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<br /> -�`'::�¢: � 17.TRSUSPer o8 the Frn or o iiepefidt�!InLeres!W�orrowett.lf all or nny part of the Ftoperty or tuiy interest ia�it '
<br /> _ , k U
<br /> ' ��'� , � • is sold or irsmsfe�red(or if a ben ci�intenest iA Borrowci is sn[d or tr.u�fcrr�d aad Bor�otive�is nnt o natur3t pers�n)wftlmut .
<br /> i.Qtider's pnor written cons�nt. Lcnd'cr may. a� its option. te�uit�fmmed�ate payment in futl of all sums seaired by this ' -
<br /> .`�'` ��:'�:•` . Security Instcument.Hovrever.this optioa shall aot be exereised by txrtder ideaerc►se ts prohibiicd by federal latv as of the date . _
<br /> �'�.-�_ of this 5sxr.�'rity Instrume�t. � . �
<br /> ., �.'ti:4• ., . , If Lertder exercises this aption.Lender sha14 give Borrawer notice of accelemtion.The noti�e�S1�lt provide o peaiod of not
<br />'�•�� tess than 30 duys from the date the notice is delivered or maiicd tivithin«►iiich Borrower must psy alt suans secured by this
<br /> - Security Instn►ment. It Borrower faits to pay tGESe sums pri�oY to the expiratian of this period.IRnder may invake any mmedies
<br />�� .`'� . , permitted by this Security Instrument without further natice ot demand on Sorrower. � �
<br /> '�'"`"� �• � p8, �orrncvea's ditg4� to Ite3astate. If Borrower meeas certain conditions. Borrower shall have the right to have
<br />��£�4'G'"� enforoemettt of tf►is Seauriry Instiument discontinue4 at any tiaie prior to We earlier af• (a)5 days(or such otlieer period as ,
<br />,'4���' apglicable taw may,specify for ceinstatement� before sale of the �roperty pu�suant to any power of sale coatained in this ,
<br />`-"�`-� Secarity Instmment:or(b)entry of a judgmeat fnf'orcing tlus S�cttrity Insttvment.lYiose caad'itions are that Bairowes.(a)FaYs
<br />°�'����;-- Ler�der all sums cvhish tl�en wouid be dae uader this Se�urity,Iastrum;nt and the Note as if ao accelera3ian had accurmd; (b) �
<br /> �'�`,'=�•' cures any defavlt of e�ry.other cavenaats or agrecmems;(�)Pays all exQenses inc�med,ia enforcing this Securiry,iectmment, .
<br /> �..-
<br /> `:=�.� , iacluding. but not limited to,trasonabte stto�aeys'fces:and(d)takes sac6 action as Leade'r may reasonabtp rRqutze W assure
<br />-=_'"=�� that t6e lien of this Securety Insm�meat,Lender's rig6ts ie the Property and Boaawer,'s obligation to pay the sn�as secured 6y
<br />-._ �,r
<br />