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<br /> s .'� • �' . ` <,�`: - � . ''�°� `� . �� . ' _1 ii�'t ,t[i� %4.�..-_
<br /> . � ' `.` ,Iy. , � � i�. ` ',�� : ..t. .:�,.-C i. .��, _�fi�'`, k"�.,-�' .. .a�. x '
<br /> = 4. .�..:c+'� , [��::
<br /> ;x. .`.. � :t , . . �
<br /> ,��`. s `` . • • :t��� ioi�i�7i� � m:
<br /> ���'��"'°' `'` and'all eas�ments.appurteaanoes.snd �
<br /> ` . ; .�, �,.�F TQG�ttH�R WTfH ail the improvements naw or hereaiter ec�ctei�o�the Qiopeny.
<br /> �`• H
<br /> `°. ' �` fixturCs no�v ot he�ft�r a part of tha pmpeitY. All rePtac�me°u and s�dd�itions shalt als° be covered by this Se�ty �
<br /> , . , i
<br /> � . _ �,.
<br /> � . „ :." � Instruntent.Al!of tlte faregoiog is referred tain this Securtty Insm►mant as the"Progerty." .
<br /> - -';��:: ' �BORROWER t:OVEi3A1�iTS that�omawer is larrtaiiy seised of the estate bereby ooaveyed and has the right to grant aud �_"
<br /> . , .� '��`••' �•mnvey the Pro�erty and tAat the Property is unencumbered.exaept for enrum6rances of recard. Borrower wanants aad m'll
<br /> a P=
<br /> .,' `�. � defend generally the tide w the PropertY eSa'nst all claims and demands.suhject w any encambraaoes of reoord. �.
<br /> ` for nationa3 ase and norruniform covenants cv�th limite� •f=.
<br /> -=',7:�,??���,� . T H I S S E C U R I T Y I N S T R U M F 1�i T o o m b i n e s uniform oovenanis !.
<br /> .�.�,� ` - variations by jusisdiction to consriNte a uniform sewritY insttument oovering nal praperty. �;
<br /> =°'�� � . • UNIFORM COVENANTS:Botrower and Lendet covenant and aSree as follows: a vrhen dae the =
<br /> • '.:�'� l. �ayment of Pr1uc[pal sad Interesh FrepaYm�t aad bate Ci�atig�. Borrower shall promptlY P Y �.
<br />- Y '.,'; � principal af and inteiect on the debt evidenced bY dte Note ana any p�epayment and late chazges due under the Note. . _
<br /> �� I=���' � � ` 2.Fatnds fot Taxes and I�aarx. 3nbjecq to applicahte law or to a wriuen waiva'bY Lender,Borr°wer shall pay to =
<br /> "::.�,•,�,:°:.•..::�-,;<,� =
<br /> �er fln the day montlily payments ar�due�der the Idot�unn7 the Note is paid in full,a sum t°F�")for.(a)yearly ta�es -
<br /> ,:.fr�'-�,��:'t;�rY�'` acEd assessinenls wluc6 may attain priority over�6is Security+Tnsmu°e�t as a liecs on the Propert3i;(bD Y�ty teasehold payments _-
<br /> m
<br /> �'�:;�.�`•�t %���.' or�e�onnd reats on the Pmperty.if aay tc?Y�9 hazard or property�nsurancc prenueims:(d)YeastY�lood insutattce premiums,.
<br />_ r`;"j�. .�•..� ��'�'' if any:(e)Year1Y martgage iasuraa�e premiva�s,if arry•and ffl�Y�P�Yable 6y Boaower to l.eader,in accordance arith . _
<br /> ?-�'�' •�'-'� = �� the prnvisians of paragraph 8,in Ii�of the payment of mortgage insurante pre�ninms•These�tems�e cailed"E�ow Itetns.' _
<br /> ,�`.5.1:,iL'�. y. .. . ' ��
<br /> _' . ... . . • �,ender maY. at any time,collect.and hald Fands in an amount not to exc�d the maximam�nnunt a tender for a federalty __
<br /> .,. . ,. -
<br />: =;T_ :_;�.•. �.,1.� - -
<br /> ,,—� ..�' �>.r � related iriortgage Ioan may�for Harrower's�escsow accannt uader the-federa!-Real.Estarc�eulem�nt�s�ures_Act of. ,. _._ �.
<br /> V� � . . . � �--
<br /> `'_r r-�� � '" � � tg/q as amended frum time to 6me, 12 U.S.�.Section ZG��et seq:(°RESPA"),uriless anather law tuat applies to the F �.
<br /> � at �s ....
<br /> �-,. .,
<br /> � `'.�' ' ;-.:.f: : �fi sets a lesser amouAt,If so, i.en�r may.at any time.oa�and hold Funds in an amaum not to exoeed the Ie�a amount.. .
<br /> ,;` �r:���`.'. .. ;'-• : � i.eader may estimate the amaunt af Funds due on the 6asis of carrent data and t�asanable estimates of expendit�s of future , . -
<br /> �.� .�,, ��• ' Escru4v Items or othenvise in aocordance wit��lica6le taar. � � � _
<br /> '`•``'_«��;:�f,:�:'� ' The Funds shall 6e held ia an�instit��z whose deposits aie insare� by a_fedeial agertcY,"instrumentality, or�tiity ,
<br /> .:;.;�+.1;�<.�;�-�j � (including Leader.if Lende,r is su�'d?an instiurtion)or io arry Fede�ai Home Lo�n B�lc.E�ender s6a11 appiy the Fansiss to pay the
<br />- �•:•t::.;;.:�. Esccow Items.Lendei may nus���Bormaer foi holding and applying the Funds,���allY�Y��B the escrow ahooum.or --
<br />_ �I .�- ..,,�... .
<br /> . -���~`�`;;;;�.,^r�� . verifying ths Esctoc�ttems.a�:es5 i�nder��i�Barmwer interest on the�Uads and appFcable taui pemurs Lender to m9ke sucb .•.
<br /> _:.• . . a cfiarge.Howevea,�.ender may require Borc��•�r to pay a one-time cha�for an independent.reaE.��+te tax reporting�ervioz�`;�, ;';
<br /> " .�*.,• '. ,:�`,•�.��� -
<br /> - used by Lendes.in connection with this loaa,unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unle�,:a�agreement is made or.,:-'..'• : _.-
<br /> 4' .. . . `
<br /> � •�r_�;.�',, • applicable�law c+�quires interes!to be ptiid,Lender shall a4t ise required to pay Boaower.aay intes�er e�ainin$s on the Furtds.
<br />_ � �•:,:: �. :. Borrawer and Lender may agree in wri t ing,haw e v e t.t h i t�Y:r e s t s h a 1 1 b e p a i d o n t h��u a d s.I�nder shall g ive ce,$nrmwet, �
<br /> y wittwut charge, an annaal accounting of the Fanc�s,showi:�ece�its a�d debits to the L�t�1�ls aaQ.t�ep'uipose fac.twhich�each
<br /> LS
<br /> a<rr,: <..
<br /> * " :�`. c:;. : , debit to the Funds was made.'tiie Funds are pledged as additianal seauity for ali sums secur�by tJ�i��CUtiry Iasuumem- ,
<br /> x.�_� ��1 ` If the Fuads held by Lender exceed the amounts pem►itted to be hetd by applicable law.Ler�'�`a11 acrount to Borrocvc7 ,
<br /> ��;:,;� , for the excess Funds in actoidaace with the re�Nirements of appiicable law.If the amaura of che Funds held by I�ade4 at any
<br /> �t�- time is not safficient to p�y the�scrow Items when due.l.ender may so notify Borroa•�ir�,wriring,an�. in such case Borrawer
<br />_ j��'
<br /> shall pay tn Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiemy. Bomower shatl daake up the deRciem.y in n�more Utaa
<br /> twelve monttily payments.al Lender's soie discretion.
<br /> _ � � Upon payment in full af all sums�ured by this Securi�Y Instrument. Lender sUall pmmptly refnn�to Borrower any
<br /> - - - Fuads held try Lender.If.under paragraph 21,Lender shall acqaire vr sell the PraFer►Y.Lender;prior to the a�quisidon ar sale
<br /> of tl`�.PrnpertY.shall apP;Y�Y F��d by Lender at f�e dme of�eqaisition or sa!e as a eredit against the s�mg seeiued by
<br /> "� this�CCUriry lnsoument. ' � �..,° , � • ' '•. . ,� '
<br />-� 3.AQplt��tivn of Fayacet�ts.Untess applicable law."rrµ`vides other�vise.all payme#it�rec�iveA by Leuder under pazagragh�
<br /> due under the Note;sscond.to amounts ;�yable unsier paragrapb 2:
<br /> to an
<br /> a char es ,�
<br /> lied:first. Y�i S .
<br /> ` 1 and 2 shall b�:u�p Y PreP .
<br />_,? third.to interest due;'founh,to principal due:end tast.t�eny late charges due under the Npte. •.,i ;. .
<br /> s. � �.,4..Charges:Liens.Borrower s�all pay al[taxes.�s�sm�nts,charges. fines a�c3�cm¢ositioirs attabutable to the Property
<br /> m
<br /> ,�:.
<br /> �T�ist�may attain priority over this Security�nsttument, 1�leasehold payments or�e`��nd rents, if aay.Bono�ver shall pay
<br /> -_ thes�bbligatio�s.in the manner pmvided in�iu^r�,�'apli 2,br ii not paid un.that manner.Borro�ver skall pay them on time directly .
<br /> •to the person o�ved`.payment.Bosower shal[ .[e��npdy fumiSh to Lender uiH naGces of amounts to�e paid under this FatagraPh.�..,..,
<br /> m p -
<br />- If Borrawer malces thtse paYmenta dim,ctly.g'aiiro�ver shall promptly�umisfi to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. � .
<br /> - , . Boirower s�all promptly discharge any lien wirich ha.s.gaiority over this Securiry Instroment unless Borrowers(a)agr�s iti'�
<br /> � � writing to the payment of the ab�igation seaured by the tiea in a man�tes aocepiable w Lender;(b)oontests in goad f�th the lien
<br /> �, ,.ti by, or defeads 2�;ainst enfonoement of tl7e.�t:.ieo in. tegal proceedings which in the l.endet's apinion opezate to prevent the ,
<br />�r, ': ' enforcement o�tLx lien:or(c)secures fro'm�1E:e holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br />=t ., _},:"'?::'_=;.:�r ` -
<br /> �._.,�.' this Security Y�:,tiument. If Lender detett�:�s th�t any part af the Property is subject ta s lien wfiich may attain priority over
<br /> �''{�;�':�.>��� this Security InstNmeat.Lender may give Boirower a notice id�ntifying 1he]ien.Borrvwer shall satisfy ihe lien or take aae or
<br /> ''�sr:�i�_r�:. awre of the actions set fmth ahove within 10 days of the giving of noiiae.
<br />-- %�� ',�:�=:'.-'� Fom,a�ae sr�o
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