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<br /> PaY���Y�longer he cequi�,as tfle opdon of Ixnffer.if mortga�e iasuiaace oav�ra�(in the amuuat sud for the�seriad . __
<br /> �. thai Leader 'ceqnires)Pm�ride�6y au�insurer appraved by Lender agasi►beoPmes avaitabie aad w obtained.Borcawer shati paY. m
<br /> �e p���to���r�;n��ge insuranra,i�effed.or to ptovide a toss m�n+e.natil the teqnire�nent far mortgsige �
<br /> ��'.
<br /> _ i�eads in accordance cvitb any�+ritten agmxment h�nveen Bumotver.and Lender or appficable taw. , _,
<br /> � 9.dnsgec8on.Lender or its ageat m�y make reasonable emries upon aad insQections af tiie Praperty.t:endet si�give ' l,=:
<br /> Bflm�ner natice ai t6e time of or priar to an inspec7ioa sgecifying reasonable cause for the ins�on. • •�.
<br /> 10.Coad�maat[nn T6e pro�eds of a�r au�ard or claim for damages.dirux or ooruequential. in w�on witt�any ' _-
<br /> oondemnatiop or otb�r tsldipg of aay part of the Propsrty,ur for conveyanse in.lieu of condernnatioa.are heteby assigned aad _
<br />- sha!!��aid ta Lender. �' � _
<br />- , In thg eveni of a wtal taYfng of the'Property,the praceeds s(ra91 be apptied to the sums secvred by t6is Sec�ity Iastnsmens.• . _
<br />- urhether nr uot then dae.arith any eacess Faid to Bormwer.in We evemt of a p�tiat takinS of the Pr�operty i�w6ich tl�fair .
<br /> nQartcet value of the Pruperty im�diatdY hzfaze the talsing is eqaal w or greater than the amount of the snms secuted h�]►this _, —
<br />° , ' �rity Instrunoent immediatety befo�`e ths ta7�g,unless Borro�vet tmd L�der othenvise agree ia writing,the sums s2c�red b�y
<br />- �•g��ty inctmment sha116e�dnced C�9 ths amoant of tite proo�ds muitiplied by tIIe following fiact[bn: (a)tli� tnta! Y_
<br />_ �mzt of the sums secured immediaiely[�S the takmg.divided by(B)the fair matket valae af the Property iu►�ediately
<br /> A before the ta�ng. Any 6aIanc�shaU be p�dt:c�i Barrower. 1n t6e evept of a partiat alting of the Pcape�iY ia whicb the fair ---
<br />- �arket val¢e of the Pcoperty iunnediately 6e�ore the taking is less tl�n the amount of the sums secuned immediatelY befare the
<br /> tal�►�,unl�ss Bnrrower ar�lea�r•aihe�wise agree in arriting ar untess applicable law ottierwise.provides,the prooeeds shall °.
<br />,.:._�_... _ ���to ti�e sums s�ted 6Y'-this S�auitY lastnsment.�vhether.�tr.�t the suats are.then dae.-----.. ._._.�. _.
<br />'• ;If the Fro�ertY is abandoaed by Boirower,or if.after cotice by l.en�er to Borrower that[he oondemnor offers to inake an-.
<br />- award or s�tie a daim for damages.Bor�ower fae�s to resgoad to Leutt�r witIua 30 days a�ter the date We nutloe is giveqy..
<br /> = � ie�der is auttiarized w caJlea and appiy the pracee�s.at its apiion,'either to restoration or regair of the PropertY ar ta tt�sa�. ;. .
<br />= semra�t►Y thic Saiviity Iasun�..wheth�os not th�t dt�. � . , . `::�`% �
<br /> • Uniess I.e�ei and Bcmower otbieianse ag�+ae in writing. anY �PPficarion of�as�s w princi�al si�all�:e�;�exf�d or
<br /> _ � ',p�ostpone the due date af the mmmWy.pay��s seferred to in pazagrapbs 1 an�2 or�e the amouxu of�ncb Qa�ts•
<br /> 11.Bosna�c'er Not Etetea�aed;F�SY Le�ed�r Ho!e w�c�Fxt�nsion of the time,fox gaymeat or mod��C�ia�.� .
<br /> of atanrtiiauon of the svias seeur�by this�'ity�asuument granted b�;�E�nder to�1+•suocessas�i�te�est of I?�ztc�awer sh�ki�. ° ' -
<br />- uot operate to releasQ the liability o�the original Botrower,ar$mro��"s:;�cc�sors'fm�.itctarest.Lender shaU ntst,i�¢m.�quired ta
<br />,„ comtaenoe Pmoeedin&S a�ain.st any suooessot in interes�¢�;i��tq c�time for��nient ar oihenvise modify:alnottiratiaa
<br /> .of the sums secured hy this Securi.ty Insuument by,r��t�f�', ,d!i�:�d �aQ$ by the oripnal Borrower or Borrower's',
<br /> s��Q�s.in in;,�rest. pAy forbesrance(ry.Lender in eaerc�sir+g.ay�;Fi�;,�t or remedy shall not Be a waiver of or precladc tb� . .
<br /> exercisg af aaY'Fight or rerr.edy. � � ' ''
<br /> 1Z.b�o�s�nd AssIgns Ba�d;�oint and Several Lt�bflity, Ca�gne�s. The oovenants and agreemetus of tbis
<br /> Sec�ity la,�ent s3�aU ti�ad and beneftt the sucaessors and assigns of Lender and Bomocver. sub,�ett ta the pmvlsioas.of
<br /> . • D�'�Pb �7�;��wer's caveaants and a�eements stialt tre joi�and several. My H�arrower who co-signs tius S�,vrity .
<br /> tosvamsnt 6ui.cis�es rsm exeaite the Nate: (a)is co-sis�ing tt�is Security Inst�nent onty to mortgage� grant aad oanaey thai
<br /> Borrocver's interest in the Pro�ty un�er the te�s of this Sernriry Inswment:tti)is not pers�ally obligaied to pay the soms . .
<br /> - sea,r�a ey.�nis sesariry t'n5aum�nc•aaa(c)agees�as[.ender aae any o�ner saara�ver may a�ree co exce�a.madifY,fo�ear or � .
<br /> mak��ny a000nunodatians v�ith�gard to the tetms of this Security Instroment ar the Note aithaut dtai Sonaw.er's conseat. .
<br /> 1�J.Loaa Cha�ges.Ef the loan secured by this Secariry Iasuament is su�bjett to a tacv which s�ts maximum toan charg�.
<br /> - and that taw is finally ioterpreted so that the interest or othQr loaa ch2rges oolt�d os ta be�lle,cded it�oom�ectian.wi11�1i�•:... .
<br /> ` . toan exaced the pertniued t'units.then:(a)az�3+suct�toan d�e shaU.(sG iraduced bY the amoun;nea�ssar9 to re��the char�;;,:;�
<br /> to t�e pemutted limic:and(b)anY s�tms alreadY mlleded from Bon�wer�vhic�exoe�ed permittecl limits wIll be refaii�ded to
<br /> � gorrou�er, !ender may choose to malce this refund by redacing ths principai owed aades the Nota or by making a direci
<br /> payment to Bflrrower. If a refund [paaees principai; the reduaion will be treated as �a.partial prepaymgat w�thflut airy .
<br /> — DT�P�Yment�Be uader the Note. � ' ;;` .
<br /> I4.Nat�.Any rtatice to$orrower pmvided for in tLis�rty Insdrament shall be given Dp delivering it ar by mailiu��
<br /> -- is by tirst class tnail�l�s applicable la�v requ�ase of another r�bod.'if�e notice s1�all be di�ed to the Property Addr�
<br /> � oi�yr othES adQr�ss Borrower designates bY notioe to Leader. 1��iy�notice to Lender shall be pven by fust cluss mail ta
<br /> l�ffier's ad'dressstated herein or any other address LeAder de�iSnates t►Y natite to Eorrawer.Any not'aee pn�vided for in thi� .
<br /> Se�riry tnstrument shall be deemed'to have bcen given w Borrower dr�;ender when giveo as pmvided.in tti�s paragrapb.
<br /> IS.Ga3erutng Law; Sere�allility. This Security 1nst� s�,.all be gaverned by federal law. and the law of ti�•
<br /> jurisdicti�n in whicb the Propetty is lo�ued.In tha eveat thai anY provisio�or clause of this Szctuiry tnstnttnent ar the Nate
<br /> eon�licts with a�plirabte law.sueh eonflict sba0 noi atl'ed other pruti+isions of this Security Instniment or the Note whicb an 6e
<br /> _ pven effecs withaut the confiicting provisioa.To this e¢d the provisions of this Secvriry Instru�nt aad tH�Note are declared =
<br /> �- to b2 severab2e. �
<br /> __ �b.�ur�ei's Capy.BomoRer sha7i be given aus mnforme�eopy of the Note and of this Secwiey InswmQnt.
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