. ��" � r —.. •. .ki . � ._. _.., �_ �
<br /> � -..' � . �•�� � _.�^ -- r°__=------�—-
<br /> � — ` ' —t � _,.,.-.:.,,.-�..-+�r ' r-;.... }� . N,._. . z�
<br /> _!t � �`_" L..- _ piT� .h.,�. c » �.': � .�._' ..�. �� i_t�_�a�' �'.:
<br /> . 1��ti i. — _—� . .G: '.s._ _ _ � _ .-�'" t c --�,.^� `y: c-5�� ���''•.r
<br /> � 'r� '
<br /> r.— •
<br /> ..- . .,- �. � .'
<br /> <� -,�. r-
<br /> . . ,., y . .. � . ..,. . ..�,.�.. � , . t, .,� �L'a=..'i.._
<br /> �e�. �— i y�2si ' -t.., ' - - .. — y. �t. < ,l��.i5t�.:
<br /> .(": ... .. '1 t�,yt! .��Y: ' 'Y4` • . �Sc C�`l.'• ' - 5 `�1/ .
<br /> 4� ,s f• i�' . . . . �L--.
<br /> �'
<br /> . :P. f, � —
<br /> '�,�(c,t ''t , � . , I . �:
<br /> � ..; Sr � ��� � � . _ �'.:
<br /> , �,tP�, . . �`. �O ���� . ` . ' �':
<br /> '�'-... � ��, . . .
<br /> •.:.n�� `•_ �:; . ��_.
<br /> �:^;b ;. BORTtOWLR COVIIdANTS tpat Ee�wer is Iaw�Uy seize�of the esta�e herehy conveyed and has the dght tn grnnt `
<br /> ° ` �;� � ...�_ , aad canvey the end that t�ie E�roperty is unencumt3ered.eacept far eacombr�noss of ceoord.�Borcower waprants aad
<br /> �o�y 3er� �:;,
<br /> `,��`;�:�'". wil!defend gene�iatfy the atIe tA the P�oPeitY a�a�nst�ill cL�ims and demands,suble�t to any encvmbraaces af tecord. -
<br /> . G r- , �
<br /> ���4'�t•.�,� � . �JL�IIf-VNYl\rQYLF�l1►�11�7� � . ` . ' .
<br /> 1. �y�t�at c?.Pria�F�l+Iatet+est matd Y.ate C�g� Boimwer s�ali pay vthen due the principal of,aatd iztterest on.� : .
<br /> ;';�. `���;.� the Q�tst evldeaced�y tFse Nate and ta�cl�rges due undsx tl�iot� � ,
<br /> Z. Mantt�ty l�y��t oY Tases,Ynsc�ans�ead OtTae�Char�s. Bomawer shaU ffictude ip each month3Y P�Y��
<br /> �.�:'' w�etl�r wilh the princtpal and inter�t as sei forth in the Note aad any iffie charges.•a sum far(a) mxes cemd sgaciat
<br /> assesssaents levial ar m be ievi�¢against die Prop�y. (b) Ieasehold pa�aents br groUnd_�eats on the Ftoperty. aa+d
<br /> '�'''�''F""�'���� f�4. 1n an ear in wToic�the Lender mnst y a mortgage insuraaoe -
<br /> - -- • .y- (�1 P��for insurance cequnrd aiider ParaS�P Y Y ��pRminm would --
<br /> ptemi�►to the SeaetarY of Hausudg and Urban Beve2opme�("Ses�emry"1,ar in any year in �
<br /> ' 1�ave beea reqatred if Lender still he2d tt�e Secaaity Instnmaeat,eac�rnonthly payment s�all aLso mcIude either:(i3 a som for ���
<br /> t Alti
<br /> ��,'<t. the annual mort�age insuranoe p:s�uiam m 6e paid by Lender tfl the Seaetaq+,oT(n�a monihiy diarge iasn.�of a mortgage ��
<br />,�-,:-���;���� ..,-�,� insurance pr�m�m if tL+is Sec�uity Instiument�s�r,dd by the Secm,tary,in a r,dasonalsle amonnt to 6e detcsmiaed by the -
<br /> . ge�ary. Excepi for�^z rnonthly cbarge by the Secs�y.these items are raIIe�"�scaow It$ms"aad the sums paid to Lenda ____
<br /> 6 �:'t'•�>'r.rr:�t.. � 'dT?Cd�Cd�.SCSDW F'LT�i-� • W-
<br /> l-c - 'i::�- .�, —._
<br /> t;�., �. �: I,ea�may.at any fEme.oolieet and hold amouuts for Escmw Items in an ag�amooat nat to exc�ed the ma�►am -_
<br /> '-,�- ,..�.��,° ..•: amonnt t�3 may 6e reqaired far Borraw�s escmw aooaant�der the Keal F,state S�eai Prac�cl�es Atx of 1974,i2 �
<br /> `�"'`�t -
<br /> r ��t,t ,, ,.�r U.S G.§ Z.501 g�„sen. a a� I e m e t�ting t e$n 1 2 T ians:�?A CFR Put 35U0, as theY maY 6e 2me.aded fmm time OD ame �
<br /> i� e `'�
<br />:;a I_.;,�,<�.a;,: ..� ("R£S�A°�except tb��cns b i�or�re peaaiitted by RESPA for unandcipa�ds,sb�ats or disD�m�nts 6efare • v..
<br />_,;4,.., (S,, `F,s .�s :�:: the Ea�awer's paym��zte ava�lable it►the accwnt mayuot 6e hased on aatouats�¢e fos�mort�age i�"�ce P� �,•
<br /> .s`4���°`c . L�t�E atarnm�flela 6y Lend�far Fscrow I t e m s e u ce�d t hs�amonnts g e r r�'r�to be 1���y RFSPA,Y�d�sha1I dsal _
<br />-�..:• , . - sot�ici a�
<br /> ...,:,,;:<'�� �� 4, ���s fuads as � b �r o • -
<br /> -,;•;-_..-., � �nntsa fa�a►s
<br /> . •••::`�j il,.:=;� _. ..----_ r,...-- - - -
<br /> A If the , f held y�td et auy Rzt��e n t „ ent tn pay .
<br /> .. •....,_,r, .__ .���s.ahes d�e;�. ..��tify�the$wrower aad-a�as�'��Bomuwer to m�tce�u�s:tt�w shartage ar..defra�cy us;: _
<br /> r � 4 �by RHSPA. � � . ,�::' ":•.; �
<br /> „����,. ' �,; .�e Es�crow Fiuc�aze piedged as additional s�uri�Y fos all auns sec�d b�r this Seauity Instmment If Ba�ra�� �
<br /> '�:�.'f:;-r�,-�,��- , •��:endeis m I�udes 4te fuli payment of aII such su�.s,�orrower's••acbnnnt sha3�6�'cx+edite8 with the balaace�ainu�g f6r aSl,
<br /> �f�' . sastalltaeat items(a).(6),aad(c)ead a�r�mo �'�r.s�ace g�ium�t t�at Lend�has not b�sst�abb�ta
<br />_ ,'`` - .�. � .'�ay w[he Ss.ccet�ry.and ieada shali promptiy��any exces�ffeads w Borrowea. Immediateiy Prior m��e2osm���� __
<br /> 1 �" of the progeaty or its . .. n bg�,Lendet, Horrawds accovnt shall'be credited v�t��'4y bal�oe�iQg:�';�:
<br /> �'± '�• iastallments foz items(a) ),�d(�)- � . • ` . • .• � -.•..�. -
<br /> �`s '�"� � hc l and 2 sh��e � l.ender as�s�.�a "
<br /> _ �:+%c:L' '.3. ApgBa�iano� ?DE& � � ��r�.,.' . ' -
<br /> pa,yaiea���der e�FP1:�'`� .en „
<br /> �.�,�::_,...,�:a. , , -
<br /> "� ' FIR t�the mortgage insaiaane pr�mfium��Iae paid hy Laidea oa t�e�'aq►ot to t�te�nnthIy c�itt�e bY'
<br /> ''�1.• ,. �Sesset�y in.stead of tfle monthly taortgs�a�assnoe premiam; � � : .: -
<br /> •.. � S�CO�.to any taxes. specisl ass�smenis, leasehold paym�ts or gro�c�n�tg, �.:3`�'ue. Qooc4 aad oUter
<br /> � .. �.: , , . ,
<br /> • � hazard insurance pmaninms,as . __.
<br /> �;�:. 7�IIRD•oo intete.0 due nnder the oce:• � -
<br /> � t 3 ,toamo�on of the principal of the Nate:
<br /> � �`is.�' �W iaio charges dus under the Note. .
<br /> _-�.�:�?� 4 Fga�F7�1 end OtHer�.�ad Iasaranca Bonrowes shall insure ali ir�r+uvemeiits on the Property:whe@ter ttow
<br /> °,:��-s%;{::�`�; in existeaoe or snbsequently etect�ed,a any.6a�rds,casuallites.aad contingeuc�es.inctudir►g fire,far w�icb tandea -
<br /> ::��.���,,��::�.�. � mquires,ipsuranre. '3�is insuraace s h a l�m�inta�n�in the amnunts and for the perinds that Lendea coqul¢es. Banmwer .
<br /> ____ d-�- shaD aLso insu�aU imprQvements an dte Pro�eny.whether aow in exIstense or subseqnentiy e�ted,against l6ss 6y.ftoods
<br /> _ -----�ars to tha extenit reqaimsid b3+the Secr�ra�yr. All wsaraaoe shall be cattied wid►ca�pazues appmved by.Lende,r. 'ti��insuYance .
<br /> ai
<br /> -_,_ �� policie�ead�any teaewals s6all be heId Oy Leadea and shaU iaclude�oss pa}mble clauses in favor bf,and in a farsa aocepmble
<br /> -_--_-_� w,Lender. .
<br /> In'the event of luss,Bormwei sball�ive E�Wer immediate ao�oe by ma7. Lender may make proof of Ioss if not made
<br /> = hy B�o�rrower. Pacb insurance company wncemed is b�rebY anthoriud and di�ed to make payment for such los.4
<br /> _— - d�to lrender,iastead of to Bmrowa and w Lender jom4y. All or any part of the iasura�Pr�oeeds maY be aPPfied djt .
<br /> � �Lender,at its aptiop,eithe�(a)to the reduc�on of the imlebtedness under the Nate and this�in+.Iqst�uraent,fust co��v
<br /> -- � ' deticiquent�t�applied in the ar,der in Paragaph 3.and then to pzepayment of princiga��'(b)to Pae t+eswratian ar
<br /> -_�,�,,,,�,�,�.� . vf the damaged pmpo»7►• Ai►Yapp]n�tion of tha prooeeds to the prl�tcipal shz��zot extend or postpone the due date�.
<br /> ci +� ts..Any exoess ins�asc
<br /> ----- ' _ mdnthlY P��3+�nts whicb ace refGrred to in Paragcapb 2.or change tfie amos�se r._�sucb�a�ymen
<br /> .�_,;,:�:o��� prooeeds over an emovnt r.e4aired to pay aU out�tanding indebtedness aader tir��P���arcd c�s Security Insctument s�afl 6L• '
<br /> -,-�,.�,�i,i� . Pa�d to the entity legaIIy en6tled therem. � . � �
<br /> -- In the event of foreclqsure of Wis 5eauity Insuntnent or other trxnsfer of�tr�the Pmperty that ex�gnis6eo d.�s,,
<br /> � .a . iudebtedneas.aU right,titte aad antec�st of Horrower in and m irisurance Folicies is force siiaU pass to thc.gurcbaser. .. .
<br /> = ,A��„��:� : 5. OrcuF�ncP, �rvadau, Maintenaaee aad Pratectlan ot We Prope�ty's Boirower's Lo�tn Apqlk�tdon; . :
<br /> -�._��:� . � },�;x3�,.Bmm�ver shait��y.es4�b1'�.and use tttp PropertY as$artowet s ptiucipal e+esidsno�witl�t sixty days afGer � . _
<br /> - _--_ -_j ' ' sh�exexuaon o�tLis Seteta�ity lnsuument mmd shafl continue io oocupy the Araperty as Bormwef s principal t�e.sidense�for at: .
<br /> - - - = Ie�st ane y+zar efter the date af occupancy.unless.the SeeretarY determiices ttvs c�uirem��cuill cause undue bardship�F�r
<br /> etermi c
<br /> _° --_--��� Barrawer.or unless exteuuating eic�vmstances exist wluct�are beyoad Bortowea's coatrol. !'�c�rz+awer shaD natify Len¢�d'f
<br /> _R-��_� �y exterin3ting clrcumstances.�Bomnwer shall not commit waste or destroy.damage or su6s7an6alty change rhe Pcapeny or ,.. _
<br /> - tilIow the Propeity w deteaiorate.reasonable wear amd tear excepted. Leader may inspect the Progerty sf the Pcagtrty��s ,, �
<br /> --�_�����;� � vacant ar abandoaed or tHe toan is io def�It Lender may take teasvnable action to Qra'tect aad p��s¢ch vac�nt or .
<br /> _ -:;,,=.s-„�;i abandoned Praperey Bosower ahall also be in default if Borrower.during the Ioan appkcationproce�s.gave mateaiaily f�:�e
<br /> �•'s�� '�. or ina�e info�ation or stater:�z9 w Leader(or failed to��^m vide Leader with any mateiia]dnformation)tu co�ectSrx�
<br /> �.,-�k'� �•: by ed representations oonoeming Banowe�'s oocupancY�rf�f:e =
<br /> � with the loan�evidenaed t8e Note.includinp,but aot limit t�, _
<br /> =- �'��;� property as a principal iesidence. If this Secunry Iasuutaeat is on a leasehoId.$orrower shall comply wlth the provisior�of
<br /> �:`,� �". the tease. If Bmravrer aoquires fee titic m the Ptopeny.the leasehold and fee tFtte shall noi be merged un2ess Lender sgees to -
<br /> �;�;�;:�;,������_:.: ' the meiger in writing.. � a _
<br /> • 6. Ch3rges to Bon+uwcr am�1 Frot�cbton ot LRnder s Ri�ts in the 1'mye�tq. Boaower sha11 pay all govemrnental
<br /> .':i�e�°," ,r,;',M' or municipal oharges,fines and imgosidons tbat are not inclv�3 ia Paragraph�. Bomower shall pay these obLgatia��da -
<br /> ' � ��. time di�ctJy to t�e endty which is o�ved the paymen� If fatttre W pay would adversely a�'ect l�nde�a interest Gr e�e
<br /> ;��.-,�;',,, i��. ;•� -
<br /> . ,;�.. Property.apon LEnder's request Bormwet shall p�mptly furnisD to l.endec receipts evidencing these pa�yinents.
<br /> =°':���E��'`��� If Ba�rower faiLs to make these paymeats or the payments requis�d.by�aragrapb Z,or Saits to pe�rfo�p any other _
<br /> -:��,�.-.;_� .•=-� � . covenants aad a�reemenm cantained'in tdiis Securit�+Inswmen�or there is a Iegal prace�ding that may significanti�r affe�t =
<br /> _ ,..;*~.•,!� Lender's rights in th�e I3nperty(sucb as a praoeeding in bankniPtcY.for condemnation or w cnfonoe laws or regu[atians).
<br /> . then Lendet may do and pay_whatever is neoessary to pmtect the value of the Pmpeity and.Leader's tights in the Prng�ty,
<br /> � including Paycaent of taxes.ha7a.M iasurance an0 other items menfloned in Pmagra�h 2. . . _
<br /> . . " Any amnunts�sbursed by L,ender ander this Paregaph shall beaome an addinonal debt og Bor�ower and be secured by -
<br /> this Secun2y insuument These amannts sball bqr interest from the date of disAursement,et the Note rate.and ut the option -
<br /> ' '�• of Lender.shall 6e immediately due and payable. _
<br /> ..:�. , , �.
<br /> , �
<br /> . . , :, . �. , . , . (Page 2 of 4 yager) . .
<br /> .r . -
<br />