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<br />__;�,�..:J .;,,.:. ..
<br />:�s;.,;r�.�^.,:;� • husband attd wife, GRANTORS, for and in conaiderat�oa Qf T8H � .
<br /> • x'.•. :' :-; :: y NO/100�DOLLkRS ($T0�00) AND OTffii�t` flALOF�BI+B CONSIDBRATYOA =eaII��g@d ' _
<br />�'m'�'�`�4.: }; ,�.:� fscom GFt�i3Tl3S, 3,IZRBTH N. 1K�lDBR. caavey to �.. �� fol1ooQiag� , __
<br /> . ,� _ � .
<br /> = ..des�ibecl.:real. ssta�e jas deffaed fa Neb. R�v. &tat. ?fa�01 , .
<br /> . :f:� . ..
<br /> _ . .. . uiatY --
<br />_:�if::- �i,. ; .-i�,: E1�tLl8t@t� �S Hd�.� �.`O � .�@b�9�Y' .._._ .......... .. ..... _ ._... ....._- --._.... _.. -- ---......_ ._. .,.... . �-.
<br />_ , . . . � --
<br /> =:.li°%.;;�� . . �• �����T� .
<br /> T:'-"��`;; . The Northwest Quaster (Y1W�t) o� Seatfon �ea
<br /> � _ �F .- .. (2y�, Townehi.p �elve (12� Norf�4 �3e Ten (10) A��t
<br />= ,, ' .. :- of the 6tb P.I�., �1 -Couaty, Nebraekai_':- _
<br /> '�' �31 q'.s '� - ... _ —
<br /> -�s:,, ' :_ ' . ' Of Si8'C�
<br /> � The Sauth �aif of the Nor�hea�t Quas�es �S��1Bfit� _
<br /> �.�_,�y��` ',' . tion Twaat��ine (29), Townehip Rtrleine .t�.2I� Nortla, . , ' '
<br />,�;�-;;�'�j.:���`,, � � Rauge Niae (9), West o� the .6tb P.M., Hall Couaty, � . �
<br /> ;s;,`?:'...,.�,.�.�;�;�:,, Nebraeka, exaeptfng a certain trac� desari.bed ae f�g- _
<br /> -_-�_;,,_�.-�;�•�,�,.,��,: lows s Baginning at the Southeast corner ef esid qu�ar� . __
<br /> -__-_===3=�" ter ae�t�cs� t�ence Nosrthergp a diatan�e of 1299.92 fe�t
<br /> `""�'�"�`�-� along the 1�st �ine of ea�d quarter secti.on to a paiat ,
<br /> ---�-==--� ors �e proparty lin� o# the .Graator as re£l�ted f� .
<br /> _=-`�-�-m��`i-�''� • Pox+�osial Represent.�i�ive's Deed recarde�3 ag Documes�i� No. , .
<br /> iFi/Ii.
<br /> ����'�"'%'�"��` � � 92-104390 fa.ths Offfco of the.Hall Couzety Regi�te�•�o!F � .
<br /> _����°�,%�;� . Deede; �h�ace Weaterly defZectiaq 9d°OQ'OQ" seaond . -
<br /> ,- _=�� ' • lef�, a distance of 170.02 feet along ea3d 33ae; thence
<br /> _-- 5��:�Cherly dofleeting 90°Oa'S7" left, a diatance of -
<br /> - _ � �.�,��r4S4 faet.to a �aint oa the SoutB 1$ne o¢ eafd a�aar-
<br /> -- -= � �,esr°seatioa; �heace Sasterly deflectfng 89°55•27•" Zeft,
<br /> -- _ � . a distance: qf 168.15 feet a�ong the� Sou�h.L��..ne of eafd
<br /> _ --- - gi��ates �c��iort ta tha poiat of beginm3ag�:.i��ontafuing -
<br /> - - ' � .� 5.05 aare�;' rao�e or Iess, w4aieh includea ;v�:� acses. •
<br /> �.-�;� � �more or legs prev�+Laly occup�.ed sa public highwagr..anc� .. .
<br /> --.`°m-_= The Soutk�t Quarter ��W�c)..o4� Sectioa 83gEat (8�,� .��� .
<br /> - ---_ � sh�.p '1�vek�;� (12) Not'Eb� Ra�ge. Nine (9� ShTest af he 6th .
<br /> --.-�.�, � . P.�'!.. HalY County, Nebraska, except 7.6 eares ia th� . .
<br /> = :�� � . Sa�ithw�st (SW) casuer of eaid Sout�west Quartes ISW�t) . .
<br /> -.°----_ � formerly ccct�pi�d bp a chutah andr s�chaol caa�sie,tittg og •
<br /> - --�v-- � 152.4 acsee more ot less;` �ha 7.G aar�s more perticu- . �.
<br />