer�lning m tl�ThrstPrape�e , �
<br />...:, `:`� ` ':: 1� Co►poraSon or Pdt�ta�sNp 6dster+ca U7lusmr fs aactp�ra�on,8en8rdl Rarbre�at�R orGmJiaQpamtershlA R wlUdosJl thbrgs aeoessarY loptesenre Rs �
<br /> . . oapnra�orPardlershlAexfstence�as ffie case maY bet arrds0 dgMs and pfivdeges under thelaivs of ffie smfla�Rs Urcorparatfon morgan�o�►. �,
<br />��'t` ';.,:`.i�'•«, 2R Ferbearance byBE�neficiery Not a Watvec Any falbemance by Bsneffc/srytn maercfslrrgarry��rt orremad)rhereunG.s�ora�erxdsa�sd by �`
<br /> �..° appBcablolav,ahaUnotGe a r�aWarcf arpraduds Maezarclss ot erry sucb d�darramedu ihe praao�merrt allnsurar�a the payment of mxes �_.
<br /> '' ..;: '` ��� ortha d'rsGhBr�sOfllBn9 olChstges by BeneSctarySls�ArrotCB 8 w81Yei�BenefTClBq/sdght to&CCefarafe tha r a a tr�r H)t oftlrB NdeDtedness. ' ---
<br /> ,r�;,�;�.. s;�, . —=
<br /> •t.>�� 2i. RemeCfes Camuletiva A/lreme�es p.�i.�fis Mis€�ofTtust ara dlst�ctand cumulstAre ta anYa"b�rl�t arremedy�de�this�r�iT.vsr
<br /> ;,��}�x.ir �,. ar�l�ada�tsuo�equlty.8ndm���sfexa.�-�cbr.cur�ni��,lndepe�?ds?�Yorsua�stuey. .•:,:: ' .:;� � ' -
<br />: rf�.�tP'r �r �.r ';"" Z2$tf�2f:.��'�3�0l1Rd�Ot�$11��K�.2��1f�;"�OT1S�173�178f18M98��?ET�&lf&��.5h8U•LUl�81JC1'fh9ri'� : �ri`
<br /> .�,�� 1,,:�r1; �' hsrarm�8r�,7a�Ag.�i+e r�p°�irs�s an��ss��nnsol8anefldary,Tros�S�eYttlTrr�at f.G ca�arra.�2s ar.��gi��marrts of T�rrstar shalt
<br /> ..'f� .:�';;1.'.'T:• - - .. • � -
<br /> �, ��"� ; ....r . .bajafirY�s.:�Yf.-�ita���3�vcttna�ngacti?1a�'a�r'dp�lisoltAlsQeedntSrustat�aior.Carv�enc�a�y�ttAerr�rtat#��18.u�,�lDi,hierpfei..
<br /> , ')��s � ' .qrdaFYnB�ta�'.sinns9te�c3. ~. ' . :%�. . .; ".. . . �. —
<br /> ••�' o r- 23 No7FcS�•�xceD1 fora:grn�rEqv��nCe�sAPGcable law to be gfuanln armlher menrie�(a)sr.�n�Ca;ib wustot pmvlded�ailn L'�7s 1�e�d al firsi
<br />':.�:%=;;�„t`��s^;-- �: shaUEa��'van by m�l'ir,g srrdt aoUCeSr�Fe�rliffed mail,r��firm race/pt reqt�2stad addl6ssed to Trusilnef i}sma!ling addtass rset fo�abderaar at such �
<br />-;:t.>;:;;'t�.�:�; � othere�drsss as Ti�formay dasl�bY nodae to Ben�Idary as pradded ha�eln,end(bl efi�rrotlaa�cr�eneflciary o�Tiw^tea sha/l�e ghBn by �-
<br />.`;.: ,�.,,,.,`� � c�ffil�mal�raMn recelPtis4�ested,toBenBflcleNs end i'instee's maiGng addrassatatedhewfi arto suc3�othar addrass as BenefliJaryor � --
<br /> .�:,.� �._.�`.::.:: '
<br /> - Tnisf�s,�aY daslgnafe b�notfce fu Tnufioi es provlde�heielri:Any rra?ic�A�vtded forin tPilsDaed oJ fnisishad be daemed to have baen gNan tv
<br /> . :,�,1,�4 J'
<br /> r._-`��:::�{;�h�'�..c��. __
<br /> •� ���-= TrvsYti't Benoflclary or Tnratea when�h*anln thamannar desl�neted hereN.
<br /> ."'.��:':,�:.:. ,?'':..': 2A QovamingLmv:Sevsra0flttl=fi1s Ueed at Trust shallbegovamad by fhe lawa ofthe State alNebrasl�Ge ihs evantam�provlslon acfsuse oftAts
<br /> --�• • � •. :� . aeedaf 71ust coMlcts w/N e,qDUcable law,sucACOrdlld shall rtot aBact oMar ptivlsfons af fh�:Osed al Tnut whtch can be 8tuen etlect wlthout tha ,
<br /> �'`.�::�:.°+ .�;�•..._
<br /> ;ta;l�r:';_ .� �t/11lC!ll7g pIDV18l0119 Bfld tD tl118 Blld thB plOVISlOrt3 Of th13�QBd Ot TIU9t Bt8 d8Cl8f8d t0 b@ S9Y6f8bl&
<br /> - - •.,' ;..s', 2g EVanis of pe/cuR.EecA p1 ttre�ollawing occnrrences shall consdtuto er;event�oldefauR hereurtdai(Rerefnalt8r called an Ei�a�n a�tTefautC�:
<br /> ;�.�`'... :'. ._.k !a) 'RustoraRaDfalltopsywhendvasnYPdnclpayl�res4apdnclpelsndUrtelastonthalrtdsDtadnosst �
<br /> �,'1°�,�;'`_:;._ (D)MY warranry ol dtle maQe bY 1�usro�hemGn shafl De annvet
<br /> -- ^���.,
<br /> _`:`v:�:�.j r.;_;'?;� �(o) ThtatoJ shalf fail fo ahs�rt+Qa►�rto�m eny at fha cv�nerrts6 eglseme�GreorrdfUons fn M/s Obed a!Tiust.
<br /> - --_---=-- , (�Ary mpresen�ffon or wsrranty made Dy 1YUStoron[�yOnerrelal ata�rnond or r�ports cuDmJtbed tn Eeneftdary.Dyor on OeAeHot T1rr8tarsA�11
<br /> ri ��,,��.,,;� prar�Istse ormatedNrymisleading, , �'
<br /> °��� (e�1 flusta shallle!!to pellorm arobsBnre sry a!fhe aovensnte�,condlUon9 a agrETemanie co�rteUred N,a�Oln.ding�pon 1lusror urtCar ery Dutlding
<br /> "--'�:=�i:�� /oa�eQ�aement socutlty egr�emarrt,foes�agreemer�OnanCing statame�r�or sny other eg�esmer�/nsArumanf ordocumerR exacuted by Tivsror
<br /> -- —=�: tn conneet/on wlth NB fo�evlQenced Dy MB Nafq � .
<br /> -_�"'�rt�''_",� QJ A Uusteei r�oeJls►or�qrildeAx ol lhe ilust PnopenY a o!Dustor sAsD D�sppolrtted a eny�the creditars ot Vusto►ahall 1I1�a peUUon�n.
<br /> -____ --_— banloup�j'aDaUU7 Tmsio�a1o�Ne reargsn�tlan al7tustas pul5utNt to Me feQeral Banlm�ptr.y Cod�ormq simlliar Iaw,whntAarlfederal ors�
<br /> _____�-- enOBsir�cA orde�a pedtla►aha7not Du d/schar�edor dsml�sed wlMtn thtrtY(sU1 daysener tAa dat�on wHkAsrMdi order a potJtlon was fited,
<br /> l9) 1luslorshaAfil�a petltlon pmauant ro tAa Federal Bsnlauptcy Code ateny slmAs�(ew,tederal astaL�arilTtusrorsAall be edJ��dge08
<br /> Dantaupt arbe declarad InsoMe►�ashaDmake an assl�u►rsnt for tAO Denelit aicredlto�at orSheDedmRln c�lung fb IneMlftY�PaYRs deMs
<br /> '--=s-- as d�eyber�ome dua�orsha0conse�rt to thesppo/ntment ola raoeMerafallor eny pa�tat the Tiust Pinnperty, ' . .
<br /> -_ -°- _ {h)Flnal Judgmerrlfatha payment ol money ShsObe�eadered agelnst 7lvsto�an4 tius�ar ahallnntdlacAalgeYha samR or causa If tu be
<br /> _ . - dlschargsd,wftllln thUty(301 derys aft�7i tlre e�ytheraof,or ahallnof eppesf tAerefram orfiam th9 orrle6 dec,�t�a aproee�s upon whtch w
<br /> ___- pursuent to which saMludgmem wa9�en'ted,based.or entered,and secure a smY ot executlonPending such g�pesl, .
<br /> .�:�-:.�r�� (n Tmstor BhaD sell ar conwy tho 11ust Properl},o�ery part tAereolj a ery UKe�st tharetn,or Sha11 Dg dhrested of its tft:e�o►ary/nterest thsr8ln,In
<br /> ;;,��r�-_,� sny manne�o�way,wAefhe�volumer/y or/nuolu�te�lry.wlthoul tha wrftmn consent o!Beneflclary being fl�st had enQoDialned,or . �
<br /> -
<br />