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F. _... � ; �.� _„�,-.,��..... _ ,x <br /> -- �-� � ' �. ' ' . < < -z _ - = t i : �,�� t — <br /> . � <br /> � ; � r' a:':,4t^.' �-'.fi . -•-' <br /> , � • � : _. , y-�.�*Z � . - .. � , _ ' ' ' 1� <br /> + T D R ' <br /> ti ` r- G`s; ,� ''.c?��,=;fi - <br /> ..-.� " ' a , � 'y .� ' <br /> .� .. � ��,��` , � . ` , ta- ,e <br /> . . . . . . . ., .. <br /> . .,�. .�......� . _ .. . <br /> -�_ -......__�_._ _ : � °.'---. <br /> . . , c� --t--- <br /> .` ' �a 1: _ � .. • <br /> _. ,E`' ' '_' ` . , .. � . ���Wi�M9 'E�ac <br /> ; , � . .. . ` ' �r a� - <br /> - . . . , c` � V•� . . ' _ t�q <br /> . , . , 'i.!;i . '_. <br />...•': :.�•, � <br /> 1 E'�: � BORItOWER COV�NAI�TS that Borrvwer is la�vfufly sei�ed of tbe estate hereby conveyed and has tiie rigkt�o gcant . _ <br /> W R .�<<:.:`. <br /> aad can�ey ttte Prope�t}+�d�t�e Pt+opertY is aweat�mbered eacept for enaunbrdnces`of tecord. �orrower wasrants and <br /> ' � wil�defend geneta]l y the trtle tQ the Praperty againse all claims and demands.subject to any eawmbrances of reaord. , <br /> ���;: • . _ , . <br /> , `'„-:� URTIFOY2M COVSNAI+p�'S• ��t�n�Late Ct�e. Boaoaier shall pay whEn due t6e priacipal af,and interest oa, <<`�`.`' - . <br /> • 1. PY►ymffit op F�imdPa�, • <br /> � the debt evideaced by dte Note and late c5arges due�nder the Note. '' ;..' <br /> L ManthT9�'aym¢n4 af Tas�s.t�o�emd Otic�s C�es. �omnwer shall incIude iu eas6 u�nthlY PaY�n� . . <br /> .. ,,.`'.- `• •�`:-`4 together with the principat �d inteaest as set fo�h in the t+fotc aud aay tats chaFges+$ sum€or (a)t�es and special _ <br />:�:F' �`��: ess�ssments tevied or to lse tevied ag�nst the Pcuperty, N) �� Pal�ts ar grouad rents an the Property. a�►d � <br /> ' � s,-: (c) Ptea�inms for insuraace mquir@d under Parag�apb 4. In any year ia wluch the I.ender must pay a mortgage insiu-aase <br /> , o uir d <br /> to tit�Secretazy of Housing an�Uifiaa Devetopmr�t(°Secm.�rY'�.�a�entyshat�l at u i�act�ade'�thePrre(ij sum for <br /> - . , . ,,, � ve 6een requlred'dr Ixader st�Qe2d the Insau�aeat.each moathlY F 3+�? 1 . <br /> ` <. tha angual no�gage ins�rance piemium�m be : by Le�ader to the S�csetasy.or(n'�a moath[y charge instead of e mortgage . <br /> . ` .<•,'��`. >. i n s u r a u ce Q r�i u m, i f t h i s S�ri t y Ynsaumeat�s Ile2�by the Sec�eta�+,ia�a reasonable amount to�e de�ed by the ' <br /> �: . . � ' ge�etary. Except for the monffiIy charge by the S�cretaryr•these items ar�c a Il e d"F scmw Items"a n d t h e s n m s p a i d w L e n d r.r .>,�,:` <br /> •,; : are called"Essmw Fuads_° <br /> , Lendet aay t3m�colYecc aad hold aniounts for Fscmw Items in an aggregate amount not to exoeed the maximam . <br /> ' ,� aucaunt diat�ay be reqvired for Buxsuwet s escmw axuuni under the R�1 Estate Settlement Piocxdures Ad of 1974,12 : -; <br /> �' :��..': ?A CFR Farc 3500,as theY maY 6e a�eaded from dme to time <br /> ` U.S C.��2601 tg�. and implementing �flns. dis6arseme�ts or disbu�sements 6efore `�` F'�•� <br /> �:4 4� ,;...; � . ("RESPA"),excxpt that the cushion ar resen+e petmiued bY RESPA for auanricipated ;.: <br /> . the Bormwer's payments are ava�abie in the aa:ouut may not be based on azno���boe�a 6�R SP�de rsHall deal '.,. r.;`` <br /> '� ` l:. �f;�` , �ff the amoants fleld hy Lea�er for Fssmw Items exoeed the amonats per� Y � . <br /> b RESPA. If the amounu of fimds held by Lender ai aay time are not suf6cient to PxY the 4°. "�. <br /> „ , <br /> , ., .: •�� <br /> . ` ;° wer to e shortage or ct �•'.. <br /> , , ..>:. oizo � ,: <br /> ., �,,. ..• . -� er , , .• . <br /> with the excess funds as Y . defr 'eacy as ,, <br /> ..�. Fsstow Items_w�en du�Lead maY n�Y�E wer and require Bo mak up the <br /> _- � <br /> m <br /> ... � pe�'mittedby_RFSPA._:.. ..----- �- - ' f <br /> "` 'Ihe Fscmw�ands are pledged�es ad�iiioaai s�Utityfor all--sums sec�ed by-Wis Securiry i^�•",=�-"t.�f.B�r�nn�!er.._. ... .. �; <br /> . . r . �st�t. ,-. .... . �de�s to Lender the fuII payment of all sucb sums,Barowea's asconnt shaD be cxedi�d witi�the baIance.zsmaining fcf alt . . Y�f,�,, <br /> '` �,�• ,. _ e insuranc� i�st�t����not ba�tne obligaied to �. ----'` <br /> . '�-� ins�tallmenY items(a),(b� and(c1 aad any mortgag P� aor ao�a forectosvre sale u fk�� <br /> t�• fuiads to Bomower Immedia�elY P �- <br /> tel <br /> g for.atI �''� <br /> _ _,•�-:' � _ PaY to the��Yits �d� II b�I,en�y H�Fos�mwei's�ec.cotmt shall 6e ctedited with atty b�ce *p*"a'nin 1.�:,_, <br />;, ;.'. . _ <br /> :� . . ��•: <br /> , ' � �• .' �ins�altmems�items(a), ).and(�)y - - - - ,., <br /> ` :•:;,..�,��;;:.,;�,', 3 Applkattan oY ymcatg. All paytnents�indec Fazagrdp�'s 1 snd 2 sh�l1 be aPPlied by Lend�xs foAows: ,�•'��=�_ <br /> ,: .t ��::,� � S to the�tnortgage ia�nrance pnemium to&epa:�d by Ixnder to the��eta�Y 4r w the monthly d}�ge bY -- <br /> ' • the Seccetary insccad of t}ta monthly mortgage��uance Ple�ium: • . , *-`. '-_- <br /> �u <br /> , ' � a[ry taxes.special assessment4.�szhoId p»`r�ts or�.e+�d rents.and fue. ftoad anci ather =__�_ <br /> 's � hazard insurance re9uire�+ , �' ' , • , <br /> �� � � I�ld ,to intaest dne�der the Note; �. , �?"-_` <br /> < ; 1 UR1 w amortir.ation of the princiPal of tt�:.Note: . .•.. . • . - <br /> � :. ;.,r,; ,{ �" � �FlE�I'H.w tate C6arges due under the Note. �"''- <br /> a; •Fire,FtooB aaxl Other Bs�zard Iassueno� Borrower shall insure z,l�aJ:.�-'rovements oA the Fro�..�t's.whr�er aow .- <br /> .. �. . � r - - <br /> � . ia exis�'x or subsequentty e�co�d, ga ainst a�►Y ha�ards,casualties.and co��ncies:i�ad'nug fine.f�r which Iender R <br /> ';�-.�;;;a;�.';;��,: peri �tt�.ender uires. Borrowec • -- _ <br /> • . ��.i�s�rance. �his u►snranc�shaD be maintained in the amomtt�and foz the p iods.. �1 <br /> � � � perty,whethea now in eustence or sub uen4 C,r�tea,ageinst toss by�Ioads -- <br />__ ''' . �;:z.; -�. sha1�a�c�sute all improv�ments on tbe Pro �l 'S' _.. <br /> ��;,,���- :�,. to the extent nquired by the Sesretary. All insurance sh,all be qrried with cumpazues e�proved by Lender. 'I4is insaiance = <br /> v�.�..�..x.:�•�:.. <br /> -�".::: ^ �r p�licies and any tenewals shall be he2d by Leader�s�shall incIude toss payabL clauses in favor o�a�d In a form acceptable _ <br /> [ .,y +s ��� �'��e event of Ioss.Batrower�°11 give Len�sr iaunedia:a ernice by ma1- Lender may matce p=°°f of loss if not made � <br /> '�" � � Bomowe�. BACb insurr�e sompany ooacECned islk�.rd'�y,authorized and dice�ted to make payment far such loss <br /> -�::�,�����,!, � Tf ►� ma 6�a lied b <br /> _ -'.=.Y=^�:-S;��: y to der.instead Of W$at�;ner and to Lender jou►tiy:,l�]3'i ar.aay part of the insurance piaceeds Y PP Y . <br /> -`-_- —�-.� i�option,eIther(a)w the reduaron of the indebteda�s vnder the Note and this Security Instrument,fuss tn any <br /> - -:==���g- d�l i n q n e n t a m o n ats a p p l i e c l in We osder in Faia$a�i�3,and then m prepaymers7�f principal,oz(b)to the r�stosatian or rap� — <br /> --°�"'•.�:-�:" � of the datnageA P�P�Y• �Y�Plication of the�cacceds w the principal c�»ot exten d or postpoao t he`d u e d a t e o f t h e <br /> --:'=;.�� mont�ly payments whiah a�z re ecred w in Paragraph 2,.oT chaage the amouat of such �yments, My excess insuranae �. <br /> �";r, «t..: <br /> ;;�;r;:��..�,. �over an amount�w pay all autstanding mdebtedness under the I�ote an this Security Inswment shall be <br /> - =4�e;,' Pazd tp ttae endty Iegally en6 ed therew. ' <br /> ';��:;;:�.:,_� � In the evenx of fa�closiue of this Securi�+L.r�str�smeas or other trensfer of title W�r�roperty tbat extinguishes the <br /> -�; �;�;;;..�,''��, - indebte4ness.a11 riP,ht,atie and interest of�orroc,�.i�and to insurencc pollcies in force shall pass to the pu�►aser. _ <br /> _ *"x,; g, prcupancy',.Preservatloa. Maintenax�e ansl Protec�ioa of the Y�+operty; Son�wer's L�a Appl�tlon+ <br /> �;;�,;::�.' <br /> ��:,�,:..�..:�..,a<.: I.e9seAu3ds. Bonower sh�ll ocwpy.esteb}ish.and nse the Property as Borrowef s priac�pal residence within suty days - <br /> ..,;::��•;�>. - v:.� the execu6on of this 3ecurity Insuument and shall continae to cx�cupy.the Pro�ertY as Bomowef s principal mstdence far at <br /> ='=�.y4•_ teast one year afcer the date of oocupaacy.unless 4ae Se�u�,��miaes tivs requirement w�l car�se uadue handshiP for _ <br /> _ ,. ;-�::' �: ' -.- <br /> --''"t�,,�,.�e Bomow�r,or anless extetcuating circumstaa�ces exist zvhich�heyv�d Baara�'s controi. Borrower sha�1.notifY I�adas of -- <br /> _"=:3-�� ;:-;�� ', any extenuating circ�uastances. Bomawer shall nat cou�mit was.s or dest�uy.d�aSe or substanflall}►thaage the Property or <br /> ```:"',:�'.:��"`', . a12ow the Property to d,:teriorate. reasottable wr¢and tear excepted. �I�cn�y tnsPect ttte ProPertY if the Praq�erty is <br /> .4S_..�_��.-c^ .._ � . . . <br /> - �:-�.:;�.:;;-:.�%• `' vacaat or abandaaed or the loan is in defaul�. l�der may ta�se reasoa:3r.��rion to pmtect antd pms�ve su vacant or <br /> -:=�.��-9;?� f:,:'> � abandoned Properiy. Borrowez shall aLso be w defautt if Bo��,es.durinS'the Yoan application pmc�ess,gave materiaDIy fatse <br /> '-",,�","�`b'�' or inaccurate infom�a�on or statements to Lead�r<or faited to�svide l.eades with any material infarmation)in connestion , _ <br /> - • - L wiith ths ioan evidenoed b�r the Note,inctuding,h�at not llmited to.representa�oas concerning Borrow�s�oocup�io of -- <br /> .. tar <br /> �,�}� tis a principal�sidenca. If this Securiry Iastnunent 1s on a lease�o.d,Bairower sball comply p� , <br /> propercy s <br /> :� �,� the tease. If Borrower aoquires fee titie to the pmperty.the Ie�sehold and fee atle shnll aot be mer�ed unless Lender agrees tv �:�_ <br /> , ..•r�, ihe merger in artitiag.. _��: <br /> • " 6t C6argee to Borrower and Protcstton o!Lender�s Rig�►ts in tbe Pe+apertY. Borrower shall pay all govemmental _r'`. <br /> �' �� :.�� or municlpal charges.fines and iaaposiHons that are not included in Paragreph 2. Borrower shall pay these obtigatians on a..i <br /> -' ' �• ':-r'1�"� ' . �e�tly to tti+�endry which is owed the paymenL If fai1ure to pay woWd edversely affect.LenBa's intenst in the ,;�:.. <br /> ' 1�roperry,upoa Y.eader's cequest Borrower shail prompUy fiunish to Lender receipts evide�cIng these'payments• -:4' <br /> •`�������'��_ • If Boxrower fa�s to m�4ce these paymeat�or the payments requireA by Para�aph 2,or faits to perform�any other <br /> . � oovenants aad a�reements contairteA in th�s Securit�r Instrument,or there is n Iegal proceeding that may significandy affect <br /> � � �� Lendec's rights m the Prop�rty(such as a pmce<sdmg in banlwPtaY,for wndemnation or to enforce iaa�s or reb*wations). • <br /> cs e <br /> � ' then Lender may Qo and pay whatever is necessary to�mt+ect tlie vsilue af the Properey and Lender's ri�ts in the Properry. .. <br /> ' . i�cluding payment of taxes.hau�rd insmm�ce and other items mentioned in Paragta�h 2. ,. <br /> � Any amounts disbwsed by Lender unde,r this Paragraph stiall beoome an addidonal debt of Borrower nnd be secured by <br /> r <br /> ' this Secunty Inswment 79iese amounts shall bear interesc from the date af disbursement,at the Note rate,.and at the option <br /> � of Lender,shall be immediately due'and payable. . <br /> _ • � <br /> � ; . � • ' ' (Pttge 2 oj4 pagea) <br /> � 1'. . �. y .v' ':�.�#.._Y:4'3. 7�' -_ _' <br /> . <br /> i � <br /> ,. . � , _ <br /> .. .. .. , .. ,. . . . , _...._ . . ...._. .... <br /> r •� � <br /> . . . •, . • � '' . <br /> _' ' _ _ .. .. � � . � ' � '� � . <br />