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<br /> ,'�=.�.. 5. Hamrd or Pnn�erty Yn�w�noe..Burrower s�all�ke� t�ie itn�rovr,ments notv ext'�t1ng r he�eafter er om the ,
<br />-_�'��;, ProperSy insurad a��inst loss by fire.�tt�uds incladed witl�tn the term °extended coverage'and any`otPier hazards.inciading � ;
<br /> _ �loods ar tlaading.for which�l.sender reqnires ir�suraatce.74iis insurunce shuli 6e maituained in the�uMunts and tor the ger�ods
<br /> -- that Lender requir�.The insuranoe carrier providing the insurance shal!be chosen by Borrower sni�jcct eo Lender's approval ' --
<br /> , tivhich sftall not b.unteason2bly tvithh�id. [f Borrower falls to pialntaia coverage described nbove..l.endee mny._at Lertder's, -
<br /> .��.... option.obtain cover�e to prote+�L,ender's dghts in ihe Pmpeny in accordance with paragrapti?. . � � .
<br /> AIl insuia�ice policies and ceneivaIs shall6e accepta6t�to Lender and shall inctude a standatd mort�age elause. L.cnder -
<br /> -�•�' � shal!have the right to hold the pol[cies and renewF►ts.If Lender r�uices.�attower shall gromptly give to Lender al)receiAts of � -
<br /> ��"`�°" paid premiums'at�renetival rtoiices.In the event of loss.Borrower shall give prompt notice to ti�e insuranse carries and Lender.
<br /> ''�:�, [.ender may make praof of loss if not made pmmptig bg Boreower. — � '
<br />�=;�`�' ' th�iess Leuder and Borrower othe�vise a �n wrltin insurance rnoeeds shall bs lied to restoration or r air of e
<br />:,8-� �� S• P aPF� eP �► _
<br />:��� Pmpe�ty damaged.if the reswration or repair is economical3y feasible and Lender's seauity is nos lessened.If the restorat�on or
<br /> =T� regair is not eoaaomicatiy feasibte or I.end�r's spcurity wou2d be tessemed,¢he insurance proceeds shaU be applied to she sums
<br />_.:A:�:� secvred 6y this Security Instrument, whether or�ot then due, with aay excess paid to Banower. If Borrower aisaadons the
<br /> ;•`�� . Yrogeny,oi does not answer whhin 3U days a notice from Lender that the insurarcce catrier has offered to seute a ctaim,t6en
<br /> -���� : I�eader may collect the insucance proceeds. Lende�may ase the praceeds to repair or cestote thz Pro�erty'or m pay sums �
<br /> --- se�ued by this Security Instrument.whesher or aot then due.The 30day period wiil begin cvhen the notice is given.
<br />-�� Unless Lender and Borrower otheiwise agree in u+ritin�, any agpliration�of pmceeds�to principal sl�a}I not extead o�
<br /> '�;� � postpone the dae date oi the rnonthTy puyments referre�to in pa�graphs 1 sud 2 or ctiange the�noant of Uie payments. If
<br />___��
<br /> •'�� rmder pa�agaph 21 the PraFerty is acguired by Leader.Barrower's right w azry insnrance policies arni preceeds restilting fjbm .
<br /> ,,,r� .
<br /> .�� . damage.xo.the.P�roperty.prcortQ.the.aFqwsiUon.shaUpass.to.L,ender.tothe.eate�atnf.the.sumssacured.8y.ttvs.Sesunty..tnstnunent._... .. ._
<br />--�� imm�diatefy prior to the acquisition. �. •
<br /> — 6.O�oaipaucy,Yras�rvatton,Mainteu�nce and Pi+ntecdon of t6e Pe+nperty;Borrowet's I.oan Appllcaflan;Leaseholds. '
<br /> =_= Borrower shall oocugy.establish,aad'use the Property,as Borcower's principal resideace wlthin sixty days after the execution of ' ,
<br /> = this Security In�u�nt and shall contiuBC w occapy'the Property as Barrower's principal r�idrmce for at least anc year after
<br />--= the clate of occupancy.unless I.tnderotherwise agrees in writi�g;wirich consent ahall not be��n*��i�ably c�vithheid,or aniess
<br /> _ - e�P�1�ng circnmstances exist wIucb are beyrond B�rro�rer's control. Borrower st�all nos d�tmy,damage or impair tlie
<br /> --= Prog�aty,allocv the Rroperty to deterio�afe,ar commit�vas?e on the Praperty. Borrower shall be in def�ult if aay forfeitare
<br /> ___- � , . acx'son or proceedi�,whether civll or criminal.is begun that in Lender's good faithyudgment could resuIt in forfeimre af tite
<br /> �=R� Property or otherarise matetially impair the lien created by this Security In�ent or I.eader's seeiuity inter�ct.Eorrovyer maY
<br />'��`�=� aue suc1�a default and reinstate,ss provided in pardgraph I8;by causing t�zction or proceeding to be disu�issed wifh.a niling
<br />�;�� ' t�,•c�.Lender's�oad faith.d�ination, precludes forfe+.?ure of th:Borrower's iate�st in the Praperty or ot�zr materia]
<br />__�� imp�t�tent of the IIen created 6;tlus Security Instrument�c:rr E.ender's security intete�t:�orro�ver shall atso be cm defaWt if
<br /> __.._ � . Borrawer.daring ttr�.,toan appilc�cion pmcess,gave mate�nrialty fatse or i��.a*e infasmattoa or statemen3s to Lendsr(ar failed
<br /> -= to provide Lende;,rrr:�any maierial information)in connecdfla with the,tm?n evidenced by the Note,includ.ing,bui,aot limited
<br /> - to.represeatations't+oriceining Basmwer's accupancy of the D�p�rty as a pr3ncipal residence.If this Security Instre�*�t is on a
<br /> -_-= leas�",�tr«: .Barrower shall com�Iy with all the provisions�s t�e Iease. If Borrower acquires fee title w ttre F���try, the
<br />- - _ - �eo..,�".¢aud�e feE tittE shall t�at ruer�e ontess i.c�de�agrdcs ca the merger in writing. , •
<br /> — ' :.'7.Proteefloa of Lertde�s Rtgbts in t[ie Prap�zty.If Boirawer faila to pErform the covenaats and.agexments contafcied':m .
<br /> _ � •� this�e�arity Instea�r�t,or there is a legal proceeding that m�y significandy affect I:cnder's rights i�the Property(such as.�:::; : '.
<br /> - pmceeding in b�tcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeitore or to enforce taws or regulations),then Leades c�ay do a,nc�:' "
<br /> paY acu'cvhatever is'ne�xssary to pmtect the value of the Pro�rty and I,ender'�_rigflts�tfie Property. Lender,s;tr�ans may�
<br /> inelc�e paying any swas secu�ced by a lien whIeh has prc-eEi�r aver this Seiguiry �Stnrmem, appearing in vtma�, paying '
<br /> reasanab2c attomeys'fees and�nteriag on the prapeny to make re��irs.Aithough Lender may talte act�on under this paragrnph .
<br /> _____= 7,Lender does ams IG�:ve to do so. . . •
<br /> � My arimounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shail ber,ome addittonal debf of$orrower sec�ued by this
<br /> Staa,+�tr Irstru��nt. Unless Borrawer and Lender agree to asher terms of pay�nent,the�e amounts shall 6eaz intv,�,t fram the ,
<br /> dat��5 disbuYSement at the Nnte rate artd ahall be.payabte.�v�th interest. UpdA'AO'iCC ffOII!L�E11dBf tQ BOf70w�`�t 8'BQI12StlAg
<br /> PaY�'�• .
<br /> .r.= ' � • 8.Mortgage In�ura.�se.�f Lender required mortgage insa�rance as a camdition of making the lo�n secured by this Securityr. �
<br /> --= Ynsdvmeni, 8orrowet sha11 pay the pramiums requlred to maintain the mort�e insurance in effe�. If, for aay reason, the
<br /> - ma�cg;;e inswance cmerage reqttireA hy I.ender lapses or ceases to 6e in effect,Borsower shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> -� o6taEn soverage subsfanria9ly eqnival�ret to the mortgage insurance previausly ia effect.at a cost substantially equivaient to the
<br /> cost to Bnrrower of 8�e mortgage insuranse previousJy in effect. fram an eltemate mortgage insurer apyroved by Lender. If
<br /> substantially eqmivaient mortgage insuranoe coverage is not aveilable,Borrower sh�11 pay to Lender eacb monih a sum equal w
<br /> ane-twelfth of tfie yeariy mortgage insu:anos premium being paid by Borrower tivhen the insuranoe coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> _ _- be in effeci.Lender w911 accept.use and rettiln thess payments as a loss teserve in lien of mart�age insuranoe. 1.oss reserve
<br />-- • ' , Form 8028 8I90
<br /> __ • .• vqqo3of6 �
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