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<br /> �.<'`�'::°1,.` . a'�T'� w: ,�F•� .� . _ �• : k: .L. rt.r�r< . - ' �ij' '
<br /> ,5:' _. .� .t��s�c _ . ,� �.. .. '
<br /> .1- -�1.�-� _�.�1'?.vs�'�:�i 2, .-`k'.i t 1Si-_5-�.-.'����.�_��'�.4:c...`f�2 �,�_ � �!!'."��` .,-i� — L::p.�v c `��-
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<br /> . � . � � ����o��u�r�rT�e����v�c€� �95� ����'�' �F ,�
<br /> ':;��`�:•',>,`.�� � �FIIS D�ED OF TRU�Y.is`inade as of tha 29th day,o+ �ul�:—, ' .19;`�'^�.bl►and emfln� _ •
<br /> s� the Trttstar. Steffen 8 Roi�e�Contrac�oss � . , ' ' ' . .
<br /> L.` whase maiftng address fs � � Box. 3-a-1' � Grand IsZen�ere2n'Trusfo%whathgi cns or more}, - _
<br /> _---4- --_- �a�;�; Five �oiats Eank. a tIebraedte Eor�poratioa '
<br /> --,
<br />, :�•:.k�'�:°:.�`��- � P.0. Bos 15Q7 6rand Island. •IdE .68802 eretn'Tntstee"►.and, ,
<br />-��°, • whoss malUng addresa[s � m
<br /> Me Be�eftciaty. Fi�+• Poinls Bank � . .
<br /> . '
<br /> ' 20�5 �d. oadrel2 6rand Ielsnd. N�. 66802-I507� o
<br /> °� wf�osemalUngaddres�ts. � (heretn t�nder°�. �_
<br /> -�,y�{f��' ' _ ,t , . , •'`"V,.
<br /> ....;�;��F+� . `t�:�,': ---_
<br /> , Fo�i ynivaeiF.cor�sio��?�.�;���e�rs:�:���i�����:��
<br /> ��y;� . . ,;... �.�,. .. � :: • . ::;<:,:;. . ...:; ,. �-.
<br /> r � r�}`�. . .�;,:,°'Stetfen & Ro�e �i�a�t+��s:•;.. `' . � ,�r�in"Ba�ar^.v�h�:er oneor moi���nd tfie trusf t�e►ein cteated. .
<br /> r-.,,:•::�: ,r � MB!@C81p1 Of WhICh f8 h8i@by BCIQIOWI��TN8t0[he[0by iRAYCC9bIy$�etlS�tf811Sf@�COTIY6y8 8lld eSSI811S tD 7flt8te9�II�1 �u'=:
<br />__. �s• - � TRilST,WiTHp�WIEROFSALE.tortl��ber.efiten0�ecurttyoflender.urtderenesubjeattnf�etem�sandcortdttionshEretn2R�eet �.=
<br />_- .5.� - -_.
<br />��`l`;L��r _ forth.the raa!DrapertY.desCrfOed as toilawg . ' . _'-_
<br /> _�.. ,�� . �-::
<br />`�` �±��°'; ^�� � LOT lJIP1E (9) �AST6.E 'ESTATES. SUBDIYISION, CITY OF GRAND ISLANO, HALL �:`
<br /> � �����i%�- COUt1tY,. NEBRAS[�A. . ' -
<br /> __..�,eu..,
<br /> .:,� . --
<br /> -� T.:::��:-� ' � ._. ......_..----. ...._... ... ..... ....... .. _.__..._ .. .....-- --
<br /> .-� - -�:-------._..._...--�---._........_..---------- .�.._.._._._._.....------.....---- ..--:--.. ..___}._ _.
<br /> ,•t.:.... . . �
<br />�'�<<��'��>� � . ToQotF�et wlth aEl buit�taas,tmpravemente,itxtures.sVeem,alteya,pna�aQ�ways.aaaemente.viphta,ptivltepes and eppu�te- .
<br /> ..'='.y1�-'
<br />:`.��- •;.;. � nances(ocatea thereoe or M a�tywtae per981n�ne theretu,snd tha renb,laaaes a�}d prafite�rovereiane artd nma�nHets 1he�W,ana �
<br /> < � aur.R�atta#Drapr,s�yt tt�st ts ati�ch�ta th�dmpr4vematib Bo as to Coaatli�a pxRtro.lncttt�InQ.but notllr�tt:0 ta h�itng�nd
<br /> °��::�;'_���s . ,�cooilnp equ{pmen�andto�slherwtth tRe homeatead or mar1ta11atsreab,tteny.wtUCA lntereab.are hereby rele�aed ens watvad;tl1
<br /> �f� -���- a9whto4blrtctudinQreptacemenl6and8ddiQonitherato.lahe►ebyQ8C18re0to0a8paROtther8�test�toaecuradbyrtlt9lienottltt� . .
<br />�=�r;,s_�yti_=- Oend of Tru�1 artd al!of the toeeg��np bainp�etaROd to haraln as the"Property"•,, ,
<br />:_,w 7�j,'�. Thts eeed o1 Truat eh�ll eeaure(a)ttie paymeAt ot tha prtncipat aum an0lnt�reat evlGenced by,a promtaaory note ar credJt , —
<br /> '� � =' August 29th 19�5 � ' Fabruary 27th 139b.��_�
<br /> .i� agr�ement dated , having a inatuHiy date ot
<br /> r �
<br /> a Cf,� �'° :� q 9rJ�020�.r]� .
<br />� i:�,.. .,...i � �
<br />-:"';;�•'-' • i n t h a o r ig(n a i p r i n c ip a t a m c u M o!� .a n d a n y a n a e t l m o d i fl r s t t o n s,e x t e n s i a n s a n d r a n e w a t s _
<br />='--,�??�-�±g.,�� thereot or ther�to and any and ati tuture edvances and readvance$to BoROwer(or any of tt�em H more tt�an one)hereurt6er
<br /> -"'����'' pursuant ta ono or more prcmkssory noies or credit egreemanta(herein calied"{�tote"►;(b)the payment o4 ather sums advancad by.
<br /> �j``"��"�=':�'=�`� lender•to�protectthesecurityoftheNOte;(c)th9pertom�ancoofaticovenantsandagreementsofTnestor88tfortt�hereirr,and(djaii
<br />-�a'.#;;;�:�=�� present end tuWre indeQ'�dnese 8nd obifgations of SoROtivei(or arty of ttiem H more than ona)to tender.whether dtrec;tndireaw
<br />____ ,.,,���� ab3oluYe ar conU�gent art0 whetherarising Dy note.guaran4y,overdraft or otherwlsa The Ptota.this Oeed of Trust and arry artd atl
<br /> - �,.y;�°?�,,� ofherdoCU�rtffithatsecureUfeNOieorot?���:�aexecutedtnconnectlontAeretivith.inctudingwifhoutltmttatIonguaran�easecurlty
<br />�___-'-�_-� agreernem�end esslgnments ot feases�s!res�ts.shall b9 refenad to herein as tho"Loan Dac�ments". , _
<br /> .Y Tcusto:cavenantn an��yrees wftri Lender as faftavrix `-
<br /> � � 1.P�t of t�.Alt tndebtadnesa sr�ur3d hereby shaii 6�pai0 when aue. ,
<br /> -=- -_ . 2.�Trus�Or•Is tho bRmer oi the Property,hss�x3 right and a 1tQority to convey the Proflerty►.and warrante that fhe Ren
<br /> ------ created he�r ts e flrst and prlor tlen on the Proper:f.except for Q:�ms end encum�rances sca f�Rh by Trustor in w�tUng and
<br /> �-���-- deliv�redtataan�ocbeforeexecWonolr�,u�qeedotTrust.andthsexecWcs�anddeltveryoithlsO�otTn,stdoesno=vlotateenyr
<br /> __ cqntrad or other obligaUon to Mrhich Tr�ii(s sub�e�S. .. '
<br /> —. 3.T�s.AfNSirtNnb.To paq befar�a deNnauency aN taxes.spec(al assessmema and aN o9�ej chargQs e�alnse ttte Properlyt
<br /> now pr hereafter fevted. .
<br /> . 4. (ra�ur�na�TokeepthePropertyi��areda�alnstdamagebyfiro.Aazaras[ncludedwlthintheterrn"extendedcoverege",end
<br />- -__--- such othe�hazards.as lenQer may reqra3:�,3n amourtts end with companlea accep�bte to Lende►�r•.amtng Lepder as en addittonal.
<br /> --�� named insured.wltA los9 paya619 to the O�der.fn case ot toss under such palicfes,the Lsnder ta suthortzed taedjus�coltect and .
<br /> .-�� compromise.allclaitnathe�eunderands�".2lthavotheaptionotappiyingellorpartofthelnaurencepraceadamtoanyindebtedneas
<br /> _--__- - secure8 hereby and In sac�e.4rtler as Lgnder may de'.�.6ne,pq to t�e'�ustor to be used tarthe reD�ror reatoratlon o!tlte PropeKy
<br /> �._ ___ - o►(Ii�tarem►otherpurpc�orQbjectset'fsfactorytoL-a.•u�'.rwifhusataKectingttioltanotthia0eedotTrustiorthefullamounlsecured _
<br />_-� -- hereby 6etqre,such payment ever wok C�e•AnY aAAii�tlon ot prc�asd9 to tndebtadness sha8 not extend or postpone th$aue .
<br /> "�'�"?��'�!� aate ot eny ry�rymenta under the Note.dr evre any defauit tfierea�all�r c�v he►eunQer. � ' -
<br /> ---�-�-`�' S.Es�rayr.Upon wr(tten domand by kender.Trustor shall psyt�4.sndei,tn sucb manner es�ndar may destgnate.su�`.�.'ent __
<br />_.;,,,�;��,,�; sumstoens0leLendertopayaettieybecumedueonernmareofthetottowing:(qelltaxes.assess�nxsandothetchargesa�ainst .
<br /> ----- the Proporry.p�the premiums on the property inauras��requlred hereantter.and QI�the premluma on eny mo�e Insurenca
<br /> - --��'��`���' requtred by Lende►. _
<br />-�''�°��`�• 8. Illat�i�e�,RspaUs and.Compli�ne�witH Lew�.Trustor U(iail kaep the PrppeRy tn Qaod condiUop and�epalr,aP�aU
<br /> _=�"�s.�z�;:;�r'� promptty rsFair.ar replace any tmprqvomont whiob may be demaged or destrcyed; shalt nat commtt or pennit any.westa or
<br /> _°°��'`�':`��""� deterlorattcn of tt�e Property;ehvt nat remov�Qemolisb or substa�Ualty aiter any o!the Improvaments on the Property,ehall not
<br /> ' 'S�'^'�''' comm(t sufioror permit any act to be done in or upon tho Property In vtolstlon o!any taw.ordlnanca.or regu(aUoa;end shall pay and -
<br /> ,:s�:..� -�. , , _
<br /> -'��,;-: � .; promptty discharge at TrusitbYa cost an6 expense alt Uens,encumbtances end charges levletl,Imposed or assessed against the �->�-
<br /> • . ... PropeRy or flnY Pert thereol. � `' �
<br /> ��" °' 7. Eminfnt DotnaUt.Lender la hereDy asaigned atl compensa8on.�wards,damages artd other payment�or reifef(herelnat3er
<br /> •���'.Y • "ProceeQs'�1nconnecttonwltb'conQemnationorothertakingofthePropertyo#D��ereo9.artoroonveyancelnlleuoicondemns-.
<br />- tlon.Lqnder ehatt b0 onUttecf at ks opUon to commence.appear In end proaecute tn Its own rtame eny ecUon or proceedinga.and ����'
<br /> ' �• � shall also be enUUe9 to meke any com,Qrami�e cr settfement in connectlan with such taking or damapa tn the eveM any portton o!
<br /> '��_s�� . the Progerty Is so taken or damagsd,Lender sha0 havo tho opUOn,in Its soSe and ahsotute discretton,t0 SApty eli suClf P�oc88dy, c;-
<br /> _-�j:`'. �``��' ofterdeducUngthereirom ali coab art�expenas3lnouned by itln connecUorti witb such Proceeda,upon eny InQebtednes�secured
<br /> .��.,_y„:�?�: .�_ hereby an�in such order aa Lender moy detarmine,ar to apD�Y��evcb proceods,efter sunh dsductions�to the restaraUon of the
<br /> � - Pro�ercyuponnuchcandlUonaaaLendormayd��^:r+e.Anyappficatiar�o}Procoed9toindebteQncssEhallnotextrndorpost�one
<br /> _:_�•��•.:.�,.��- the due dats ot any paymenfs under thv:`v'ss�,or c�,cr�any defautt thoreunQer ar hereunder.Myunapptied tunds ahglt be pat6 to _
<br /> - Trustflr. '
<br /> •�'' ��'��'�� • .8. PNitormanE�by Lsndt�Upon tt:3 octiuraer.^.�a�!an Event of Detautt hereundeT,br if�y�ct ia taker��ot�egai proceadin� �
<br /> � . commenced�phtchmateriattyaftectsLen�ar'sia4eroa�utuchePropeRy.Lendermff�i:���owndtscretPCn,butvlr":t;autobligaUontodo ,
<br /> ;: R�• � so.and wilhaut no8co to ordemand upon Trusiar ars wtfhout roleesirtg tru�or Qrom sny oDliga�ezr,do erry aet whlcA trustpr has ,��
<br /> =���e,�� : agraed bs�4�Ifs to do and may atso ea�r.-�o��r ect it desma rtecsr�.�.sy to prot�ct the secur�j h�zeot.Trus�tor shat6 Imm� '�ty •
<br /> _.____.,,��;,;;ali7;:� upandacr,atadthareforbylsnd�r.paytmi�rfQerallca3tsanSex����incuned�ndsumsexperS�dbyLendarinconnes�c:o�.3�
<br /> . • tn�exer�TS6DyLenQBrofth�toragofig�tgi��togemErwttht�ttare5[c�rcarreortatthsdef�ultrat�pra�ddc�Qirttl►et�tate.vfifchrh�siib�
<br /> , � added to tho Indobt�dness ssourea hereby.4endar shat{not Incur arty liablltry Dacause ot anything It may do or om@ W do
<br /> ' � herounder
<br /> , • _ .
<br /> •. -�•..'.�,� ..��.. ' . . •
<br />