__ ...._ :�i`.�� �_` 4.� �, �.---„-.i"a�w-7.� •va' - - � _ . .�: C— F- .
<br /> y i_-�s„T —.s....:-.^:`� -r t
<br /> �� � _:�� . .�. # c- .` _ -�, _ + ' 4�-''�4�'
<br /> .`�4- t - � : • 5 � - / o }.- h`
<br /> 1::�i.,, e •'tr L.{ --�' F ` • � , r. 1: � F• ` ` -b..'t �'Ut..: .1�.�C '
<br /> t. �. . i-t 'rZ r -�'. c 4i .F<< ri 'i.". RTb :'�I..
<br /> 'S",.i. � j'
<br />. 4� iG�� � . .
<br /> f� � .k � ` , , .
<br />.. '� - ' ' • ' ' • . ' '
<br /> - ` ' ` ' • __li..
<br /> , ` ''` � ' t v�itt�flll IiCabte����t�s�sr►d regu�l8t�9 '�Y
<br /> , � �`°, � 9.Ha�rB�u�61�lerL�.a Tn�sto�sAs11 kee�thfl Proporryt in aompUane:e aA9 ;°;.
<br /> "' z-�� '�� �;.�4 � retat�ng to fr�Qustriat hYBisna or pnvtranmentaf protactlon(coll�ctivaiy retened to harein as"Ern(ronments1 La�a►s'?•Tr�stor at�a!! :__
<br /> 4(,`n
<br /> __ •..'.,.•�'� .. tceeatP�ePropertyfreetromeflaubst�nceadeemsdtobeha:srdousorto�dcunderanyEnvironmenEall.awa(colteWv$ryreferred4a ,�.
<br /> ,�`;`•;,`. ° - �erefn as"Qiesardaus.Ma4srfafs"i.Tnsatpr hereDy xiarrarsts and reprosanta to LenQerthatffiere era no Ha:srdous Matsiiats cn ot ,c
<br /> u�derthsProger4y.Yruslo�harebyegree3ta[ndortlnity8rtdhotdham�tsssLender.itsdirecturs,otfic�ra,en►PEoyeesartdage�rb.end t._.� '
<br /> •�:;`,��.:<��.,:. Y�', enysuace�orstolendee'strneresttromandegainstanyandalictalm�.damegea.toaresanOliab11i8eaarisinginconnec�anwith �Y:'� :
<br /> •' tfie presence,usa.dispo�l or tr8nsporl ot eny F4aa8rdous Ms►srf�fs on,under.irom ar abouE the PtopoRy-THE FQRECa01N�
<br />- ----�,;;�"r - WARii�S�TiKAN�REA�ES�NTATtONS.AltSDTRtiSTOR'SO�L[0�►Ttbi�SPUf13UAI+iYTbYHEFQAE�30lPlGtiVDEPANfTY.�HALL ; �..
<br /> .�� _ SUAVNE feECOMJ�1f/WCE OF 7HIS OEED OF TRUST. � ,'
<br /> ,�.. 10.Asslgasnasit at Ren7s.Trustoer herehy assigns tv l.�nder the zenb.tssues and proBb oi fhs ProyeRy;provfded thatTntstor '
<br /> shatt.ure�l4Reo�currence of anEvent ot Os4aulc hereundsr,havetha dghitocoitacfand�tain such renL�tssuesan�protftsesthey
<br /> -f?!;- - .� - �gcome dueand�ayabta Itpon the accurrence ot an Event of Qetauit Lender may,e[ther in pe�n or by agerH.with or without rits_
<br /> '•�'r .`�..- 6ftngIn�arry action or proceedirtg,or by a recetver appointed by a couR and v�ithaut regard to the adequacy et ii�s sscudry.enler -- �;",::s
<br /> . ' ` a
<br /> �•.�,:..`;,.�',. uponandiakspossesstonotthaPropedy,oranypsrtthereot,in[bowisnameorintP�enameott4feTnrsi�anddoanyactswhki+it ;-
<br /> � " •��° . deemsneCe9ssaryordesirabtetopreservethevalue,markeffibil' arrentabp aftheProperty.aranypaRthereoforinffirestUtarein, �`��-•
<br /> . ..f._:. .;�.. �h �Y �---
<br />. „':_•x � _ ' increase the irtcome therefrom or protect the security hereof and.with or witisout tak(ng possession of the Proparty.sue tor or _..
<br /> �` ot�erwisB coitect the re�ts.tssaes and profib thereo�Inctuding thase past dae artd unpatd and appty ths sam�less�osffi and �..r-
<br /> "- �, '•1``�' expenses of operaUan a�nd cottection inc�a�ing atiomeys'fees.upon any indebtedness secured hereby.e11 in such order ss Lender ��:�-
<br /> �.�. �� may detemfina'fhe entering upoi�and bking possession of tha Property.the coltecti�o ot sucH rerds.issues and prattts and the ��-''
<br /> ��.+ application thereaf as atoresaid.aha11 not cure or.wahre ang defapit or n a tica o f de f ault.hereunder or inv�slidate an y ec!dan9 in �:_
<br />��:��;Y��_;,r�_ �esponsetosuchdefaultorpursuanttosacAnotteeoidefaultand.notwRhaKar►dingthecontindanceinpassessfanotfhePropertyor __
<br /> I:J' � . s�'•Y=. . fhe co0actien.recelAt artd tsDDlica�on af w�ts.issues ar profits.end Tnistae and Lender sha116e entitted to�xercfse every rigM � .�
<br /> �• �.;T•; <`;:., OrovtdedtarinernratMeLOanDarurtcantsor0ylswuponoc�rrenceofaayEventofRefautt,inctudtngwHhaatiimitatYon4herigt�tto �. �::,;
<br />_X::. .,_;.;:l�*� exercise Ute power ot sate.FuMaT l�nder's dghtsand�mecfir.s under Utis paragraph shall be cumutative with.an�iia no way a =„�_�.
<br /> ,_::-.=--:.. IimitaUona.�,Lsnderedgt►tsandrer�ediesunderarryesstgn�asf[oasesandrentsrecordeda�atnstthepro�rtlP-Lss��ar.T�ustee �;,�;.:
<br /> �_.,
<br /> _ ; c �,' . . . ..-8nQ tlte reDeivet SttBii be 1labi9 UD BGCOUnt OnlythoSe r�rrrt9 eCtuAlty reC8lved.. ._..._. _ ._._..._..._...---. .._.:...._. .... . ,_ .... . . .. . _. . -. - __
<br /> '` � ..�� �a'� 11, Evantp p+l aefiuit The toDowing sttatl.�u,:. � en Event oi Oetaufl under lhis Oeed of Trust ' ' :. �--_
<br /> ��,;~ ��..
<br />_ ;, �r„ (a�Failure to pay any instaiiment af�3xr�a1 or Intsrest ot any other sum secured hereby wheir'd�te:
<br /> � .,i �' {b)Abreaahofor6staw�ra4�ii�erar►y , „�oncontainadinthaHote,this0eedofTnist,arryofthal.nri.�Documsnts.orarry; .,.;;". _ -_
<br /> � athet4�enc�encumbranceuvo�l��De�'`
<br /> =�"S (c)Awritofexecuttbnaa�chment�rartyotmltarpracesgshallbe�reteredagalnstTrustorwhichshailbecomealien�on f ` °-
<br /> ..� �`: �� ihe Properiy ar sny portion th9Teot or in:�t thereim. � � ��=_
<br /> --�`t� (�Tt�sre sha11 ba flled by cr against''�'rustor or Bortower en a�tton urtder any present or future f�deral,state nr other ` � _
<br />=`}�'•'_"'" � statuta,taw or regulaUofl retatirrg t�bankruptcyi,irtsofvency or other relief tar debto�or tAere shall be appolrited any trustee. -
<br /> ted
<br /> �x:�'.�` .�-�, �� �ecetverQrliquidatorotTNSt�orBorroWerorofallore�ypaRO?theProperry.orYnerents.issuesorprofi3sthereof.otTrusMr
<br /> ;�.�,°��� . --
<br />;��`r�;�':`�;#�,p�� � or Qorrower ahall make ar��era1 assignment tor U�e 6eneftt o1 craditors:
<br /> u_�,.�,�;.�,�:��- (e)The�eate.transfer,lease,esst9nrtren�convayance or turther enaumbrance oT atl or any paR of or any intsrest In the
<br /> � Property. eithe�votunta�iry or invotuntadty,without the express writtert consent of lender,provided that Truator shail be -
<br /> ""'�°"_"�n +�' pormi3tedtoe�featease oitheP�ope�j�.�'�tdoesnotcontainanoptiontopurchaseandthatennolwhichdoesnoTexcee� . . P
<br /> "�"',�."�.�-..�.��..�� OA8 5/881; - � '� • ' • ;:. ' �....�' . , . .. �
<br /> _� _ � (iyADartdaTrsFetitoithePrapeRy:os.:.,, .
<br /> �;�� , (g)If�ruato�tsnotanie�dtvtdual,mels�.rdnce,sale.transfer.essignmen4,conveyanceorencumbtznceotmore�hanatoffi1� ��.`��
<br /> ��.. . .
<br /> .��;'�,�,� oL�.�,.._--�percent of(H e corporatlon�its Issued and ouffitandin�g stack or pf a pair�nership)a total of percent of
<br /> _ _ y, zr, p8nrterah3p irrterasLS dihing th9 peftad tnF;�Daed of Trust rematns a lien on the Property.
<br /> -"-='����`� �2.R�mtd�;/l�est�ratlon Upon QsMult(.�stite event of any Event of 0ofauit Lertdermay.without na�ce�xcepi as reQulred by
<br /> __ _-=x__- law.dectare ail(ndeDtedness sacurea hereby 4 be due and payabte and the eame shall thereupon become due and paya�le
<br /> �— without any presanLra9rtL damae�d,protest or notice of arry�tad.TAereaftor Lender may. �
<br /> -- --��-� . (a)Oemand that Truatee exereise the PO1�lEA OF 5ALE Sranted hereln,and T�usteo shail Uiergafter cause Trustofs
<br /> -- [ntecest in the P►o�ettyr to be sotd and the proceeds W be distributed,atl in the manner qrovicled in the Hebraska Trust Oeeds.
<br /> ae� � � .
<br /> _ (b)ExerciseanyendallrigfiteprovldedforinarryoftheLoanOocumentsarb7�lawuponoau�ceotarryEventofDetauft.
<br /> -- �d(e)CommenceenactlontotoreetosethiaDeedolTiustasemortgage.eppointareceTvei.orspec�Ica�ryerttarceanyofttts'..,:` �
<br /> ------ covenar�shereoL '
<br /> ----- No remedy hereln coMerred uDcn pr reserved to Trustee or Lender is tntendad to be exctustve ot any other remedy hereln.in Ne
<br /> -- Laan Oocuments or by Iaw pra�eid¢�or permitted,but eaCh shail be cumutativa,sha116p in�ddiEian¢o every other remedy given
<br /> ------- hereunQer,(nthet�oanDacumerr�+'�rnowcrfs;�reafterexisUngattaww(naquityorbystatute.en�rttu��LlOexe�ctsedcancvrte�ttY. _
<br /> -- inQepenQentfyar'ar�ess�s►e1Y.. . . .
<br /> _:=,��,,.�,�,� 13,TruttN.�e Truat�e�raay resign at any Ume wiUrout cause,and Lender may.at any Ome cri;�s without cause appolr�t e ,•�
<br /> -•-__-��_ sac�cssor or substltute Truate�.Trustee shall not be Ilabte to any party,inclu0ing�►ittroui Iimita3loa Lender,8anowar,Trustor or any
<br /> -- � - p�Ct�ercftrie_Ptoperty,tora►ryta9sordamageunlesaduetorecktassorwiltfulmisconduct.en�shaiinotbe�equiredtomk�elry .
<br /> -_='� a�fn connoC�on wlUi the enforcement of this Oeed of Trust untese Indemnitied,�n writlng,tor a0 cos�compensaUon or
<br /> --' ' expenssa whielv c�?�y ba associated therewith.tn adalUon,TrustQe may become a purehaser at any sate of the PropeRy Qudtctal cr ..
<br /> � -��� vnder the pcsx�r c%7.sata granted hsrelnj;pa�one the safe of ali oi any porUor►oi the PropeRy,es provtded by law:or sell the
<br /> - �� Pr�erry as a Whote or In separffie parceta or lots at Yrustee s discre�don. -
<br /> - ��.: 44.F�ts�nd E�nsa�.In tha event TrusieB selt�the Property by exerciss ot power of sale.Trustea shaU�e enUtted to appty
<br /> _.--_;r'�',�� ar��9 prxeed9 first ta paymeat ot all cosrs and expenses o1 exerclstng power of sale,incfudirtg ail7ru�te9's teea and lsndet's
<br /> - '�' ans��'custes'sattorneysfoee,actuzllyincurre4to0utertpenmlttadbye�plfcaDtelaw.tn�neeveitlBOrrawerorTrustorexercisesertiy
<br /> t9
<br /> � `"y n � ` .right provtCed by 1aw to cure en Event of 0�'aulb Lender ahail be enUUed to reCOVer iram Truator flll costo�nd expenses actualiy ---
<br /> "-"`��= '��� t Incu�e0 as a�^yuit of Yrusto�'9 deteut4,incis,�irtg without Ilmita8on a117rustee s and attorne}Is teca,to the exteat permitted 6y = -
<br /> . �_�=-��.�4. ,. . `-- -
<br /> -=�;�;?�,��`�, eppftcabtelaw.
<br /> ''.;��;>�,,:;�,:.,�*.,�c. . 15.Future ABvarte��.Upon roquest of�drrower,LenQer may.et tts opUon,make addiUonal 6n�tuture advances and re- �`-�:-
<br /> � , a6v�nces to Borrawer.Suah advarsces and readvancea,wiG�in�erest thereon,shal!be secured by this Doed W Trust At no timo shall
<br /> �? ' the principai smounto!the indebtedness secu�ed by this O6�d otTruat not Inctuding sumsadvartced to prot�ctthe eeCUriryof this F� _
<br /> �;�,• Oead ot Trus�exceed tha odgtnaf p8nc1pal amount stated hereln,or� ,whtchever is greatar.
<br /> �'`�' $� 18.Mte�eiuiisau�ProvSrfon�. �,
<br /> '•,-�:.�`�`�' (a)�orroMnr Not ReSea�M.Extenslon of the dma tor payment or moditicaeon ot amortlaaUon of t�e suma securaA by tNls �s,_;:
<br /> _;�:'�:,.;•. ',,._, DeodotTruetarenffidbyl.enQertoanysuccossorininterestofBorrowers4�a1lnaloperatetoreleas�.lnar►ymanner.theliabltity {��
<br /> ` �-=•ti��� � aftheodginalBorrowerand6orrowePasuccessorslninterostLendershallnatber¢qulredtocommencepraceeding9agalnst 1�=--
<br /> __- •� .=.. �. suchsuccessOrorretusstb8xtertdtEmatorpaymentoro4henvisemodity�mdrUmtlonotthesc�mssecuredbytt�taQeedotTrust
<br /> by reason of any d�manAs made 6y the original Borrower en0 8arrowePs suecessors In interost
<br /> . (b) i.tndQr'a Povren.lMthout aNacUng the tiabltiry of any other parson Uable tor Me payment of any obllgatlon hereln �
<br /> •' mentlane4.flnd withoutmftectingthe Iten ar eharge of thls 0aed of Trust upon eny pottEOn of thePwpB�ty notttien or thotetotare
<br /> ,` " reteassdassecuriryforthetuilamouMolallunpaldobltgaUons.Lendermay,fromUmetotimeandwith0utnoUCO(qreteaseany ,°.,
<br /> - • personsotiabt9,pi)extendthematurityoraitsrenyofthetermsofflnysuchobtig�tlons,(iii)grantothorindutgeacos.(hr)�et�ase
<br /> - `.,�,..,�. or roconvey.or c�u�A ta��reteased or�e�vep�d�mry time at fender s apsivn ar�pat�el,�O�tar►ar alt s�t ttss P:a�sl��
<br /> . � (v)feke or reteese eny other or addl�onal security for any obliga4lon heretn menUoned.or(vij make compc3iUons or other • '��•
<br /> .. � , anangemenLS v11th debtore in reia�on thereto. . ,,, �.; :: . � .
<br /> .. . .:;s _ � ;
<br /> �. . � � . � . � �,'=
<br /> . �---
<br /> . ,:..' . ,. _. _ - - -'-`
<br />