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<br />�"F��`�r.� ..sY� • . . • ' _ � � � - ' t ��4 et , ` . � �,�
<br /> �1::
<br /> � �;` . ' � ' ��n�i3ng at th�Sa►utheast Cortier of the Sau�east Qe�arter of �
<br /> � . . , .
<br /> . . the Southwest Qaa�ter (S��la T��a 10 Sthence Not4h�t6s � '
<br /> r �-. _:- Tatvnspaip`�Ieven (�I},Itange ( �: , � , - :.
<br /> :_`<�.�. ` Last li�e'of��he.Sa�thwest�uarter�SV�f�/�)of S�ctioaa'I�veive. �
<br /> �.;,.
<br />-��.�y (12), 'Cawnst�ip ffieven (11), gtange,Ten�(10� a distaac� mf � �:
<br />�F-� �..- 'Thirty ThYee(33.0'�fee�thence West 1'hirty Th�(33.0')feet --
<br /> Y�: :t�;.; � ` -
<br /> `j:;:;`,:.;•.��.;.�;:: " . n��th of and parall�l w th�e Sout6 line of Sec3ion Twetve(12�, , . _ -
<br /> . =�:� T E1�ven il , Ra�ge Ten 10 a distance af Fifty�
<br />`;�', �;: . �. . 6wnsliip � � � �
<br /> },=:�:r .,�':;.��;s'�� -(50.0`)feet tc�tbe Actual Point of Begin�aiug;theaoe Nortb Fii4y �_
<br />..'l:.4}�._ .�_...N. .
<br />',,:��s:T,.�l.:� . . ' (500`) feet West af and paraltel�- w the East tine o� th� , . , , � _=.
<br /> ,t�.��..� �F ; , Southe�.st Quarter of the Sou�ltwest�uapter�(S��/a SW�/a} of . �_
<br /> �J�'fi;� : Sectioa�velve (12),Tawnsltip Eleven �il�,Raage,Ten (lOj a ' . . ,
<br /> i� � ' .
<br /> �� t:�.�� :.4.� ' distanc�of'i�wo tie�adred Seven(207.0�)5eet;theace West em • . ,�;
<br /> .•_�: .'.� ,'�� ; . a'line'Itvo Huadred Farty(�40.0')feet Norgb of and parallel ta . ��
<br /> _ � ^ . '
<br /> .= -� = ....:_:__.._ ... .__ _----t1ie_Sonth Iine.c►f�ection.Twelve_(12), 'Powns�ip Eleven (lfl�; ... . ..... ._._.. .... _ _ �
<br /> 1... .:Y.�. . s' .. ' ' '. ..._. .. '
<br />-,v. ° •.�- -� . Range Tea(10)a distance og Seventy Eigiit(78.U')feet;theace.�. ___._. _
<br /> ��� t 128.0'� feet West. � •
<br /> ry-�� � . South oa a�line Oae Hundred'I1�vepty►�igh ( ) � - - -
<br /> _�'�*� --� ,- . of att�p�►r�Qel to�e Eas�line of t�ae Southea�t Quarter af tbe � .
<br /> ` . , Southwe§t Quarter (SEt/s -SWVs�. of Sectioa Twelve (12), ' � �
<br /> � _ �:-`=�_ . �'Tc�vsms�iF Eleven.(11),Range Tea (10)a distance of�ig��een .
<br /> , ��.; -a • .
<br /> s�,�„��- ; � � (i$.�) fee�ttience East on a line'I1�ua I�undred Tviienty'l�wn .
<br />-_=°:=r�.=�� . (222.0')�@et Notth of and parallel to tlie Sauth liue of Sect�on .
<br />::'°Y;'`'.�rj,••: ; . . 'li�velve(12),T�mnstup Eleven(11), giange Te�(10)�distanc�
<br /> ":".�'f.;` of For`y Eight(48.0'� feei;tbence Eig6t Seven and Six-Tenths .
<br /> . '�'� �
<br /> L =�'�-�' . � (87.6`� feet Sou�a on a line Eig3�ty (80.0') feet West of aud '
<br /> _�=''�"'`�=�--�� � paraltel to the ,�ast line of tfle Saan�seast Quas�r af the
<br /> .V,-`�� '= �outS�west Quarter (SE�/s SW'/a) o£ 5ection '�nelve (12j,
<br /> � "�`"''%' �� ' TawnsLip Eteven (11), Ramge TeA (1�};�thenr�Soutbwesterty •
<br />_",y��,���'?``��__� . • , .
<br /> -�r.;.w��,��� . to a point Sixty�ag6t and Six Tenths(68.6') feei Noreh of th� . .
<br /> _-___�=
<br />