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<br /> _ ` tdR�RRAN'�Y DE,ED ¢g�t�;�C�S�IZ . , . ��
<br /> PEGGY RAE. A SINGLE PERSON . herein called the grantor u�hc�ther one or more, in�
<br /> + cansidera�ion of THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND AND NOf100 POLLARS ---�----------T---_____`
<br />__� . � . .
<br />�� ,----------------------- ($35.000.00) received from 9rantees. do herel�y grant. ;
<br />_.� . ,. , . . . • � ' . ` .
<br />��• bargain, �sell, convey ,and confirm unto . � . � .
<br />=:� , , � , . , , .
<br />-�= -- ...._... _.....:.... ---- - -. . . . ._..... . ------...._. ._.._..._.___. __._...__. ..._ .
<br /> � . .... ............_.._.....--- _ :...•. _
<br /> _.... ._. ..- _.----
<br /> ��� • � DELORiS M. PRiGE eka Detarts` R. Frice � , �.
<br />-Y . .
<br />_..� . • , . '`��..�:
<br /> y . � . , as erantee whet�er �one ar more,.
<br /> � the fcllawing� described Real ProPertY in. HAL.L Caunty, NeF�rsska: . _ .�
<br /> -i , , , � . - . ' ,,, . .
<br /> Lat fhirLeen .(13), Block Ona C i),� `Ronder.�r�� �.aic�;Estates .Third Siibd.ivision,
<br /> --~- an addition ;tio the City of, Grand Island, M�:�.,��'ounty;. N�brastca. :;� �
<br />::J;� ; . � . . . . : :,:,.;.:, ..
<br /> _ - fio have �nd �o ho3d the above described premises;;��9eti�er �sith� ��.�k .� • � -
<br /> -�� tenemdnts.� h;�r^•oditain�nts �and appurtenances thereto b��.o�h9in�,:�nta ftti�_ srante��,_ '
<br /> -- and to grars��'� heirs and�assigns foirever. � �'°���' �'��
<br />.�;� • . , '
<br />-� � � c�:v��: �he•�rar+tor cioes. h�reb� convenant with tha �rantee an�9 with 9ranteg's_ _ _
<br /> �` heir$�,��i�d 'a�s'igns •that grantor i� 1���'ully seised ofr �aid premisos. that they
<br /> � are �ree fr���. encumbrances � ' . � �. •
<br /> that 9rantor'rfias gooc! riqht"��d lawful authis��'ty to conv�y the same: and �that �
<br /> grantor..warv�ants and wi2,1 defencP the�;title to �sais� �++r�emfses against. the laoaful .
<br /> clairp�, of all perso�ls �whomsoever. , . � � � � � �
<br /> Dated � ' AugugL 30 � . 1995. � � � � ' � .
<br /> � , , • � , :
<br /> , , . �Peg� e � . .
<br /> �: . ' . . - .
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<br /> stata `of 1Vebraeka) �� � ,
<br /> �� HBll County)ss: . , -
<br />—�� On.thi5 3Qthday of August , 199_ befoYe ma, the undersigned a Notaxy
<br /> = Public. duly commissioned and qualifiec� for in said County, parsonally came. �
<br /> ��� PEGGY RAE. A STIVGLE PERSON�„to rrte known to be the .identical persan or '
<br /> � persans whose�'namo is or names are affixed_to the foregoing 3.nstrument and � ,
<br />_�� a�knowledged �ha execution thereof to be. his, her or their vol�ntary act �nd
<br />^,� de�d. � ,
<br />__.�� Witnesfl r�y hend tand Noterial Seal the day end yesr last above� written.
<br />-„' 6fIEPa!IliilTlUlYti�ot�dnsy
<br /> ::f� . f
<br />_.�.y � N�r,aa��e.otuoN • otary Public
<br />;_� . H_ tSyCanm.6p1uIY2,1996 � �
<br /> My Commission expir�s the 2n8 day �� July � � � 19 9�
<br /> T .
<br />,.�`ns;� � � . � , .
<br /> ,.'1 . �,' � _ _ .�.. .
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