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<br /> k_� _..r.�.+-�..��....+..�: -J'"'. n:l. `A"'�. R � , y _ _ �. - F'� q y`�L_"C-n.-...y_.�� . .
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<br /> ,. ' �"�� � � � , �� , 9,�.� �.��� � , _ � � �_
<br /> _,� t'.-:,}�,:`r�l,; 7'OG�tl�E�WITI�ad!the in�mverrteras now or hereafter enacted on thg paaperty.and al!easements.agpurtenances.�cd _
<br />::=� ,: ';"':<<', : ' fi�tures now on c�rea�ter_a�art of tlit pmgerty. Ati c�eplacements and add�tians shall also be cover� by this Security -
<br /> -=,.-^�t. +=�,,..�_; • . _
<br /> ;��.�:�<< �: � lnswment.AIi of the fosxgoing is refersed fo in th4s Security Lnstnrment as tite Property' _
<br /> ' � � �. t � BORROR�ER G'OVF1`IANTS tHat Borrowe�is tacvfully seiszd of the estate henby aonveyed aijd Qas the right to gtant aad -
<br /> ' •�F `. .�<.'': .. convey�ths Propeny and that the Property Is uneucumhered.exoepY for encumbrnnces of reoord. Bor�owar warrants and will =
<br /> � , ,. defend geneially the tifle to the Pro�rty against all claims and demaads,subject to aay encumbrance�of rocord. -
<br /> : _- '!'fiLS SECtJRTTY INS1`#ttfMEIVT combicres nnifcirm cavenaais far aatio�al ase a�i non-siniforui covenants with limited =
<br /> �:`` ,� ,�.:` ' . � variauoru by juri�diccion Ro oon�ricut�a unifarm securiry insav�au covering real pro�ccY. .� _
<br /> ;=.��= � UNiFORM COir�NANTS.Bomnwec and i.ender covenam and apee as foliows: � � � . =
<br />.�':�:_- :;:: '� � l. Fayt�ent•off P�ctpat an�ImterFSt; Prep3yr��t end Lete C�e§- Borrower shall promP�Y PaY when'dus the e
<br /> 4'�`�' '� 7�.'� pt�nci�ai of and interest on the debt evidVnced by the Note and�nY P�PaYment and late cl�es due under the ATote. -
<br />;:,;��,:�'<:;;;;•'r•'�� ' �Faatds for'a'ases aad Iasuaagcc.Subject ta applicable law or to a cv�tten waiver by.I.ead�er,Borrower sUa11 PaY tn =
<br /> `'�-=L-���'�= Leader on[he day�nnthiY Paym�nts ure due under the Note,�mu1 the Note is,paid in ful1,a sum("Fuuds'j for.ta)Y�1Y�� =
<br />---�v'�a"�=•(�rx7< _
<br /> -,.f:�t.��=�-�F� and sces�.P++ts which may attain priority oder this Securify.Instcumeni as a liea on the Property:(b)Yearly leasetm2d payments --
<br />'x`��'r'�.��.�:�=�>µ�� or ground rems on the Pmperty.if any:(c�YeariY harard or pTOPeftY iasurance premiums:(d)Xeazly tlood insuraace premiums,,. =_
<br /> =�;• _
<br /> � � � if any:(e)Ye:uty mortga8e insurana�premiums.if any;and t�a�+sums payable 6y Borrower to Iznder, In zccordance wiW. -
<br /> `4:''''`�..'� ` tiie pmvisions of p�agraPh 8.in liw of the payment of mortgage insurance prera�iums:These item�as�e called"Esaow Items.° _
<br /> .���
<br /> r��� l.ender may.at apy time.caltect and @olt�Funds in an anaount nnt to exceed ttrt maximum aznoum a lender for a fedeially
<br /> .�f. . �.�,;�_r.,. �
<br /> �••.�,.:�%�� ¢eiated cpnrtgage loan maY rei{uire for Borrower's eserow aacauat u�ader the federal Rea!Estate S�ttement Pmcedures Asi of
<br />�-��B��:i'��`�'. � 19T4 as amended iram time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ('RFSPA°}.uniess another laiv d�at applies to the Funds _
<br />: ��.�`,�J` '�- ° s�s a lessser�scovat.If so.LeUdcr may.at aqY Eimc. c�ol2eci and hotd F�nds in an amnunt not to e�oeed tfle�esser amnnnt -
<br /> �.�',- e
<br />,.�,'_��..=,..,�;. - - - -�I:edd�i t►tay esiimate the a�tount af�Funds due-ttn�he Dasis�of currenr�ata-an� reasonabte-estimates of�exgenditures of future .. _
<br /> .�����_�_-�'� , Esrnuw Itert�s or othernise in acoardance tvith applicahle tasv. � � . . . -
<br /> �'-�°�;���y�:°� 'i'tte Fuads shaft be held in an institution whose degosits are insuied liy a federa!�agency. instmmeritality. or eniity , _
<br /> -µf'•44•t .r -
<br /> =4•;�� � ` (iaclt�iling I.ersder,if Leudec is such An insdtation)or in any Federal Home I.uan Bank.1-eader shall apply the F�mds to pay the ,
<br /> --�� -
<br />_ . ` Escrow Items.Ler�er.may not charge Borrotiver for holdir►g and applying the.�unds.annaally analyzing the escrew aooaunt,ar.� :. . . �
<br /> '''�,s r=�.���� verifying the Fscrow Items,untess I.ecuder p�ys Bomower interest on the Funds and applicabte law perm�ts I_ender to a�ake such' ,
<br /> % �`��� a cha�ge.Hawever. Lender may require Bnrrower w pay a one-tim�c�arge�or ar�independent real estate tax a�eparting s�rvice . -
<br /> "�_ ��°��� used by L+ender io conneciion witi�this ioaa. anless applica6le taw pmvides otherarise. Untess an ugneement is maQe or
<br /> R rh y`�;�� . apQlIcable Ia�v requizes interest to be paid,Lender shall not 6e e�quire�d to pay�orrower auy interest or eamin�on the Fuuds.
<br /> � • Borrower artd Lender may agree in writing,hpwe�er,that inte�st shall be paid on the Fuu�s.I ender shall give to Borrower.
<br /> _ "°���'�"j��"� withbut chargeti an rannnual ar�aunting of the Fun3s.showing credits and debits io the Funds and the purpose for whic6 eash ,
<br /> _ '.'�°7���''.� .
<br />- .,__u.i-a—�'s1JW •
<br /> ----- - _ debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledgpd as addidonal securiry for ai!swns secured by this Security ins�tmment.
<br /> _===_=�=:.°� If the Funds hetd by Lender exce�d the amounts permitted to 6e 9�etd by appiicabie law,Lender shall accoaat to Soaawer '
<br /> - __" �=„� for the excess FunGs in aocordance with the requiteneeats of applicable law.If the amonnt af the�uttds Aetd by Lender at a�r
<br /> --- —��� time is not sufficieat to pay the Escraw Items when due.Lendet may so aotify$oaower in writin�,��.in such cas�Bortower -
<br /> ---_=_== sh1l1 pay to Lender the amount aecessary to m�Ice up tha deficiencg+. Bosm�ver shnll make up tlte c��ciency in no more than
<br /> �__—_�d,� twelve montlily paymenu,at Lender's sote discretion. � . �
<br /> —_-= Upon payment in full of al!sums secured by t1tis,Sea�rity lnsmimens,.Lender shall promptiy refuad to Borrower any ,
<br /> - Funds held by Lender.If.under paragraph 21,Lender shall acguir�or sell the Property.Lender,pr�br to the acqnisi6on or sale '.
<br /> -= of the Property.shall apDly arry Funds•h�ld by Leader at the time of aoqvisirion ar sale as a credit:�.gainst the sums seaued tty
<br /> this Secvrity Insuumnent. ' � ,
<br /> 3.Appit¢atioa of Pay�tents.Untess applicable Iaw provides otherarise.al!pa}r�ents received by LenQer under para�aphs ,
<br /> 1 �td 2 shall[�applied:�i�st,to any prepaymesit charges due under the Naie;second.w amoun�s payable under p&agraph 2; , .
<br /> , th�rd,to interest due;fourth,tp prinsipal due;and last,to any late charges due nnder tha Note.
<br /> -- 4.Charges;Liens.Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessments,charges. 6nes aad imposidons atr.ributab2e to'the Property �
<br /> which may attain priority oyer this Security I�strument. and leasefiold payments or grourtd t�ents, if any..Borrower sha1J pay
<br /> - ---- these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in.that mamter.8orrpwar.shall pay them on Hme directly .
<br /> --= to the person owed payment. Borrower shall p�romptly farnish to Lemder all norices of a�ounts to be paid under this paragaph.
<br /> _._ ,,,� � If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly femish to Lender receipts evidenMng the payments. � ,
<br /> -_--_= Borrower�ir�1► Promptty discharge aQy;ii�a.whi�h has priarity over this Security Ynstrument unless BorroWer:�a)agees in' �;
<br /> �. wridn�to the�i�mrMnt of the obligation se�.�niai by the lien la a manner acoeptable to Lender,(b)contests in gaod faith the lier�;�':''
<br /> . � by, or defertd��ainst enforc�meat of the lisn iri,.legal proseedings wlucb in the Lender's opinion aperate to pieveat tl�e ' �
<br /> - _.:��. .�i'�r4rr�►ent of ihe lien;or(c;1=�ums from the holder of t�e lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinflting the lien to
<br /> --`-_-----= t1ai�:5ecurity Ir�.�ifftrat. If�asr�e�detemun�s•that any p¢cCof the Property is subject to a lien which may'at�it��iority over
<br /> -� '°"'� tlils Seourity Ir�nt,Y.eti4er may�ive 8orrower a noti�e identifying the lien.Borrower shall s�i�f�the tien or take one os .
<br /> _=,�,."i��w:��;i � ,
<br /> - � more of the actiacs set forth ab0ye wlthin 1�d�:,ys of the giving of notia;,. :
<br /> ;�-���:_,.,. .,. � . ,
<br /> -;___;� ..:::_ . , �
<br /> __— .;.+� • Fa^�3028 9/9D
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