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<br /> <°' ti .�t. , ..��.. .. ;;,• `, � .; ,; ..: ,_ .:.r:.�• =°' '. `:. � . ��.. �.,
<br /> v. .� — -�ss..ti�.__..,._F."-�y�...=.�`_�_o.��•:�Tt�.Txi�-�-.==�-�4`•, - -:__._.c s��.�.��-i���_% ._ _ , 4 — —.
<br />.. £. 4yr� � ,, . • . 4�f b�( ' �tH.' ( ` ' d- F ' .. _ . „ .ti `T�.i._�. A �_ .
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<br /> `'� � ` !�Saa�ara�d�gas�au��i�oia�•aa$8gvera1 MaI���Ity;C�tg,�se�, �e,cav� �n3 e,�eem�nt� of tt�is =
<br /> ;,.: . Ses�iEy fnswmeat shaD btn4 aud beaefit the saoce�ars.�nA ass3gns Qf Leuder arW B�covrar,siibj�i tn che�rovisions off _
<br /> � , ' �h 9.b. �asrawer's cave�nLS aad�m�nts sha9t tis Yoin[eud Eede:al. Any�B�raw2s ahQ co-sigms t�is Se�iry
<br /> �� � - �m��u�dBes un���t�e L�1'os�{ej'is co-si�ing t?�5tx�ity,r�^+*•�.�,x aniY t��tgs3e.�au�cu�e�tt�t . _
<br /> s�` � B�uds intete3t iaz t�s Pmgaty aader the teams of�his Sec�udtq lnsuomeu��{b)is aoi perr.,onalIy ob�i�aiett m pay the snms , _
<br /> ,-.��`,, , �c a u e d by d�i s Se�ityl�en�sa d(c}�gtees t t r�I�r a n d a a y other B m mwet m a y e g r e e to e a t�t d.i n a�i€Y.fa�besr�t�
<br /> �� . se � .
<br /> ,.�_��,�., `
<br /> ._:.z:_- : .: :�.y. malce aay aacamm�atians with regard to t�e t�r[as of tt�SEC.wity Instn�meat ar d�e Nat�without t4mt Bm��'s ooas�at
<br /> . � .,..�'` ' . �
<br /> ,�s'�':�F�f: .•��.,�: !3 Natl� Aay natice ta 8oanwrt.pmvide�for�this S$auity Ins�t 6�6e given 6g+delivering it ar by t�a�iiu8 ii
<br /> .<..�.,...: . �e.,�± by 5rs1 ct�ss a��anle$s applkable 1aw eeqaues asa of aaot&er melHod.The na�s�e sbaII Oe direcaed tu ihe P�t A��
<br /> •.. �.��.:
<br /> �;' ��`•-.��:;� ,`; •
<br />� �:;, t+�...��.� �i any atII�addr�,s4 Barmwea designates DY narice tn L�euder.Aqy aatice tn tender sI�a116e givea by fnst class ana�w Ixu�'s ' .
<br /> ` `�". eddress�tated haein or an}�sd�ress Leader d�igniit2s by notice tn Emmw�r.Attp notice pmvide,d for in this Secanity Ins�meut� .
<br /> `�`': �
<br />�'�'��'^�' ��_�� shall bede�ate,�to 6ave bcon giv�w Sarmwer ar Le�tBer whea given as�mvided in this pa�ag�aph . :
<br /> : .,. .:r;� ,, ' �
<br />-:�i:'�%�'� • .
<br /> -�-�*::��,�.';;�,' . ' 14.Gaverning L.ativ;Sevesab�ity. 1Uis Seasiry.instrvment sl�ari.be govera� �y fed�al `!aw �d the 1aw nf fhe , ,
<br />._'��J:'•;��.��';';.;�. �. j�a�i�adich the Pmpaty is 1oc�ted.ln the event t�at any pravisiaa ar ctavse of Wis Sec�ity Ims�nmr�at as tha No��
<br />`��'< �., .i7 canfl�ts wilb applicable Iaw.sa�oant7ict sh�l a�t a�'fect o4her gmvisi�ns af this Sec�ity I�strnme�t or the Note which caa be ,
<br />�.,'�.�a.,M} ::.. .A ' _
<br /> ...i, , _._.. . gAVEtt e1f�Ct w5lhoirt t�8 C�n!]s'Ct�ta pmvis�R�1'0�s e,II�lhe p#OVi4i0nS of ttyis SeC�sTty In50►1maeII[eIId dle NOt3 3�8 deGlaYEd W
<br />-=,�::; �-:�. . .
<br /> ,�.. . .._y._ �
<br /> .. ,besxve�ebta -- �---...... __.._ ..--- .....-_. ...:... ... .. ....�---� - �--............ .----._. ...--�--...._. .__.___.__.._..... .._... .._.. . . . . . .. ..
<br /> - �4-r � _ � . � . . ..
<br />.,.��,�. ;:r.;.'� � . ' • � . _
<br /> n��� ' � - ' . �
<br />,.,P=;r;,_.�+-k.r, - � �15 Aonawer'sCQPB. HOI10W2lS�I�C�IVEIlOA6:l:d�'t1�EACOj1j/OFthL9S�IP1tyYnctmme�L
<br /> ��;�t ' `• ' .
<br /> , � .� - . . 16.As�l,givaent of Rent� Boaower bacondstiaaalty asstgtis aad t�2msfas to I:atder all t�sea�8ad tevdm�of the'
<br />--="t;_��r:��?''�� . Propesty:8artaover anlharFzes L�+der or LPandedr's agaits t�cfl�2sct the rents and revennes and h�ehY�e�t�ant of the
<br /> _��c��..<�� prapeaRy t�pay ths xents to I�des ar Leaider•s agents.However.Pr'mr m I�md�'s aouce t�Baaower of B�ower's bm�ch of • -
<br /> � _�,_-,:.
<br /> =`'-`{"�'°,.�;��' � any ooveuant m�agreement in tiie 3ecariry Ius�tiament,Bcn;a�vea s6aU ooflect and re�eive sU reats�d reveenes of dts Praperiy as � .
<br /> �;s >;4. � ocuste�for the bcuefit of Le�dear and Bmrra�vet.This assJgm�ie,nt of renis�nstimtrs an absoiut�assigis�tt�rtm�d r�t aa as�iga��lt.
<br /> ='::hi�;�,�:�•,.. . � faz�dido�alstsatri4yanly. ` � • . .
<br /> -;�;,�,�..�.,:..,�.: .�
<br /> � F '"'-a d""'�= ` Y€Leacdea gives riatiee of Q�h m Boaowes:(a)all�ents teceived by Bunower�haII�e he�by B�rower as tmstee fos.,.';.,. .
<br /> �:-*-�ta-`�_r°�'""� b e n e f t of I.ea��ea anl y,.m be a p plied ts the su?�s secured b y the S��eai�(b)Leudcx shFilt Be caititled tn cAllect aad �<,i�: • .
<br /> - _-°--=---_ �r�ceiveal�of t$e m,�s of t�e�Pm�aty;�nd(c)each t�t of the Pcogerty s�pay aU rcata Que sud aapaiil ro I.e�deaorl�der's �.��;�,�� :
<br />-_=�'°�w}�;.-��� . uge�t onl.ender's wut�a de�and ro the tenanL • �
<br /> ..�.si.v.. - . .
<br /> —__-_ ..�n���'� � . I
<br /> _.. ...':�� � � . . . . . . . .
<br /> � 8urrower has aot executed�y�aiar assgnmeut of the s�.att�has u�t and wIll not�erfann aay ac1 that'wanld pc�v�t ,
<br /> _..._�.__�.���
<br /> ----�--=. __--
<br />--sa,�:L.�s� - � . _....- --- =---= -- --
<br /> Latde�flvWate�ismgitsr�gtitsondatLis�paraBrePh16. --� -- --- - - -:,•
<br /> -- -.�= Leader sbaU not be requ�ed to et�ter apon,take c�t�ol of ar ma�mta�i t1�Paapaty 6efor��aiicr giv�g notice oY brex�ou
<br /> — Baaowe�However.I�ender�a�;ur3icialty agpoinud reoebver may ds so at aay timo ttliee is a breach.Anp'apyticar�ai oi sears .
<br /> _--- . sbal]na c�ae•ur waive any detacT.��r invaUdate a�►y ather righi or remedy of Leader.11�is�eat of.rptts of ilie Pro�etty , .
<br /> -- - - shall t,Qminate wtiett ttte debt sec�ed by the��criiy insbrament is paid i+s faU. � . . .
<br /> - =— --- . . . � : .r'
<br /> -�— —= . � NUN-UNB�ORMC01lENANtS.Bamow�ran�I.�tQe�fnrthelcoveaantand agcee�sfoltows: : � ;� �`;"��
<br /> - �"��i°-� .� 17,Coreci�swe Pc+o�zdura If l.endtr reqaires Lmmedlate payment in faD ander paragraph 4�Len�der ae,z.��'i�vo�Ce.tha
<br /> --- • powtt ot sak ariil any ot�er semtdies Dermit�d bq aPPlic�lDte�t�w.Leader sd�U De ent�tkd to coIIect aII�incasred .
<br /> _--..�.�..,�-. in pnraaing tIu remed�wnder tbts para�i��7,i�^�r'.:�g,bpt�oY IS�ite�to,reasonable att�,8s'tept�casta ot..
<br /> -��--� tIttetvidenc� , , ,. .,�; . . . . .�. � ' :;�:. . � '
<br /> --_--�-� _ � . �l tha pawer�o!s�le is a�¢r,�sd.�7lrus�tee s2anU record a notke ot de�aWt in eac6 oounty tn w�kb'apD F�rt ot tbe
<br /> -_,��- _ �iropesty is Iowt¢d aad shaA�tD'copies c��h natke in�e m�nnv prescriQe�by epylkabte Ww to Bor�awcr�nd to the
<br /> — � atl�r Dasons presc�6e�by a�plssabde J��r�`�'er We time reqni�ed by epplicaiik taw.Traste��II�IY�DuDlic n�tt�e at ,
<br /> ------ sale W We ptrsons snc�jn t�e maaa�er pr�ied by�pplfcabk.Iaw.7�raste�wltbu�rt dtm�n��Borrower•sh�1t delt tae �
<br /> -- property at publk audtan to tLr htghcat 6idder at tha time and pTac;e and ande�r the tarma desigaat�ed ia We notiae of sak ' �.' .
<br /> - ° fn�or mare.psuceLs and [�s�y order 7Yustee dec�mines�1Ynstee m�y postponr sate at�all or Any.parcr]of the , .
<br /> __ _� _.� ,
<br /> ==-""'�� � ��4R(N8)casffsq. � �vayseme . �nnun:______._.
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