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<br /> 1pGETHER Wf'i'H ali the improveatents rtow or eieafter ttrc�ed oa ttca properly.aftd all ease�,aggmtenan�es.aad .
<br /> fuchires ao�r a�r hereaRer a part of the proper�y. AU �glaoem�ents aud sWditians shall afso be c�vertd by tt�is Security , _
<br /> Jnstnunant:AI!of the foregoing is refcrred w in this Sec�rity r��►*++msn_=as tke"Pro�eaty." . -
<br /> BO�ttOWQi Ct�olENAN'i'S that Bomuwcr is tawfully seised of the estate�ereby conveyed and has the dght to gaan't ead =
<br /> cQnveyr Ehs PirogErgr 8ad t�s2 the�mg�ty is u�red.�t€or�cumbr.aac�s of record. 8anaw�r wazrsats aad wi!! .
<br /> defead generaIly the title m th�Faapeaty against a!I claims aad demands.subject w any eiicumbianses of record.
<br /> 'PIiIS SEC[II2II'Y INSTRi1B�iE1VT combines unifasm coveaants for naiionu!_vse and non-uniform cavenaals cnith timited .
<br /> vnriatians by juris�iaroa to canstitnte a uniform secuciry inseiumeni cobering reat pro�rty.
<br /> UI�URM C�VENANFS.Borrawer aad I.eader cavenaat aad agree as foltatws: _ -
<br /> l. �uymeat of�Sndpal and tn4ere�i F�e�aYmmc aad a,ace Cbarg�s. Bormwer sha�t Pmmpcty Fay wher►aue che .
<br /> priatipa!of�d i�etest oa the debt evid�tced 4Y the Note and anS+Ptepaym�t and laie chargts�ue under the Note.
<br /> � Z.F�fos Tases aa�Iosuran�e.Subje�to applicable law or to a wriuea waiver by Lea�der.Borratver sl�all pay to . '
<br /> �Leader on the day mnntl�9 Payments are dite vader the l�Iote,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(a}yearly taxes .
<br /> and assts�ts wiush may attain griority ovea this�erority Iastrurnent as a lien on the Praperty:(b)Ye�ly Ieasehotd Pa3+a�ents
<br /> oY gronad rents oa th��erty,if�y;[c)Yearly haTicd or p�pperty inswance�remiams;(d)Yeariy ftQOd instuan�p�inms.
<br /> ��N;(e)lt�1Y��€e insutanre ptemiums,if any;and(fl an�7+sums Pa9abte by Bormwer to Leader, in asrnr+daace wft�
<br /> the p�visioas of paiagiaph 8,�in lieu of the p��t of mo�e ins�ce prz�niums.These items are rall�"Essrow Items.° '
<br /> Lender may,at any tim$,coIIect.and hoid Faads in an aiaount aot to exceed the maxlmum am�unt a leader for a fedeialty
<br /> related mo:tguge toaa may�equire for Borrawer's esaoa,account�uder th$federal Real FsTate 3�itlemes�t Procedures Act of . __
<br /> �--- 1974 as ameaded frn�time to t�me:@-U:S.C.Ssrtioa�2601 et seq.-(°RESPA'):�uniess anoWer i.avi Wat agplirs to the Funds• '
<br /> . sets a[esssser amounG If so,laader may. at a�+time,collect aad ha�d FanSs Ia an amount not.w exoeed the lesser amuuet. -
<br /> �.ender may esumate the amotmt of fi�uds due on the basis of c�urrent d�ta aad czasonable'e�inaates of expeadit�m of�
<br /> . F.sc7ow Items or o�herwise in aacordance�rith applipble law. , � �
<br /> • Th8 Funds shall 6e lteld itt an instiartioA whosC deposiLS�e insuied by a fedetal agency.inctn�htality, os eIItity
<br /> (incl�ding Lender.if Leader is sacti an institudon)or in atty Feder�l Home I.flan Bank.-I.eader sball agply the Fuads to pay the
<br /> ' Esarow Items.Leader may aoi cd�uge Bormwer for holding�d app2ying the�und�,annuaily unaly7ing the esrmw ao�na�o# , _
<br /> verifying ehe FsFrow Items.ontess I.ender pays Borrower inte�est on'the Fands and applicabte law pgmii�s Leadet to malce sucL •
<br /> a c9ztge_Hovuever,Lender may require Borrower to pay a Qa,�tlme dtatge for an iud�ndeat r�al�taz reporting servio�
<br /> �Qy Lender in coaaection with this toan, aniess ap�ica.�le law psovides othenvise. Unless an agreement is made or —
<br /> . � appl�s-zble!aw requims interest to 6e paid,Lender sltall not�e required to pay Borro�ver airy imerest aa eamings on the Feutds.
<br /> 'Banqwer aad I.��er may agree in writmg,E�owever,that iaierest sball 6e paid oa the Funds. I�:sha11 give to Borrnwer,
<br /> . witts�nnt chacge,an annual accouating of tve Fands,�showing credits and debits to.t#�Pufnds and the p�pase far which eACh
<br /> delr's to ths Funds was made.Tt��?unds are pl�dged as additional seaa�ity for aU wrns sea�red by this Se4vriry Instn�meni. •
<br /> U the Funds fleld by Lend�.exeeed the amouAts petmitted to 6e held by ag,�fic�ble law,Leadet shall acoount to Borrower
<br /> ' ,far the excess Funds in aocordanse with the reqairemenis aFappiicabte taw. If the amount of ttre Funds held by Le�der at atry
<br />, time is nat suffici�to pay the Fscrow Items w�en due.Leacder may so notify$ormwex ia writiag,a�cl.in suc�rase Bo�mwer .
<br /> � . shall pay to S.e�the amount n�ssary to make up the deficiency. Borravver shall make up t�e de�c�ency in no more thaa
<br /> ; tw�i���maatbly,PaYments,at L+ender's snte dissi�tioa. . � .
<br /> , :.;;'1�.'pon ppymant in full of all sums.secared by this�'ecnritY Ia�irumem, Lender s2ra11 pmsnptly riefi�a8 to Bar�ower any
<br /> F'sH�S3'hetd by.Lender.If,urGer Qaragraph 21,Lender shal!'acquine or se11 the.Progerty,Leuder.psior to the saqv9s�tion�ar srle
<br />;�,,�. � of the�roperty.shall apply any Fuads heId.by d.eader at the time of acqaisirioa or saie as a ccedit c�F.ASt the sums secured by .
<br /> . thisSecurity ansWment. ' �. `r;;,,:;'�
<br /> • 3.Appltr�tton of Aayments.�feless applicabte!aw pmvides oiherwise.all paym�FS re�iveQ ixjt�,eader under paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 sha11 be agplied: fust, to any prepayment charges due Undet th�A'ote;sacandY�a�onnts papable an8ea para�aph 2;
<br /> tuu+d,ta interest due;,fourt�.w principal due;and[ast,to any lute ctfarges due onQ�r the Note. ' ' •
<br /> 4.C�ges;,I,lens. Borrow�r shalt pay all taxes,assessments,charges� fines and impositioa��ntt;abuFable to the Pro�erty �
<br />- - whieb may attazu�(arcmity over this Security lnswment.and teuschold�tuytsteats or gr�atmd rents;�,iE;i4'�y.Barrower shall paq
<br /> �these obligations�Is�`dh�manner provided in paiagaph 2.or if not paid inxkL�t manne;;.Borrower s�l�pay them on time directty . ,
<br /> . t�.�t���tessoa owes!gaT�.Suirot�rer shall promptly furiii�(S to Y.eader sl!nosices a�i�ii*.ai.snis ta be gaid uades tb5�:g�ara�ph. �
<br /> If l�uYriativer malces these gayments directty,Borrower shaIi�tQOmptly fnrnish to Lertder(n�;,ipts evidnncing tite payatents.
<br /> . Sorrawer shal!promptly discharge any Eiet�which has priority over tLis Seauity Insuumcni�pi�l�,ss Borrower:(a)egree3 in
<br /> wridn�fo the payment of the obligatton seium,�f by the lien in a manner acceptable to Leader;(b)'aan(c�ts in good�faith tke iien
<br /> � by. os defeads against enforcement of the i�'e'n In. legal proceedings which in the.�fder's a�i�t�n opesate to pievcnt the .
<br /> , enforcement of the liea;or(c)seuuev from 8ie holder of the lien an ageemeat satis�utqry to l:ender subordiaating the lien to
<br /> this Security Ynstru�ent. IP Lender detertnines t&at any part of the Property is subjecuth a lien which may attain priority over
<br /> this Security Instrument.Lendet amy giwe Barrower a aotice identifying the lien.Borrov�er shall�is€y the Iien or take dae or
<br /> mvre of the at�ions set fortb above within 10 days af the giving of aodce., . .
<br /> . .. , Farm 8028 9l80
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