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<br /> NON=UNIFORM EO�tAPf`fS. Bosmwes Fut�t 1 ender ftu�h�covenant hnd ag`�e as fol�ows: s —
<br /> � Y7. �or�rk�3e Pra�d�ra !f d,�aderr�u immediate pay�ni in fuU uaderp�ugap 9,i�nder may invake the .`
<br /> ��u�er ot s�te an�eny other�medles pemiiate!6y�pepp�crub2e taw. Le�uter sha�!be,ent�sled w coll�t a1�expenses incurred in =
<br /> er Q=�
<br /> parsuin�tIFe temedies pmvi�ed is►this para�ca,4b tT.inciuding,Dat not iimiteil w,i�sonatite auomeg+s' fees and casts oPtiti3 -
<br /> evidence.', ' ` r�
<br /> � Y#ttae�ow�r mf sa�2 b.tavcske��'e�stee sS�a�e+e�oizl!a staiE�aS def�mEi,4�er�w�:t9 tn�t�t�s sny part o!t�e
<br /> ae
<br /> � �-���tt�'!�s3�� �� 3e��suc&n�tf�tn tfi�tmanaes Pa�Eaed DY�P�14c�ble t�ti►to Has�ow�r�Sa�t� ' �--
<br /> t�a other�B�S gs�s����cabB�e[aw. aftcr ll�e t�ie c�a by app�SabYe ta�v,'�u��9�� ��_
<br /> no![ce�af saYe Pb¢�e�aa�E fa th�manner����p aFAY�HIe Iasv. 7Crast+�witIIaat d��on B�v�. . . � _-
<br /> � �if se11 tlt+e Fenperry a4 pnbltc aucti�a tQ tt�e blddbr et t�ee Rt�ue an�d g3�aad�tigr 9Fte terms�esign�ted tn . -_
<br /> th�sottee of sak[n one o3 more parcefs and fn any arder Tivsce�dketermiaes. Trostce m�y.�stp�ne ss�af aU or�ny
<br />' B�r�oel,aY th�e Prapeaty t�PinbSic saet�c�ent at ti�tiaee and�taoe ai anY P��Y�dntc�s� Laader or fi3s ,
<br /> d�ignee mgy gnr�et�se the PropErty W 8ny s� . . '
<br /> �Y',�n�ipt of pe�me�of th�prfce bia,�sb.�U deltvea to the purr�asec lrustee's de�4 e�v�yl�tta� ,
<br /> 'pra�eity. T�e redtals im th�Trast�'s deed s�a�bs prt�faciQ�videnee aR�[ae�of tt�ststiemea�ts�e�. •
<br /> Trastee sh�tl�IY 8�e�roc�of the sate in tIle iollawfrig a�+des: (s)to aII wsts eat!espetases oi es�t.'sg�e . ,
<br /> pt►�resdisaie,arid t@e saies�the gpY��oi 4lte Tit�fiee'sfces�Cta8By iac�ua�d,na4 toeacceec� f 1Y8, :`� '
<br /> � � ag thc gti�[ga1 amoant.o!4he et�te et the�tiae oY the d�nf c!d'anil,acial reasonsbie:�angYs� f� as .
<br /> � p�by taw;(D)w aII sim�se�red by this Se�itY Jnshvm���(e�aD,Y�eacess W tl�e pe�at►or ptrco�ts
<br /> � a��e�Cd to€t. � .. ' � � ' � � ,
<br /> 18: Itc�unveyanc��Upa�paymeat of all smms seWmed t►Y this Sec:�i3y Tasaumeat,�I.ender sbaD tzqaess Truste�tP .,
<br /> � � �wa:►vey th�Pragerry and shaii s�teadez thls S�Insun�t and alt notes ev€denraag debt sec�ed bY�Ses�ify
<br /> � Yn�ttu�eat tw.Tn�st�. Trustee sI�D�recoi►vey tHe Propeny widiaut warranty►.and v�!ithout char�e to tt�person a�,�ersans .
<br /> ers
<br /> � ' � \ . Zegalty e,�t�d�n it Such pe�san or peispas shaIl DaY anY r�vrdation costs. •
<br /> I4. Substit�te�Yn� Iiender,at nts option,m�Y frora cane m wne remoye 7lrusfee aadapgau�t a suoo�sor trastee to _
<br /> ,. aAy'i3�ustes a�poit�tted heawnd�,•'GV��oua conveyaace af tflG Fmpcatq,the suceeasor taustee ahaII suoceed W aIl tlte ti,tI�
<br /> • � .
<br /> - �-�sower 8�c1 duu�s co�f�ar�u�n Tnsstea�ci��s!8g'�pglicable 12v�� . - - - - - -
<br /> .�_;: :. . .. 29� k�a�!fo!NotTe�s. Horrc,wea ceq�sts.that c�n�s of the no'dsxs of defru�It and sate 6e seac w Barrawe��a��rzss
<br /> ' ��,�,� which is the Pr�peity'Addcrss. . � • � ..
<br /> Bide�to tl�a SeonrI�y Insir�ent I f on�or m�ore�ate ex e r u t e,A b y H o a o w e t a n d recorded to gether�arith this .
<br /> � S� .EnstlumeqG t$e cove�an� of eac�t such rlder sfiraJ�:t�•inca�sorated �nto aad sha11 amend�und s�ap�leu�nt•the .
<br /> cuvanants anda�men ts of this Secur�ry�Inatrumemtas if tiM�s)were in apart of Siis Secadty Inst�um�t �� ,
<br /> . [tfizcdc�pp�btc box(es)l. . . .. � . � . . . ' . ' .
<br /> �, � [�Condominium Rider , • ' .,�Gradr.at�d Paym�it�.�siei. • �GrowinS Equity Rfder .
<br />-;� .��,:�'. LJ ,,',.
<br /> 1 ''� QYtanaed'UnixY�eveta-�atitid�r.- . X��7t����Yl '�''.�'1EN���:,� . •
<br /> '$5t SIt3NING HIIAVIt.'Bormwer acce�fs end ag¢ees t,�tite��tem��(�nsained in�pag,Cs 1'thraug�4 af @us Secarity
<br /> Instivment aad.in any rideits}e�cecut�d by Borro�rerani!reoorded vvith�. . . , . ,
<br /> � Witness: , . . _• � ��"' WiGless: ' �, ' ;,. .
<br /> , � j
<br /> _ . { . � . � . ., � � �� , , . . ; : _
<br /> �:�5 • . ' +w��(1. .
<br /> `';::;,+:.' F1411Nf"190D F$'i'�i71[aA : ' . BRlt��r�! OE E.S.�1�tAGV►�. . . . , �
<br /> ';��. . . . . . - (Seu1) _ � .,`, � . � f. .;,�-,�� .
<br /> • , . Harawer . . ..,'�.
<br /> � . • .. , , . . .,;: �,•�:�
<br /> . . , . (Se213 . • • ;';''���• .
<br /> , • Borrawer . . •3dvtrdwe:;:.:.
<br /> ' ' . . •:.; ' . •�,,. _ •,
<br /> , • . . {Seal"y:`�.�� ' =, —�---=��esl) �
<br /> . , . .. • . . Boauwcr'�` • Bortowcs ,
<br /> .. STA'IE�FI�BRASKe�.. �. IiN.L , � Coilrt��.ss: ' . � ' ' ,
<br /> . '. ,On tf�i9 31e� _ ' . �day o� .At�gust, 1995. .9xfons me.the undersigned,e N'atuy . .
<br /> � ' �ublic dnly wmmissloned and qaalified�'or said oounty.PersonallY came FEtAt+1C!S0� �SRtADA I�t�D BR It�lOiA .
<br /> ' OE ESTEiAa►C�LGE�ON �RiSBl4f0 iMD WIFE . .. .
<br /> _ . ,. . � .ta.me kaown tin be tAe . ..
<br /> , i�x,W ticai pe�son(s)whase n..,-c�s)are s�bsen'bed to t%f�egoing insuumea►t aast ad�wledged the execation thereaf fu bo .
<br /> ' �e�r � vo:,��ary act and deed. . � . .
<br /> . Wimess�y iianA and notasia!s�a1 at - dtJIN7► 1� .. � . � in said wunty.the .
<br /> date afamsaid. � ' � � ' �`� � ' � .
<br /> � Notary Pu,blic •
<br />_, . . ���� ' .
<br /> " � �bt�a�►9�691�If�1 �Q6JESTPORRECONVFsYANCE' ' �.
<br />_.� TD TRiJSTEE:. ' �
<br /> _ 'I7ie vndersigaed is the hoIdcr of the note or notes secureA by this Deed of Trust Said note or aote�mgethe�vrith all
<br />,.:� other irtdebte.�ness seciucd by�t6is D°..cd of Trust,have been.paid in fu11. You are herebg►directed to canceJ said note or notes
<br /> ' ._ _.:. _ a*t�'tii*��e?�of'�'enst,which ace d�tly�heneby..and to reconvey,witfiout wananty,all the eswte now.h61Q by you untb�a
<br />;:� 'this Aeed of'i'cust to the person or peisons l�illy eatitlecf thereto.- --._. . __. . _. ---.. : -
<br />;`� ' ' . . ' , � . .
<br /> Dat�:
<br /> � � (Page 4 0)9 pagei), � ,
<br />