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<br /> _..`.:.,,, .:
<br /> . , � la.Saaa�sore�Assdgas Bo�d:,duint�nd sevegal Llabili3y;ca,�igiaets. Tha. caveaants and agxeeme�m _af t� , .
<br /> - , �-- , .. S�iry ��tt shall ttmd mad be�It the saccgss��s�nd assigr�a uf Leadra.ead Bmaowee. snbject w tHe psovi�ans of �
<br /> � . ,. 4�. �sg2�9�. Haaower's oovenants�agae�ra�t�sball be joiat au� sev�al.Any B�asorrer ar�o co-sigas tmis Securiry `
<br /> '� �e�t hut dozs n�t.�apate tke Nat� (a)is.co-si8ain8 tIIis Seaaint r^��-+"�?only�ta acostg,age.gaat and.caavey tha�
<br /> 's.�.:_ Boa�wea's I�te�t ia tbe Progerg►imd�r the teams af this Seauriiy tnstrumffi�(B)is not g�sonaltY obligased to psy the snms
<br /> � Z" '�' f,� Secuced by this Secuary Inis�umc.u�and(c)agrees t6at Lendes and�ny athca Bolrawer ma5►aBcee tn ext�d.m�ifY,fm�ear or
<br /> � �;���., . t3t31t8 aay ecx�om�madaEiOVS witt�tegffid f0�he[ea�s Of th'LS S�ily Tt+ctmm�nt Or d18 NOSL wifhCUt thai BOSOwet'S cAA9CUR. •=i
<br /> --- _ -:� ,
<br /> : ,.�;��'.::� .' ,, :
<br />- - �.�T41iCCS. AIIp IIOt1�LD�OSLOWt'd FIOV(t�fOt IIt(kt9 SC�1[}t T4S�I171Q�B[8�3I1�IC�Y?�II�1ji dC�t►�II�lt OI 13jf I�II$1L � �'�Y
<br /> ` '` CS.
<br /> � ::..•,,L ;� ;, -. jyy fIISt C�2�SS ID37 Q�t'SS 8�1lC8b��1W I�IfSB�8II011�!mCthOd.�I�16 IIOCC�Sh211 jIC�fD�PIOj1P.31S/AttdI@SS Of
<br /> •,''•:?. .� SD}I 018Ci 8dd'IeS9 B�7IdWCt dBSi$[18LCS Ily QOt1C6 t0 LCIId2l.AD�/IIDt(CC W IPQd�SUBII UC QLY2�Dy FIISi C�SS�2�1 fD I�S '
<br /> !:'y:;,.'.. - '�•�
<br /> ;�,:.
<br /> - �d�s sCated hesein ar any addr�.4s Leudcr dasigaaTes by notice tu Bosraerca:Any aatice pmvided fnr in tbis SecarIty Ins�mment
<br /> �!.,<�:;'� . . � sball be decmed ou Itave beeu giuea ta Baaowea orLe�dear wtten gt�av pmvided in tt��b. _�:;::
<br /> . . . �;:.-
<br /> _ ; fl��sa�sam�g��;Set¢a���ty. 'IUTs Se�ity Instnvmer�tt sh�lf;.tie,��et�� �� �^a&�.k�v and �e law�df �tre�- ': f :
<br /> '� f'i���,t� ��c�i�ts d�a lPm�s�,3s iocate�.�rhe eveat t�2 ariyi g�x�i�cs��as c1a�af d�"s S�ri�,�z�c c���e: _
<br /> � �� '
<br /> '��''�� '. ��w�Ti�bYO laar����s?�9I aot affe�t av�pia�`�e€th.is Sec�uity►tns�en�¢�.&�Na��ich c�a Qce,
<br /> ��
<br /> t __,�` �,.;x;j :;i � ���i�l�.e oo��.i�r.�pxav`,�-�:..ibti dais e,nd the grovisions oF�tis Seauiry tasuumer�2�.Ghe Nor�ate d�d tv`�, • .
<br /> r��: R��_} �°;{ . , , . ,.'`
<br /> E.s.� i ! '�l1:VFi8v18. � .
<br /> _::i�- .� • , ,� . . . .
<br />;@I#��_.._(�.:�c....-•-.--y . . . . _
<br /> �. . i`' '. �,. .. : '�".' '_' ' """' ""' ' "... . "' i'"" "'.... ._..""'...."""'._._.... ..... .. . . . .. ' _. ._._ ...... ......
<br /> `, ��j� 15.Barrower's�C�py. Boimwea shaU ba giaen one confmrmed capy of this Seauiry Ins�ument �, �
<br /> , :.[,r
<br /> _ '.�c�. ' ,r;�+�$�3. � , . , . ,�;,�c:;
<br /> . lb.AS,igAffieat ot RentB. Bosowcr im�'ne �tiensity essigA9 eud 1�nsfets tD Lealder all ttte rent4 ead revelttle9 of th0 �:ar,
<br /> :;•'.;.: � ..
<br /> . ��
<br /> . .. .� . . .� �
<br /> . ,-.—.:,k:....,.� pt�apatq.Ho�awea�Le�der�1.eade�'s ageatc ta caIIect dva rmts�ad revaiaes mtd haebY d�eacb t�at uf t� _ �-�
<br /> _ . . :. .; ,. . . . - - -. _, . �_ _ . �. • Bo wa of� � o�
<br /> �'�P�Y�►p33►d�a�czuts�o I.ender or I�endds ag�nya i�awetirs,Pnac ta Leu s nouce to ao cnmwer'a bracF� �:�_:
<br /> . � a�y covs.aaat os�t ia itta Seauiry Wgaramens.Heuawa sh�U ooIIect aud re�ceiva all r�ts aad rev�ues oi tGo Prttpectp a� : .LL`=
<br /> � �'"a�c�' tm�tae for ths 6e�eSt of Lcader aad Bos:ow�'Ibis a�sneAt ef rents cansdtutes an sbsoluoe s��mt�an�ttoi eu es���imt ="_
<br /> tit5 �-"
<br /> - �"�: ' =�" foi additional ssrueity an1Y•. , . . � �,-
<br /> .ti . . , .
<br />� '•:. �..:��.�r.��*r.�' 1f Leadar 8ives no�ce Of brea�6 m Bonocver.(a)aII raats ceceived by�oimwca shail�Qeld by Bo�ower as t�ustee for � . C--"
<br /> �"-= ���' � � beaefit o�I.eadrr bnty.to 6e applied to the sums secu�ed by dZe Ses�ity Insuamcaifi tb)Leadea shall be eatitled m ca3le�x�and F °'.
<br /> '��';t;�''.`'' �I r�ias aDofthe�m oYtLe Pcoperty:aaQ(c)each t�nantof th�aPeaparty shall payaII reatsdueand uapaid to I�orLcaidds a
<br /> .. - .�•; 8 =
<br /> - °";:�;;:' .:..� aBeatOT1 LeAdrr'8 wlitt�llEa�aa�tD d2E teASitL � _
<br /> .�.._;. —
<br />-_ '�'�"';. � � ; �- B�mwer tta�not acecased aaY D�T�S�ent of 8�e rents aud�ant mad w�71 aot peaforae�ay act tt�would yravea�t � = -
<br />- '�'�` -;��'�". I�eudsr fmin exetctsing Its�ig�ts na�thi�pa�agtaph 16. , —
<br /> F1.f f . .. ..6.. � .
<br /> �':�".;:'.s`1':���� Iendes shaU aoi bc requin8 to eater ugon.taYs control of�t m�a dce Prcpe:ty befon or aRar giviag aQi3s�a�f bseac�m —
<br /> ...:�... _. .:: .
<br /> _ '�'�'�'� ' . �Bma+ower.�ow�ves.L�ndes as a judfidaIIY�oiuted�eiva may do sa at arry dme d�e is a 6reacb.Any ap�}�srin�of ra�ts
<br /> _ ��'!'r- ,. . �aU aoi aue ac�ve say defm�lt�invalu��enx cthc right ar r�y.of Leadrr.'Itii9 a�signm�lt of reats of rbo Prapattr�
<br /> s_�� �� �•
<br />���"£''"'� sDall.trsm3nat�D w�t�a de6t sec�ed by the Sqctuity Ins�nmt is paid in i9il1. . , .� .
<br />- �: ' . —
<br />_ --''-:;� NON�iJiv�ORM COVENANTS.Batmwer and Lendea fotthes coveu�ant aad a�oe as fotlow� �
<br />���- -=-°-�,,'::,;,' _-
<br /> .�� .���,.:AF 17.8or�'�e Proctd�If Lmd�m's�afrn immtdt�te pa�u��n tbll aader Par��nDir g,Lmdar�ta�ey i�votce f� � _-
<br /> . e paRar af t�e and swy atbtr remnedks pvm(ued 67 aPA�ble taw.(�der sh�be�to coykct aIi�eas�s�nsarrad . _�
<br /> ._:--`�_:._�:• er v �
<br /> � '��,�� t�p�t i u rcm e d t�t m der t b i s.pafagra D b 1 9,i a�d m f�,6 u i a e t t I m i t e d t o,t e a s o n�D k a t�o m e y a P�S�a n d c o s b a t =
<br />;�: T ;s��:•. � titaeevidtnca � � _-
<br /> :�;:..;;:::�. -
<br /> �; - ��• = Y f t�e pawu a!s a k�i nv o h a a,T r u s t c e s I�U e�ord a n4tke cU detantt in rzch eoun t�in wLkb an�p s u r 4 ot the � --_ -
<br /> . , _ .° ' • Proptrt�ts forated aa0 sd�0 maD copi�s ot sacl�r aotice in the manncr�rexsrIbe���appli�bbe Isw tv Bonowsr and to tse � _ -
<br />���i�`'��"""�� otltv tea�ribed A7�PPl�b1a f�w.Afttr flte tfine ceqr�ed by�pplt�►k Fiw�Trostee s6aII�Ive pu��e nolkx ot �_
<br /> ;^r.:,..::�lM�<<,� ptraoau p esGri iw __
<br /> s;`, 1�.,"..,.•.� sat�to the pese�an�an0 in!�e mannar prescri6ed D�applic�bk taw 7Yustes.aithaat demand aa Borrower,a�seil the
<br />