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<br /> �° � '" _.F,.;.. �.�n �' t
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<br /> -. ����,.� � ,`�,�;c' _ ,, .i . ,. � ., '� Y }� �b1 �t'ft�.
<br /> - \ �- .. Q . t ��t G '. ti.�r� .: ttl•` .�� F -
<br /> ! `,`u C C c " t. � . +' `a�. ... t Y[-L S
<br /> ...�' a ;::. �S ';F 4`C ` :E ��;1.' _ '-k , }' `�f " �.-_.�..� -_ o�.. -
<br />. " ____ �t.__� :.\.'•� <•._ �.__.
<br /> Gr ` � ����� .` . . � ' - �Y_�.
<br /> t�..2, _ �_�.'.
<br /> ' , , • �ortuwcr 6f�alt pmmptJy �iv�ixnQCt�n�e�notice of us�y iave�,ti�atlon. cfaim,dcm3nd. tawsuit or nther ttctian by any. __
<br /> � �<,b':.� . governmem�t ur rcaulatory a&esey bsprivate pasty invotving'th�Pro�:ciy nn�1'any Hnrnic�duuy Substance o�Envlronmentsd Lnw �+�:
<br /> .��•:';';: '� : '` o£which 8orta�ver ftas ustuaf€utowtedge.If Eorrower learns.or is rtoUftcd by ony o�ccmrxisnial os reguiatory anNority.that ' _`�
<br /> ft
<br /> . •f�.; as�y cemovn�art aths�remedintion of isn}�H�udaus S'ubstrutc�nfferting the Property�s necessary.Borran��r s9�ap prumptly take �
<br /> 4:. .` . � nll neress�ry rett�te�i�!aetlons in ussardance wltt�Environmetatul bew. , �
<br />''�,.�:,' ,���� • As eased in thtg pacr��ph 2n. "Hemrd�us Substance�' are those substanoes,deRc�d as toxie or ha7ardous substsnc�s 6y . _=
<br /> - � . Environm�ntal 1aw and the following subsraaces: gasoline. kzrosefle. ather flauunaYsle or toxic petrateum pro�acts, toxic, � —_
<br /> pesticides and herbicides.volati2e soIvents,materistls ooaQaiining asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive gnaterials.As used in •
<br /> .,� �p this paraga}�h 20. °Environmental I.aw"a�ans f�eral lavrs ami [aws of the juri�djctcon where the Pmperty is locat� t6at , �`�:
<br />� '��'<;.:,�, `�'�� relate tb keaIdi,safety or envimnraen¢al pmtection. '
<br /> t _: 6.� NON-UNIFORPJ�CbITENANT'S.Bomswer aad L�nder further coveaant aad agtee as follows: •
<br /> ,, 21.Aeoeter�t�an;Reatedit�.I.ender slsati gEve nottce to 8flgsow�prtor to aaceter�mton foiYawi�g Bosrawe�s lbreact�
<br /> oq auy caweneant ar a�s+�en3 �n this See�ntty Iastr�ment(6ut noi prtor to sa�eretioa uIId� par�eapb D7 �ess
<br />:`-,�iL�� appli�abie taw provides otBaerwEse}.TI�e eaflticr�sS�aD spec[Yyz (a)the dxfamtt;(b)t�actFon requtrea9 to wre the dmP�init;. �..
<br /> ."'�'��"' °': (c)a t�a�Y tess t h a n 3 U d aqs t'r om t h e d a i e i�e n n t i c e�s g iven t o�rro�er, 6y w 6 i c t�t t�e d e fa a�I t m�3 b e a i r e t i;aa d �-
<br /> : ; ;-�',,_,: (d)t�at falInre to ca�e the defanit o»or befor�the ctate sQeclffed is�Ehe natice may cesvQt tn aweler�tian of#he snms —_
<br />, .. .;:.:�f,.:-� secm�ed bp tiats&ec�Ity Insh�mmeni�d ssle of the a'ra�serty.T6e�cotfce shaU furtR�inform Borrotver o4 tise etght W _
<br /> " �,''"'`� � , ." irSnstate aft�r accePerati0n aad tic� t t0!� —
<br /> , r:�r,.�� rigb rtng.a a�mt scxion to assert We non�stenc�e oi a defaul!or uny al�er
<br /> .� �.,� ' det�se of Ba�rrower to aooelerat[��s�mm�sa[�If We ddanIt Ls not c�red on or beYore t6e daEe spectfic�in the mot€cr� -
<br /> ` �"' �: " L�td�r.at d3s opttoa,may requlre��z�czllafe p2►yateut in fnII of all sams seaum�l Dp this:l�m'fh+Ins�tmm¢nt�ithant _
<br /> �. '�._,3<, .� -
<br /> -.�.� : fmther d�aad an�may t�voke�r p�t'r�r of saie and azry et�er c�medIes pamitted by�p�ftabte law.�.eader sf►atJ�e _
<br /> --- - ' ,�utitIed t�oa�Ied all expeases iu�In�msafng the r�edJes prooEded fn thf�parageap�t��1.�tnnsdnd�g,hut�qot Ii�nit�l V
<br /> ,'`�`_-.:.= to,re�os�bi�attos�eys'fees sud oms4�oY Eitte e�deu�s. . : ' ' �:
<br /> ,�`"'��� � . pt t��tser of sate is�voke�x;�'rustee s�all record�naYice oY default in eacb couaty in ctfiic�any part of Sie•
<br /> _-�x+.�
<br /> __�•'."'M..- . :�P�F.Ys:jl�at�aa�s�atl mait c�iles of sa�b aotate tn tl�e aa�nner pr�eibed by apg�trabie law ta Borrower as�to _-
<br /> ,�.5 . .�` tit�o4har�a.s�beal bY as►yiItrablc la�v.A{ter tke tknne�yj�r�d by nppli�bte law.Trostee strall give pnbt�c�re
<br /> � ;;�, ;�r,r,�sale t�a�'�SOas a�sl�ihe�manaar ps�scrtbe�!�y aAF�icat�'I�'fiaw.Tra�e,witbaat d�n�aud on E�osa�nwei.s!►aII s�l1 : .,
<br /> �Y.�,.: .`,�ffia�roper�j+�t publtcg*�a to t�e liighest 6i+dd��the time snd piace sa�d�der We terms a�in tGe aotfc�ot ,
<br /> �.� ..:.;�'�!e i�ontt ar more �tn aay ordx���d�tesmtaes.��stee�ag;:3P°st�oae saie bS g!!�er•�+Ra�ef of the L °
<br /> `ag
<br /> _,:?,�� � ��ir."�ro�pertp b���blie�.,��ent aY the time axaa�gaase Qf a�prevtons2y sc'�dnZ�i s�le. Le�d�r�i�ts dcslgaeE may; . ,�,� .
<br /> �� iN,,; . �P�tt�a���opest�at aay sale.. � � ,: ., . . _
<br /> , ,i ' YJp��eipt o�pa�ent of e��irase bf�. Tra�t`Pe sbaD deliver to the parc.�tas¢r��i'�t[Ste�'s d�conveyimg the _ _�
<br />`;;�`;r�>'•;�� � ,.prnpertp.TiYs�redt�ts in the Tivsta's.d�sba6d.:d�e pa�aaa 4acte evtdRUCe a4 t�s tsatb�ff Y&e state��s�ade tteerdn. —
<br /> „ ��xr,i�. � ' ..��rustee s3�a1!aPp}9.the praceeds of the sa�r�ia GCr�`�,��cving or�ter:(a)to alY�amd�o�e`g�mg t�ie powgr of —_
<br /> e��{`'� . 'Sr�le,9n��...as^'�'-`'s�Clutl�the�13yIIG�J2 fl3tl,��B8'S Ye�4 StEnSIIy IIICmTed,ID�2 to.� t�le/ O� SOo Q0 OL",�, %a
<br />'_JF,•
<br /> •�-�?f• qP the p��owrt of the uote s�:�re�irre o�t�deciara"tie�+ut defautt�atx�ie�asaa�'l�a��aruueys'��s as��ed
<br /> xf�� i
<br /> Trr _:� - fj3r law.(b3 fr��,tf s�ns secarea3 6y tWs 5ecatlty Y�eat;&ttd fc)aYtY escess to the p�tsd�'oF�eit�ams C2gaQy e'ttU.r.�3 to .
<br />. ��.?:..x: �� .�t. . � � ' •
<br /> '"""�°" ZE. Reo�veysuce. Upan payment of aU sta� serure� by this Security fiasuu�faeal, Lender sSialt r�t Trustee to
<br />-= --�..�i_.�.
<br /> :-..��iir�n,lY .
<br /> _,__:,..,,��,,,�, reconvey tbe Pmperty and shall suaeadvr this Security In,vument and a11 notes cvi8encing debi sectued 6y this Se¢urlty . _
<br /> "=-- — Ins�trument to'Truste�.Trastee shaU reoomey the Property without warranty aad without charge to the peason or persons legally '
<br /> --�-z�.-�;:�;�. en6ded to it.S�ch pe�sun or persons shsll pay avy iecordation costs.�
<br /> - --=_--_ ' 23. Sabsittate.Tr�stee.Lender,at its opdoa.mny from time to time remove T�irstee and apgoint a eucscessor truste�to
<br />__=��,41�� ? aby T�stee appoiat�d hereuader bx an instrument cecarded in the cauaty in which.thns Securit�r L�sm�ment Is recorded'.Without
<br /> __� conveyancc of the Paopern/.ttie successor trustee ahat�succe�d to al!'the titte,power And dut�es conferred up�on Tn�s*ee hetein
<br /> -'�_-_" . and by applicabte law.. .
<br /> -_ --- �-�-- . � 24. Reqaest tor l�iottces. Horrower requ�sts that�pie�of the notices of dafault and saie be sent to Batrower's�dtess
<br /> __-_--_= whicb i9 ttte Propercy Address. . . ,
<br />