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<br /> �_
<br /> ��� "{`:` � ` puyments aray no long�a�e requhed.ai the opdon of Y.ender.3f ma�a�e��vemgci(ia th�ama�nt and for the p� �
<br /> - . . . � `` that LeAdea reqvise�s)pravided by sn insurcr apg�oved 6y Iaader a�n becomes�vaa�able aa�i�obi�3eed.Sarrow�sLa1�Pay'thQ . ,�.
<br /> . ;•�� i
<br /> --=':' ��°�.....�, ' ;. , lmeminens�esluired to anainmin utort�age�in�anoe�n eifaa,os tn pmvide a iass ce.seev�,msLT�he sequ¢€��i,far.ntn�ge
<br /> =r�.�, ,. �` insuranoe eaQs in aca�rOaace wItb any�vduenagre�entbetwe�B�aw�mid l,c�d�arapgiica92e 1aw. �
<br /> �_�_�'`..,`_��,_.��_�_�� � 9.Ia„�eciiun. I�nder or i�.eg�t may make r�easflnable eabies ugon�nd�nspzalans of t�a P:ops�ty.LeycdPa stsa]t gnte
<br /> . �._�` �oao�v�r aotio�at the time c�f or prior to an ins�ection sgecifying teasanable c�se fnr ths insgecd�a. .
<br /> �,,✓��;; . • 10.Coudemnattom. Z$e paaceeds of aay awffid at ctakn f�r damages.d�ect or ea�tial.in oa�nection with any ,•
<br /> • ° �,' , amdanna8on or osher taidag of any�art of�he Pmpe�cy�ar for conveyance in�ie.0 of coadgmnation,ar�hereby a�sigaed sad , '_
<br /> _ `r'��`,�,�` shail6e pai�to I�end�r.' . �=-
<br /> • In d►e event of a mtal takt�g of tl�e Pmpe�ty.the yraoeeds sha1I be applie�w the sams�aucd by this S�urity Ins�ms�tf. . : F:�-
<br /> '�.,.�.. � �,�,�F whutcea ar aoi thea due.wiih�y excess paid tn Baaawea.In the ev�ttof a gaiGal tatdng of tl�e Propeaty in atricb f�►e fabr maa�_ �'
<br /> . . ,�." vatus af tk+e Prvpescy immedialely befare tle taYing is�qnat w or�eaa ti9aa the amaima of�ee sums s�by this SeauIry �-`
<br /> y�. � t � L,
<br /> t. � . . Y ' . '"
<br /> .;��;�. , rASL�L ifllm8di2�y bCfalC t�tBE�Dg,Im2eS4 BQJmw�z�ld I�Adel Oth?dWiSe Z�C iA wfiLDigs t�t£SumS SEC1tc2d Dy O�S ��
<br /> ,•' ., ,. .�:' t��.- Se�uiry kstcument sh�t be redwced by t�e smaimt nf the�S mWtiplied by the foltowing�n:(a)the tnmi amwnt of �=
<br /> `�`�,�.�`. ' ''' � the s�ms s�c�ed imme�latety 1re�are the taking>divfded 6Y(6)the fair matYet value of ttee Pcaga[y imme.diatety befo�t� � �..
<br /> �: �<,�`.-�� `
<br /> ,,.a.,.,:"�x��. taTting.Any 6atance shaIl be paid t�Baaow�In the everat of a patia]t�ing af tIt�Properiy m whic�th�fatr mark�t valae of Q�e , �
<br /> _ �.� ^.`�"'"� Ptoperty immediately ix�oae the ta�mg is Iesg than the amamit of die sums seca�ed�y 6efare t�e rahing,�t�ss �
<br /> ::� � T� ...� Bmrowar and Le�dea asherw�.sr�agree ia�g or unt�ss�pplicab3e law oth�wise provisIes.die proc�ds ahaII�epplt�d to the . �-
<br /> . ° �
<br /> . ,. .,
<br /> s..::�:, . :. . .
<br /> �� '-�, ., . �;•, s�ms�by this Seauity tnstnitueut wfte�tkher or aot the sums ace tLeu due. . � . � � � � �w
<br /> _. :.., T .- . .. .._ .
<br /> � �.: �� � �..-_ � , If rhe.Pro�cy_is abaudnned by�oaa�r�r,.ox�aft,�r aqtira bY_Le,nder w Burmwer mai che cuudemnar offeis co malae an .:
<br /> --=z-. ,.:�. .. . .._... =:
<br /> '`w:-�,,; , '- � award as set�e a clasn fac damage.s,Boaawer f�7s w responcl to Lendea wisbin 30 days aRra ths da�the notice is gl�r�,Lem�det. R°
<br /> , t�`�:"� 'is authotized m co�Pr�¢and apDI3►the piaceed.s.at its oprinn,�W�or repaa of the Pmg�ty ar m the s�s sec�re� c
<br /> z::°-� '� � -
<br /> `r��:;��-.•��r�._ , by this Sea�rity Insutiment,wDetlfzr ar Aot ihen due. . -
<br /> -z`.: '-'�'`�' ' U�Irader.anct Brnmwa othe�wise m wri , -
<br /> � a�� tang z�.�plic�tioz�of pmceeils w ps�ipal shall not eaRead as postgnae
<br /> _:;-- the�d�se of the awnthly payraents c�4'ee�ed w in patag�ap�s Il an3 2 ar et�lge the acnountof sac�paymea�t�. ,
<br /> `�?!��. �: IL Bmrroa�r 11i�t Reteased;Porbearanoe By,Leader Nat a Watv�r. EuensloA of the Gtae fas g��.+ment ar modi�Can'ma
<br /> � - �:;>. �r , of atno�i�tion of�e sums sesaued by this Seranity lnsraumemt granted tty Iead�to any sacce�sar in in0�st af Bonoarer sLall '
<br /> -?f...�4. , ,
<br />_�a,c:;�r'_�=.�,a•��;: � not operate m re�case the 1iab�ity of t2te arigin2t F�arcower��oaower's snccessaxs in�Iendca sAaII not be reqaired m
<br />-f •.V�:�i?���';`�r.; - commence PmceedinF,s against any sutxessor in inte�+zsa ar r�;�co extr�si time fas paym�n.�r otheiw�se modi�+aanarttz�da�of , -
<br /> �;�:<�;5y�.�... ., '
<br /> ����t:`rf.�� ./,��..; the sums s�uned by t�Securiry,Instivment by r�asan of�-i�:mand wade lry the orlgia�3�aaow�r az Boaower's s¢sx�ssms .,-
<br /> _ �-,�.�.f�4;��,�-�., in inte�.,^t.Atry f�ce by I.endea'ln exe��a�y righ���t man4dy sba11 uot be a waivea of Qs preclude the exetc�se of any
<br /> -��,�'�#�r{, rigt�tar rr;�ed}r. .�.,:� . -: ... . , .. ::; � � . .
<br /> ,�.r `.'���. 12..Sacc�zs�i�A�igt�4 8oundt goint�Seveiaf��ap;Ca sigae�r�ra 1Tie caveaanrs an� .agreemea4s of this
<br />-- , . Sec�.�IQSanm�nt slzari buid a�cd benefit�e saccessms�i�si�ns of I�B�end Boraow�c, snbyeet to ths provisions of .
<br /> :'��r•�. : -
<br /> .,.�� p�1�:X7. Barrawea's cavenants an�agteements sbaU k�jomt and sevaal. Any,Bosmwes w4o co-slgns this Secmity
<br /> -- --- ---_- - - -- In�t bnt dn�.nat ex�t�Nate�:(a�_i�c�sis�ung this Secar6l�In.sODUte�at onlY�_�.8��nd convey�__-.
<br />-`�-."�'�' Bnrrower's iatcrest in the Firopeaty aader the teams of t�is S�IAstrumgn�(bl is aoi —_-_
<br /> --=__��r� ' P��Y oLligated to yagr tlie stmis
<br /> • sec�ed by this Seccaity lnsaum�ux and(c)a,�oes tLat L�atda eud any oth�Bormwer may ag�e to exteud.madifY.faebear.�
<br />- �naice any as�mmadastons vvittt regard to the teams of this Sepuity Instniment or the Note w�tut th�t Borrowar's cuns�aL �
<br />-.�._-_-—___�. 13.�.uae Charges. If the loan secared by tlils Sec,urity,tnsuummt is subjact w a L�i�virIlich_stts msximurn lnaa cd�arges.
<br /> �, -- — • and tuat taw is fcaalIy mt�txeted so that the interest ar oth�2aan criarges coltected or co i�e,�i�oct�d�A ca�mecdan wdh the ta�n � ,
<br /> � eaaeed dte pamiu,�d�i.mits.the.n:(a}any such toan cl�ge sl�all 6e�educed iry Q�emaunt i'.e�aty t��8ie chauge to S�e ;.� �., �
<br /> _ _ _ -- yennItte4 lirni�an�:(tiYfrapy sa�ms a]reaay cauecc�e�a rrom Eorrowes whicL exce2dea�pc�iue,3;�imits wEU be�t�fimae8 to soaower. '�%'� .
<br /> '�-- Lca�tt�,tnay chqQ'sr��'WS malce tHLLs refund by reducing t�e�a2�owed nndea 1he Na�Qr by maldug a d'uect paymmt to
<br /> v=-__— .8ami�d�'.Tf a refurrQ reduces Dri�ndPa1.the reductian w71 t�:t�d as a p�d.al pmpz�y�nt wittwns anX PI�A���Bg
<br />_ � � audc�tfieNate. • . , .:. . � : . � ��
<br /> 14.NdYtces. Ar►y nodce to Haimwix y�ovlded fos in tlus Se�iry Instntmeai shflll be�ive�by�delivezing it or Dy malling it
<br />-_ hy first class�ms2ess appllcab2e law req�unes�nse of a�nmh�metRad.lhe natice shtill 6e d'uecoesi oo tha Proy�ty Address�
<br /> any other addresg Borrawer de���ttes by. aotioe to Leader.A�y noticce to Leaid�shall�tia:t�iv�by Srsi class mail tn Leuder's�. °
<br />= - address smred h�aein os any atU.►z�-u�diess Lender designates�T�y nodce to Bmrower.�u,vtic�pmvidc4 fau a�t�is Se�iry -
<br />- lnswment shall be de�med to htit��een given to Boimwer or Lender when gtven s4 Qmtf�x;�in this p�agraph. . � � .
<br /> -__-- 1S.Cavem4ng Law;Severabillty. Z1us Securiry Inswment shal! be goveraed Uy, feQe�l law and the taw of We
<br />"_� juritdicdon tn whfch�he Prop�ty is�acaze6.In the event t4at any pmvision or ctan$e of tLis Secmity Uu�ame�nt aa the Note �
<br /> _ confl�Cts with apDl�abie taw,sur,h conflict shall not affect otlzes provlsions of this 5eianity�astrum�t or the Note w�casi be
<br /> � , p,ive�'r;,affea arithont the conflicdn;pravisian.To this end the�rnv�sions of tb3s Securiry Yrastxument aud the Note are deelared to -
<br /> '} � be sederab2e. � � -
<br />�� �__ . �'
<br /> +° `V�:`;,s:�;, _.
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