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<br /> � ` , '`' ' ' ' $.�@�@�pg¢��rii'8II� BQ78�W?l S�lBD�t1lC i�iQVCIIieII�IIOtY CfiE�JIg QJ��'�S� -`
<br /> ,r . �,.`
<br /> ."� '° ,::''����` �a�s W�s bY fire.�a�uds iu�tuded withifl,�tua tr�m°ex�ded�ve�e"�i enyr.other hams�,=�cIu�iag ftoads�
<br /> � : �tln�ing,far�ht�h tan�a�eqni�.s insu�ans�This#n.�snse shatl be maintained in the amount�and fnr the p�i.ads d�3l�ea � �.� •
<br /> - -� . . r�ir�v.T4ie i�sur�an�e cariies pra�8���as�nauce�s!#ir�ch4sen by Boaov�er sub�s ro Lende�'s sgpa�val cvLi.�h sh2II�Y .:�..,
<br /> Y � ~.. ��` , be amea5��3►w61t�e�:1f�uaawea fa�7s tA mamtain aov��d�d abave.Leader may. at E.ea�a's opsIon.�btffin , .
<br /> t�__,: • �ov±�agemprctectZ�dea's�m�e�icageaty iaa�ncewidLparagaph7.
<br /> � Alt insma�e Iwlicias and�cwaSs�att 6e�bls t�I,eaid�aad�aS3 tuclud�a st�ttlaFY!�Se�Lat�a�a31 , -
<br /> �.`'.y:.:�-'� ` ;, . Eava tha rIght ta im2�the`pniicies and�ewals.Vr Lettd�ie4aa�s.B�sbaII pramp3�Y p�e to I�der ell�eoeipta of paia
<br /> ,—�'`-�' an�ie�ewal notioes.in tha eveni o�r Ioss,.Boirawea s?iaii give groaa�i nauce to the insmanoe�and I�dPa.Lcader
<br /> i
<br /> : . ?„:�-`-�•��, � � may�tnake p�of of Ioss if nntmade IrmmAUY bY Bamawea. ' " � � •
<br /> . ', `. � UnIess Ir.�er asW Bmrower o�ag�in writa►g.i�sm�aus�Pmoeeds st�all be ayplie�,ro�on arrepair af the � ;
<br /> �• � ,.y �P�Y��if the resroiauan ar repa�r is eccQnamis�IIy fea�'bie and L�dcd's se�it�r is untl�.If the r�ratton ar � .4�;
<br /> `�1``.: , "�� :.:''<� re�r is aflt econamically feas�le a�r LendPa's secxuaY a�snld ii�te�e�d.t1�e�ce g�Ceeds shall be aPPlied to the s�s .
<br /> it� � �:
<br />.- • ", �by tlijg$�Ii(y ZOg�t,WbP,i$�Of d0t ThCA(�IIC,W1f11 aBY�(�3�tD BQ�6W� If BOIIOW?d SbSAd�.9 t�1C `k;"c.
<br /> : �. Fropeaty,ar doe�nnt answes arithin 3fl days a aatice fmm I�endea that the�ce�auirar t�as offaed tv senle s c�aim.then .
<br />� � I�dea maY c�3tect the�msucanr.e pmoeeds.L�der maY nse tha pzoce�Qs tn m�ir ar r�swra ths Ymgelty ar to pay sums sec�ed ` ,:k
<br /> ���,: try�is S�unry Iasoraffieat,whef�r or not th�d�e.'nte 30day period an'II�Sm whea the ac�is given. �,i.,
<br /> • �"� s Unl�ss L�ander and Borcowrex otkeiwi.�agtee in wri6ng,anY agPli�tian efp�s m�ncipal sbaD uus�cte�A ar po�ipo� , ��
<br /> 1 and 2 ar t�eamfluni�ftliepaym�t��andeag�agrapb ,;
<br />- � � � the dne date of t1�e n!on�IY Paymeats nefesred w�p�a�agbs c�nSe e
<br /> e ; ��
<br /> - �:`'' 21 �e Fi�i,peaty is�scquired b�Lende�,Bmr�wei's ri�t t�.any in.s�snoe goliaes aad gsoa'�eds,resqttin$from dam2�e ro the ' :';.
<br /> �,. • ... ;
<br /> � =
<br /> ' ',; ���..�_T i�1y �.��.
<br /> .�. . � to tfle shali to�ea t�o tt�e ext�i o�tLe sums s�by H�Secur4S►rnsuameut
<br /> -- . .
<br /> :� .............��3� � . _..-�---�-�-�---- ---- ---_....---= ---.. .---.. .__._. . ..---..... .._......._.------ �--..._. .. _...... ..._..._.... _._ �
<br /> • �
<br /> , ����� -�-- ���
<br /> ;:c r.: .� 6.Oowqancy.�rvatfaa,MsmteaanceaadPru3edioao4the.�iope�rty; Borraw�s's Lazn �p�icat�a;Leasshold�. �_�
<br /> _ ��-=, Bo�qri�sball a�upg,�sU,a�d ose the Prapesry as Haaawea's prIncipal�e a+i�n s�ty d2�rs a4Ter die ea�n of =
<br /> . .�,:-..:--_, �
<br /> 1-�.�� � thts Ses�ty I�suume�t and sha11 cantmne o�oxupY the Pmperty a�Hoauwer's prindga!II�ce far�i IQast oue year after the �Y-�:
<br />— - . : date af .�m'�tess L�Wc�alhcaavise�ees in wiiim8;whiah cansedt aba]I�i�.a:.+�n�a5onablY withtetd+ot onitss �.-�
<br /> . . `-.,• � �;.._
<br /> -;;�:� � ..._� �c�n�exist whlch ara�eyor�Barmwes's ca�oL Ba�awea shaU nui d�y.d�nage�imP����• _—_
<br /> -`' `" �,,, `': aIfaw the Pmpe�tj►to d�rrriaratG��F��.���Y. BonaA�slrall ise iat defantt if 2ny. fotfeat�e acticm or - —
<br /> ` ' " �� ' prooe�ng,whethea civA�r caima�al.is Gegan tuat ia l�eade�r's gaad fail3a j�gaceat conld�ilt in foife�e of tb�AvpextSr oa • ____
<br /> ;t ':�. � � � BmrilarEr asebvcba — --
<br /> .. .. ' . oth�,.�atex3atiY irmpa�r�e t�c�eated by Siis S�c�ityr Ins�meret or Leud�'�seaui3y;�res�. maY -v-
<br /> _ '- ;;;�>L� .�`�'�. ,de��ar�,�a+eimstat�.as pmvided in paiag�apb 18,bY ca�8 t�8ction or piuceedmg t��tix dismssed witY6 a nil€ng.rar.�t,'in ---
<br /> ` . '';i'��''� � � I�der's good faith BetQrmination.�tndes forTsimpe of the Bo?h���rc�'s int�e�g►ths lhk�.�ot n1hea mase,�al�ttt
<br /> of �;1i._,�,.
<br />.;;;.� �
<br /> ':,��,� . ..:*,:; the lic�n areate�by tIr��S�ricY Ins�umegi os I.e�d�'s seeArity�'Ba�eR�sUat��!s�►L��in defaatt i€Bcucawel�.t��the
<br /> _°��.._`�:�,'`r���....-c`.: �p F'�&�e�Y f22se ar inzoaua0e taforma6Dn or s ��i'.4ts Gfl I�de��oz fa�ed to plovide I.en$hr�Tith —
<br /> ..�.�.�.�p..;.e . Ioan Iic�tinn
<br /> ;,:i,� ;'�..t;.'�:��`. a�ty p1�i31 infaimaSo.�)in canne�a nritL the Ioaa ev2dea}eed�l► the Not�.iar,�adiu�,,,,:�3 nat ti�tn.repres��tttmss� .
<br /> ��•;�r..�.•�,;�i� ��.��. ooaaa�sm�Banowe�'s nocupancY of�re`�peatY as a�CC�pa1�idenca If thL�Secnrity L�ent is en a leas�ol�.Br�nwer ---
<br /> `i"� ���:�� slratt�Iy with al1 the pravisions of�e tase.If,Boaowet,acqnices fee titie ro the Pr�pe�t}�'rt�Er�set[o2�aa4,t?isa fee��shaIl-
<br /> -';�:.`'1:�:ir;�' ' .aetmeage imtess Lender agre�s tn the m�get in���. • � .` . • ' � � �.
<br /> ' -� a y.Pt�on ut Lender'9 Rights Ut the pto�c�°J. 1f B+otmvra f�s ro petfom�the cove�ants an�,�c,�utained dn
<br /> �, '...__�;+�'�, � 8�S ge�a;,ty Ias�me�ut,or Q�e is a legat P����yr��Y affect Leuder's r�ghts�O t�e�+apelty(s�ch a4 a � .
<br /> :-_'=``°�i^�-e�.LT�i' .
<br /> _
<br />