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<br /> ♦ _ • � . . • ___
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<br /> � > . , . ' ' ` ' ' . . •� ' . . . -
<br /> � � DEED OF TRUS'1' � . F.,
<br /> : � ' ' � � _ ����'°�,���� , f_�
<br /> , r.•
<br /> _ . POWEIT OF' &ALE � -
<br /> THI� QE$G OF �IIST WITH POWER'OF SALE, au�de thfs �6th day of ,
<br /> � Auguat, 1995. by and amang �fNDERSBN LIMITED; a Ne�raska �
<br /> partn�ra4tfp, whosa mailing address �.8 4602 Avenue F, Rearnsy.
<br /> �Ieb$a�dtei �08847 ,(hesefn "Trustor"�: ata�d MICHAEL J. MCQtTILLAN,
<br /> at�orney ati law, whos� mailfrag adclsess is 706 West Itoenft� Street, _
<br /> G�aft�l Is��id, �Ideb�asl[� 6$SQ1�65►56 �hieiC�ifl '�Ql'�uste�3°� : attid SPEI.TS-
<br /> � SC�OIfP� LU'MBE�i CO. OF GRAND ISLAHD. whose mail$ng aatdresa 3s
<br /> Suit� 214, Be3tzex $uildf.ng, 231 3cutla �cust Street, Gra�d
<br /> Iel�nd, Ne�rasl�a 68801. (herein °8ene£ictary").
<br /> . � . ;�..
<br /> ... ..... .. . .....-- ---:-FOR VALVABLS C�NSIB�RATION,..iiic3uo43m�_..th�...i�cleb�e�ness_ .----_ - .
<br />- identiFied herai.n and ghe trust ttesein .cxeated, the receipt of �� � �
<br />= wDicb. fs herehy ac�owledg�d, �Trustor irrevocably.�qrants, � �
<br /> transfers, ccnv�yc�,, aud assigns to Truatee, IN TR�JST, WI2'H PoWER, .
<br /> � . OF SALE, for the benefit ancl a�eauYity of BenefiGissyr under aiid . .
<br /> sub�ect to the terms and conditions of this Deed ,og Tru�t, �h� • �
<br /> real property lacated.i� Hall C.ounty, Neb�caska, and lega],ly
<br /> � described upoaa Exhibit A rahich is attached,laereto and made a part '
<br /> . hereof by this Y�ePerence: � , . , • , �
<br /> , Z��E�'IiSR WZTH, all. rents, prot'1t�o royalties, �inaome and
<br /> ..other benefits derived from the real proper�y; all leases orc , , �
<br /> ,��.subleases cov�ar,�g the real prqperty�or ar►y portfon thareof, aa�w. .. .
<br /> � �or hereaft�r exist�ng ar ente�ed into, an� a21 riqht, title au�'
<br /> � ,i�terest of �rus�or t��eundeir;.,all interasts, estate or otPter
<br /> . � cla3ms, botti in law a� in equity, whicla. Trustor no�r IIas or m$y .
<br /> hereafter acquire, in. tgie real gropertiyt_ al3 e�sements, ' ��
<br /> � tighte-of�r�ay, tenemants, hereditamen�s arid appur�enaaoes ��se�-�---�^- _
<br /> � � and theretos ak� oil and gas Yfg�ts and profits, water rfqhts and •
<br /> w��ex steckt� �11 ri��.ri.title :and int�»est of Truator, now owraed ��•.�� .
<br /> . .;:,:�.,..
<br /> . o�c herea€ter acquire�'F� ��,ai and to any Il� lying within the� '.,.,,,`
<br /> • right-oS-way of any stseet or.h�qhwas� �x2joi.nfin9 the r�al .
<br /> � , _ ,.:. �roper�y, any anc� a�.l buildix��c�,. fixt�rea, fm�r�avements, and _ . ,
<br /> � ��,�ppurtenanaes now or h�reaft�;:��eeated.ther�r�n�.�r belong�ng ��'�: .
<br /> .tii�zeto, (herein r�8erred to a��"Zmp�sa�ement" or Imprqvemsnt����:
<br /> and any�and all a�rara'6�..:,made Por the� �cinq by eminen�.�domaf ra, or .
<br /> by a�ny procaeding or �ivrchase in lfeu ttiereof, og th� whole or � .
<br /> any part af� the real property. ' .
<br /> All. of thQ �oregoing estate, prog�er�y and interost hereb� � � ,
<br /> conve�ed to firustee here�in collec�.ively re�errec� to as the .
<br /> ��roperty°. � � . , , .
<br /> . , , ' .. .
<br /> , � . . , . • �.
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