- �., . ``•'} , _ ' _' � ��f � . S/_�— • .. `. +v....t �e ..
<br /> 4� .i-+�'^� S.�" yy t
<br /> ,.,.k- � :, .,o� .,_�( . fi "j"_^�i. '3'.,<`..,._-. a .I P 4 .._ q `( �.
<br /> ° .�, t c e_�r � 1.4 �` � F t Y .. ,`.,� � y.
<br /> .=�/ ' f_. `i,v.y' r y, f�y. •Y ' k � :t �t �yi_. f G .J y� --�,
<br /> �'`_?.i..C. 1.:i� ,Sic� �'�� S,.Y. � C�Y+-yy��-�-�.
<br /> .. �r ;`p,;� ', � � . . c . -
<br /> �4' � ' A /�p
<br /> - �:i` . . , . . .. V�� �,�p���� � � � - � .--
<br /> ,� F��• '�•� � @orrawer sl�ati pramptiy�ive Lender�vritten aotice of any tnvesdgation,ctaim,deinaad,.lawrsuic or ontzer aaio�by a�ny -
<br /> ��' �� : ,�overnmentai oi r€gu2atory agcucy or prlvate_Dart9 imroiving the Property und arry Ha�s�dous Subst�cce or Enviro�unenta!�.aw
<br /> _- . ' of w}�iich Bt�rtower ha5 acn�al lcnmviedge.If Borrower learns.ar is natiRed 6ry any govemmeatal or reguiatory authorIty,�tlhat
<br /> '`�'�'�. � �any ceinoval or.other�n�liaaon of�nyr I�taaardous Substaace affecting the P�op�rty is necessary.�orrower s6a11 pramptty take `
<br /> ' ,,r: ,:�',:,,.•: all necess�y retnediat uctis�a�s itt asoor8attoe�►�ith�:ntrit�orut�ntai Law. `
<br /> •.� . •� � As i�sed in Wis pa:agraph 20. "Ha�ardovs Subsiaaces' aie t�ose su6stenses dofined as coxic or hamrdous sub�ces by
<br /> `' F.nviroturie�tal Law nnd the followins su�ces: gasolinr, keroseae. ather flamm�ble o��toxic pet�leum pmdn�ts. toxic
<br />,.""r�.;:��. rl -
<br /> � `,. , p�sticides sin�f�erbicid�s.votatite so2vents.materiats contaiaing a�bestos or fosrt�atdehyde.and radioactive�aaterials.As us�in '°.
<br /> . tius pata�rapfi 2A. "Environmen3al Iaw"�federal laws�nd la�vs of tt�jurisdictioa where the Property is 1a�cated td�at ,_
<br /> ' ::'� . retat�w.hea[th.safet5+or e�viranmsntal protestioa. , �
<br /> ' �_.: . NmN-UId1FORM C�VENANTS.8orrower and Lender funher rnvenaat aad agree as faliows:' � '
<br /> - - ;—F s;;�- ' �.A��DIIs`�R9�4C��4.��Cl'��QC IIO�t�t0$�jJ�dT tR Et�@Y3tFO1i fOI�OtiYjIIg�$Ol'f'OLYCi'�S�lC� -
<br /> �� af�a�y caveau�t or �reeffient i�t6ts SecasIty tasla�ament(but aoi pr�or to aooeteratt�n Qnder par�gragh 1? ua�ess
<br />��:,.;:.�.� n.p�lir�a0te�ta�v�rovI�ataescv�e?.�antIoe sha➢I�ges�: (�)�t�e deYataIt:N)the adion required to cure the cEefat�t; _.
<br /> :;�-^�°�•;`��. .. (s)v date.aot�ess thau 30 days fm�the date the ao8ae is gtvem w Bon+owes,bq whftb 3hx defaalt masi 6e c�re�l;aad _
<br />•=a"�- � . (�td�at fa#ime to cnse ttae def�uFt on or 6efor�tke daie spe�df'scd in tfle'aottce maq e�.soit in a�ei�atfoa of the surns . _.
<br /> sec�red by ttiis S�rlty�nstrmment�nd sate of t�e�ro�serty.The aot[oe sliall fmt�er infor�Boreower oY the�fgt�t to
<br /> ."�;;°.. ':�,, '. �te afRer�ieraflan aad 4he etgl1t to bad�g a oonrt�actlon to a�.sert the uon�estst�of a defaatt or say otizee
<br /> � .r��•�: de��se of Borrowgr to aecel�a4Mn artQ sale.If t�e defanYt is nut�oa or before H�e dase spediied in the nattce,
<br /> `._'_.�; : '�Y;'` p.euder,at its�fipifan,�y re4uYre i�tediate pagraeat in 4tiD aY alg sams securEd by t6�s Sec�uitq Ins4ru�eat without `
<br /> ;:: �. . ' ..• ' y� power of saie amd any other remedies pesmilterl by ag�l�cabie law.��er sttall!be
<br />,yi y: t�rther de�an�and ffia mvolcQ the
<br />:_.ii�+'4.�;'_.iu'`�-' . '. .en�li42ed to oo�I�atl espensFS in�in pnrsoiag the remedtea pravided�in this paragragB 2i,indadira�;i�nnt lir�ited -
<br /> : . • �. �:. to,er�sonabl���ttoriceys'fees sasl wsts of t�tte evIdeac� ' � ' ' .
<br />''���'r u:;V':�°°� ` ' Yf t�e��er o!sste is invoke�,Tn�st¢e s�all record a aottoe of de€antt in each wrr.���'�.n cv�lt'b�y�art a�4��`}
<br /> ,.�:;.;._: � : .
<br /> , .,,,,�`:�� Pmperty Es Iopate�aad s1�D mail�cogfes oY�ach na3Fce ip We manner prFSCrF6ed by ag�.;ca''aIe iaw to Bo�rowpr a��"� .
<br /> ..;:, . the aEher pe��ot��bq a�pfirable iaw.After�fie ti�ne re�yuired b3r appfEc$his Iaw.�'r�st�sLa11.g��pnblfc not�e . ,
<br /> ;;,1::�.�'�:'. '_: oY snle to 3he�sans aad in the mAn��*pr�SCriYse��y ap�iitabis law.Trustee,�vitIwut d�maaa an�c�.r.sf�all se3�
<br />: . � ;:f. t�e Property at gnbuc aar.tton tP the t�ighest 6tdder at the time and place sn�ander the te�rms d�gnn3ed'�i the n t�4.. .
<br /> -�_�`-�;<-,,—�;t . . _..:�s�e i�orae ar-mo�- �-in�sn or�r-1'rastee-det�€nes.-'I'�u�ee-�tay-�astpoas-�e af-all-or. t�e'.;-' -._.. . _
<br /> �. � y �-��.��..
<br /> ;.:, ,t _.
<br />_,�r;`�:j;��.; , �'°d�'h'�Y E►ubuc enao�acement at We time and�lace bf aoy prevfoosl�schedoled sfld�.lf�ndar or€ts designee z��g,�;
<br /> =- P�We Ptoperty at�any sale. '•,..
<br /> `�',�;a . _ [Jpon ceceipt of payment o�the prfce bId,Trnst�s�aII deliver to We p�rcbaser Tcustee's d�chnaveying the _.
<br />-'`;�`;4:-> Property. Th�redteLs tn the Trastee's deed st�a11 tie prlma'fade evfde�oe of the tratb of the staten�caad+e iher+eIn. �
<br /> '` Tinss�ee si�aif oppty the praceeds af ttte saie fn We foltowIiig o�r:(a)tu�casts anc!eapeases o ea��the pnzver oi
<br /> ' ����� sat�and the sale,tadudtag the payment of We Trastee's fees actoal[y incure+e�,not to eac�dTl��OF $50.00 OB �.°1�
<br /> „#"� .�.��'. , of the prIndpal amonnt of the note at the time of tl}e decisistlon of defa�It,and r�asnnab�e ati�raeys'fees as�e'rmfi�'
<br /> r ��
<br /> �;�_�� - � bY[sw.(b)to aU s�s sec�red by tWs Secmity Instivmeat;aad(c)a�y escess to the per�on Ar pe�sous C�ty�eatitted��i��
<br />-- ���. 5�� � ' = . . ' ' '�;,;1. :� .,
<br />- °�.' ;�;, � , 22. Becx+nveqa�re. U�on gayment of all sums �red by tiva Security Inswment, I.e�,der shall na�i�st 'Y'tustee t�.•
<br /> � �'' {'�' reconvey the Property and s6a1! suneader this 3ecnrity tnstrument aad all notes evidencing�l�;ai secured by t�is Seru�N�;
<br /> �`'`__;��: , Insavment to Tmscee.Trastee shall reconv the Pm without w j
<br /> eY P�Y arranry and witdout charge C��he person or persons laga�'i�y
<br /> - �:� • e�ititie�d w it.Sach pe�son or peisons sliatl PaY eaY r�aordatioa costs. -
<br /> "�"�,� � „ 23.3absHtate 75rasiee.l�nder,sc its option,may frnm dme to time remove Trastee aad appoint,a sucxqssor trustee to
<br /> � _�::. �iy Tn�stee apgointed herea17t3er by an insttument recorded in ehe oounty in which this 5ecur�ty Insuvment is reoord�d.M'rt6out •
<br /> l�"Af n'r`f"Sf
<br /> �•�.,�''.�`��y:�.�+�,� ' conveyance of the Property;rhe successor trustee shaU succeed to all the dde.Puwer and daties oonferred upon Trustea 6er�in .
<br /> �,._ ��'�! and by apglicable law. • . � .
<br /> - ..,,,:.;a.,,_-.�,; Z�:Feq��st far 11i��„��r.Farro��es-re��ts that.copies of�ha no:ices cf d�fault end sale��.�ne i����:ea's��s . : .
<br /> ------�—� +qrhich is the Property Address. � •
<br /> __-____= .: 25.Rld�as to.this SeeurTty Insitvmeu�If one or�ore ridecs are executcA by Borrower an�recPrded togethdr adth this
<br /> -_ '�uriry Instrumen�tCie coveaants aa4 agreements of eacb such tider shall be incorporated into and shafl amend and�supplement .
<br /> . uti�'.�ovenanis and�grerments of ttis Seauity Instnunenc as if the rider(s)wec�e a part of tSiis Security Insuument. .
<br /> ��eck appli�Ie box(es)J. � � . ,
<br /> _ _ '. .. �AdJusrab2e RaLe.Rtdef . �.�,� ❑Cd�+'��n�m Rider []1-4�17amily Ridet ' . . .
<br /> --- ,;. (�tiraduated Paymen2 Aides []P3a�r�d Unit Development Rtder [�Biweetdy Payiaent Rider '
<br /> - ' • � (�Balloon Rider • 0 Ra#�Tmprovement Rider. �Second Home Rider
<br /> ��A�.� [�V.A.Rider [�Other(s)[sperify] . .
<br /> -----�---- : ' . ' � HOMB EQUiT4 dC+CESS LINE RIDER
<br /> . . , . . ' .
<br /> ..—_ - -�a�� . .'� � � . . . _.
<br /> _-.—___"`_�..'. � _ � . . '
<br />.�.���_°---- . � BY SIGIJIN(3�BELOW.$oirower accepte and a�es to the tem�s.i�nd oovenants oon9ained in this 5e�urit3►Tnstniment usid
<br /> -- ---___ ' ' in any rider(s)executed by Horrower an��,.vurded with it: '
<br /> �.�.anr�� ��tI1CSSCS: � ' � .
<br /> _ �_s�,.'"«.�• � ' 'i ; . L ' �. . ����i �
<br /> _-��:: - � . � , ".. >
<br /> ;;..i,��:,s� . �, � ' , . •
<br /> _-a;r:��.-�4,��.k�3� /� �rrf�G6f'
<br /> =���_ti__-�_ Q . ' ��/
<br /> --_ � ":li; • ♦ �.SCa'��.
<br /> __-y�:.��z.,�'} . . � S�� � B�aL • .
<br /> .'°�.;_4_ �0706WC�'
<br /> �
<br /> -`.r•_:�`-�ri.�� . . .
<br /> ��-w,�:: - ' . . ' � _.
<br /> =�:d:��', :.�i.r l�� �5��
<br /> .:,,�;Y- -Boaoaer -Barrower -
<br /> �-�'�-�`�`'':.;•' STATE OI�1VEBRASKAs � �Courity ss: _
<br /> -.i,.:,,.. . . �
<br /> � The foxe oin �nswtnent was aclmowle,dged before me thi . 2�+� day JQI.Y , 1995 , -
<br /> �' ' ` ��� ' . by � b' BILL AND SANDRA I�i HILL s H[IS AND� , _
<br /> �. . � Wttt�ss myr hand and notarial seal at GTtAL�ID I ' said Co date aforesaid.
<br /> . -';':" ' ?�y���sEar��:as: Q!t!l��4�. . , � _. � .
<br />- . + . N�,�y�,a� _
<br /> _ . , . . •, ' . m �, G��� ' . .
<br /> _ � • � �r��N�ti� ��/4�� Fdrm3028 e»o
<br /> , �-',. , -
<br /> . . . _
<br /> •'�i��. �:.7: ' . ' � . '
<br />