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<br /> ��"_� � \� • � •�' -
<br /> _� ,-- DEED OF RECONVEYANCB , ' _
<br /> ---..K.�. . � ��5- �nS�.`� . � _
<br />;:__��,,,:._.� . . . -
<br />;_�t•`i�#�- . Is DBBD ia dated aad executed this 3 day of �
<br />=�_,�;,�" ` � � , 1995, by Rona2d S. Depue, Tsustee, and is with ��
<br />��,;_�y�.;,�� � se egen�ee to�Deealz of Truet wherein Ma�ion M. Meyer fs Benefia�ary,
<br /> ; �;�; � � an� William D. Pauloen and Tina M. Paulsen, hueband aad,c�i€e, are ( � _
<br />="�''°� ' �Ts-�stors and Ronald S. Dapue ie Trustee; . • � . � , \•v
<br /> 4,r`�s�,_,f� _ • . � �
<br /> -� . ,
<br /> g�;��;, � � wi�R�AS, TruaCara, for`'�aluable aonefderation �nd 3n oider ta .
<br /> �� ::..�:, � -
<br /> - • � se4'�e to B�neficiary the� payment og valuable �consideratian, di�.: _
<br />`}}_��•'- eite�:ute a.Deed of Trust, which wae filed oa�September 14, 1993, artd __
<br /> ., S.sa/�.5��` ` . —
<br /> —��
<br /> -:-�� .:. identified._ as_ .Do�unen� No� � 93-2.07911, coaveying te Trustee, ,
<br /> � � - - - .
<br /> x -�� TYUStee's auaasseore �ai assigus, ��a�cexCai�a��parcel-of�-rsa1- estate -- - � � ,
<br /> -- = �described itl said Deed as followe,� to-wi,t s . , , ,
<br />,,•� , � . � .. . -
<br /> -;:-:�� A trac� of land deacril�ed ae follazae: Com�¢enciag 2►t the.
<br /> v�;��� � eeuthea$t. corraer of, a tract consnta�y kuosan as '"l��ston's
<br />-t..-� Reaer�re" and more particu�asly descri�ed in'deed r�ci�ira'!ed �i�► ,
<br />-°"=�- Hook 86, Page 237 of the of£icfal deed recorda of i�all County�,� � .
<br />-µ_� NebraBka, the same �being a ,part a£ the Southeast Quaster of�
<br />.;f;E'���� �' , the Southeaet QuarCe� (SE'119��) of Section .8igh� te) � Tovmsbip � �
<br /> �.,f� , Eleven.� i�1) North, Range Nine (91 titc���C af the 6tb �P.M., in . , ...
<br /> F lHall County,.Neb�raska; and runninc� ��i�nce weat on the south " �'� �,
<br /> �,=_ ,
<br /> =____ � � „ lfne of eaid "Hustoa's #tesez��� �ract a dietaace of� �38 1/� ., , _
<br />_=�m--y-� ,
<br /> feet;.running thenae nort]h.at �righC angles and par.�llei t9 tti�:�. :::'
<br /> �:=.� � easC �side of aaid� �'S�iston's Re�crv�.� �cract a d�stanae o€ 4g`�,�. . ..
<br />--=='--�.� . � Eeet� .running thence eaet, and gar���: with the eouth aide of ' � ��
<br /> • . "Huaton's Reserv�° traCt a diatance����f 136 1/2 feet to the •�
<br /> _Y�°.���. �� east eide of eaid "Hustoa•s Lt�serven tract; and then ruxuiiag °
<br /> .-,,:�--.��.
<br /> -- � sout� and .�along and upon .�w ea�t 21ae of aai$ tract 'a .
<br /> _ � alietance of 94 feet to the poia� o�;��ginni�ag, - , ,
<br /> � � and ithe eaid gum of• money� hae� been fuZZy'�tiaid �a Hene�iaiary, and � ;
<br /> ' � Beaeficfary has rm�eeted that the ebtate conve�ed b� t�ie eaid Deed
<br /> , � of T�ust to Truat�� in the eafd.pYCS�certy hereinbeFore mentfoned and , �
<br /> -�s-� . . � deacribed be now released to �aid�fisustr�rs: .
<br /> --_ �_— . THEREFORE. the undersigned �rustee doee hereby release, can•iey ,
<br /> and quitclaim unto Qaid .Tzvsto�cs all sight, title, intereat, claim �
<br /> ' and demand whatsoeve� which Truetee.had acquired fn.and through the ,
<br /> � above-de��rf.bed Deed of Truet, together with all� appustenance� and
<br /> _.__- � privill'eg,���,thereunto belonging or ap�aerta g.
<br /> � •:� . . �
<br /> _ _......_ _ .. • -
<br />---_--—. ,' . ' . : O S.. . T�'PaSTEB '.
<br /> �'��`�°�-` STATE OP L"�.EBRA9KA � '
<br /> =a;�,;,.�=��=�i . , .SS: . , . � _
<br />�`���'s��` C�'3S)NTY OF HAI,L� ' . . ,
<br /> ���'�� ' ' � '
<br />°;�;�: he foreg in Lteed of Reconveyance �yas acknowledged I�afore me
<br /> ,�F�i-,�y: p� � , 1995, by Ronald g��.Depue, Trustee. �
<br /> -�L�r:^:,1'.-ti4�i'.i� ` . r _
<br /> ";,,"�':"-'+"r�-.'� � 1 .
<br />. ..- �x:���•� , � _
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<br /> �O1tY.blftiB�AtOiiiN
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