. , ...
<br /> : ,
<br /> ��� _ �- �-� _
<br /> �� � ; �x �
<br /> �^ . .- ��+ V1,� 4C =.` _ _''— _ 'a�fl t�"-�-1ca��`_.� wcwVa�.t� 'ri`� ^`�1 !
<br /> _,'� • L 4�..._,. �_�,��y�� �,. �--
<br /> n�yg�C.�. .,� �4 . . .. { :� . C 1' LV.�
<br /> l.� .1i'i'�" . _ ' _ �t � :}` .. _ tr .�� .
<br /> E�_ . -.l q� G S � . 7 ..'u"'�w 2 �4. � -4 E
<br /> - _ ' . - ' � � -�.� � � 'c .� . - . ' ' L ....... -- :
<br /> ` ,� s< {/ Y.�� .� . .� t —�-�--r� +ssi'�a3..iaa�-�'_-
<br /> (, 1i � ' ..�..�ti_i �iC'�. i ¢,
<br /> � —_-'C_(.�. - i.,y�. . � LL`.-...
<br /> --a�'' • ' � ' � -. -. . . . .—. — �.. ._. - -- -
<br /> n�C r � , � . - � . � , e
<br /> g- ,. . ' . � ' . � < ' -
<br /> -..:`r. ��`� �,� i```3 . . . . . . , �'��� iV�ia�D':'3 .
<br /> -c �4.4`. . � � ,� . . �`
<br /> -;-.'f•• ..�� •Y'. �, . BORROW�[t COI+ENANaS titat Hon�ower is Iavrhilly sei7ed af the estaYe Aeteby aonveyed and bt�s the'r3ght to'�ctt ,f
<br /> . ,`���. � ooA�e the Prn aad tLat tfle FY+nperty is uae�acum6ered,except for cnsumbr.�ces af cecord. Botratver watrc�nts uad ,
<br /> -_ �.v;``£p-{�',`•�:�� .�.: �defend gen�aally t�he dtle W the Pmpecty ag��t all Cta�ms�d demaads.subjecx tn eny ent�sabmaces of rr.ce�d. .
<br />- ,�E.. � �--.._-.-- - �
<br /> -�.�:,4,°��..q,.. . . '`� ���p�y�tf11��+ ��tww� . .
<br /> —_ 'f. 4.�- VL�++'�+lu�+�r�tlGl`�t11`IlJ. "
<br /> l. Ptiymeat oY Pci�zdp�IatQSest art�H.ets Ct���ortower aLall pay whe�due the principal of.and�a�e�est pn. . .
<br /> .- the debt evideased by @ie Note�d tate c�arg�due uader the Note. B�wer shaU incIude in ea�b mna�ly paYm�nt.
<br /> '� . :-�.� L Munibiy Fayffi�t oi Tese�,Insaenno�,aatt Qt�er Clt�rges. �`
<br /> � y aa� int�est as set fartb in.the Note aad�any late cbarg�. a sum for ta) tax�and sg�cIal
<br /> ��i together witD ti�e prirtagal the Pcope�y. (b) Ieasehold pa}rmeats or ground rents�on the Prop2ny. aad � f
<br /> -���� ' asse��ts ievied or m be tevied against
<br /> _ x'`'�° under Fara 5 4. ta any in which the Lender must pay a mortsage insura�c�e ��.
<br />_�.z��,,� .:.� , (�)4i�miums fos ips�uanoe neqtuied �P "���,or in any ynr in wt�ich su�pterdium would
<br /> �$ _ pm,minm to the Secretary of Rausto aad Urban Develaptaeni(
<br /> �f Lender st��d the S Instrume�t,each manthly payment shaU atso�ttcia�e eifher.(7 a sum for °
<br />�=yr' ;_ - have ber�n required� �b Lendet oo the Secretary,or(ii)a mantbIy charge�w a ad�o�f a�ortSBEe �.=
<br /> ,� ' .. � �g premium to be
<br /> c.�. ':T;E.�` .��'�� �������eanid}t iastcnment�s�Id by dte Secret�y,in a reasona6ie emaunt to �bY� =-.
<br /> - x-' `" the S �hese items are called"Essmw Items"aad dte s�ms paid to I�ude�r ��_.
<br /> �. . �. ';';��',N Se��,.ffiry. Bncept for the monthlY cha�ge bY e��Y• , �,
<br /> :'=�.:�:"s:.:.°���::,: are caIled'Tiscraw Fnnds.° . � �'v.
<br /> ;�`Y.�-�`;_��_�"`�`"� I�der may,at a�►tim�collect aQd ho2d amo�nts far Escmw Itenas jn an�ggtegate amaunt not oo exce�d the maximmn �:_
<br /> ., ,.•.;,:.: �-�:,:, ; be ameaded fmm time to time -
<br /> � ,�r��e�: 1 sianu�t that may Ise reqaaed for Bonawei's esc�w accaunt vnder�e Real Estate SeulementPraoedur,�s Act of 1974.12 -
<br /> - s„y a
<br /> -;�'.���yt•,r7�.�: U.S.C.� 26t?1 �sea• aad imp2ementing :egalations.24 C�R Patt 3500,as tkeY�Y --
<br /> - ,:;��,i�:- �;,,•��;',,.. n --
<br /> ._,,�.F ( RHSPA'�.excePt t�at the auhion or rese,nre pt�itted by RFSPA for ananricipatecl disba�semcnta ar d9s'buisem�n2�befor� __
<br /> - -?;.; � '' ,._,.�, the Boaow�'s pa�ts a;e availabie in the acco�t may not$e based on amo�mts dae for t�e martgage insuiance pre�w�- _
<br /> , ; .
<br /> -: ;,r�: �•'�:- .�,�,:, ' I€the amouats i�by Le�for Escmw Items exceed tl�e euroants ' to be�eld by RESPA,Lender shtill deal _
<br /> . ,...
<br />_ -, :: . • """�`� ._. ..._.._ _ .v+r�.�..eacess fuads as reqaue�ir,�RESPA. If the amonmts og funds het8 bp Ir�d�at suy time ate not suffcaent to y the ..�;
<br /> . �
<br /> �:, . _ . - - - ' Bormarea to malce-up.the skort�ge or.defrciency.as............. ..` ,
<br /> � a. . . Y. 4�5,.�7., . Fstaow Items when due,<I.end.�'m�Y no�ify titeBotrhwer�ad�cequse
<br /> #{�.;',.,x•.� ..
<br /> ,�.,.��_�:.,:t�. � p�ia�d by RF.SY!#: ..
<br />,�'�T•.����� � 'IY�e Fscrow Fvads are ptedged es add�nal secu�ity for e1i sums secured!ry dus 5ec�uity IasDUm�t It Barmwer .
<br /> iertdeas ro Lender the fnll paym�t a€all sa�b sum�Borrawe�'s aocouat sbaU 6e czeditQd wlth the balance zemainin�for ell
<br /> �� _ ay= inshalY�rt t�at LR�der�IIo!beeome oblagated to
<br />_�;�-'',,;��-!'���;;� installmsnt items(a�(b�,ead(c?and anY mor�8age insuranc�pre�um
<br /> l•��--• ••� • ��: fund aay exce.ss funds w Bomowet_immr6ia�lY Pnar to a fondosure sale
<br />,�� . .., Pap w the Se�areYa�ry,aad I.ead2ir�ali pramgtty`ie � balance rem�nin far sU
<br /> �",=�c:f-.>;rt:. of the Pcopeaty,ar its by Lender.Hoimwets account shall be credited anY $
<br /> �°,�;;<;rr;: `4:�. instailments for items(a). ),�•� fs uader Patagraphs 18ad 2 sl�all 6e applied by Ir�deras follows: ' _
<br /> _��.��^:�;;<_.,... :�.�,, .. .3. Apyl�n of�� P�Y�to be aiii b Le�tder w the Secretaiyr or to dte ma�t5ity charge by
<br /> '-:�L;x.?.r�.s;.� ¢ , �,tD thB mORg3ge�nmrane�p�mitlm P Y
<br /> � 1r.,�.,;%i/.:i' F�•,; . • � . .
<br />_ r.__;�i'. ,;,,�;�. , the Secret�y instead of th°.Etoaihly mortgage iasatan�premi�tm+
<br /> �� � O to an taxes.s}secial as�sne°is,'leaEehold payments or gcouYid n�nts.aad�,flood.and other.
<br />- ` �}.'•rf:•` ..�;��,,�. �...� Y
<br /> �• � : Haa,�d�nscuar►oe pm,ffiiams,es reqiiied: . . •
<br /> �• �I D�w intenest due under the Nate:
<br /> _ ,,...s,i _���• . O T ;to amarti�an of the principEl of the Not� . , .
<br />�,�`�= - - - , .. , : ,�I,to late cLar�s d'�under dtt N�. �!` ' ��
<br /> �r
<br /> �A'�". -'�` �' A. PYre,Fto4d nu4'+�lxs`�Insmanc� Borrower shall m�ue�3 imgroveateuts oa the s'�uperty..whether noar
<br /> �'''"` in'existenc�or subs �a�.ed,against enY ha�ards,casualti�s. and sontingenci.c�.Incluslin�.fi�,�far wLic�Lender
<br /> � ri ��'...
<br /> �� .!`•^;.;'.
<br /> a ,�' • teqUires iusau'aaCe.•'ibis�SLSll be main4aiaed in the amounts and for the periods that:Leader requires. Basmwer •
<br /> shall alsa"insur��i�ve•TM...��on the Propetty;arhe.ther aow in existena or�qu�sequ�By.e�c�tea,agamst.Iass by flaods , .
<br />_ --_----=,:�:-� tc►the extent ceG,�irta;bY��. All insvraace shall be ca�ried�vith campanies approv�by II�der. 7he itnsuranoe
<br /> � t
<br /> --��� ".� pollcies aa�a�y n�aS�s s��held by Leader and shall inclnde tnss payab2e eiauses in fA�or af,aa�m a fonn acce�ptab2e , .
<br /> =a�''t�!a�7 Yo,Leades: ' ` • ...
<br /> _-==�„ � tn tLe even�of loss� .Earna�c+et shall�ve Lender imfaed.:�te notioe by ma�. Lendes�.^�mal�e.proof of toss if not made ' .
<br /> �•• BortawEr. Fac'a�surance company conceme��:��rebY suthorized aad d�to ma&e payment for s'��h toss .
<br /> -- - _ � �yto�ttd�s�ad of W Hotrower aad to Lendet jo�. AU or any part of the insar�ce.Pra�tt§maY be a�ued by
<br /> _ -- Lende�.at its optioA.eititer(a)W the reQmciion oY the iadeb2e�dness untler the NdLe aad this Security�Li7�tz��eat,�first 10 any .
<br /> _ �;� deUnqnc,�t amvunts applied ia the ordea in Parag�pb 3,un�#i8en to PreP,ayment of prlucipal,or(b)u�'u[t�e�stomtian orn�sir .
<br /> _ _- :h,_, . of the damaged P�P�S+• �Y�Plicadon of the psaoee��aa the prinapal shall not extend or post�e the dae duUe of the
<br /> _-�;.� monthlY PaYinents w}rich are ce.e�etl W in Paragraph 2.,ae:�cha»ge the amount of such payiuents. Aay excxss.insp.rance'
<br /> n
<br />- �`. proceeQs over au amo�mt��.ta pay aU outstanding�t.6tedaess under the 1�Tot�and this Security In.stnunent shaU be =
<br />- ��'91�-� . paid w the entity 2ega11y entItieB theiet�. , ., •
<br /> - - � . In thg evs*r of forectosure of this:�vity Iasaument ar o�her.r�ukfet af dt2e ta the Pr�apez���:t1ra�exdn�uishes the .
<br /> - _ �A . indebLainesss,aD n$flR title aad inteteest of Fv�.nmw�in and ta insulrance��r�ies ia fonc shull pa�s t,�c9a��pwrcUaser.. ,
<br /> _ � _�,� � S. �cCapancY, Pe+esesvatioa, M�hitena�riae aztd Pirot¢cNon oi the Pt�oper4�; Borrnw�sas L•uaa Appiisatbn; :
<br /> - - L�sehoIa2s. Ba�sower svn11�PY,establisb.end use tRo Fmpe►ty as Barrower's pricix�+�tesidence�vithin suty dF►ys�aRer
<br /> - --_�� , � ttie execvtioa of tids Seattity Instrument and shall c+�ntina:to occupy the Fro�erty as��stuwe�s principal resiCr��e far at
<br /> _- ---.-�--� � least oae year aftea the da�of acupancy,unless the Ser-°.�"�y deterniines th�s reguirement w�l eayse undue L..,�*�`"�hip for
<br /> -- -- - . � Bolrowerr os anYess e�ctenuadng ci��mstanses e�st wtuch€�beyond Sorrowe�s asntrol. Hormwer.shaU natity Lenoteas of
<br /> _ - - any extettnating circumsEances. Borrower shaU nnt wmmit�aste ar destroy.damnge or substantiali�;chan�e the Prop�rty or �
<br />- � allAw the Fiaperty tfl deterior�e.reasonttble wear and t�r except�. Lender may inspect the Pra�m�rty if the Pmperty is
<br /> ' v�at or abandonod or the loan is in defauIt Lender c��seke reasonab2e actian to pmiect �nd presenre such vacant dt
<br />=r +�,..g: :. ' � �ab�doned Froperty. Borrower sBall also be in defauIt if B�rrower,fiuing the loan ag;�'.:sadm►Qmce.ss,Save materiaUy faLse . .
<br />_°' '' �:�jp�.' � or inaccur�te infmmadon ar etatemenfs w Lender(o:faU9��u provtde Lender wiW a-y cnatetial infom�ndon)in wnnection .
<br /> Y����.:.:�� _� � with the loan¢��F�cacRd b}+ttis Note.includin$,but not larmted to.zep�'�tations cc�e�ruag Boaowe�s occupancy.of the .
<br /> ��{�w?�`���`�. • p�erty as a�cipa]resuience. If tt�is Secunry Insuumea�t is on a l�eld,Sarrower shuU comply with the provisions af
<br /> ���.�:"i��:; the�ease. If Bo�+awer acquires fee title to c�Pmpeity,ehe teasehn2d an�fiee tit�e shall IIot be tnerged unless Lender agrces to _
<br /> _ :=�;�:�;�r;�5.; `„a the merger lm writing.. ' �
<br />�,��,:�•�:. .-,z :��. 6. Ch�sges to Borrawer aad�e+otection ot Le�',c�8 RigIIte tn We Ptoperig."�orrawer shall pay aU gov�me�Y '
<br /> ...x.,,,,� n.- —
<br /> .. .��,. or mvnicipal c es.fine�and impositions th2t are noi in�Iuded in Paragraph 2. Bairawer shall pay these oblignions on _
<br /> "`�-�''� , would adversel affect II.endei's interest in the
<br />- . .�� F time directly to. e en6ty which is o'vred�e paymen�.,Tf faiIure tn pay Y
<br /> ___. ,..-..��_�'.-, .... pr,�perty.npon Lendef s requect Borrower s�ll promptly fumish w Lender receipts evtdencing these�aytnents.
<br /> v`� fi�� �.'� �, - If`Borro�rer fails to�make these pay�ats or th�payments resluired try' Paragraph 2.vr f�W Qezform any�other
<br /> :� :; , . . �.. -
<br /> .��;�,� �`;;�..��i' ' covenants and a�reemenffi cantained in tbis Securit}�Ins�ament,os there is.a legal gTOCeesling t�:2 may slgniRcantly nffect -
<br />- Lender's ri�hts tn the Progerty(such as a proce�ag irn L�as�ruptcY+for condemnation or to enfarce,laws or regulatio�s).
<br /> ;��;�`�'•"y:�'�7: . .y� - thca Lender may do and pay whauwer is necessary w Fs�c�c4 the vaiue qf the Froperty and Lender's rigt►ta�n the Ptop�sty,
<br /> �4_ _``,� `':.,�;,',��♦ � � including pay�at of taxes�harard insnraace and otber atems mentione�in Paragraph 2.. .
<br /> � � Any amounta disbursed by Lender under this Parap�aph shall become ao additional debt of Bomnwer and be secured by :
<br /> '�u . �� Wis'Seciuiry Insuvment 'IY�ese azaounis&11a11 bear iatesest from the date of disbursement,at the Note rate,and at the option
<br /> }" �, of Lsnder,shall be immediately due and payable. :
<br /> �:��.�•�-- -- ,
<br /> . . .`;.. ' .
<br /> • - . • (Poge 2 ojd pn�esl -
<br />—''���"_•�: . , ° ' . .
<br />