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<br /> -- ��(�y 4 5. Haaard or Prop�lg Iasu�aa�. Bomuwer shail tc�ep the improvemeiits nnw�sting or hereafter erectad on the ��;
<br /> .' ��"` �"Pi �Y insured against loss by�ira.hszards included withi�the tam'extended wv�rage"and any other ha�ds. inctttding
<br /> . `F..`,, '. tioo�s or floadin .for which lxnder
<br /> S c�quir�es[nsurance. This insuranc�shall be mainiaiaed in the amounts aud kot the�riods �:f.
<br /> �� that Lender�u'ues.The insurance carrier pmviding the insurat�ce sl�all be chosen by Sorrowet subject to Lcnder's approval ��.
<br /> � wh�oh sh�lt not be unreasonahly withheld. If Borrower,fails to maintain coverage dQSCribed u6ove, Le�der may. ut Len.der's ��
<br /> • ��,�,
<br />— .� option.,o6tain coversge W pmtect Lender's rights ia the Property in arcordance with�aragraph 7. ' ' �:
<br /> " Ail dnsurance policles and cenewals s6ali b�uccepts6ls tn I.ender und sliall include�standard mortguge cEau�e. Lender , , —
<br /> `:� ., � sh�tl havc the dght to hnld t(�e policies and renew�ls.lf Lender requir�es.Borrower shall prompQy give to Lendcr all cec�ipts of � —
<br /> - �° . ` "�' • �"�' paid premiums an�renewn!natices.In tIte event af toss.Borrower shall give prompt notfce to the insurance carrier and I.�ndea.
<br /> �:``"<` •;:�� LcitQcr n rnakc nxrf of loss iP not mzdc rom I b �atrower. —_
<br /> - � f�4�;;r:.•.'��:;�i�, .� i�Y p P Iri Y Y : ' � ' —�.
<br />_ .�}`�fS,..R,�s.,��f'rY�� UNess L.es�des aini gurrower otherwisz o�rec in�vriting,iasttmnce pmctcds sh�ll be ngAlied to restoiatian ar r e gait of the ,
<br /> �
<br /> - , > .,:. . :. ,;: - P r o p e r t y d a n t a g e d.i P d 1 e r e s t o r a t i o n o r r e p a i r i a e o o n a m f p l l y f q s 3 6 l e a n d I.e a Q o r's s e s u ri ty is n,o t less en e d.i f t he r e s ta rn t ion or —
<br /> `f=:•�: :�;::;�`;-'.'��-'' repafr is rtot emnamlc�lly feasible or Lender'�security would 6e lessen¢d..the inwr�urcc pmceeGs sGali 6e upplied to the�vms�
<br />- -''��� savred by tAfs S�cority Instrument. �vhether or t�ot then due, cvith`any exce;s paid to Borrower.If Borrawer abandons.the ' __
<br /> _ : t,y..�,, ?
<br /> Pr+ogerty.or does nat�swer within 30 days a notice from Lender that�the iNSUrance carrier Aas offerod to settle a ciaim. then ' —
<br />- ~'?;�:'�v,� Ler.dec may m�'ece the ins�rance pmceeds. Lender may wse ths�pracceds to repair or restore the Pmperty or to pay sums
<br /> .:.=-1: .;-:.:-:::�, _.
<br /> ,vj-� ' � T secured by this 5ecunty Instru,nea�whether or not ttten due.The 30�day p�riod wiIl begin when t6e natice is given. --_
<br /> ��>,'r,�;n��rr,: - . .
<br /> f,y=��',"1::��,°,'r,� , � llNess Lender nnd•Bnrro�ver otherarise agee in �vriting, any applicatian of proveeds to pr'i�cipal sl�aIl naL extend or =—
<br />. .' t.__.e�... ._ . . — -
<br /> - M_._. �.�.�;. :, p o stpone t ke Q�e c t ate o f t he.mo m h 3y payments_r e f e m d_to.in paragraphs,l_and_2 or change_ifte �noy.nt of.the payments:�f.. ._ '
<br /> ._ .. .. . . =
<br /> - - �,�_"'��' .:: sinder paiagraph 21 the Property is acquired by I.eader.Borrower's ri t to an �nsmance oltcies and
<br /> � Y� P P�ceeds resulting irom
<br /> +�`' rc� �� � damage to the Pmperty prior to tha acquisition shall pass to Lc'�td�r to the extent of the sums securad by this Secarity Insuuaient
<br /> ; -�-`: �. r. immediateiy prior to the acquisition. � .
<br /> ��� � 6.�upaucy,pr+eservatton,Maintenaace and Protection of t6e 8rq�sexty;Boitower's I.van Appl�cation;I.easehDlds.
<br /> _ ;�':;:. Borrower si�all accupy,establish,ar.d use the Pcoperty as Bosmwer's principal residence within sixty days aRer the execation of
<br />__ t6is SacurIry Ins�ument and shall a�ntinae w occupy the Progecty+as Borrower's principal residence for es least one year after
<br /> � �- • . the date of accupancy.unless Lender othera�ise agrees in writing.,wiuch conseat shall not 6e unreosonabJy�witb?aeld,or�nless
<br /> -�"``'�u` extenuahn ,
<br /> __ _°=__�_ .�- 'ng circu,�tstIIUCes gRist which are 6eyond 8orrower's conirol. Borrower shall aot de.ctnoy�, damage or impair tiie '
<br />-k .,� *. Fropert�,aftow the Property ta deteriorare.or commit waste on the Pco�erty. Sorrower shall be in defaulf if ariy forfeiiure
<br /> -- �`'<'•�5 �:-J• ac6an ar proc.eeding,whether eivil or crimfiaal,is began that in Lender's good faith judgment co�sRd result in forfeitune af dte
<br /> .. �'�a�t•..�;��' pm ° or othenvise materiall �m —.
<br /> _ � p.,rty y" pair the li�n created by this Security Instrucnent or I.ender's secwity interest.Bom�cver may
<br /> cure such a defavle and reinstate,as provided in parsgraph IS,by caasing the action or proceeding tv 6e dismissed with a rsling
<br /> " � that, 4n I.ender's gaod faith determinadon, prectudes forfeituae of the Borrq�ver's in2erest in the P�operty or other material
<br /> _ inop�me�nt of th�lien cseated 6y this Secvriry Jrrstmment or Lender's securiry interest. Eorrawer shall also be in default if
<br /> �' ' ' �orrower,during the loalti application process,gave materially false or iaaccurate information or st�,�ents to Leu�3er(or failed
<br /> ' to pmvide LQn��3yith any material inforn*�'..,.;�+)in cannectian v�ith tIe�loan.evidenced by the Na�.,.:iacluding,but not limita!
<br /> � ' , to,representatia��ncsrning Surrawer's o�pancy of the Property as.a principal residence.If thi��Security Instrament is on a
<br />_�%��� . leaseiiold, Barrower shall ca�,,+sly with al2 tbe pravisions of the lease. If Borrawer aoquires fee title ta the �mperty, the
<br /> _ �—-- teasehold and the�ee tiale sh�r o;a merge unless L,ender agrees to ths merger in vuritic�, � . � '
<br /> - 7.Profecttt�.�4 Leader��lii�!lits i�4u�.Property.If fiorrower fails ta gerforat t�,covei�ants and agreements contairced in
<br /> tiris Serurity Ia�ent,or tt�ere is a leg�at�ti�ceeding that may signiScantly affect Lend�r's ri�;��"c�,the�perty(such as a - ,
<br /> proceeding in ba:J�mptcy.probate,,for c.�.-ta�,�i;,"ratioil or forfetture.or to enfora;laws.ap mgniatie�'.�sJ=,then Lender may do and • .
<br /> pay for what�ver is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rig,,TM;s in the Prapetty:I.eAder'�aaions may. .
<br />_ __ • nnclude paying �ny.sums secured [ry a li�n whIch has priority over this Security Instrument. �ppearing i���coiut, p�ying
<br /> __ � reasoaable attora..��'fees and entering o�a rf�e�Property to m�ice repairs.Althougb Lender may tak��ctlon under this paragraph
<br /> -*�? ' •7,Lender does c:.m.Frave.to do so. � ' ;:, ' .
<br />- �,-. . ���y amounts ilisbursed�by Lender+m.'i�r this parabraph 7 shall become additional debt rtf'��ortawer secured by this .
<br />=:�� � Seiurity Inatmment. tJnlsss 8ormzver ancl L,enttet agcee to other terms of payment.these atnounts'shatl bear interest from the
<br /> date of disba�rsement at the Note rate arcd shaU be payable, with intexest. upon notice fmm Lender to�orrower requesdng
<br />�' PaJrtt�nt. ' � . . • • � —
<br /> .
<br /> �----�—�` 8.Mortgage Insurnnce.lf Lender n�;ui'�ed mortgage insurance as a conditibn of making t�1'c�a.sccnred b3+this Security
<br />- Insm�ment. Borrower shall pay.the p:em;-u�,s requsred to maintaia the•mortgage insurause i��"i�t. .If, for arry reason, the
<br /> �� � . �ortg,age insurance caverage ceqaired by Lender lapses or ceases ta be in effert, BOPf11\SY7'' �� �sy_the premi:;.ms,requised to •
<br />_'? oBtain ooverage substantially�;r,:�vatent to�`te mortgage insurancc previously in effeci,at a co�s.�stantialty eyaivalent to the �
<br /> '� cost w Borrnwer of the mortg�ge insura�previwsty in effect. from an.altemate mortgage in�.�r approved by I,end�r.If �
<br /> -� .,,�,��.., .� substantially equevaTent morigage fnsurance move�gge 1s not available,Barrower shall pay to Lend;lr:�ach month�sum equal to
<br /> �' ��s'`' �'��'�= ` onFtwelfth nf the earl mort
<br />-4 ��,�i;;���i: ; y y gage insurance premiuin being p�id by Borro�ver when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to �
<br /> 68 in effect.Lender will accept,use and retain these paymettts as a loss reserve in lieu of mnrtgage insvrance. Loss reserve � __ ._
<br />� . . �
<br /> -:��s�.;;::'-.,'�—� : • Form 3028 918d1
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